Patrick Little and Joshua Powell

ITT: evidence Israel is subverting the American democratic process.

Patrick Little:
Joshua Powell:

Who are they? Jews of course, that's not all…

Fuck you Jews.
I'm so tired of your shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

No one likes you. Practically ever user on the know chans has told you to fuck off and kill yourself. Maybe if everyone shits on you its not shills and youre just a faggot.

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Both political parties are completely kiked, anybody affiliated with either or who campaigns for any major candidate is going to be linked to jews.

true. not just any jews either

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Fuck off, kike.

fuck off (((weev)))

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I only read the one about Little, now that I look at the one about Powell, that's very damning. I wonder if there's a TRS connection? He definitely has the sexual appetite of a TRSodomite.

on the fence with Little, he does support zionisim by wanting to deport jews to israel, and the job he quit is strange, and his jq story is pretty damn similar to enoch. Every single kike needs to be killed off.

good angle to look into

they've repeated the same deceptions anons are beginning to see the methodology. they're literally glowing

Attached: little TRS.png (1920x6415, 1.27M)

Pathetic kike, Little actually is making TRS oy vey
get gone jew

too bad i didn't know about little earlier
guess hes controlled op after all, or just a con artist

Going through a lolberg phase on the path to the redpill is normal, especially with Ron Paul running etc. The difference is whether they rejected that jewish ideology, or just decided to start referring to it as "fascism", like Eunuch did. And since you brought up his backstory, isn't it interesting how he claims to have been a hardcore anti-neocohen after the Iraq war who would point out that the wars were for Israel, yet in the early days, TRS would deny zionist influence and bash "ZOG people". It's looking more and more like the quotes from his family were accurate.

Attached: Eunuch 5 - it was all a jewish game.png (700x315 40.02 KB, 51.42K)


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Currently Eunuch and the Stormer are trying to blacklist Little, and Sperglin cut ties with Duke over him having him on his podcast. There's major kikery afoot.

Does Patrick Little has a plan to legalize the esoteric immigrants in California?

or is he an ICE kike aka an (((IKE))) ?

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well, no more (((Little))) for me then. Why does almost everyone always end up being controlled opposition? Dont they care? Or are kikes just giving out gold bricks?

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Nah. It's controlled opposition my dude.
The guy who did Little's robocall is a Jew working with the Stormer.

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Is there any proof Scott Platek is his real name and not simply a pseudonym. All the articles I can find say things like "known as" or "alternative name".

Fuck off deranged kike nobody cares about your goofy MS-Paint montages


It's probably just a TRSodomite trying to prop up Eunuch's story about how we're all just spics who hate kikes.

Platek is Jewish while Rhodes is English.
He looks more Jewish than English to me.

cry more kike :)

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t. r/The_Zognald

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thanks for the update. do you think he's jewish or english?

do you think this is legit info?


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I don't know. To be completely honest, when I first heard the robocall, it seemed insincere, like it was designed to sabotage Little's campaign.

Patrick didn't think it was bad. Only now that Platek is exposed as a Jew working with Anglin is anyone claiming it may have been a setup. Strange.

Attached: little robocall.JPG (1915x503, 92.3K)

You're like Renegade in that you have gold, but then autistically dilute it. You have evidence of Powell literally selling his ass, but nobody's paying attention because you led with Little.

am just a dude, man. i cant do anything about the info. just getting it out there for people who can.

The archive on Patrick Little only proves that organizations he previously worked for/with were rife with globalists, jews and traitors. This is assumed to be the case for any establishment insitution though. If you spent enough time looking into his past and was able to determine his deployment chain of command for example, a similar proof could be creating leading to yet another typical trick.

Patrick isn't a 140 IQ Hitler. He isn't like almost anyone on his site who has been here for years. He didn't spend years on the chans focusing on his rhetoric and this shows.

An example, and a quote from Jewish News of Northern California,

and the extrapolation thereof:

Attached: Patrick little 24.jpg (1000x1000, 224.21K)

teh absolute state of TRS

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all organizations are like this, hence why we want someone who names the jew.

why does naming the jew equate to zionism?

other than the fact he possibly dislodges Feinstien he won't really achive much except generate some soundbites every now and then ?

Won't he just be like Rand Paul ? It's safe for the jews to have one or two of these guys because it looks like the system works.

nice try maybe go back to posting the infighting and le 56% memes

eh, ;like I'm not sayting don't vote for this guy, but getting him in as a lone wolf will really only be good for the lulz won't it ? If you really want things to move you need a party.

what value does Little offer?

he is running as a repub in CA, no one thinks he is going to win, he is making a name for himself and calling out the jews publicly

Randlet never identified the enemy, quite the opposite actually.

Little's message is solid, and everything about his delivery, which isn't perfect, seems sincere.

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why do faggots who post tl;dr and arbitrarily count responses think they have a good argument?

You refuse to address my question and then say I lack arguments?

this whole thing works in increments. You're basically seeing "don't vote for [name here] wait for Hitler"

because it's a loaded question you double-speaking kike. take that shit back to 4chan so you can sway 14yos.

I mean hell, by the article's logic *I* would be a jewish spy because I've had to deal with a lot of fucking kikes.

Little actively calls out other controlled opposition, and I've seen him slam TRS on twitter. The guy is legit, if a little bit green at debating.

naming the jew does not equate to Zionism, sending kikes to israel is zionism, which is what little wants to do.

So how is Zionism bad other than hurting commie fee-fees?

true. nicely put

Getting them out of America is phase 1, phase 2 is nuking israel to get them all easily.

it's hair-splitting bullshit. little wants the kikes out, kikes go a kike'n with jewish tricks saying he's not Hitler enough to vote for.

You aren't even trying.

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Communisim is kike thought, and so is zionisim

There's also a difference between what Little's saying and someone like Spencer or Taylor who actually supports Israel.

I understand that, but you have to take into account samson option, and talpoit program. If all the jews are in one place, united, there wont be much stopping them

Disgusting. That Joshua link is damning. Funny to see everyone ITT defending Little but no one mentioning the Powell links.

why does Little want to deport Jews to a wealthy and nuclear-armed Israel?

Easier for the killing, all jews in one place.

unless they're running for office I honestly don't give a shit. I want motherfuckers who call out kikes running for political office, because even if they don't win, it will show acceptance and get more people to openly name the jew.

What answer do you want him to give? You can't expect him to run on an exterminationist platform.

because no one wants fucking Jews KIKES in their backyard

Kikes are terrified when they are named.

Doesn't Israel control the world powers? Who exactly would kill them all?

Our only choices are doing what the Jews want to exterminating them? Sounds like a magician's force to me.

fair enough. so why not de-arm israel and remove the Jewish State's ability to subvert and attack before sending Jews to the safety of Israel?

ah ok, so basically there's no reason to get really worked up over this stuff at all.

Then if they do have nukes, you just have to eat what they can launch, or not destroy Israel (for now; build some THAAD missiles and try later). They're not going to just all leave their "promised land". Either way, kicking them out of America is the next logical step.
Not familiar with Talpoit, is that supposed to be the buried nukes one?

They are nothing without access to gullible slaves.

God, kikes moving their own goalpost, how the fuck do you think we gonna de-arm Israel?

Kikes, this is sign of compromise, they want to bury Little.

Not with Little, but Powell is a gay prostitute.

we can move towards de-arming North Korea but not Israel? how come?

As long as we stop giving them money and equipment, we just have to wait until it breaks down (shouldn't take long with their neighbors ready to pounce on them).

why do you think Israel still needs U.S. support?

Attached: israel foreign aid.PNG (1122x627, 61.68K)

They should be tried for treason and publicly executed. Then we can give Israel the Emperor Titus treatment.
Talpoit program, for the most part, is jews invading top positions in hightech and thus gaining control. check out Brendan O'Connell his whole channel is dedicated to exposing the talpoit program, and the kikes.

Statements like that are just to create the illusion that Israel isn't a parasite.

Because Hezbollah, Iran, and Assad are getting violently angry with them, and without NATO troops acting as sacrificial lambs, they will either get worn down or even fall (in which case Samson gets deployed, I suppose). The article you posted is most likely propaganda so kikes can be proud of how "strong and independent" they are, when they really aren't. You know how arrogant they are.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

He is likely also unaware of the most blackpill side to jewish power, primarily their ability to murder just about anyone who they can't otherwise derail. I've heard him state plenty of times that he doesn't get a lot of sleep and his campaigns financing has been pretty meagre too. He likely doesn't have personal security, or even a plan outside of defending himself personally which I think is a major issue.

We need a new SA. Perhaps RAM or some other anti-antifa group would be willing to provide Little with security, but soon enough that will need to be a 24/7 detail of hard men with impeccable backgrounds.

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Any proof good chap?

Any proofs? America has given Israel billions every year. Why wouldn't they be wealthy especially considering the Jewish State is self-sufficient thanks to various enterprises?

Israel has created puppet states all over the world. China, America, Russia, the whole of Europe… all of these major nuclear superpowers are under Israeli control. Do you really think they will allow Iran, Syria, or NoKo to destroy Israel once we deport all Jews there? Isn't a more likely scenario pic related?

Attached: send all jews to israel.JPG (817x355, 64.11K)

The information on Patrick Little is tenuous, but holy shit, that other guy, that page fucking nails him. If they really are controlling Little, though, they're making a huge mistake. A lot of people agree with him, and win or lose, a lot more will by the time this is over.

Well yeah, and Little is for that with the ones we can convict. The ones we can't convict will either require a few more overton pushes to exterminate en masse, or could be deported fairly soon.
I don't know what that means exactly, but I guess I agree.
Will do, user.

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Little promotes Zionism as an answer to the Jewish Problem, just like TRS. They're all plants. But yeah that Josh guy is a fucking pervert.

Attached: TRS Zionism 4.PNG (748x786, 85.9K)

Emperor Titus destroyed Jerusalem, and crucified 500 kikes a day

True, but they can only be effectively operated so long as there are either 1) jews in those countries OR 2)jewish institutions in those countries (ie central banks)

Remember that Hitler's Germany gave the kiked world a run for its money, and we stand on the edge of simultaneous European and American overthrows of jew control (I give it 2 decades). We might not be strong enough to conquer the rest of the world, but we will certainly be tough enough to maintain our homelands.

Very nice, I hope we can reach this point soon.

I ask you a question, kike.

I understand your perspective, but consider that Hitler also deported Jews as a result of anti-Semitism or "naming the Jew." When the Elite were safe they had their puppet States attack Germany. Many died. Very sad. Could it be (((they))) are running the same play today? America is weak and divided… Europe already invaded by militant Muslims… all that's left is to get the Jews to safety of Israel before BOOM.

you asked how can we de-arm Israel and I replied "We can do it with NoKo but not Israel? Why?" Look how Trump is working to de-arm Kim. Why can't we use the same method to de-arm Israel?

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lol see Zig Forums? same TRSodomites who pushed (((Nehlen))) now push (((Little)))

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Jew deportation is bad, goys.

and I ask you a question, do not answer with home come?

moarpheus reminds me of a lot like ralph wiggums for some reason


TRSodomites/DS crowd were attacking Little over at cuckchan accusing him of doxing DS bookclub members which is one more reason to like the guy if those fags hate him.

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That is true. I suppose it would be ideal to nab them before they could leave, but I don't see a viable path to do so. America strikes me as a much more difficult target to conquer than Germany was. You've likely seen the infographics about how defensible our nation is from the civil war scenarios. And right now, Europe is militarily not very threatening to us, so that would leave China and maybe Russia (the ratio of kike control vs kike cooperation in Russia is still murky to me). Furthermore, Europe and Russia might become anti-kike themselves if they were ordered to attack Americans. The media control is beginning to crumble there, as it has in America, and I don't think they could pull off another brainwashing push like they did for WW2 (This is in the context of those nations a few years -or possibly decades- down the road from now). I just don't see any winning for the jews here if America goes NatSoc.

Nehlen is sketchy as hell, but Little has proven himself several times over.



American is already controlled by Jews.

He is but I haven't seen the TRSodomites this assblasted since Trannygate so he is at least doing something right by getting those fags all worked up.

that is a question, not an answer, kike.

Israel's nukes are illegal, user.
How difficult is it bringing that to people's attention and allowing the UN to inspect and remove them?

Holy shit, this is the kike right here, after all dismantling Israel is fucking easy, yet voting for Little to deport jews is hard.

Why aren't you addressing the argument, user? Is it because you're defeated?

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I ask you a question, you answer with a nonsensical question.

And your picture, Rockwell, why didn't he just call the UN to dismantle the Israel state?