Post your rarest mutts.
Rare Mutt Thread
forced meme thread
I… I can't even begin to tell you how wrong that is.
I'm torn between you and OP for worst post.
This one use to always get be a instaban
I remember when spam wasn’t allowed. That was bad though because this is freedom and it’s better.
well said m8
why would you think people fighting for their own race is a bad thing?
Every living being fights for their own survival. White nationalists also. On the contrary, your masochistic leftists ideology seeks to remove or enslave you to your jewish overlords.
Seek help.
gas yourself
the hammer has no room to cock back
Stay away from Europe, Mutt Nationalist. I am for ethnic hygiene which is why you mutts should fuck off tbh
More mutts like this.
the Amerimutt meme is a rejection of race mixing, and therefore good. If you are a white American, you should be able to laugh at the disgusting creatures within you own borders without taking it personally unless you are a mutt yourself, in which case you do not belong here. Zig Forums is for whites only.
Well said user, if you're white, this shit should be funny (which it is), cuz goddamn, I've seen some people to fit some of those drawings, I love it.
Race mixing hasn't been a problem here and it never will be you fucking idiot. Despite the propaganda and what you'd find on social media, statisically speaking we don't have that many whites mixing. The decline in white population here has instead been the result of rampant illegal immigration.
Not that it matters, since the (((meme))) was a fucking psyop. Do you really want this place to turn into 4/pol/? Because shitty threads like this were and are the norm there. Legitimate discussion died in favor of cheap laughs and constant barrages of spam.
Fortunately for you, you've probably never set foot inside a Wal-Mart in your life. Ignoring the problem does not make it go away. We should be spreading this meme into the mainstream and make race-mixing uncool by association. It may have been created by faggot goons, but it can backfire on them if it is applied correctly. This meme causes shame, and shame can be a powerful tool for bringing people back in line.
Shit "meme."
It's a good meme, it also serves as a warning to other countries: Don't racemix, and don't let non-white subhumans breed within your borders or else you're fucked.