Boomer Hate Thread

After spending all day perusing threads on this board, it's become readily apparent that we have a nest of boomers in our midst. Likely crossposters from /qresearch/ these subhuman monkeys have been spamming our board with zero effort facebook memes glorifying war criminals. Case in point is

I have never in my life seen anyone on Zig Forums speak of george bush, supreme kike slave, on good terms. I'm not asking for him to be banned, the grim reaper will be laying down the banhammer soon enough, but the amount of 'mUH ECONOMY' and other indicative boomerposts needs to be routed out.


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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't care for the Boomers, but since hating them became a big trend within the past couple years, I've begun to think there's another element to it:

You hate the Boomer, you make him into your arch-nemesis, because you know he'll be dead in your lifetime. Just wait for him to expire, and you've beaten him.

The Jew, on the other hand, never goes away.

So the Boomer makes for a more convenient figure to direct one's rage at.

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Who do you think allowed all this shit to deteriorate to begin with? Boomers are the first generation to commit intergenerational wealth transfer. They spend all our money so they can live comfy lives where their nest eggs aren't touched even though they are huge drains on the taxpayer for their heroic medical care. So they make no sacrifices while they stick us with the bill, a luxury we'll never be able to see when we eventually reach that age. They are quite literally bankrupting the country and handed us over to the kikes. You can hate the kikes for being self serving but I hate the Boomers for being the traitor shabbos they are.

Banning boomer-bashers is the only thing Kampfy did wrong.

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Millennials are literal jew parasites and eternal lolcows

Traitors get twice the bullets enemies get, though I have to admit that kikes are a special type of enemy-traitor mongrels that deserve six million times more bullets.

Get The Fuck Off My Lawn

I hope I've proven my hypothesis of a boomer infestation, everybody.

Fucking shocked.

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You forgot to check my Hitler dubs of truth
(((I wonder why?)))

this board needs an Alabama Windchime

mulch yourself immediately, kike slave parasite

the crazy part is the entitlement issues they all have. fucking boomers will show up to a mexican restaurant and then start asking for more food because they think they got shorted etc. bitch youre the reason theyre here dont try and get off acting superior. lmao they dont even care about spics they just wanted cheap labor so theyd be set up well for retirement while fucking the next generation over. boomers deserve to be burned at the stake what the fuck


I wonder why these kids don't want to go out and work for little to no gain, while being shamed for being white or male. They really are assholes aren't they?

That's like saying all the crops that were grown by another generation's sweat is your food.
This is how the millennial manbaby rationalizes his lack of progress in life.

Found the burple Boomer. Don't worry, this one is only worth 3/5ths of an argument.




Boomers parents. Pay attention dipshit. You think anything is going to get better when granny dies? Every generation since and including the "greatest" generation has been 99% kiked. Nothing will get better just because the second generation of kike zombies dies, the third and fourth and fifth generations will still be here fucking everything up. You must remove the jew.

Euthanizing The Elderly When?


No need to. If we cut off your pensions you useless pieces of shit will die in a single day.

t. not even a boomer but I realize my torfag id doesn't help my argument

>generational D&C
The jew has been striving since the 50s to split up the generations. This began with the rise of the "teenager". This Cultural Marxist d&c process was dramatized in the American TV series "Lost in Space" episode "Promised Planet". Television of the era often contained warnings about Communism, as the kike ideological takeover was not yet complete. Such warnings are now called "McCarthyism" and "paranoia", despite the fact that McCarthy was vindicated with the 1990s release of the Venona decrypts - he was in fact acting on secret intelligence and if anything, underestimated the degree of communist infiltration.
Prior to the 1960s, children became young adults in their mid teens, information and wisdom was passed directly to them. Now that the jew has created hatred and animosity for elders, the process of the passing on of knowledge is interrupted and instead of learning from their own people, the youth now turns to jewish e-celebs and television personalities for advice and their worldview. This greatly accelerates the process of cultural subversion.
Episode which dramatized the exact jew process of turning children against their elders, well worth a watch:

gross oversimplification and distraction from the real cause of problems

Nah obviously it's your fault that you can't find work when boomers have done everything they can to deny it to you. Obviously you should be working for three dollars an hour like the spics they imported without the welfare that they get to supplement their untaxed income while you have to give a buck fifty to the government to pay for boomer faggots retirement.

“We gotta vote for Wynn! Ford is just gonna be another Trump”

And gradually I began to hate them

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Yes, hate on Torfaggotry because wouldn't everyone posting from their own ID be so much nicer for you.

Life owes you nothing and neither do your parents, the state, or that girl who laughed at you when you awkwardly approached her on Facebook.

Tell it to boomer niggers that do everything they can to destroy the younger generations while berating them for not trying hard enough.

they are the biggest tools of the jews right after niggers, they have an undying love of israel and vote for neocohen politicians like reagan, bush and trump

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You are very disingenuous.

Behold the boomer, incapable of shame, full of bluster and completely lacking anything that might resemble introspection. These are locusts.

I could if you would stop hiring spics under the table for less than you would legally be able to hire me for while subsidizing them with welfare.

Fugg 🤗 Skip Baker in 5..4..3..2..

Hey Skip. That old school regalia is cool.

And if you don't want to watch from the start, here's one of the most salient parts:
>space ship captain finds his daughter being sexually corrupted by jewaliens: (15:45)

I am gen-X. My grandparents were of the best generation you fat boomer blob.
Name a single redeeming quality on boomers and we might try to convince Generation Zyklon to not throw your blubbery wrinkled asses to the rain and the dogs after DotR, and only out of respect for Aryan costumes regarding respect of our elders and not because you are anywhere near to deserving it.

This Nigger really thinks a 7.62 x 54r isn't going to fly out the window

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very true. the boomer meme is spot on but it still serves as a diversion


Failure to flourish is simply a consequence of kike interference. The reason many millennials have failed to flourish and become independent is precisely because of generational d&c, instead of learning from their parents, they listen to the television, to feminist and jew teachers, magazines, movies and fail to become adults.
Prior to gen X it was normal for youths to become emancipated from 16-18.
Your attempt to make millennials feel that they're being persecuted by their parents is exactly the same d&c trick which the jew uses to recruit every other "minority".

No, you're just a kike running d&c.
The process has already been explained, anything you write merely exemplifies it. There is nothing more to add.

You are fucking unbelievable, bringing a life into this hell world is a huge responsibility. Literally nigger tier behavior.

I never said did that you imbecile. I cherish and love my parents and grandparents. You are shifting the goalposts at an incredible rate you fucking kike. Your delusion is astounding, I pressed space twice by accident now you think I am yellow man. Fuck off.


You can't explain it because boomers lack the feeling of shame or introspection. You would take a reverse mortgage so that your bank accounts sit at zero so that you could afford one last vacation instead of passing anything along. You are the first generation in history to not pass along accumulated wealth, and this selfish attitude shows in everything you do including your posts here today. Rot in hell boomer scum.

Oh, and I forgot. The sundering of the family adds to the retardation of development. How can a single mother teach a young man to be a man?she can't How can a young woman learn to be a good wife when her mother is a divorced slut who refuses to relinquish her youth? she can't
Both situations are the result of jew social engineering. The parents and the children are both victims, but they jew tries to turn them against one another so that the actions of his hand remain hidden - much as the jew, through its false prophets like TOMMY ROBINSON, LAUREN SOUTHERN, BRITTANY PETTIBONE, MILO THE FAG, BEN GARRISON, STEPHAN MOLYJEW keeps the focus of inquiry upon the islamists (a symptom of disease), rather than those who allowed them to enter our countries (the kike, the disease).
tl;dr gas yourself kike


I just became a mirror reflection of my parents, I took the fight to them. Guess what? They are now my biggest supporters, they are very much aware of how the world is.
I fought against their absolute bullshit teachings. I had to show them with my own blood, that the world was not sunshine and daisies like they kept trying to proclaim.
I had to show my dad that his mate of 20+ years was fucking him over, I paid for it. Took him 2 years after I told him, but he learnt.
I'm now closer to my family than ever before. It's as if they remembered I can either continue this family name and uphold some sense of traditional values, or they can go by the wayside and remain dust in the breeze.

Or to not reproduce the same mistake as them I.E. TRUSTING THE KIKES WITH MONEY/POWER

No, they were the first generation completely and totally brainwashed by jews. Allied with the communists, destroyed Europe and doomed the white race, and raised the first generation of self-centered narcissists who care less about their children than about themselves. A trait each successive generation has kept. Your grandparents were shit, and that's why your parents were shit, and that's why you are shit.

(fucking checked)

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The punchline of generation lolcow is that, despite your jewish persecution complex, the universe will continue laughing at your long after your boomer boogeyman is dead and gone. And the generations behind you will have zero tolerance and zero sympathy for the eternal whining and generational blame-shifting of millennial lolcows like you. As you age, you will be 100% dependent on state gibs like you probably already are and they will cut you off and will likely use AI robots to euthanize you in your sleep.
Even Gen Z hates you. You literally have no friends or allies in this world. Have fun with that, lolcows.
You are truly a useless generation, destined for the dustbin of history, and will only be remembered as a generation to point and laugh at.


This reminds me we also need more
threads fellow goyim. A lot more! Enough to fill at least half the catalog that isnt filled with based Israel and based Marxism and based niggers spam yet :^)

Are you done, boomer fag? This might impress your friends at the margaritaville but it sounds gay as fuck here. Gen Z is going to start asking WHO voted all these kikes into power that we are dealing with today, and then the fingers are going to start being pointed deservedly in your direction. Time for your medication gramps.

DING DING DING just more of the same "not the jews" diversion tactics JIDF is so well known for. Even when they tell you to hate x because "x is a slave of the jews" they're still focusing your attention onto x and away from the jews.

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Who has been electing kikes and kike puppets for decades now? Who is the most die hard of Israel supporters? Boomer evangelicals.


The non boomer non evangelicals are the same if not worse in their voting patterns, so keep focusing on the real enemy goy: the BOOMERS

I think human souls may have run out during their generation.

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you keep telling yourself that gramps

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We have many enemies, not just kikes. This is about the boomer menace. We have groids and spics and yellow jews as well. But boomers exist as a force to be understood so that we can contain their power before long.

That's all true and you wouldn't have posted this if it wasn't for this thread.

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Kikes are responsible for all of that, anything other than full acceptance of this reality is a jewish diversion tactic.

Isnt it convenient the Jews let you openly hate and lash on a whole generation of whites and you can even make money off it on their shows?

Are you here as some double agent making non-sensical claims, while being an obstreperous asshole to make people actually dislike boombers?

This. The so called "greatest" generation were the first generation to really do the kike's bidding at it's most violent peak. I don't blame the soldiers who fought in WWII however. They had much less access to fast moving and unbiased information back in the 30s, so most of them were easily convinced to go to war for "America".

Luckily, no one today has that same excuse. Everyone can get on the internet and educate themselves about the jewish menace. Anyone who fights their wars in this day in age is a worthless drone and should be tossed aside.

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"Best Generation" might had been an euphemism but they certainly did not lack character.

" they were the first generation completely and totally brainwashed by jews"

That would be their immediate successors, the (((silent generation))), the subversive golems comprised of Frankfurt-school bred nephews and younger uncles that encouraged the boomerscum to rebel against their own parents.

Greater generation's greatest sins was not being aware of (((typical tricks))) and creating such good times that inevitably spoiled the boomer scum regardless of their attempts to teach them principle, loyalty and self-moderation.

Boomers sold us to kikes. They are deserving of every bit of ire thrown their way. We have you subhuman monkeys ITT saying 'BUT YOU NEED TO JUST GET JOBS SNOWFLAKES' like the tonedeaf locusts you are. You are the children of the worst generation, but the kike golems you are are becoming less and less relevant the more you start shitting your diapers. Don't worry, history will remember you terribly, just take another hit of morphine on the taxpayer dime and drift away.

My boomer parents are useless. They have enough cash to retire right now and live like Royalty for the rest of their lives, while leaving something behind for the family. Instead they are worried about accumulating every last dollar possible and are working themselves to death 60 hours a week under fluorescent lights. Meanwhile the rest of our family is completely fractured and also caught up the "muh economy" bullshit and the "me me me" lifestyle because that's the "proper" thing to do.

What are you even on about, kikes funded the north and the south during the civil war and had total control over the British crown for at least 700 years. Boomers didn't just suddenly come along and decide to sell out to kikes.

Kikes would not even have half their current power if boomers had not consciously sold-out the entire White race's future to them for petty consumerist gibs.

Holy shit read a book

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WW2 was fought in the 40s, lolcow

Just because they weren't the first to sell us to kikes, doesn't mean they didn't, no? Boomers have been the guards asleep at their posts while the degeneration of American culture shifted into overdrive. Or do you deny that their birth coinciding with Hart Celler is a coinkydink?

No fucking shit. People had to be convinced that "muh nahtzees are ebil!" in the 30's prior to the war breaking out, you idiot.

Because Boomer's are still the biggest voting block in pretty much every western nation. So if the government is shit because they picked Kike puppet's it is mostly on them. They were also our age in a time of great wealth and prosperity when all the nations were still all white. Now they are in their twilight years, with retirement money, to move into third world gated communities while leaving us with the shitskin husks of cities.

Can I say that I really enjoy argumentative Zig Forums? Even if I don't agree with these boomer locusts ITT, I enjoy curbstomping them ITT like we did in the past. Kikey leaving BO is the best thing to happen to this place in ages. These hatchets have been buried for too long.

Boomers were the product of over a hundred years of kike infiltration. Just like any culture that is subverted by kikes. The enemy is the jew.

No arguments here, but at least people in the past could be forgiven for not knowing things. See:

Fucking kikes peak of control up to pre-boomer era was controlling the banks, something they already did from at least the 17th century.

Post-boomer Hollywood, academic and press kikes were the directly responsible for the globe-wide brainwashing campaign that lead to the current situation and these ascended to their position of influence with the full blessing of both evangelicuck and run-off the mill boomers that only cared about their next car and Honolulu payed holidays.

How did he get kicked out?

and who may you be, to be so great, oh great Hyperborian demi-God?
what great advice can you provide to us, oh humble mortal peasants who grovel before your presence?

Check the sticky.

Do you realize that WW2 soldiers did not sprout from the ground or are you that senile?


Most cannot see the real world. This next economic crash will wipe out their assets and they will be blown the fuck out. Prep the redpills.

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Yeah they didn't control Woodrow Wilson, the entire Republican Party, FDR, the entire Democratic Party, the slave trade, the election 1860, the civil war, the Supreme Court, the British Crown, France's political institutions, the Communist Party of the USSR, the Chinese Communist Party…they only controlled those little things called banks. Stop blaming "muh rothschilds" you dumb nazi.

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Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

I honestly can't bring myself to hate them. What everyone seems to forget is what their actual sin is. They fell for jewish tricks.

>soyboys flailing their noodle arms wildly without landing a single punch

Seriously, why do Black skin Black nigger post on 8ch. Your nappy nigger head needs ballbatted

Ah I love this traitors get the bullet before the enemy bullshit. How well has that worked. Know your enemy you shit bag NSA fuck

It's a jewish psyop meant to break your bond to family and make you hate your grandpa rather than redpill him. Classic JIDF, they've even resorted to screaming "muh rothschilds" here . Not even trying to hide it.

See: you fat slobbering mass.
You can't blame the commonfolk for who ruled them from the fucking shadows in an era where 90% of the population had the only choice to either work facing down or have his 9 children starve.

Educated and wealthy yet materialistic and spoiled degenerates on the other hand have no excuse for allowing the kikes to crawl out of their synagogal rape dungeons into the daylight and occupy every position of power while openly mocking the stupid goyim.

and yet somehow I owe them trillions