*saves europe*
*saves europe*
*Blocks your path*
*carries on mugabe's legacy*
erdogan is georgian which means hes whiter than the average german
*saves europe*
Can't wait for the cognitive dissonance of "kikey was a turkroach that's why he banned turkroaches".
*ruins europe*
*Brings Nazis to power to kill whites*
am I right bro fuck nato nazis xxxdddd
Invades Greece here in about a decade once the EU is gone
would be an improvement tbh
Greeks are just brown jews
fuck this guy invading Syria
The Turkish armed forces fighting alongside Al-Queda and other terrorsts
All for what? To massacre 3000 Kurds. The only people who actually aren't terrorists in Syria. The only people Trump supports
The fucker actually threatened to shoot at anyone supporting Kurds, including American forces. Told Trump to get out; Trump instead builds more military bases in Kurdish regions the madman
Bring it on you motherfucking turkroaches
He's just a cuck puppet for the military who are jews
Look into the Donmeh
t. kurdrat
Obviously I don't mean the Syrian army are terrorists and neither is Hezbollah and anyone helping them (though they should still leave once all the militants are gone. Lebanon needs them more anyways now that they won the elections there)
No I'm just a Trump supporter. Kurds kill terrorists and they've shown they are loyal to the United States
I'd it weren't for deranged Erdogan making threats left and right then turkey would had been a member of the EU by now
Implying that's a good thing. With Brexit and now Italy ready to leave, European Union will be no more
Also, what the fuck is the point of Nato when the member states can't even work out any agreement about the Kurds lmfao. I'd love to see the turckroaches try and hurt any American servicemen
From what I've read Turkroach made a deal with Putin and Assad to secure northern syria (bases + lookouts + killing kurds) while allowing SAA to keep pushing north. It ensures nothing is coming from the north into syria. I assume this turkish presence will last until its all under syrian control and the kurds are toast.
Once they complete the circle in the north then they can keep closing into ldlib. If Turkey were still against the SAA they would have blown those choppers dropping leaflets out of the sky.
pol needs to take the /islampill/
This, Greeks and Italians arent white. Spanish are though, and Portuguse are honorary
Islimes need to take a cyanide pill
Islam is the religion of conqerors, Hitler said he wanted Germans to convert to Islam. Its the master religion.
lol no he didn't
most of this is fake news I don't have time to verify it but first of all Turkey is doing nothing to stop the militants that are not part of the ceasefire (al sham) and generally there is no ceasefire. Also why is Turkey putting up observations post in the west when only alsham is there
how can you even handle that cognitive dissonance
Erdogan is saving Europe by not participating in the open borders diversity propapaganda.
the dude literally said western europeans will not be safe on the streets anymore because he wasn't allowed to hold rallies.
him and isis are the only reasons there isn't an infinity line of sandniggers marching towards europe.
and they help exposing mohamedan slums in the west.
Fake news from the semites, what else is new
The PKK are literal commie terrorists.
are you retarded Europe constantly threatens to flood Greece with rapefugees. As if they haven't already
It's because of Turkey that the rapefugees enter Europe
It's because of Turkey's open border that terrorists enter Syria
the only fucking terrorists are salafi jihadists of the ideology of takfiri extremism
the dark ideology of muslim brotherhood
the hajis are let in Europe by the Greek leftist government.
and the more hajis the better. globalism if going down the toilet.
And how do you think they get to Greece?
get the fuck out
the Greeks let them in.