Am I noticing the influx of spammers of this board or what?
I usually just lurk but it's gotten to the point where I am shifting through the catalog and spotting more spam than actual discussion/threads about Politics.
Do we need more mods?
Am I noticing the influx of spammers of this board or what?
I usually just lurk but it's gotten to the point where I am shifting through the catalog and spotting more spam than actual discussion/threads about Politics.
Do we need more mods?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dont go into the threads. There is a (-) you can use like I do to simple delete them in the catalog.
no, we need the volunteers to realize that bumplocking actual spam threads is a bad thing, they should start deleting them, you should have made a thread on that instead of asking for more mods.
The answer is never "More Mods" you fucking faggot. This is exactly what imkikey took advantage of, spamming his own board in order to get you faggots into a position where you'd except his bullshit rules.
no idea who that is, just needed an Image.
but since am getting ignored we can make this to a Zig Forums music thread
since there is supposedly no mods?
oh, well shit.
I thought the mods were just gone for a full week or something with the influx of bullshit threads popping up and the pony spam a few days ago.
yeah I've been blocking a bunch of threads these past few days.
wasn't fully aware of the situation, ignore this thread I suppose.
the real answer is to get them to actually DELETE spam threads, because they ruin the catalog regardless if they are no longer getting bumped, I get that VO never moderated Zig Forums or atleast hasn't moderated it for years, but they should transition out of the /b/ habit and actually start deleting non-political threads, the whole unironic tranny/funny meme posting is getting out of hand, and it should be relatively easier to moderate a board like Zig Forums where the numbers are a lot less than the ones you find on halfchan Zig Forums
It's called a shit attempt at a raid m8. It'll pass, it always does. Just enjoy the shit posts.
they're butthurt and trying to make the board look bad
watch them post low effort bait and keep bumping trash threads nobody wants as if those threads are active
There's already a meta thread started by the admin himself, retard.
Delete your thread and post it there.
a metathread that exceeded the number of allowed posts, you're a fucking idiot if you think OP or anyone else could post their thoughts on a thread thats full.
No more mods, what would help would be anons to stop replying in spam threads but i guess that's too much to ask.
4chins ilk are taking a shit on this board. They have no attention span and will tire out in a week.
Zig Forums is used to babysitting mods who ban/delete anything that hurts their feelings. Give it time.
It's dangerous to pretend that we are not explicitly (openly) targeted by:
Five Eyes
DoD -> Wapack Labs
Unit 8200 Israeli MILINT
Probably due to stoneghost and palantir (((they))) are ALL targeting us. There is a bot which they have been using occasionally as well which will try to match a thread's theme but fail. Some user dubbed it the indian women bot because it got confused by Pajeet no gf and started spamming them randomly in a racial realism thread.
Yeah we need tons of them, then let's give them absolute power to ban literally anything they don't like that way any criticism of Trumpstein is banned on sight as well as 50%+ of the users, including most VPN IP's. That'll sure be worth it, much better than having to click hide thread a few times, shit son that's an awesome plan, nevuh been dun befowa
The autistic board owner who banned people left and right before changing the entire english language to wordfilters got b& for being a twat. Now everybody's back but so are the actual shills.
I smell astroturfing from butthurt kikes who are afraid of actual Fascists running this board. We need pro-Nat Soc moderation to ban Communists/Horse Fuckers/Pedos/Shills and do literally nothing else. This avoids the halfchan model.
yeah because moot and his crew of SJW mods was totally natsoc right
Zig Forums emerged due to a lack of moderation to begin with
There are still mods here bumplocking threads they don't like, just less obviously objectionable than under Kikefy's tenure, for now
Yeah. Kampfy was a shitty mod, but he did keep the more obvious glow in the dark out (not least by making this board completely irrelevant). Now (((they're))) gonna exploit the vacuum as hard as they can.
Anons need to be vigilant. Overall, though, an open environment is more useful than an echochamber, and lax moderation inherently favours redpilled views, provided shills are called out and accounted for.
So far they've only bumplocked some really shit threads. My spidey senses are only softly tingling due to the masonic lodge thing.
True this. I think new mods will recognize the glow in the dark problem for what it is: a problem. 8ch may have a spotty history but let's just say Jim isn't a darling of the authorities or he would have let the roach finish his business.
got bump locked, should of been deleted
It is proceeding exactly as planned. Making shekels and squeezing the summerfags for every ounce of blood is what the jew does. The shekels must flow.
Yes, just hide it friends. Ignore the quality being slid off the board.
dude are you realizing what's going on here, like every post here is from a shill or bot
fixing this community is an evolutionary process we have to put the community through.
You can't have an untouchable master editting/deleting posts ('DNA') and artificially selecting who gets to talk ("mate") to who. It's just impossible for a few people to take every variable into account and make the right decisions.
It's completely up to us as individuals. We have to put the best foot forward and stick to the people who are best to form the seed of a real community. The people who are more aware have to make more effort to select for only good content and not automatically engage with the bad, promoting a healthy, selective culture that has a coherent ideology.
If it's not an argument, don't reply
It's either a moron or a bot.
If it's a moron you're validating them with attention, reinforcing their behavior. Any attention is good attention according to these, so don't give any. Every reply you give them is like spawning another one of them.
If it's a bot, you're giving it valuable material to learn from, bots can learn better from feedback than from mining, so by replying you're helping the kikes improve their bots as much as you possibly could.
If it's not an argument, don't reply
The community either has the potential or it doesn't, no top down measure can do anything for its health. Honestly it's such an absolute shithole infested with scum run by kikes I think it's pointless, 4chan is a better venue
>who are afraid of actual Fascists running this board
If you thought your Jew overlord and his pet nigger had your best interests in mind, you are nothing but an abused and battered housewife.
No, no fucking excuses. This board was only ever meant to be a playground for kikey and his friends. A place he could point and laugh at you, dangling faux NatSoc LARPing in your face so that you believed the puppet show was entirely real. Go to /polmeta/ and look at how he responds to any and all complaints. He was, at his most benign, a /b/tard that didn't give a fuck about the legitimacy of NatSoc and/or Zig Forums, and at worst a saboteur meant to cultivate discourse the way he saw fit to make sure this board was properly and thoroughly neutered and tamed.
My guess is there is a war going on among the mods at this very moment.
Has anyone else noticed the amount of SMOLOKO teir threads replacing the investigations/pizzagate types here in the past few days?
just lmao at how much of a butthurt rulecuck you'd have to be to think this board is being spammed right now
you have no IDEA what real spam is lmaooo
I wonder who could be behind these posts
Because TRUMP TRAIN #MAGA KEK! SHADILAY! enforced moderation is better than the ability to critically discuss and dissent, right? Piss off nu/pol/
you are way too surface level. how can you not see that the mods were put here on purpose by the site owner? how can you give the site owner the benefit of the doubt when he objectively failed you and probably did it on purpose?
how can you not realize that this movement is the primary target for the deep state's domestic subversion campaign?
If it's not an argument, don't reply
It's either a moron or a bot.
If it's a moron you're validating them with attention, reinforcing their behavior. Any attention is good attention according to these, so don't give any. Every reply you give them is like spawning another one of them.
If it's a bot, you're giving it valuable material to learn from, bots can learn better from feedback than from mining, so by replying you're helping the kikes improve their bots as much as you possibly could.
If it's not an argument, don't reply
If you want to look past Occam's Razor, that's fine. What I know is that the previous board owner didn't give two shits about this place and actively and openly mocked it every chance he got.
Youre noticing all the cuckchanners who started hanging around here a couple weeks ago when 4chan was down, unmoderated and allowed to spread their stupid marxist learned bullshit.