Trump and the jews

This is a serious thread. Only civilized discussion is welcome

If you are a Trump supporter, how do you justify his foreign policy on Iran and Syria?
1) I only care about local politics.
2) It's 4D chess (explain below).
3) He's being blackmailed by the deepstate, he's doing the best he can.
4) I'm literally Jewish, his foreign policy makes me love him even more.

Remember to ignore and filter immature posts.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that US involvement in Syria is all about Israel.

Unclassified Hillary email:

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Come in, juden.

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Khazar milkers.


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Bait or not you get the gas

I think you're a jew due to the picture you used.

9/11 TRUTH Donald Trump's Good Friend Larry Silverstein is a LIAR

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Ivanka is a THOT

Attached: Ivanka-Trump-Plastic-Surgery-Nose-job.jpg (750x500 44.95 KB, 40.12K)

The Donald Trump video every jew MUST watch!

"fashy based neocon isreali jews welcoming the orange kike in chief Trump to isn'treal"

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I feel like he legitimately believes in what he said during his campaign but he's not the right guy for the job and is far too blackmailed to actually do anything. Whether he actually follows through isn't important necessarily since he was a gamble anyway: if he actually followed through then awesome, if not then he's like every other politician and it's business as usual. He did however give Zig Forums the opportunity to coalesce and push many of our ideas into the mainstream and even get out and meet other Zig Forumsacks IRL Best form of action is low profile Zig Forumsack networking tbh which was more important in the long run than any other policies he could push. Just my thoughts

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I just got banned from the_Donald for pointing out the many JIDF shills. You Amerifats disgust me with your crypto jewism.

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You fucking autists, you misinterpreted his post, he's not saying he's Jewish, he's giving options for answers.
But I agree with 1 and partially 3, maybe using some 2 to get around 3.

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Nice try, sage.

What does he have to work with?

GOP and the ZOG state. So what did you expect? Needs to be serious organizations, mayors, senators etc.

I get that feeling too. I never thought of him as anything other than an off-the-cuff guy from NY who wants to bring back the Reagan days. He is a civic nationalist through and through and is a boomer to boot, so of course he is pro-Israel, pro-Jew. He slept with one and had a daughter, his kids have married them and had kids also. The man is thoroughly in their pocket.

The issue is if he is there willingly or not. His campaign was massively about throwing shit at the dartboard and seeing what hit and what missed. He/his team saw the rise of immigration resentment in Europe and used that as their cornerstone.

Think of him not as the end goal but a stepping stone. We did before The_Cuckold and JIDF shills flooded this board with overwhelming pro-Trump nonsense. He is a means to an end, to shift the Overton window, to maybe get some policies laid down that help us and to have a bit of a laugh at salty Marxists.

I think this is a bait/bad faith thread, but I'll post for new people who might stumble across this thread.

Obviously his foreign policy is not exactly what I want, but at least he's deescalated Syria compared to obomo. Iran is a work in progress, but I'm expecting a different deal to replace the obomo one.

that's how I always looked at him more or less, he's Hindenburg. He's an older boomer who comes with the attached package but I can't say he ever didn't believe in what he was saying. The important thing now is for Zig Forumsacks to get involved and actually do productive things. organizations, parties, business, networking, and the like.

I'd seriously fuck the shit out of Ivanka.

Imkamphy did a good reducing the average IQ of this board,

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I'll take number 3 → Trump is obviously being blackmailed and threatened by the {{(Deep State})} - they may have even pointed out President Kennedy's assassination as exemplary of what might happen.

When Trump installed Israeli Viceroy John Bolton as his National Security Advisor the jews behind the scene triumphed - and Trump betrayed his campaign promises and years of tweets against more war in Syria.

BTW, OP - Israel has put more than 10,000 new hasbarats online. Zig Forums is likely a #1 target, so we will need a LOT of filtering around here - or we will need mods that summarily gas Kike hasbara posts.

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Jews don't have free will. If those nations can't elect leadership that can demonstrate faith in Israel the God of Abraham they will never have a real seat at the table. They are defiantly disobedient and like the most high.

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stopping illegal immigration and reviving the rust belt (and American manufacturing as a whole) is more important for white Americans than anything else
all he has to do regarding foreign policy is not start another Iraq
maintaining the status quo is disappointing, but domestic policy is what I care about



Definitely bait. Op is literally a kik by his own admittance. Theyve given up on shilling and only troll now. An outcome of defeat. We are winning.


OH BOY! I can't wait for this entire board to become exactly like 4chan Zig Forums! Non stop shit posting all the time! WOO HOO! Bust out those epic memes bro! Who needs serious political discussion? Who needs to track relevant topics with informative stickies? This is exactly what (((THEY))) want!

I for one welcome our new Soros overlords. I'd like to remind them as a skilled shit poster I can be useful in sliding this board into oblivion. Also since this site gets very little traffic, killing Zig Forums will finally allow 8ch to die like every other failed chan before it.

what a tittie fucker? huh? who wouldn't want to cum between those fucking tits



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What are Israel's interests? There are three.
1: Expand Greater Israel.
2: Prevent Iran from achieving nuclear power.
3: Dismantle and disrupt coherent secular Muslim countries in the region.

Trump has already destroyed two of these interests. By vetoing any war against Iran and Syria, he has completely ruined Israel's path to success on point 2 and 3. Syria is the backbone of anti-zionist resistance in the Middle East, and Iran is the brain stem. So long as those two states are intact, Iran will achieve nuclear weapons by 2030. When Iran has nukes, Israel is fucked. They will be rolled back to their heartland and continue to suffer demographic decline until they cease to exist, or they will be nuked. There is no win strategy for Israel once Iran is nuclear. Trump could "renegotiate" the Iran deal 500 times, there is no way to prevent them from arming without physically destabilizing the country, and that requires boots on the ground or CIA intervention which the Russians will prevent. It took years of effort and enormous amounts of money to spark the puny uprising in Syria and that has already begun to collapse now that Hillary has been disabled

Point 1 has also been handled perfectly. Obama has stuck in the knife, and Trump doesn't need to twist it, he just needs not to pull it out–and he won't. Trump will seek to "negotiate" something with the Palestinians. Israel doesn't want negotiation they want submission. Without it their efforts will be hampered and they will be unable to extend their reach to Iran

Now let us look at this from the Israeli side. The UN has turned against them. They were expecting a bought-and-paid-for stooge like Hillary to back their interests by destroying Syria and giving them a route to seize the South and to infiltrate Iran.

Instead they get Trump, who is nominally on their side but who in reality has already ruined their last-ditch effort to bring down Assad. This is the problem: They cannot chastize Trump for anything he does because he is the only one who is even NOMINALLY on his side. They have to take whatever table scraps he throws them and smile, or else he might turn on them. The problem here is that there's nothing he will do for them that will solve their problems.

Here is the key: Israel is living on borrowed time. Every minute that we are not actively hacking away at Iran's buffer of stable states is a minute that the Iranians get to work on their nuclear program while pretending to be building reactors or whatever. Trump will "renegotiate" the deal with them but he'll focus on the money we gave them, rather than taking actual steps to fuck with their programs, because Trump has prioritized positive relations with Putin over positive relations with Israel.

Putin's geopolitical interests do not align perfectly with ours in most regards, but in THIS regard they do, and Israel is the eternal fucking albatross around our neck that needs to be thrown into the sea. If Trump steers the course he will be a disaster for Israel and our problems in the Middle East will reach a timely, pleasant conclusion.

The short version: Trump is a poison pill for the ZOG machine. They needed a Hillary or a Romney or a Bush but they got Trump, and it's going to destroy them.

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If She's Jewish then who are her parentS?

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nigger what did I say in which anything I said sounded like that?

Honestly, I haven't kept up with everything as much as I should have, but hasn't he been making some pushes against immigration? I think he was somewhat recently threatening to stop the omnibus if he didn't get the wall, and he also tried to use an executive order to stop arab immigration and was then blocked by the courts. I really get the feeling that it's not so much that he turned against his promises, but he has been lead around in circles chasing the usual economic goals the Republicans love so much. If he'd just get his priorities straightened, then he would be doing a great job. Sadly, I believe that jews have put them in a place to advise him, and Trump never really came out as anti-jew. He doesn't see a reason to turn them away, and they divert him towards fruitless battles.


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The US goal in Syria is to reduce or eliminate Russian and Iranian influence. Obama the idiot decided to do that by arming and funding ISIS as a balancing force, so the second goal is to eliminate ISIS. The Europeans want to build a pipeline from Qatar through Turkey, so that puts them on the board and adds another goal of building the pipeline to strengthen the European economy so they don't rely on Russian oil. Israel has a hand in it, as well as the parties in Genie Oil who have their own private intelligence networks that have assets inside state intelligence agencies.

Trump had some Jewish neocon enemies who were damning him until he bombed Syria after warning them ahead of time to let them get out of the way, then they praised him. That was very odd behavior by both parties. Someone is trying to control him and it is unclear whether he is playing a game or is a piece within it.

It's a blend of number 2 and 3. Trump has successfully kept them from achieving their main goals in Syria while he gives them concessions that are mostly symbolic. I don't think Trump has full control in that theater either. Lots of glow in the darks doing whatever they want.

We don't know what they have on him or areholding over our collective heads, but it is bad enough that he had to pardon that slaughterhouse kike and Scooter Libby.

Remember things would be much worse without him. This is the best we can do within the system.

I appreciate the picture

ANTIFA attacked Trump is a vulgar manner. Now anyone who attacks Trump's policies is called a Leftist. Outright naming the Trump is a bad strategy for this reason. Instead, those interested should continue exposing Israel and the diaspora, along with the corrupt non-Jewish Zionists. This way if Trump supports Israel the MAGAfags will take notice and decide for themselves if Trump is a Zionist puppet or not.

I don't, but would Hillary be any better?

…so they think.

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I don't. His Middle-East policy is shit. However, Hillary could have had us all at war over Syria by now.

Israel, the Saudis and the necons have him by the balls on this one and he most likely doesn't think he's doing much wrong ("Israel is our greatest ally!!!11!1" ameriboomer logic). He clearly sides with the "right-wing" kikes to block the Soros/CNN types and probably to fund his reelection/lawsuits (Sheldon Adelson). Some of it can be spun as campaign promises, however counterproductive.

I can still remember when he said he was going to be more neutral with regards to the Israelis and the Palestinians when he first started to run for the Republican nomination. He noticeably changed his tune after a certain point to pull in the evangicucks and the ultrazionists.

There have been some very odd goings on with Syria (possible false flagging and whatnot), but at least he hasn't gone all in just yet.

I was initially critical of the Iran deal, as it's obviously quite imperfect. It was a good "Obama" target during the election. Truth be told, he should have just left it and not talked about it and possibly focus on limiting Shia influence more indirectly.

That Bolton pick looks like a major fuckup. Let's just hope this and pulling from the Iran deal doesn't bleed into the North Korea negotiations too much.

fuggin based XD

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Holy fuck, is that real?

See image and filename.

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Although, unfortunately, she seems to have gotten a boob job at some point. This image proves the tits in the OP are fake as shit.

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