Captor of Title 4 Flag and TRUE Commander and Chief of United States of America. I have never posted so don't Roast me too bad but why have I never heard of this Guy He is LITWRALLY the CaC of USA and CANADA
Russell J Gould
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Sorry if you're message is pure but you don't belong here. You need to lurk before posting.
Russell J Gould Captured the Sovereign Nation and Became TRUE Commander and Chief in 1999 of North America and pretty much just needs our help bringing the jew pirates to justice.
Ive been lurking for months, never heard of Russell J Gould talked on here, if you take just a few minutes to take a look its bigger than The USA and Canada he pretty much took over the world. But the Jews won't let anyone know.
PLEASE GUYS, help spread this, OP sheepdog, You say I don't belong here, yet I have Nordic blood flowing thru my veins, Who else would I turn too but my white brothers on this Topic. His Name is Russell Jay Gould, he took control of all the shipping and receiving in the world and legally saved our country from the Jews. Everything the government has done since 1999 is null and void.
Has him defined as DI-RECTOR of Planet earth
"Q for OWK: HSBC and Russell Jay Gould" by Hanging Chad - 4.6.17
4/06/2017 09:30:00 PM Emailed, Thoughts
Entry Submitted by Hanging Chad at 4:20 PM EDT on April 6, 2017
Why is British banking giant HSBC the trusted (ZIM) bank, of all banks, after their drug-cartel money laundering violation that led to a pathetic $1.9 billion fine, less than 5 years ago? I am well aware of our real relationship/enslavement with Great Britain since 1871, at least until 12:01am EST on March 15, 2017.
Fun fact: James Comey resigned from the HSBC Board when being nominated for FBI Director by CEO Obama and ultimately confirmed by the maliciously corrupt senate.
In regards to previous post:
"Paul Ryan will take over per Trump's resignation followed by a Congressional vote in accordance with the Constitution.
"Ryan's Vice President is still unknown. It's not Dunford however. Ryan was a long time secret military operative trained and committed for this exact task of restoring the Republic."
Can you explain to me why Mr. Gould isn't being considered for the 1st Commander in Chief of the US Republic after heroically saving our country from being enslaved by the King of Great Britain indefinitely, once Mr. Gould was able to beat him to the punch on November 2, 1999?
"Due to Int'l Banking Law, the king closed down his post office in the District of Columbia, and VACATED and SURRENDERED the TRUST, he was back-doored by a REAL AMERICAN named Russell-Jay: Gould. He had foreseen the close of the king's Post Office coming, and secretly legged himself and the entire global government construct into that now newly VACANT and ABANDONED location as the NEW POSTMASTER-GENERAL for the United States of America."
Read more on this heroic patriot:
this entire planet and everyone on it, was “captured” in a “shipping war”, (shipping wars) where
everyone and everything in this shipping war has been placed and is/are, under the International
Jurisdiction of Admiralty and Maritime Law of the Sea, in a global warfare effort to control all
COMMERCE on Planet Earth.
Thanks for wasting my time Reichsburger delusional asshole. The courts aren't functional. Arguing what you are arguing assumes somebody will listen.
Hmmm… Nevermind. You changed my mind, this is interesting. We should at least recognize his technical contribution. You are right even if you are a pedant.
OP, do you want me to post some interesting tidbits from your 76 page wall of autism in that .pdf? The historical segments are actually interesting.
I'm sorry OP you're actually not so bad after all :( Here's something you wrote about which helps make your posts make more sense!
The fact of the matter is that we are all on time-tables here on this planet. Time-tables that run on 7 year
national and 70 year international bankruptcies. These bankruptcies have controlled the planet for the
last 6,500 years in all countries. All countries world-wide are controlled by the Post-Office; NOT the
Courts, NOT the Judges, NOT the Kings and Queens, but the Post-Masters of the world run the entire
planet and have for 6,700 years; going all the way back to Pharaoh (Hence, the Masons).
And whose Calendar do all of the governments on planet Earth follow for international and global
commerce? And what Calendar do the Stock-Markets, Banks, and Clearing-Houses all follow and pay
out to internationally and globally concerning commerce? – They follow the Vatican's “Gregorian
Calendar”, created by pope Gregory. With the advent of this Calendar, the Vatican has “CAPTURED”
and controls TIME, as well as all of the SHIPPING LANES that authorize the movement of commerce
on Planet Earth; to include the shipments and movements of all monies and military and therefore, War.
Everything moves on the time-lines associated with this calendar.
Found this:
Elongated structural member and method and appartus for making same
im sorry guys I only observe your post but I felt this was very important, there is a documentary I found called WAR CASTLES im watching now,
Yes please do, anything to get to the bottom of this, If this guy swindled the Jews out of the earth I will SHIT myself lol
looks like he reinvented the periodic table,
fuk, I posted the wrong link, this is Walter Russell, ill find what I was looking at earlier
this is his business partner from what I'm gathering
The English Language Has Been Deliberately Modified to Enslave Us!
Have you ever wondered why the world has become the way it is? Like a "Splinter in the Mind" that something is not quite right with our present reality?
The Root of the Deception is with the Language…
In 1988 the mathematical interface for language was discovered. The man who made this discovery then set out to correct the world's legal institutions. That man is JUDGE avid-Wynn: Miller.
JUDGE avid-Wynn: Miller seminars explain and introduce QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR. He explains when, how and why our language was bastardized over the last 8,500 years and by whom! Gain understanding of why, when, how and whom omit words from Oxford, Collins and Webster dictionaries, the benefits of the people not knowing these words and the impact that has on the people and our lives.
…The Answers are Written if you Know WHERE to Read Them!
What started as one mans quest has become a world-wide Movement! The Goal? To educate the planet and put an end to the harvesting of the people, through the Fraudulent conveyance of Language!
QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR arms us with the knowledge/power to have all our words, especially in contracts or any legal documentation inarguably correct!
QUANTUM-LANGUAGE-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR is the technology that will raise global consciousness which has been suppressed by Western Society!
By Judge: David-Wynn: Miller, 23rd June 2010
Yeah this all sounds interesting but in the end if you do not have a military force to resist attempts at removing your sovereignty it can and will be removed by a stronger military force. Law's only work when they are upheld by a violent force willing to maintain that they are upheld. So this Gould can go on and on about fraudlent laws and language and corporations but unless he has a standing army willing to remove the united states of America incorporated, the U.S.A. inc is still the dominant force. Its just like all those sovereign citizen types who try to use the Magna carta to tell cops they are traveling not driving. The officer represents the local corporation that lays claim to a territory unless you have a standing army that can maintain your sovereignty, you are at the mercy of the corporation that captures you.
(TL;DR) Might=Right
Nigger lay off the meth who cares what he put in linked in
For sure, sovereigns get a lot of flak, but this guy accomplished something that most likely bought us more time. I have spent the afternoon/evening reaching out to military where ever I could find them. He seems to have some military support, the navy is aware of him. Because they wouldn't have been able to operate legally in 1999 without him issuing them a flag lol His partner invented a quantum math syntax grammar that is jew usury proof. I found that he also has the full support of the SAR (sons of the revolution). He reopened the Benjamin Franklin post office in Jersey that has been closed since the Rev. War due to the kings conditions of only keeping his postalmaster office in Washington Ill give them a ring tomorrow. If more military knew about this guy they would support him. He's the Real commander and Chief that's why DJT is clear with his POTUS title. Which is just a Trustee position on the bank of England's Loan, which was paid back in 1999. I also noticed his last name, Gould; Anglo- Irish Scottish meaning Gold. Isn't there lore of a Golden Anglo crushing the Jew?
The actual fuck?
The whole world is controlled by the post office.
Sorry man, but I read the first few pages.
1) Being under the British monarch would be a good thing.
2) Being under the Catholic church would also be a good thing. The reason we're in this whole fucking mess is because spiritual Jews (Calvinists) and literal Jews (Jews) got together and decided to destroy the world in some anti-moral, anti-God, frankist nightmare…so that everyone will be *NICE*. Seriously, I'm down for a new Anglo Empire. Crush Progressivism. Crush global Jewry.
Your PDF reads like boomer-tier, "le ebin Jesuits," "le ebin Catholics," "le ebin British Crown."
I know right lol they use a specific type of grammar codex thats like a ring of garlic around a jews neck
Seriously, what the fuck is up with that?
It's like they have a stock of conspiracy theories, and talking points that they shove into every fucking schizo theory they can come up with, hoping one of them sticks. And when it gets out of hand, it looks like the Q threads on cuckchan.
We should be careful. Alot of it's Jew programming, CIA psyops, etc. But some of it's almost certainly true, simply garbled by aging into a ridiculous mess of senescent faggotry.
As we get older, we might end up like that, mouthing off about the Jews and the meme war like shadows in the night rather than any kind of extant threat to ourselves and our progeny.
If you guys don't want to be considered a empty dead vessel lost at sea by your government anymore, call the Benjamin Franklin Philadelphia Post office tomorrow and inquire about your -CLAIM TO LIFE-. All of your debts ARE LEGALLY GONE, YOU ARE LITERALLY FREE!!!! 215 597 8974
I shared this on other sites.
Interesting but considerably complex.
I will send this to my elected and appointed county officials and see what they have to say.
Our county flag, flown at the courthouse and the police station, have nothing mounted above the flag, such as an eagle, nor any fringe around it.
ffs op stop shilling your own thread, lurk for two years before posting it's not just a meme
also, (((gould)))?
Thank u, I myself have a few detectives I tattoo that I know are not masons that I'm bringing it too. Good call, any "official" building fling Admirability and Maritime law of the sea flags are for sure comp'ed.
Another article I found by Judge Anna von Reitz
Kill yourself cumstain. Take your sovereign moorshit elsewhere.