Ancient Aryans

Banned for years (even on cuckchan) is now back!

This is a REAL research thread. That means keep posts based on physical history (on planet earth). There are 5 esoteric threads up if you want to contribute to them.

Method of Historical Research includes:

Golden rule:
History is like a detective novel. You investigate the crime by looking for people on the scene (first person account), people who knew of the victims (second hand account), looking for the corpses, following the money trail and influence, and collecting pieces of the puzzle (artifacts, symbols, archeological left-overs).

Also please explain what you're talking about clearly or just drop an image with a properly named file so we can look into it.

Attached: Saltmen Persia 1000BC to 300AD.jpg (436x654, 83.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The oldest mummies on earth. 7000yrs old South America.

Attached: 7000BC oldest mummies south america chile aryans vikings.jpg (1928x2374, 2.63M)

The historic meaning of the Egyptian eye.

Attached: eye of horus esoteric odin.jpg (1814x1201 33.65 KB, 793.89K)

Attached: esdfsaf.jpg (474x198 209.82 KB, 42.5K)

Nevada USA Aryans

Attached: american nevada whites.png (1000x2251, 4.58M)

Timeline from Cro-Magnon to Aryan

According to modern DNA studies:

Caucasian migrations

Translation for stupid people:

1. 43,000 BCE Neanderthals are driven out of Europe with the appearance of Cro-Magnon. All white Europeans can trace their DNA to 35,000BCE Belgium (Cro-Magnon).

The last Neanderthals are found in the Middle East living in caves with Homo-Sapien-Sapien "modern humans" and Homo-Erectus (black giants) practicing cannibalism. And they still are night stalkers.

2. Ice sheets begin to cover Europe all the way to Northern France, driving Cro-Magnons South to Spain and farther East all the way into Asia (and the Americas >>11639824 ).

3. 12,000BCE "Caucasians" from the Caucasus mountain range of the East arrive in Europe after the ice sheets melt. These are Eastern Cro-Magnon descendants that are now a foot smaller and have a more developed frontal lobe. They may also exhibit the first eye and hair color changes that make up modern European whites (creating a different mentality and expression of culture).

4. Globeke Tepe appears 10,000BCE at the Mediterranean edge of the Caucasus Mountain range (right around the time modern geneticists claim blue eyes appear outside of albinism).

5. Proto-European culture appears around 6-5000BCE after the last mini-ice age (Vinca culture in the Northern Greek territory – and their symbols matched Viking writings, Indo-European cultural symbols, and Celtic scratch-writing).

6. Mixed Middle Eastern culture appears 3000BCE in the Sumerian desert.

Do the math.

nb4 races don't exist and we're all mixed, goys!

35,000 years of genetic war and you're living in the end times.

Attached: red hair NOT Neanderthals.jpg (662x1501 350.28 KB, 1.22M)

Cro-Magnon DNA sequences no Neaderthal add-mixtures

Attached: 28,000 Years Old Cro-Magnon mtDNA Sequence Differs from All Potentially Contaminating Modern Sequences' - neanderthal.jpg (1345x14691, 2.92M)

Thanks user it's actually quite difficult to find pictures of the mummies nowadays, I wonder (((why)))

Bosnian Pyramid

The Ancient Aryans of New Zealand

Still alive today. One blonde family says that her relatives trace back to Persia which was the story passed down from generation to generation. Megaliths match typical Celtic Indo-european symbols also:

The Cro Magnon giants were descendents of the Jotuns, not the Aryans who brought agrarian culture into the world from Mesopotamia.
The aryan race, as according to Max Muller (the Oriental Anthropologist who's work would inspire the NSDAP) has been extinct since the dark days. Features such as ectomorphy, height, and skeletal grace and beauty are the features that are related to the neolithic culture in contrast to mesolithic or paleolithic societies.
The difference between the Aryan and the Jew is the rivalry between Cain and Abel.

Attached: Arkaim2.jpg (550x429 120.77 KB, 70.19K)

Also around the area of Gobekli Tepe dating back 8000 to 10,000BCE is also where the biblical Mt. Ararat is located. Home of the great flood which possibly relates to the Black Sea sinking civilizations in the area when waters came flooding in through the narrow straight around that time.

Then you have the Aratta Civilization dating 10,000BCE to 20,000BCE+. Mt. Ararata = Aratta. Also referred to as superior by the Sumerians.

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Attached: china aryans now.jpg (2048x1309 1.05 MB, 278.41K)

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Aryan language

Attached: aryan name language.jpg (845x403 473.66 KB, 58.31K)

Attached: (((robert))).jpg (225x225, 7.94K)

Ignore the common shills, Zig Forums and (((esoteric Robert Sepehr))) are already trying to destroy your history. Filter IDs by clicking on arrow in the corner.

Here is a non-Sepher related source of information.

I trust it, because it names the Jew.

Here is the truth:

Attached: 2dc1cf3fa8ec56172315418442deea99b1f3c78acefd391f5034c24223746e2c.png (600x300, 135.67K)

We know it is you, faggot. You're done for.

The picture I provided is Arkaim city in Russia, its one of the oldest Indo-European Neolithic cities recovered.
If I am a shill you should at least expose my lie before I am silenced.

Non-Aryan cultures mixed by conquests and denying history

Attached: Sarcophage of Kamose.jpg (432x324 91.59 KB, 147.67K)

It's Robert, a well known kike that just copies and pastes random shit from chans and sell it in his crappy books and videos. He's a paranoid jew as are they all.

Attached: (((robert))).jpg (250x250, 10.38K)

Also nothing he posts or claims is ever sourced, that's how jews like him work after all.

(((Robert Sepehr))) attacking *(((Robert))) to "consensus crack"

(((Bob))) stole my research here and put it in his shitty book (pic related). It's not a (((Bob))) thread because this isn't (((esoteric))) or fake magical history. This is for grown ups.

Attached: Nimrud, Iraq 800BC Museum - Baghdad.jpg (630x596, 139.69K)

I will now continue with the thread as (((Robert))) pretends to attack himself. But check any of his threads and it's all crazy Jew magick. You will see the difference in posts.

I will now continue with the thread as (((Robert))) pretends to attack himself. But check any of his threads and it's all crazy Jew magick. You will see the difference in posts.

I will now continue with the thread as (((Robert))) pretends to attack himself. But check any of his threads and it's all crazy Jew magick. You will see the difference in posts.

I will now continue with the thread as (((Robert))) pretends to attack himself. But check any of his threads and it's all crazy Jew magick. You will see the difference in posts.

I will now continue with the thread as (((Robert))) pretends to attack himself. But check any of his threads and it's all crazy Jew magick. You will see the difference in posts.

Attached: 1186052_633916846630497_18187547_n.jpg (600x600, 61.46K)


Wew you're crazy.

More Cro-Magnon DNA studies

Attached: cro-magnon.jpg (1020x3034 350.28 KB, 699.53K)

North America

Attached: 3200BC Milta Mexico.jpg (949x722 1.61 MB, 380.05K)

Say (((totally not robert))) what are you doing with all those emails you collected by setting up honey pots? Why don't you talk about that?

Attached: mother language.jpg (850x720 310.77 KB, 73.63K)

Forgot this:

We are living in crazy times, which means we need crazy measures.

Funny one, (((robert that is totally not bob))).
Why don't you admit you stole Arthur Kemps research as well you jew? I informed him about you and he is able to legally pursue you.

Neanderkikes? Not these shills again. Aryans evolved from/with Neanderhals. Only caucasians and asians carry neaderthal DNA. To say anything else is shilling.

I called it.

Hello Black Groid.

Pygmies and Giants

The Australian pygmies posted went extinct I think around the 1930s after they were hunted down by Abbos do to environmental pressures of English conquests.

Attached: giant-mound-builder.jpg (266x432 37.7 KB, 45.24K)

Read this thread:

He flipped his shit on cuckchan as well but no one was assed enough to archive those thread.

Dude I'm just a lurker you gotta believe me

Funny one.

I thought we were all supposed to be attacking this Robert guy or whatever. (who even is he?)

Attached: Minoan 1600BC-vert-vert-vert.jpg (1200x1215 766.7 KB, 587.38K)

I can see you're IP hopping, Robbert.

Attached: (((robert))).jpg (396x640, 36.7K)

Attached: pyramid all over.png (845x397 85.32 KB, 70.6K)

What if we are all Robert?

You might have multiple personality disorder, I do not. In digging for the past weeks I found some medical documents on you.

I see you IP hopping Bobbert

Attached: Thank you come again.jpg (480x640, 126.38K)


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God you're pathetic, even for a jew you fail at lying properly.

Don't you have a Druid thread to ruin you retarded cunt.

Is this the dedicated we wuz thread?

Yes Robert, it is

Ancient Greeks and the Celt connections

Attached: China Greeks Terracotta_Warriors.png (340x340 4.13 MB, 26.24K)

What if I'm just fucking retarded?

Funny how Aussies are terribly quite about this genocide.

Celts, Romans, Veddic Culture, and Cro-Magnon cave art

Attached: celt india aryan rome-gaul.jpg (1853x6800 3.72 MB, 3.47M)

Celts continued

Attached: celt script 3223.jpg (952x2344 242.41 KB, 1.03M)

The Suebi (predecessors to the Saxons: Saka-Suna, Sons of Sakai; Scythians, an [A]rianic people), worshipped a fircone tree. Do you think there's a connection with the whole fixation on pinecones?

Moreover, another curious addition concerning pinecones, the Greeks recalled how the Giants of Old sat atop Tharcian mountains and "fed on pinecones", this is also where the Boreans were meant to be found (Hyperboreas more far up north).

Attached: masterMeisterlin.jpg (209x300, 26.11K)

Celts continued

Attached: lugus celt.png (1280x1432 61.35 KB, 3.05M)

Scythians and Persians have a weird relationship. While the Persian culture became (as well as the Hittites) the Sycthians would come down South to conquer and 'rejuvinate' the genetics and ancient Indo-Aryan culture being a less cosmopolitian and mixed people they held onto their heritage more.

The Pine tree and needle trees of that variety are worshiped because they stay green in the winter (evergreen). Hence the Christmas connections with Germanic culture.
So it's the seed of life. The tree of life. The tree that does not die as the others turn to total bark in the winter. I'm sure there is more to it but that's what I know. These types of trees have been used for medicinal purposes, usually for fighting infections, and of course Syrups at a time when winter brought great hunger.

Thracian Black Sea region are the "Land of the gods" according to Greek/Roman legends. The home of the Titans.
This recounts the travels for Caucasian peoples into the region I believe… Globeke Tepe is at the edge of these mountain ranges as stated here:
But I'm guessing at this because this is my own research as it's banned in (((academia))) .

And of course the tree posted here is the oldest known tree in the world outside of California Red Woods I believe. hence tree of life again.

Red Ice did a pretty good Christmas Yule special.

Although I have doubts about the whole meat-blood hanging thing. They seem to be really into that kind of sacrifice stuff. It's more possible that they were hanging Mushrooms that were read and needed to be dried to eat as on of the few winter growing plants. Reindeer also eat these Mushrooms. They cause you to see elves…

Attached: odin osirus santa christmas esoteric mushroom cults.jpg (1129x648 220.86 KB, 1.23M)

More on the Celts please.

i will cum buckets if they genotype those mummies

Attached: PCA iron age nomads of the eurasian steppe.PNG (798x789 479.97 KB, 111.11K)

Also, do you have the "Eye Goddess Cult" and its spread into Ireland another user posted not long ago? Thank you.


Also notice the writings match the oldest known civilization the Vinca script and Celtic Ogrham scratch writings still found today near converted churches
Vinca culture has a possibe connection to the Bosnian Pyramid (in my opinion).

sorry I'm out of them. I was hoping (((Robert's))) Druid/pol/ would help out but sadly it was all Freemonic magicK.

Attached: god vikings.jpg (1300x956 491.35 KB, 348.09K)

sauce on female figurine

Minaon. Always check the file names.

Never heard of it.

Viking graves and religion

Attached: odin viking Magic - Norse Mythology for Smart People.png (1572x344 5.13 MB, 101.98K)

do you have sauce material on the Keltic domination of Europe 2500 years ago? All I've ever read referred to them as a large number of tribes associated by culture but not organized into a state.

"White" and "black" as ethnic dates back to Romans. This is exemplified in Juvenal's second satire where he uses the words albino (white) to contrast with Aethiopes (black/African).

Now I have a request. A few days ago, there was a study that found Indians had European DNA or something, but I believe it slid off the board during the spam. Does anyone have the link to that?

Vikings continued + Loki and the fire connetion

Attached: Prologue(Prose_Edda)_Norse Nordic mythology Trojan War.jpg (1250x4113 619.2 KB, 581.54K)

Attached: poo in loo european axis.jpg (968x1024 93.7 KB, 176.98K)

WRONG. Vinca culture is situated in Serbia, at village Vinca, 11km downstream of Belgrade, on Danube shore.It is THE TECHNOLOGICALLY MOST ADVANCED culture in EUROPE at that time.It stretched to Macedonia and Bosnia. You are right about the writing matching those of Vikings and Celts, but it pre dates it.

There is even older culture in Serbia, that pre dates Vinca culture by some 1500-3000 years, and it is called Lepenski vir culture, by the archaeological site where the first discoveries were made.

Attached: praroditeljka_1340x1495.jpg (500x306 528.44 KB, 127.77K)

Vincan scripts (+Romanian) – oldest known writing system in the world – forgot to post –

should of done it with these symbols

Attached: Vincan_symbols 6000BC Siberia Romania Russia.jpg (266x327 56.62 KB, 19.33K)

Can someone explain why the Basque have such high amounts on R1B rivaling the Irish while at the same time being genetically closer to the Early European Farmers alongside the rest of Spain?

Is the first picture a joke?

/druid/ was right, Bob was reverse shilling the whole time. Schizo larps to shill now, that's some next level gorilla marketing. Bob's a fucking genius, well played.

Attached: callmeobongoonemoretime.gif (528x292, 1.95M)

The story as far as I can tell from unambiguous evidence and logical reasoning:

「Coastal Communities」
The "h'white" groups grew as coastal communities. The last glacial maximum being their heyday, definitely inhabiting from Florida to as far as India, the North coas of Africa to the Eastern edge of Finland. Adapted for a semi-aquatic existence, they grew a multitude of now mostly ignored crops like Silphium. Being so close to the continental shelf they not only adapted for long term seasonal change, but drastic tidal differences.
「The Flood」
Traces of megalithic sites have been seen, but so far unstudied by virtue of depth. What can be attested however is the immediate impact upon the cultural record once the ice damns broke. Across the world, fifteen-to-eleven thousand years ago depending on damn, inland cultures catapulted forward in development. Agriculture gained rudimentary to advanced irrigation, crops swapped out for bigger and better varieties, stonework evolved past walls and into arches, and our oldest stories like that of the flood and warriors defeating nomads took root.
The most recent and echoing was doggerland. A predomninatly red headed group presumed by some to be the ancestors of Frisians and Anglos lived their until its sinking, and then washing away by the same force that quickly carved the English channel. If one is to believe the Oera Linda account they were on par with Etruscans in most respects, and had a homegrown alphabet, or else an entirely unique derivation on what the Phoenicians may have shown them.
「Bronze Age Collapse」
After long centuries of revival, when the collective trauma of wrathful powers had become fable, a collection of climate and bandit-nomads brought civilization to its knees again. Only Egypt and the Fertile crescent in their home rivers survived this 'crash'. This era is that of Troy and Minoan temples, of the oldest pyramids and warrior kings of city states.
From hence recorded history begins as simple written word develops into a true approximate for speech. Cyrus the great breaks the rule of the cruel and starts a propoganda war that continues to this day.

Attached: be51c0e5ecb669fde66d98d9185b1884.jpg (229x427, 24.6K)

Rome (+ Rome in Mexico)

Celts were a Confederacy, not really an Empire. Sort of Libertarian wagon traveler culture. Vikings inherited that spirit and changed it to boats.

Attached: Invasions of Rome.png (743x3607 3.07 MB, 1.91M)

Blue Eyes and hair color

Attached: 80000bc aryan blue eyes.jpg (845x619 96.5 KB, 118.7K)


Attached: red hair blue.png (756x6238, 2.42M)

More Egypt

Attached: egypt south america.jpg (1275x1650 430.79 KB, 784.72K)

More Egypt

Attached: amun 1500bc egypt.png (1926x974 826.66 KB, 349.85K)

related: Ancient Aryans of Sandwich Isles.

In New Zealand the Polynesians killed the indigenous Aryans, but in the Sandwich Isles, they not only killed them, they also interbred with them - to Aryan extinction. It's why when Cook discovered the Sandwiches, these Polynesians were whiter than other Polynesians.

Just like in New Zealand, any and all remnants of ancient Aryan folk are either covered up or attributed to the Polynesians. And just like in New Zealand, there are some ruins left than defy that politically expedient explanation.

Attached: Hawaii.png (960x800, 200.31K)


Attached: Egypt- Blonde mummies.jpg (792x6808 169.09 KB, 1.91M)

Okay, this was a mistake, this is a literal we wuz thread, also The statue in the picture that quotes Diodorus, that's the Lady of Elche, It's iberian, not Egyptian, dumbass.

Attached: Lawful Evil.jpg (680x499, 46.76K)

More Egypt

Attached: egypt tomb 2400bc.jpg (1913x894 2.74 MB, 820.69K)

We are not blind, kike.

Attached: jew 1.jpg (288x288 182.26 KB, 10.83K)

More Egypt…

Attached: niggers egypt rope.jpg (1326x572 87.93 KB, 144.16K)

This thread is literally one guy dumping all his shit onto one thread.

Attached: No more onion jokes!.jpg (227x361, 29.73K)

with more to come

Artistic representations =/= reality.

Last of Egypt

Attached: egypt erectus.png (1983x6499 2.02 MB, 5.71M)

Yea, apparently the other thread wasn't good enough for him and he started red texting at the op that he was mentally ill and wrong and all this other bullshit. OP was actually quite nice and was working with anons that were posting what theories or evidence they had found. But this guy just came in screeching and stated he was gunna make his own thread. Don't know why he couldn't have just posted in the other one tbh. Probably some fucking retard that thinks he knows it all but come the fuck on, if the truth to what happens over 12 thousand years ago was that easy to find, we'd all know it.

Either way, sage because OP is a faggot.

Ancient Sumerian apes and the lie of the first European

Attached: Screenshot-2018-2-24 Ancient ‘dark-skinned’ Briton Cheddar Man find may not be true.png (1583x1779 1.12 MB, 1.12M)

Random artifacts and structures

Attached: code of Hammurabi 1792 - 1750 BCE babylon.png (1440x810 1.34 MB, 1.41M)



On the screencap of the left, Wagner did not realise that logi and loki where the same thing, he simply took that from Grimms Teutonic Mythology.