Race Question

It's important in this age of shitposting and chaos, to remind the whole board what this whole thing is about. Why race matters. Why it is the most important thing.

Humans, like all creatures, respond to fundamental laws of biology. Solar radiation causes mutations and geography/climate kills unfit mutations. This is called natural selection. During Ice Ages, ethnic Europeans experienced elevated evolutionary pressure. Ethnic Europeans had to hunt mammoths to survive. To develop better tools. Better shelters. Clothing. Cooperation. Everyone else could just rely on aggression. Tropical populations werent as affected by the ice ages as northern populations were.

Basically, long story short, this is why European peoples have higher intellect, why they discovered everything there is, why quality of life correlates with white people, or 'Aryans', or however you wanna call it.
Whatever you wanna do in this life, art, science, philosophy, politics, perfect society building, you are pretty much going to need white people to do it. Whatever other people do, white people do it better.
White people absolutely are superior to all others, and a world with only whites would basically be utopia.

Im half asleep as I write this, and dont speak English as my first language, so someone else carry on with this thread.

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Race is not relevant anymore. The world is moving towards the mixing of the races and soon there will be only one global race. This will help to foster peace and harmony among human beings as we become one united race

Fuck race when we have genetic motherfucking genetic engineering.
Race is an obsolete relic from our past in an era of barbarism and animal tendency.
We're better than that, we're beyond that.
Race may have once mattered but not anymore, clinging to it is holding us back.

Asians in general have higher IQ and are smarter than whites


Do you see anti-asian threads you dumb shill faggot?

My god.

There is no one united race. Haven't the jews taught you anything? There are different races who struggle and will always struggle for dominance. White men need to survive for long enough to seed the universe with our species.

For what purpose?

Once we can genetically modify brown people to be like us, then we can talk. Genetic engineering is not possible now, and will not be for many more decades if not centuries.


Wrong. We can fix the walking genetic failure that are brown people but chances are it is easier and more cost effective to just sterilize the mentally retarded (

so all of them?

Asians are test higher on certain portions of the IQ test, just as whites test higher than they do on other parts of the test.

Then open your borders and enjoy the new found peace from mixing with the Palestinian people.


Hopefully I can rerail the thread by gassing some of these kikes and shills.

Assortative mating is natural and superior to genetic engineering, which is still very poorly understood because of how polygenetic most traits are, especially cognition.

Can you at least provide a justification for allowing niggers to benefit from our gift of superior technology, developed by Whites alone?

Verbal is slightly lower and they have no creative potential.

There is no incentive to try and repair an obsolete and archaic race of hominids at cost of our tribal wealth and lebensraum.

Whites are the Creator race, for that alone we deserve a unique taxonomic classification and I propose Homo Sapiens Aedifex

There is no biological justification for taking care of the nigger races

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Not that it matters too much by Ryan Faulk aka Alternative Hypothesis is 1/8th African American.

If you think about this statement just for a second you'll see that it contradicts itself. Niggers already make a huge fuss about looking "too black" or "not black enough", you think a brown humanity won't be racist?

Without preserving whites, you absolutely can not have high enough general iq to have civilization.

Hear that, commies? No whites, no automation, no socialism, no civilization. You will take our Rhodesian planet, and turn it into Zimbabwe. What happened when the blacks got "liberated"? The countries went to shit.
Today, South Africa is 600 times higher crime rate than it had under 'evil' Apartheid.

No whites. No civilization.

white people have the highest standard of living. This is why the other races are nothing but parasites.

Surely even you can’t believe that drek is true. People of the same race kill each other all over the world all the time. If no distinction between them exists, they quickly get invent one. They fight over religion, culture or geographical location instead until they become genetically distinct from one another over time. Also, the world will never all blend into one, single race because new races eventually come into existence through geographical isolation - which can’t be avoided no matter how hard you try by the way. So by the time you’d gotten a uniform gene pool it would already be on the way to creating new, unique subgroupings. What’s your plan, dumbass? Police who everyone in the world procreates with so no gene population becomes too diverse? You haven’t thought this through even a little bit. That or you’re just too much of a mouth breathing neckbeard to understand biology.

Not to mention that phenotypes can be regressive meaning they are only expressed after a generation or two. If by some fantasy you blended everybody into poo shitskin IQ brown then anyways the other genetic garbage will float to the surface and you'll have albinos, light and dark skins. Did I mention mutations and resulting evolution being accelerated by constant modern day EM radiation?

Marxists fucking suck at basic biology. That is why there are NO marxist biologists.

bump because of butthurt

OK, here we are one week later.

I am no scientist. I don't know much about the biology and chemistry of the human body to make a correlation between environment and intellect. I obviously see how struggle and hardship, two things which undeniably are experienced in tandem with progression, made it into your definition as to why whites are superior.

I'm not really here to question that.

I want to know then how Jews got to be so shifty, so smart but morally corrupted? I expect some half-ass explanation here, but I'm simply curious what others have to say on the matter. Like the envious friend of a talented individual, why have they become what they have?

It's not a question. It's an imperative. And that is because it is the only way to achieve immortality. Everything important about you is biological.


When will you learn that the "Aryan" race refers to a CULTURE that had existed long ago, and does not refer to any one genotype. If anything, the only physical features left from the Aryans are phenotypical, based on skeletal figure.

I've met white people dumb enough not only to install showers where the electrical box in the house is, but also shower there on a regular basis because they were fucking white trash pieces of shit.

That's a shitty argument and it's not even true. Race is the most critical part of identity and heritage, that's why it's important, but not most important. What is most important is the soul, and the Jewish West has forgotten this, and that is why it will die.

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Fuck off cunt, your first thread already failed. Your D&C biology bullshit isn't working.

There is a word for what you are describing.
That word is "genocide"

Whites create, whereas browns and blacks destroy and desecrate.
(Create as in build a prosperous, high quality society)
Top shelf Asians (Japs, Koreans, some Chinese) can also create. Lower tier Asians (poos, pakis, malaysians, etc), not so much.

Jews got to be the way they are through natural selection.
How so?
The jewish identity is all about lying, cheating, and stealing from the "goyim." This is literally the foundation of their religion and way of life.
Jews have also lived in "host" nations for thousands of years. Over the generations some jews would be born more treacherous and others less treacherous. The less treacherous were more likely to truthfully convert to Christianity or Islam, marry a native, and fully assimilate into their host nation. This would gradually concentrate the combination of genetic factors that result in "treachery" and "jewishness" in the commitedly jewish population.
The selective pressure created by the jewish way of life over thousands of years has created a nation of parasitic, sociopathic monsters.
They cannot be allowed to continue wrecking other nations.

Literally no-one here is claiming that ALL Whites are smart.
It's called the bell curve you mongoloid.

I strongly suspect that the "soul," or at least the effective expression of the soul, is, indeed, also genetic.
Genetics is "what" we are.
Genetics is most of "who" we are.
Genetics defines the limits of our potential both as individuals and as a civilization.

Genetic differences between population groups is what gives rise to "race"
Race is genetics
And genetics is, pretty much, everything.

Civnat bullshit.
White countries for White people and only White people.
You love diversity?
You will have many diverse brown shitholes to choose from when you are deported.
Brazil, Mexico, (all of central and south america, really), India, most of Africa, Indonesia, SE Asia, etc, etc, etc, etc.
The diversity shitholes you civnats claim to love ALREADY FUCKING EXIST so just GO THERE and STOP KILLING WHITE COUNTRIES.
Damn you civnats to hell.
You claim to love diversity but what you actually love is stealing gibs from the White man's pocket while shitting up White countries and turning them into shitholes. Or you are cucks who think Whites should feel guilty about not being retarded brown morons.
Diversity is genocide.
Good people do not support genocide.

Whites test higher for verbal IQ than Asians, whereas Asians test higher for visual spatial.

Asians never the less have the advantage in raw numbers / test scores.

Curious fact, - in spite of Koko the she-gorilla learning some sign language at Yerkes, apes have proven to be poor students of verbal realms.

So one of the basic things that separates man from ape is verbal acumen.

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It's irrelevant, what matters is that genetics alone isn't enough, just like a great body is useless if you are a brute. You have to believe in God and live a Christian life, or you will fail, regardless if you are white, black, yellow, w/e.
The Western churches deny mysticism, and have thus made Christianity into something comparable to secular philosophy and science, but inferior. Only with Orthodoxy deliverance is possible, in heaven and on earth.

We'd still find plenty of reasons to fight one another but if there was a continent or planet for whites only I'd want to live there. I still think we could sort our problems out here but we would have to crush dissent until the job was done.

We already know where much of that dissent would come from, even after the jews had been dealt with satisfactorily (?), milllions of people are functioning under some kind of psychosis. If a slap and a kicking doesn't snap them out of their mindset, forced labour and a typhus injection come next.

I'm not advocating wholesale slaughter of all ethnicities, just look at any one of those gore photos, the human carcass is a fucking shitshow, imagine the cleanup after multiple genocides. To sort out the race problem we have to get rid of the niggers in every human grouping.

Allow me to drizzle my theory all over your dirty, quizzical faces:

We reincarnate and cannot recall our former lives. I don't think it matters which body our soul enters upon a birthing because we have been reincarnating for millions and millions of years. For this reason alone we shouldn't try to exterminate a race simply because of their colour.

People who have lost loved ones might find some peace of mind if they consider their departed is awaiting a new adventure or already on one.
Our lives are so short, you seem to hit those decade milestones quicker and quicker, in my early 50s now a standard week feels like it only has 4 or 5 days in it.

a fucking blog post and I was pulling hard on the reins too.

The current state of white countries suggests otherwise, and trying to coast on past achievements is just suicidal stagnation.

Wrong. This is why white nationalism isn't taken seriously.

Nobody tries that.
But jews and by extension nigger ans assorted subhumans try to steal our heritage.
Face it, the world as it is, cultural and technological, is that way because white people moulded the whole world after their own example, including Asia, China.

Race is taken very, very serious by our enemies.
Our enemies are unashamed racists and sexist.

The reason the attack us is RACE.

Only useful idiots and ignorant or deluded people that have fallen for the propaganda deny this.

The inherent empathy that modern whites possess is in itself a developmental achievement, sadly it's not a positive one. A necessary step on the road to ethical and intellectual transcendance but one that came at the wrong time.

Read: only whites will be mongrelized to oblivion and chinks take over everything

And this is why Christianity is killing us. It's the singular cause of white genocide. Marxism is just another policy. Juda-ism is just another branch… Islam is Christianity for wild sand niggers.

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Seriously this fact completely destroys Kalergi's assertions. Skin bleaching is common in EVERY non-white nation, but more than that the darker someone is the lower they are perceived. This is embedded in spiritual dogma in Hindu societies; among the blacks of America you will find the darkest ones being looked down upon and insulted with hilarious names like 'crispy', which is implying they look burnt because they are so dark.

It is prevalent among the mixed-race peoples, although sometimes it goes the other way with them. Many mixed race types will hate light skinned mongrols and refer to them as whites, and in turn they will reject full on blacks as subhuman, and they compare the darkest skinned mongrels to those subhumans.

Basically if you get rid of race, you will only see the problem exacerbated as people fragment themselves into ever smaller groups which are increasingly more hostile to anyone else with even the smallest of differences. We actually see this playing out with the Left in general now; they have managed to make race not matter, but instead they will cast you out if you are Stalinist or a Maoist, if you are third-wave feminist or transdimensional otherkin or a transexual or whatever. Most of them hate each other and as time goes on they become ever more fragmented and ever more hateful of those who disagree with them on anything. By destroying the natural large tribes that we are a part you make the problem worse. By fragmenting religion you get the hatred between say Protestants and Catholics; but get rid of Christianity entirely and you have idiots clinging to pathetic identities like what football team they belong to, what council estate or ghetto they live in; and they will kill people for not being like them.

Their desired utopia is not at all what they think it will be, and as time goes on the proof of that grows and grows. If they win the whole world will succumb to violence and conflict - with perhaps a few bloated overlords ruling over them. … I wonder what their noses will be like…

this "Christianity made white people great" meme is a fucking joke, and youre the butt of it

There is no Jew nor Gentile, for you are one within me, Christ : ^ )

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A sound soul resides in a sound body.
If one rots the other will too.
This is happening in the west.
People think everything was okay until the migrant crises, but it wasn't, the jew poisoned the mind generations ahead, that why the body 'race' is now in shambles.

also this, the issue isnt "waaah we dont go to church anymore", the issue is loss of spirituality in general, and Christianity was one of the first steps in this moral decay process. From many Gods, to only one God, to a vague concept of "God", and finally to no God at all. loss of tradition and respect for the ancestors is also a large part of this, and again, was egged on by Christianity in its early years. Even today we see Christians trying to purge what few remnants of old European culture are left, you see Americuck Christians advocating for the removal of Christmas since its a "pagan holiday", you see Eurocuck Christians advocating for Judaism and Islam since theyre "all abrahamic and from the good book" or whatever rhetoric. If you don't understand that Christianity was part of the plan by now you must be a fool. Ask yourself why Charlemagne saw fit to exterminate 5000 Saxon noblemen (which I remind you, since the Frankish and Saxon royalty were closely related, many of them were probably cousins of Charlemagne) while at the same time he let Jews take control of the usury system in his country, forbidding it for good goyim christcucks in the process? Ask yourself why the Teutonic Knights thought it was a better usage of their time to slaughter Wends and Slavs to the North and East, while Moors and Turks were raping and pillaging across Southern Europe? The Knights Templar were literally the only Crusader order that actually fought well against the Muslims and you dumbfucks probably think they were the original freemasons, or that they actually worshipped Baphomet or something fucking stupid. Always trust the word of a Frenchman, goy.

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>an entire post full of (((science)))
learn the truth about human history and you don't make such ignorant claims. I'm not denying that there should be a place for white aryan people on this planet, but do some real research before repeating Jewish lies about evolution


anatomically modern humans have existed for hundreds of millions of years

evidence for this? Humans have existed much longer than kikes give them credit for but the farthest back that I've heard is 9.7 million years, 100s of millions is really stretching it. But even if that was true, how exactly does that disprove evolution? There are animals that have existed in their current anatomical form for much longer , nobody considers this as proof that evolution isnt real, it just means that these particular species were never put in conditions that forced them to evolve. And this isnt hard to believe because most of these species have very successful survival strategies and have existed in isolated environments for untold millennia. Look at a spider; what is there to improve in such a beautiful creature? Since the Devonian period the only major changes made in these things were the addition of venom and the ability to spin silk and make webs. If humans really haven't evolved for 100s of millions of years like you say it would just be evidence that humans have a very successful survival strategy that hasnt needed much change over time (which in itself is fucking stupid, humans thrive on change, no I dont mean faggot obama racemixing CHANGE, I mean that humans have never been exactly the same from 1 century to the next, unlike most animals)

You arent a fascist if you dont accept the iron laws of nature; that through trial and chaos we humans find ourselves, and we find which methods of survival work best not only for ourselves individually but the entire race. If you dont believe in evolution you must not believe in change or self-improvement either, and thats a pathetic thing.

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give this a watch and check up the information presented here
humans and animals can alter given time an exposure to different environments but its not as clear cut as (((they))) would have you believe. The natural world is important but you have to think beyond that

A white genocide that started when the West became atheist, hmmm….

If by fine you mean living on the outskirts of great civilizations, then I agree with you.
That's just straight up false.

I love how "christians" love blaming everybody but themselves and their churches as if the churches are not responsible for anything ever, no it's because of atheists that churches work to bring in and give subterfuge to "refugees", niggers and protect jews.

M80, no one is dismissing spirituality, but you are plainly dismissing material. That's just as bad.

Let's see how the world will fare with a homogeneous brown mass of IQ 85 hominids.

Orthodox here.

Killing yourself would make the Lord happy.

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Ortho-burgers are the worst.

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humans did not hunt mammoths to extinction

like who? the Jews? every great civilization back then WAS pagan you ignorant shit, what the fuck are you even talking about? you realize pagan is a much broader term than just vikings right? Christ I can't believe how stupid you fucking people can be, you really need to go back to Zig Forums
kk, 2nd and 4th pic related

im not really sure what youre arguing then, you seem to think the natural world doesnt matter at all and thats just fucking stupid, gnosticism is heresy. its as above so below and as below so above, not JUST as above so below.

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commies want everything to go to shit dude
comies is jews
they dont even want to rule the pile of brown human shit once whites rae gone, its just a strange collective suicide
jews worship death, not as a part of the cycle of life but as entropy, as the end of all life
the only thing stopping kikes from nuking the whole planet is the knowledge that probably a few whites would survive and rebuild
they want everything dead, that is their heaven

Orthodoxy larping is a particular US disease. Far away from the real thing it looks comfy traditional. Understandable in the kiked, bland but hysteric atmosphere of the USA.

Orthodoxy has its own issues … but that are not topic of this thread.

Oh the “kike on a stick forget the last 2000 years of your history and culture” poster, who tries with bad history, distortions outright forgery to “prove” it was the jew all along, a psyop normally only done by jews.

BTW your theory is totally bunk, it never was Christianity but based pagan Romans who spread the jewish pest everywhere they went.

Fucking this

Erectus Walks Amongst Us might be the best possible primer on this question, so you should read it.

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my "theory" isnt a theory you fucking idiot, its historical fact that Charlemagne looked out for the Jews while making Christians live like slaves and slaughtering pagans by the bushel, fucking read a book besides the bible for once.

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t. Shitskins

Asians are insect people. IQ isn’t the sole factor, it matters what you do with it. Morals and values matter as well. Fuck chinks.

i dont get the "gooks are smarter than us" meme either user, it tells me that someone is either really fucking stupid of that they havent really had alot of contact with gooks.


The only asians I respect are the Nips and at the end of the day they're only respectable because they chose to integrate some western ideals and standards into their society.

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of the gooks ive been around, yeah, japs are the only ones that seem to be honest and reliable, they value hard work and honor which is more than you can say for most others of those regions.

theyre also the only ones that are fucking sanitary at all. theres a reason theyre the only ones without shit-stained skin. theres also a reason we call gooks "Bugman". I had to live with gooks once, Ive never seen so many damn cockroaches, I'm pretty sure it gave me OCD.

oh, and they have nice aesthetics, which are very celtic/scythian esque

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"The jew fears the samurai.".

Fair enough, but I really wished some people would realize that a BluRay that has the steam that previously covered the boobs and pussies of the girls of the show removed is not a samurai.

But instead it is a device that makes people stay inside and miss out on life.
Yeah no shit no kike will come to your otaku room to fuck with you.
He doesn't have to, because statistically you are removed from society, a non threat, and won't breed.

No it wouldn't, stop deceiving people.

He's just a lying retard, ignore him.

Roman Catholic theology is flawed, Catholics are crypto-atheists. Had you watched the video I posted you would know it, but instead you attack me with the same old and faulty arguments. Do you enjoy being ignorant?

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What, every pre-Christian civilization was pagan? Who could've imagined that! You have a serious case of Dunning-Kruger my friend, and had you read my response more carefully you wouldn't even have bothered with yours, because what I said is that ARYANS had no part in civilization prior to Christianization, because every civilization except the current Western one was only marginally genetically Aryan.

also stop spamming the thread

holy shit nevermind, youre not pretending to be retarded, you actually ARE retarded

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Stop lying.

Genetic evidence disproves your point.

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christians, everyone. in case you were wondering who posts these cringy memes.

The shill is you. Just proves my point that anti-Christian posters are 99% shills.

The choice of photograph is disgraceful. Yes. We are at a genius level and almost by default. Further, being half-Asian and half-European, I am at a greater advantage than most. Whites were stinking and filthy mongrels when they entered Japan. Barely bathing and filthy in comparison to the ritual washing that was common for most of Japanese citizenry. Order and cleanliness defines and defined the culture. Londoners were throwing their filth out the second-story window. The Asians do everything better, and the Chinese will take over the world if the US doesn't get it's shit together.

Anyways, being racially advantaged, my mixed-race cock being Asian with the advantage of African and European blood, and with this mixture I fuck my white wife with pride knowing that I am impregnating her and furthering my race-mixed genetics.

Whites need to submit to the fact that their women are ours because they were never theirs. And now they are too softened to do anything about it. The UK is evidence of it.

Sorry about all of the horseshit, but I guess not really because a stupid faggot chose a picture of a dangerous ideologue cunt (I'll use the leftist-retard word for princess because, well, she's a leftist-retard.) who seeks to turn the US into a castrated authoritarian shithole. You disgrace all who have mixed ancestry for such a horrific example, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Asians score higher in everything. They earm more than whites in the US as well. I love whites, just white women. White men are all cucks.

All of this is a misconception because of the word Aryan. Alexander the great was blond though most Greeks were, but that doesn't mean he was Nordic. A fair number of Greeks are still blond. It's why I prefer to say White.

Meds are great people, not everyone needs to be descended from 'muh vikings'. Saxons, Greeks, Italians, Slavs, Celts, Germanics, etc. were all excellent in their own way and that's absolutely fine.

certainly you must mean weren't

why dignify the shill with a response? its obvious hes a Zig Forums cross-poster trying to stir the pot and possibly convert some of the more stupid and gullible anons

If you are circumcised then you are not a christian.

nah, I have no hopes of converting you

then you arent a real christian, larper

But you are not Asian but some nigger mongrel.

IQ matters only at the sub 100 level since they get disqualified on pretty much anything.
Including that what matters the most in the world.

Agriculture, nature preservation, animal husbandry.
Whitey outperforms everyone else in these disciplines.

The ability to keep everyone shitting, pissing, and breathing non toxic air is the god discipline of white people.

Everything else is secondary, because it furthers the human race the most.
Every day you are safe, fed, watered is another day you can attempt to solve another mystery of the universe.
If you do not have these things, your 500IQ in 3D mesh computation does not matter all that much.

Coincidentally, whitey still excels in all those fields and, in fact, pioneered most of them.
Creativity is important as well, after all.

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anyone who thinks asians are smarter is either a weeb or a gook themselves, asians are almost as fucking dumb as niggers, the only difference is theyre at least somewhat industrious. And that only goes for certain breeds of them; ever met a filipino? theyre just as arrogant as every other gook and still think theyre smarter than you, and they manage to think this while also being shitskinned nigger savages that live in huts. Half of them dont know how to even wipe their asses properly, and their entire race is named after some spanish king that I couldnt give less of a crap to read about. Why are even replying to a literal 56 percent meme? These people need to be eliminated, not argued with.

Kill your self mongrel. Let me guess, your dad is some computer software engineer and he couldn’t get himself a good white woman so he landed some buck tooth chink. Sad.

I am a real Christian, just a realistic one. Many anti-Christian idiots have died without converting, it's not improbable that you will be one such too.


anti slide