Bunker for fashy alt right boys

The floodgates have been released, now it's a two way street. Shariablue/Antifa/Anti-Trump shill free bunker for everyone to debate/network on!


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This is a free speech zone, my fam.

Attached: smug belgian basketweaving….jpg (498x441, 103.42K)

i'm exercising my right of telling you to leave, you're clearly not form here

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Boomer faggot off yourself.

hangout for faggots too blackpilled for endchan. Total waste of time.


Neck yourself, CIAnigger. You've lost control. I am simply giving fellow Zig Forumsacks a helping hand.

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Oops, your bunker just collapsed.

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alt-kikes hate him too you fool

Incorrect actually.

It if wasn't fucked before, it surely is now

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Prove it faggot.

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lol who cares? If pro-NatSoc pro-white anti-drumpf content can be posted here, no one cares about tiny splinter boards that are basically just discord circlejerks. You lost, we won, eat two wieners. Also the high rate of trannies that post there ruin it regardless.

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>hurr hurr maybe I can become a cheetah too!

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Nice one.

It's time to commit suicide OP.

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What is Zig Forums if not alt right? Communist? Conservative?

You know what everyone on h8chan just '''loves"'?


Fucking ban this shit.

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Meguca.org user pls…

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Fucking turkroach ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha!

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no thanx


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The hot new mayme is actually commit homicide.

you're a funny guy.


Friendly reminder that Zig Forums is an old school NatSoc board

So it's full of homosexual degenerates and federal agents?

That's more a general chan problem famalam