There is some really interesting psychological conditioning behind the recent attachment of cartoons, infantilization, and regression to things that are seen as complex, "adult", or at least serious in a way that implies an effect greater than their immediate area. It is as if everyone has lived in such a derealized state of detachment living vicariously through the symbolic realities of television, video games, movies, etc. that any prospect of a reality that isn't mediated through some kind of human manipulation is unnatural and strange. Facing a reality that hasn't been turned black and white and sugar coated with hints on how you're supposed to interpret it and what opinion to have on it becomes bizarre.
I genuinely feel bad for these people whose horizons of existential possibilities starts at 90s Nickelodeon cartoons and ends in completely empty rambling by Mr. Cool Black Science Man about how perspective and morals are just relative because space is big. This extends so far beyond the usual rhetoric of being a slave to consumption – these people have trapped themselves in their own perceptual hells, building the walls of their own complete alienation happily because it feels safer and easier to live in a 10'x10' cell than face the wide unexplored horizons of potentiality.
It's because they think it's hopeless and give up Even if they wanted to do anything about it, they wouldn't know where to begin That's the whole point of 'be the change you want to see in the world' but it's not convincing
If you actually want to fix this problem there's way to motivate them by showing how a single person can do so much to change the world
You and them will have the exact same impact on life, except you'll spend your life miserable.
You sit there watching the bull fuck your wife and get angry over it every day, posting little comments online about how things have gotten so bad. The escapist avoids the bull fucking his wife. The escapist tries to forget he ever had a wife and mostly succeeds.
You are worthless, insignificant and you will never affect anything.
Joke's on you, you can't get cucked if you don't have a wife in the first place because so abnormal you don't know or speak to anyone besides the occasional hello to the cashier at the grocery store.
Jonathan Hall
because you're*
Liam Wood
Yeah, so? Doesn't make me wanna stop doin' shit. Fuck the only reason i'm still alive is for my Waifu. I just wanna keep goin' and see what happens.
Because Is totally political discussion in good faith and not just shit flinging. Demoralization was banned in the hitler-era german press for good reason.
Total freedom is prone to abuse. Not that you care obviously, I'm talking to everyone but you.
Which is what most people do. They just go through life until they die.
This is not a legitimate argument and therefore people who advocate such a position shall henceforth be banned.
William Powell
Modern life just really fucking sucks. I'd wager Greek slaves and metics were happier than modern wage workers. No wonder people want to escape.
Jackson Miller
Consumerism and Narcissism.
Watch The Century of the Self
Liam Lee
What font is that?
Jayden Torres
Blackpill is pretentious postmodern chanspeak for emo.
Jose Sanchez
what a stupid poster
Wyatt Fisher
Ted Kaczynski made arguments about how industrialization was destroying everything good in life. He essentially thought that the further society goes into an industrialized world, a modern world, the less happy people would be. He argued for a lifestyle of more primitive man where people were satisfied in their lives because they were hunting to survive and living in smaller communities. I think there's a lot of merit to this argument. From the perspective of people today, living in the bush and hunting to survive and freezing seems terrible but I think it's only because we would be aware of what we were missing. I think being born an ignorant caveman, or at least in some small tribe, would probably have resulted in a more satisfying life.
My perspective is more along these lines: It is fundamentally true that our perspectives of success stems from what we see around us. How does it make sense that people living in poverty today can feel so inferior in society, how can it drive them to revolution when they're living lives far above the standards of living of the upper class just 200 years ago (from the perspective of society). Imagine owning a window to all global knowledge in your hand a few thousand years ago, you would be God. Today, if you own this device, you're just another nigger in poverty and you're using it to watch worldstarhiphop videos. How does the leftist rationalize this with their belief in absolute equality? They can't, hence why leftism is inherently a positive of cognitive dissonance. Communism is a moronic solution to the suffering in society because the economic system that people compare themselves to each other with that enables class warfare will simply be replaced by some other 'economy', perhaps an economy of social status. The reason why the rich feel rich isn't because of some objective, existential value system in place. It's ONLY because of their position in society (society visible to them) relative to others. A system of equality fundamentally breeds the decrease in happiness of all. The modern world has you not only comparing what you have to members of your tribe, but to people on the other side of the world and you're comparing yourself based on society's definition of success which may be completely irrational. Capitalist systems enable people to make money for all the wrong reasons. Media is a perfect example of how people are rewarded financially for writing hyperbolic, outrageous bullshit or at least conforming to popular societal perspectives. There's no great incentivization for truth in media. Entertainment and art is another obvious example of how capitalism fails society, financially supporting retards and degenerates with millions of dollars to dance around on television. These people should be slaves, not the most wealthy and influential members of society.
The point is, modern society is going to only bare more happiness. The push for equality doesn't just hurt people as a side-effect when it goes wrong, like these modern day "liberalists" tell you, equality inevitably makes your life worse as you look around and see yourself performing just the same as everybody else. I think the issue largely stems from women's power in society, not only to vote but also influencing all social politics through the control of males. Women simply do not have that drive that men have. They are perfectly happy to live life being complacent and subservient. On the other hand, if you are a man of any conviction, you will never be satisfied in this modern hellhole.
Regardless, my actions will never change any of this and therefore I have no interest in supporting any political movement or position. I just want to get to the top by engaging with society as little as possible.
Think about it. In capitalism the means of production would be owned by whites. And they could share by paying their fare share of taxes.
But in consumerism, the jew is the one having the means of production. The jew is the artist, the journalist, the director.
The american society is more locked into jewish consumerism than white capitalism.
Levi Nelson
What counts as "demoralization" though? In my opinion, its when (((people))) constantly push pessimistic ideas and thoughts into your face. I didn't like it when mods were deleting all black pills on sight because it seems such an artifical and unrealistic way to be forced to think and discuss possible actions together as a group.