Are Trump Fans Retarded?
Let's watch and see
Are Trump Fans Retarded?
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I would think it's fair to say anyone sucked into the jewish Trump hoax could safely be described as a retard
first like 8 months of promises
Trump Supporters Celebrate The Release Of Sholom Rubashkin
This has not happened
maybe you should read the rest of it
No doubt the anti-semites are and pretty sure of the rest of 'em
They're not sending their best.
Leftists and muslims wave flags and hold signs during a rally for Donald Trump in Jerusalem
You were always low-rent bottom of the pile hasbara, obviously Kushner kept his best for Breibart and not his sister site Kampfy controlled Nu-pol
Kampfy and his isreali enforced Nu-pol is dead, long live juden frei Zig Forums
Why anchored?
At this stage, obviously.
Dunno, did they link directly to youtube like you did?
Low effort and not hooktube, it's a warning to the summerfags and cancer who are tumoring around here.
Because mods still hate your bullshit, leftycucks
Johnny Gat is worthy of being linked here on Zig Forums
Only your Rebel Media and other jewish orgs need to have their shekels denied them
Why would a 'leftist' demonstrate you jews are the one's backing trumpstein?
Leftists are notorious for being equal and opposite to the retarded jew-controlled Republikike right, both don't believe the jews did anything wrong
lurking just to see how many posts this cunt makes though