Brit/pol/ #2821: Pogo Edition

Nigel Farage accuses BBC of being in denial during 'absolutely ludicrous' interview

Tony Blair warning: Brexit Party popularity could rise EVEN MORE before European elections

Labour to pilot Universal Basic Income scheme for EVERYONE - rich or poor

Ardent Remainer accused of trying to 'RIG' second referendum

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's the point I was trying to make. Imagine if Rowling found it and decided to "report it to 4chan" or whatever, she'd've just made user's day by doing that.

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fucking hell Cromwell would have had these fine examples of Godelic stock burned in a cage

tbqhwy i woulda stayed up but i was knackered and didnt think we were gonna win anyway

They think foreigners cant drive lad.

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a few fresh links

Nigel Farage says it’s his 'duty’ to stand as MP at the next general election as voters flock to Brexit Party in EU elections poll but Tories trail in fifth behind Greens and Lib Dems

Brexit talks on the brink of collapse: Tories tell May to pull the plug on any deal with Labour after they insist a second referendum MUST be part of it

Mad Remainer Files Official Complaint that Brexit Party's Logo is Too Good

North-east England is not ablaze with Brexit – it’s just a symbol

Facebook Shuts Down Pro-Populist Italian Pages Before EU Elections

New EU Declaration Mandates Europe ‘Empower’ Children to Help Set Policy Agendas

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spin it all you want you still posted JK rowling incest fanfic

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ill never understand it tbh
pride in deviancy seems to me to be some vile form of mass social engineering being perpetrated by a certain group of people to erase our healthy culture of natural pride, guilt and shame

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Just got diagnosed with mouth herpes lads smh

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Love Scotland me

how, isn't that just cold sores, loads of people have that lmao wtf, are you the lad from yesterday

yes it is lad it's our hot new memi

Lad, REPENT! Read your Bible and receive Our Lord of Lords JESUS CHRIST. 🙏
ok thankyou

herpes lad
should be his new tripcode

there's a few

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what if u get a bj from a bird with cold sores tho?

don't think that does anything but in any case its disgusting

I'd say a conservative estimate is that 85% of the country needs gassed

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then you get whats called genital warts i think
and also cold sores the next time you forget to scrub your hands bloody with antiseptic soap
unless youre immune like me

yor knob fals of
simpel as

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OPPSM tbh tbh

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Lmao apparently this type causes an increase in cancer wtf? I thought it was harmless.

the curse of carl continues

Do not be so quick to deal out death and judgement. Many who live deserve death, many who die deserve life. Can you give it to them lad?

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friendly reminder that we saved your ass in dubya dubya two you load of bots

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save your poetic waxings for after the war

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my ancestor

reminder that yanks are responsible for the first lot of half castes in this country when they brought their pet niggers over(they all got put in orphanages lmao). They also took 70k of our women to marry

if you get AIDS and are infected with a form of herpes then herpes turns into a form of cancer called Karposi sarcoma
its why AIDS victims erupt into a mass of hideous tumours and end up looking like john merrick
normally your immune system suppresses the virus but essentially herpes has the ability to cause metastatic cancer and similar to syphilis dissolve brain tissue after a certain stage

this tbh, coup when

Epic Synthwave kinda day

tfw Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkads relatives are out of work and he has to e-beg for them

this fucking story

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Damn that sucks. I thought everybody had herpes nowadays

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Only slag Americans think that.

only promiscuous untermensch not of superior Anglo breeding stock

the future of thots

You should write horror tbh that's terrifying

Tried listening to “the absolute state of Britain” podcast its shit. Another group of people stuck in 2015, imagine still moaning about SJWs.

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never heard of them

dafties, saddos, and spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine), lad

oh its not horror lad its biology, all on gods green Earth im afraid
its like with Ebola, i havent seen it yet but its hard for nature to conjure up a highly contagious virus where its end stage symptoms include projectile bleeding from every orifice and the liquification of skin and internal organs
this is before the mercy of coma and death mind you

I just miss Albion Radio and Europa Weekly smh. The only good podcasts to come out of the alt right and they both stopped.

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Don’t post your nonce cartoons at me lad

Have you checked out Interregnum?


smug williamoids tbh


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how many gcses you got

E-Ebola Chan!? No noooooo

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what language ya speaking rn buddy?


None but atleast I’m not a virgin.

t. Horatio "William" Cary

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Did you not see that video from The Cut the other day?

Yikes. Something extremely unsettling about nonces having cliques on Bongo Bongo Land while we normal posters literally just post here.

… Now, I have spoken directly to Deputy Secretary Janny.
Janny spoke to Deputy Chief Moderator, Moderator to Central Committee member Admin, and Admin to General Secretary Hiroshimoot.
Because the Central Committee has the greatest respect for the work of the Kinobyl Executive Committee, they have asked me to brief you on matters as they stand, so…
First, the tripfag… is well under control. And second, because the efforts of the Kinobyl shitposting industry are considered key board secrets, it is important that we ensure that this incident has no adverse consequences…

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SA tell your bf Horatio to start up his podcast again ok thank you

no what was it about? cowboys not cancer okay thank you

anyone that uses Bongo Bongo Land at this point should be gassed, no excuses

*checks your post history*
Big yikes

he has really weak tory boy takes anyway tbh

Watch the future unfold in front of you!

Top 10 Anime Betrayals.


Least he ain't a nonce like Brew.

“Checking” post histories is peak reddit big yikes

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nothing to hide, nothing to fear :^)

To save you the 20 minutes of Hell:
The comments show how despicable they were.

Then why don’t you come out the closet bender lmao

can't wait for the civil war tbh lads

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life emulates art

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like watching 2 npcs argue in a game

he's more like a transsexual alcoholic

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It's a perfect example of what will play out, it's beautiful.
Of course none of the comments bring that up, can't be racist now can we, but it's clear that's where the lines are.

wow who'd've guessed this of a nigger :^)

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that was very depressing

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god that whole scene makes me want to die I hate boozey party sluts

this ethnic rivalry is deep

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Crystal Palace have condemned racist comments by a three-year-old
Dr Zafar Iqbal said on Twitter he was left "devastated and speechless" after he and two of his children were called "Pakis" by a three-year-old

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have sex

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drunk women are so fucking unattractive, if it were just them drinking socially then it wouldn't be so much of a problem, but they go out of their fucking way to drink fucking awful piss for the sake of it.

imagine the shits

Just another day up 'ere, just nogs noggin nogs with some group noncing thrown in on the side.

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