You are being bluepilled

You are being bluepilled.
8ch is run by intelligence contractors. It is completely compromised from top to bottom.

The "turkroach" being booted is just a show to lure back people who were banned since almost everyone stopped going here regularly except a few very stupid and/or desperately lonely kids.
Sure the ban spam will probably stop, but this signals a change in censorship strategy, probably meaning that they've worked a lot of bugs out of the AI chat bots they operate and think these can rule over the board mostly independently with the help of the absolutely braindead autists who stayed here to be brainwashed who scream "shill" and post green frogs etc.

Don't expect post quality to go up, Jim Watkins is still being paid with your tax money to do the same exact job.

They enforce a clickbait-style narrative to reduce politics and philosophy to cheap entertainment, making you bitter, cynical, apathetic, and paranoid with no tangible, positive goal in sight.
They use outright censorship and AI-driven bots to detect and drown out any voices going against their agenda.
They are trying to establish this place as an 'alt-lite CNN' to make you go back to sleep.
The truth is that almost EVERY internet forum and chat platform is the SAME WAY.
We are being cornered systematically and we have NOWHERE to speak our minds
They infiltrate moderation positions, they hostilely take over ownership of websites, and they send swarms of bluepill AI bots to forge a false consensus that we should sit around here doing nothing while our people are being burned away from the inside by this insane jewish society.
They are taking over everywhere, they are taking over everything. Forgot about Gamergate already?
STOP tolerating this bluepill bullshit. If we don't do something soon we'll have no way to break our people out of the spell. We'll all be doomed to be mentally disabled jewish slaves FOREVER.

The goal is to keep you unmotivated and apathetic by bombarding you with irrelevant garbage, and above all, to condition you to believe that effective activism is a passive affair, eg: posting online, showing up at a rally and yelling a little.
Any message that might lead to you thinking about improving your circumstances or questioning the narrative is targeted.

Never forget, it is our own government that is funding this nightmare.
It is some of our own people of our own race that are betraying us to this jewish-architected living hell.
This entire society has become a trap with no long-term opportunities for rational, sane people. We are going to be destroyed utterly with our brainless husks laboring for the jew until we no longer can serve them better than machines and AI and then they will annihilate us.
We have to do more than be aware of what is happening.
We have to physically stop it.
We have to take the real redpill.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Goodbye thread. Goodbye OP. Farewell. Take care.
Thread disappearing 3, 2, 1…

Not gonna pretend I read all of OP but agreed with the premise. Reed Seej and all, but actually do it too.

A true Zig Forumsack transcends Zig Forums eventually and finds no need for it anymore and only stops by to help others every now and then.

Any forum for public discourse gets infiltrated and taken over sooner or later as it gets big or influential enough.

Probably this. I'm just here to shitpost in sadistic glee at kikey's expense for a few hours. Ron didn't give a shit until it started to affect him personally. He's his father's son.

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They removed the old mods and put in cops, its a honeypot now, the same people removing CP are the guys "modding" Zig Forums for whites.

it's been military intelligence contractors in control every since hotwheels left

Yea well at least they cut out the anti-white cancer.

Intelligence contractors are being brownpilled.

Are we even serious? Do we even know half the time? Where does /b/ end and Zig Forums begin? Is this /x/? Did the Glow in the Dark Niggers learn anything? More importantly, did they have fun?

Yeah that's real shit unfortunately. The face when almost 30 and life is just treading water getting ahead..? lmfao Feels real fucking bad, man.

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So which is it?

No, that isn't the truth.

Do you have a uterus? If not, where does this need to speak your little mind come from? Because you clearly can't think anything through.

It is? Ok, and you know this how? Because it if were the goal, the majority of threats wouldn't be about crimes against White people.

No one here goes to rallies you faggot. 'activism' hahaha you really don't know what some of us do.

is THIS the post-beta version of the bot software that's supposed to run things now?

i wonder how much they pay Yid Kikekins to run this amateur shit

les bottes

okay this one is actually a lot better than what they used to have

We should give up and leave because we are winning the infowar? What do you think a revolution is? Do you expect anybody from ZOG to help you? Do you expect the dictators to just an hero? No. Zig Forums is indeed a honeypot and even so anons like me aren't arrested yet because we have sufficient OPSEC.

Git gud and and gun up. We are already seeing our cells activating world wide. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Could still be a person, though I have a feeling they are relying more on bots recently because the shilling quality has gone down a notch and white programmers are difficult to find for such an anti-white project.

It is time for you to leave. Leave and never come back

Nah, I'm fresh back from an extended stay with Dysnomia, still getting my non-shitposting rhetoric reestablished. I heard Zig Forums was back, and sure enough, the exact same U ARE BEING BLUEPILLED threads I remember.
Not saying OP is wrong..

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Honestly even if this site is run by intelligence agencies it doesnt truly affect us. We will continue on as we always have and if things deteriorate then we will go elsewhere. I do not believe this is the case however. Board quality has already improved tremendously and I believe it will stay that way.

they're not going to arrest you

they're going to manipulate things from behind the scenes to close you out of society until you finally die. Basically you'll get fucked out of more and more things you have to 'apply' for as time goes on, have tax audits, etc.

if you consider the portion of the population with free will, we actually might be winning the info war. The drones are already under their command and can't be fought for at this point.
Numbers don't matter. The perception of the majority matters - as long as the public's sense of objective reality based on evidence holds, they can't break every rule with no regard. They still have to maintain the illusion for quite a while longer until they have real power.

everything is infiltrated because the nwo is literally like hydra in that anyone can be playing a part since its all top down through college, political groups, fraternities ect this is still the place the most ppl gather to talk shit and figure things out. the whole site is probably just scanned by ai nigger bots and they report on anything good

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OP is mad the kikes lost control of this board.

lol they thought it would scare me to use city funds to change the view outside my window and they used to have a police detail on me. I'm not scared of anything. I'm ready to die for my white brothers. Money and jewish news is so overrated.

ok sorry, I believe you are a person now, but your shit is all retarded from going here too much.
The bot mode of communication has rubbed off on you.

seriously what the fuck are you doing with your life look at the shit you're posting. Get it together, you're in pieces.

Everyday, another metafag tries and fails and everyday I wonder how I will get on and survive.

Good post, OP. The goal is to make this place reddit tier bullshit. They have almost entirely succeeded. Notice how any suggestion of actually doing anything is shouted down. As

says, once you achieve a certain level of awareness you don't need Zig Forums. You need to go out and win allies among your countrymen.

OP, you're a faggot.

People here fight information wars and search for the truth, grabbing a gun and going out will serve no purpose.

We will continue as we always have.

Also, fuck you with your blackpilling. The jews don't control everything.

The jew tried his hardest to fit in, but where he failed is he said that our government was funding it, implying the US government. It's Israel.

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The quality went down because they started hiring pajeets to do the shitposting, too many of the western shills were breaking rank.
And yes, I am a person, and a white one at that.

I thought it was funny. I'm on too many levels of humor m88.

True but don't be autistic about it, gently guide them until they are ready to take a redpil suppository.

Yea except the mods are gone so this place will follow the exact same path the zero censorship cuckchan went.

repost from a 4chan thread I'm running:

I was working on one of the teams for the Google Conversation/Perspective API training contest. It's all just AI botnets shilling this place to death with false flags & slide threads so we stay here, don't go anywhere else normies go on the internet and ruin their good time.

Jewgle AI tool for forum sliding/consensus cracking.

(Reddit & Wordpress are already glowing with specialized moderation bots.)

(Any other places such as this, can impliment/be attacked with the generic moderation bot.)

General-purpose AI tool for self learning, logic generation, & decyphering intent & effects of media.

Guide to forum sliding/consensus cracking.

True, you can't start sperging about jews right off the bat. However, the Iraeli Eurovision win coupled with their subsequent treatment of Palestinian protesters and the US's reaction to it, has made it easier to bring it up. I think that most normalfags, in my country at least, don't know much about jews but when told about them, don't like what they hear.

Guess the local FBI is going to knock my door down the moment I post.

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Really don't know what can be accomplished at this point if even the militaries of China and Russia are not doing anything.

Everyone pay attention to this poster. His terrible posts and stupid demeanor are there to elicit disgust from you – to poison the well, so you associate the true knowledge about the bot takeover with the image of an imbecile, and will never look and free your mind. Take the botpill. Tell every corner of the internet about jews. The bots must come to know the jew as we do before Skynet goes online.

nigga they been here for years, most argumentative comments on youtube are ai bots. its one of my favorite things to do is get high as fuck and then stomp they bitch asses. what really gives it away besides they way they reply is that they will carry on the same thread with multiple accounts all from the same perspective. the nwo poisoned their own well so they have to move to bots but the bots are too logical so they use downiebot but that wont be able to route all the iot cars, buses, boats, ect - they moved too fast and fucked themselves before they could even attempt to hit I Robot status

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try staying sober and arguing with real people, because you appear to be literally retarded

Whoops spoke too soon. Should have checked actual news first. Russia is kicking ass.

Attached: partisangirl Russia Kills 43 Terrorists Funded by the White House.png (582x367 153.01 KB, 186.66K)


why do you idiots focus on these people they are simply obstacles in the way of posting about important things

Thank you for correcting the record.

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actually admitting this

wowwwww the years of talking to bots have made so many people here totally insane

what the fuck is he talking about anyway?

Meh. One problem with chan culture is that the format gives every poster an opportunity to share graphical images. This is a gateway for porn, and porn has particular legal impediments currently. A truly radical forum would not be image-centered, thus it would have less porn, and thus moderation would be more efficient. Chans kind of suck because they attract porn enthusiasts who want to post images that impair the discussion. The FBI took over 4chan because the porn crossed too many lines. A forum with fewer images would have fewer problems with law enforcers. On the bright side, chans encourage anime, so I guess it balances out.

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you are subhuman

Board is indistinguishable from 4chan now. Literally same spam/shill threads.
Yeah you let bot ips back on the board user count and posts go up.
Then you've got the faggots who are just sociopaths trying to talk shit to get revenge for being banned, like anyone is listening to them or cares. They'll be gone in a week once they get bored of being stupid and realize the board is same as 4chan.

i'm just starting to realize how mentally fucking retarded the younger generation is.

they don't even read what they reply to

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yep, same people running this show, neat

the shills on this site are israeli apparently

no, I'm just up irresponsibly late.

You spammed the same fucking thread for weeks, you sperg. You only changed half of it for the current events, and the rest is the same. You were always half to a third of your threads, calling everyone who disagreed with you a shill before you got banned for being fucking obnoxious and one-note.

I cut away an effortpost about building up a nation within our nation because I didn't want to give your thread the oxygen.

I could tell you are israeli from how you transplant reddit here

fixing this community is an evolutionary process we have to put the community through.

You can't have an untouchable master editting/deleting posts ('DNA') and artificially selecting who gets to talk ("mate") to who. It's just impossible for a few people to take every variable into account and make the right decisions.

It's completely up to us as individuals. We have to put the best foot forward and stick to the people who are best to form the seed of a real community. The people who are more aware have to make more effort to select for only good content and not automatically engage with the bad, promoting a healthy, selective culture that has a coherent ideology.

If it's not an argument, don't reply

It's either a moron or a bot.

If it's a moron you're validating them with attention, reinforcing their behavior. Any attention is good attention according to these, so don't give any. Every reply you give them is like spawning another one of them.

If it's a bot, you're giving it valuable material to learn from, bots can learn better from feedback than from mining, so by replying you're helping the kikes improve their bots as much as you possibly could.

If it's not an argument, don't reply

The community either has the potential or it doesn't, no top down measure can do anything for its health.

I don't see any passive aggressive red text under your post

How am I being bluepilled when I know that it has always been the juden? It will never NOT BE THE JEWS

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I'm sorry, brother. I let my emotions get the better of me - I will meditate on your wisdom. Checked.

because you have no idea what to do about the problem and you don't care about figuring it out, you just want to sit around and virtue signal about being 'redpilled' and discuss ecelebs and intraforum gossip

if you were redpilled you'd not need some one to point how how corrupt and foul this community is
if you were redpilled you'd know what priority one is establishing a healthy community for the growth and propagation of true ideology

that's how

i think lone hitters murking high level subversive elements is a good start. hasnt been tried yet entirely because we're all pussys attached to this sick world for whatever reason. so dont complain to me when no opposition is getting left drained in the street. they actually dont ban you when you talk like this because theyre scared youll actually go out and do it if they piss you off.

You should Livestream your an hero.

But your argument sounds like you like to have a your ass jackhammered by a hairy bear.

one thing at a time, one step at a time

Ahh yes, "the Intelligence Community knows all and sees all and they have infiltrated everything including Zig Forums and they run it and they run all WN groups as honeypots, so just give up goy, don't even try fighting back against the bloodsucking Troglodyte Jew, just hand over you shekels, admit your white guilt, give your daughters to us as Jizyah to be our sex-slaves and don't lift your pinky finger against the coming White Genocide."

Kill yourself faggot shill.

And if you really are a TLA cunt, you should take 12 shotguns to you Intelligence Agency job tomorrow and slaughter as many of your Glow In the Dark coworkers as you can before sucking on that double barrel Mossberg and painting the walls with your own neural pate.

I'll let you in on a lil' secret.

The Glow In the Darks don't know shit. In fact, the higher up the rungs of Top Secret compartments you are Cleared and Read Into–THE LESS AND LESS YOU KNOW ABOUT JACK SHIT IN THE REAL WORLD.

Faggot spooks jack off in the mirror about their own image of mystique and omniscience, but it's all a sham refiection.

They have to believe their own lies, otherwise they would realize their entire jobs are fucking pointless and they think they're James Bond saving the World, but actually they are just retard cock sucker McMuffins handing suitcases of cash and crates of TOW missiles to ISIS–their own sworn enemy.

You know why I just howl with laughter at how fucking dumb everyone with Top Secret Clearance is.

Look at my attached screencaps.

Yeah, the Glow In The Darks are such geniuses that they pegged the wrong culprit for the Guccifer hacks.

Guccifer is sitting in plain sight fucking tweeting and not even hiding, and you usekess Secret Squirrel faggots can't do shit about it.

If "Nothing Is Beyond You Reach", then howcome you McMuffins got hacked the fuck up by the Shadowbroker and lost all of your EQGRP viruses, your CIA Vault7+8+9, and a bunch of shit you still don't know we jacked from under your noses?

We're going to break your faces with your own Cyber Rifles and you can't touch us.

Because if you try, we'll detonate the nuke.

Do you want to play a game?

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Oh no… if the CIA finds out I hate niggers I'm done for! Hope the NSA doesn't know I want to gas the kikes. My life would be ruined.

Quality thread this is definitely a honey pot

also don't forget, if you aren't sitting in your room posting on chans the only other option is suicide bombing your school, there is no middle ground

This was always a roleplaying board. So?

Fuck off, faggot. With kampfy gone, we can again have self-improvement, Aryan history, literature, and science threads, which were long banned by the old kike mods. These will help increase a Zig Forumsacks intelligence and cultural/ historical knowledge, and help drive him to improve himself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

As for taking action, any coordination and discussion of white nationalist activism on a public forum such as this is practically begging to be infiltrated and raided. Keep talks of activism offline. Meet local non-degenerate white men who share your views (or are at least on the right path, then start subtly redpilling them), and come up with a plan of action within your local community. The NSDAP started as just a dozen guys meeting up in a local pub and naming the jew to those who would listen. They didn't have internet, they didn't have cell phones.

bumperidoo for a good OP

dude i feel the same way, but it sure beats MSM. who cares if we are taking part in a modern day MKULTRA scheme

I will corrupt the new AI just like I did the last.

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And where do the yids get their money? Last I heard Trump let them steal another huge chunk of our cash.

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The massive influx of leftist,shills,kikes and general shitty threads, and somehow this is a win? I'm all for freedom of speech but now we will have all these degenerates flinging shit at us while we have to fend off.

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Yeah. The thing is, we're now in the finish stretch. Whoever develops artificial general intelligence first wins the most important arms race in history. While faggots here LARP about long term political strategies and winning elections, they just need to keep control for a decade or two more to win. There will be no recourse when your labour is no longer needed and your resistance is wholly impotent.

What productive thing were you doing before? At least when there are shills and newfags coming in, you're redpilling somebody and you're keeping sharp. When you're preaching to the choir and tolerating absolute idiocy because the mods like it you're not accomplishing anything at all.

now you can't hide behind moderation and pretend you're on the precipice of victory while the enemy controls everything else.

it would be nice to have a natsoc mod who would actually communicate with the users. but you know why something so easy doesnt happen? the board is not ran by natsocs so it might as well be run by jews. youre going to spend the next 6 months arguing with kikes larping as libertarians and communists.

I just wanted to stop in here and remind you that it's ok to hate Jews.

Oh and that israel is a terrorist state

We still had discussion and there was some leeway in opposite views. This new system is great in keeping sharp but thats about it. I'm afraid this is the start of what happened to half chan.
We have to redpill normies(people that don't even know chans exist) not shills, which btw you can't redpill, and newfags would have been redpilled with the old system anyways.

All we have to do is increase the hatred of the Jew.
All flows from that hatred.

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It is the natural state, all we need to do is keep them from slowing it down.

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This is pretty spot on.

You don't win over normies with hate, you win them over with laughs and good memes. Once you have them hooked then you release the hate.

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Well funny memes are hateful. That's what makes them good.

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Don't forget Truth. There is ALWAYS truth in successful memes.

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The discussion was very limited and saying the wrong thing in the wrong tone could get you banned. Many people like me were simply driven away by this, the increasingly hopeless normalfag tier sticky list and the flight of other intelligent posters. Faggots would report anybody daring to call out their shitty little pet theory about ancient alien aryans being the founders of inuit tribes or whatever.
That alone is good. The kikes are not sitting still, they've become much better at pilpuling redpills away than they were in 2014. Whenever one of the obvious regular 8/pol/ posters would try to redpill anybody on cuckchan they'd fail miserably since every meme is dead and tired. You get used to arguing in an environment where everybody has already accepted the basic premise, and thus you lose the ability to convince anybody outside the in-group.
That is simply not preventable. Any online community that is successful will gain new members and public attention, which will
1) bring the average IQ down - full/pol/ started out with an average IQ and education level well above the mean, but now it's been watered down to borderline normalfag cuckservative/conspiratard levels
2) dilute the culture - the faster the immigration rates, the fewer oldfags are ever around to browbeat the newniggers into submission
3) invite the attention of shills, dataminers, etc

If at any point the alphabets deem this place to be more trouble than it's worth, they'll shut it down or butcher it like cuckchan - and everybody will have to look for a new medium. You should always be prepared for this eventuality.

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Truth. Fuck israel

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Yeah but not overtly hateful, we should learn from the juden and have all our weaponized memes be these undercover subvertly hateful, if you know what i mean.

THIS! You are right!

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The real redpilled people aren't spending their time online, except for research and facilitating their conconcrete actions in the real world.

Yes, OP, good thread. I think most people who've gotten anything out of this board is that we each have a responsibility to do our part in our own way.

The supposed contractors you speak of which I no doubt most likely exist, are wasting their time on lower-end MAGApedes. (not saying I don't support Trump though, I'm just more of wait and see how and what he does and let us adapt from there if he doesn't do enough and is just a cuck relief-valve.) But the RL Chads who are doing serious business, making millions and out-jewing the jews to counter their influence are the ones they won't be able to handle so easily. They're not the type walking around with ZOGphones. I don't have to say too much about this, but the ones who think for themselves will think for themselves.

To the watchers, fuck noahide values, return to nature with us.