Reminder Zig Forums is now a centrist board. This thread will be for the discussion of why centrism is the master ideology and why collectivists are the enemy of humanity.
Reminder Zig Forums is now a centrist board...
Uh huh, sure thing OP. Go ahead, tell us about centrism and how it's the master ideology. Tell us its tenants. I'm sure this isn't a shitpost at all and you're actually a master of the topic. Please, divulge your wisdom.
Dont forget to say thanks to our great leader, Sargon. Like a lighthouse in the darkness, he has brightened up all our existences.
national socialism is authoritarian centrist
NatSoc is centrist.
Its pretty much everything Sargon said, have you watched his videos before? Its like a horseshoe, both ends are complete shit and are nutballs who want some stupid cause, us smart people stay in the center with the status quo. We oppose radical sjws and communists in word, but we also oppose bigoted Nazism since theres no need for that.
Humans and all great apes are a collectivist species. To be against collectivism is to be anti-human.
Kek. Officially "Third Position" but unironically these two. Every single political compass puts Hitler himself on "radical centrist" and all his policies exemplify that.
Go worship hitler while you jack off to cartoons faggot
The height of human progress was the constitution, fully amended. Freedom is our god, not racism.
Its not sitting on the fence, I have actively decided not to be evil like you.
No matter how many of these threads you make, it won't matter. Faggot.
Some of us dont care about Zig Forums at all. I dont give a shit about saging a thread on a board like this. I dont care if I bump a shit thread on a shit board.
Thats whats truly pathetic
Zig Forums will never be centrist because centrism is weak. It fails here just like anarchism fails in the world and just like centrism gets stepped over in the world.
The founders were racist. They had slaves, you nigger.
Knowing ≠ caring. 🏄🏼♂️
Do you have to stay at a perfect center? If the far left are saying kill all the gnomes, and the far right are saying kill no gnomes, do you have to opt to kill exactly 50 gnomes? What if one of the extremes says something you actually agree with? Can you take that position, or do you have to maneuver away in order to retain a centrist position?
pic related
The constitution didn't consider non whites human, which is why niggers were kept as slaves.
Centrism has always been a retarded position in history because they have no real positions and their destiny has always been to kneel to left or right halfheartedly.
The correct answer is that acknowledging a left, a right, and a center at all is a mistake. Address each issue independently. Don't just take a view because it's associated with your team, or against the other team. All of this terminology is a part of the subversion, and the games they play.
You have to go back.
Thats why I said fully amended. The original constitution was a racist joke.
Exactly. The middle of the road is never a good place to stand.
This thread is pure bait, but I'm just happy to be funposting again. It's also interesting how "Centrism" has come to be defined as radical individualism a la the Juden Peterstein variety. And Horsecuck theory is most simplistic and arbitrary non-theory in all of "political science." The Intellectual Dark Web™ and it's dark intellectuals want you to tip your fedora and not form to any "collectivist" resistance to the millions of low IQ shitskins invading your nation.
So you don't care about the constitution. Gotcha.
Constitutionalists are a fucking joke.
Bullshit, the Confederate constitution is far superior. Both came directly from the culture our Anglo-Saxon ancestors created.
No kidding.
That means you like the income tax and the direct election of senators, both of which are perversions of the original.
Income tax is important, without it whites would lord over non whites and we wouldnt have any means of wealth redistribution and social equity systems.
The only way you can totally be against collectives is to be a anarcho capitalist. You just have your panties in a bunch cu people are forming collectives your personal Morales dissaprove of
Centrism is fascism.
you should combine this and the MGTOW thread into a gay/pol/ general
Centrism has nothing to do with mgtow, mgtow is a far right ideology that excludes women, fascists.
Centrism takes the best from the moderate left and right, things like sensible levels of immigration from the middle east until enough of them mix into our society and intermarry with our people. None of this mass immigration where they dont assimilate and only stick to their own kind. As far as the left, poor people dont deserve to starve, thats just humanist. White people have a larger lot than non-whites and so they deserve to give to non-whites so they can have the same standard of living as those whites.
Isn't Sargon busy getting buttfucked by Spencer or Metokur right now.
Opposes ethnic separatism and promotes meritocratic racial hierarchy and doesn't afraid of anything.
Is that guy in the back checking out Sargon's wife's ass?
Maybe put some effort into your thread.
You know what's funny? All the nazi larpers who are afraid that their board will be taken over are the ones making all of these shitposts.
SO LEFT 👈 RIGHT 👉 OR A BUNCH OF PEOPLE BEING WHAT CENTERED is that what the SPECTATOR SPORT civil war meme thing be ? BASICALLY IS IT like the center FAGS will not fight they will just be fence sitting bitches if the LEFT OR RIGHT DUKE IT OUT THE center will just tag along the victor SO AS TO BE NEUTRAL SAFETY NETTING THEM SELFS FOR SURVIVAL ? THE HOLE THING JUST SOUNDS WACKY AND LAZY and FULL OF WEAK WILLED PEOPLE WHO CAN'T INTO FREEDOM '''slave mentality
Thread hidden.
It didn't work, I can still see it. :/
Its true.
Zig Forums lost.
The jews played you like a fucking fiddle.
You're fucking stupid and easily controlled. Dumb goyim.
I bet that's the same response you'd have to finding your woman fucking a nigger.
kill yourself reddit aut right scum
NatSoc is pretty much centrism already.
So if you're a centrist do you just let your wife get fucked by the bull without prepping him first?