Notice anything? How the most important question asked in that AMA was by "James." Almost as if the person conducting the AMA asked that question to himself since nobody else did. I believe that James Comey is FBI user. I think that Comey's life and his families lives were under threat by Hillary and the Deep State didn't want him removed from his position as FBI director. So him and Trump devised a plan to get him fired while also giving him plausible deniability that he was still Deep State. He "leaked" the memos that got the Special Prosecutor appointed all while making everyone who hated Trump thinking Mueller was investigating him. Even Steve Bannon a turbokike zionist who was planted in Trump's campaign by the Deep State was chimping out when Comey got fired.
Mueller was very involved in 9/11. He should have been put in the ground 17 years ago. He did not "flip", and you retards are so fucking dumb it's not even amusing.
The lügenpresse will not report on it, but the power to spread information and truth to the masses lies now in our hands. No longer can our enemies hide in the shadows and control all means of spreading knowledge. GG, Wikileaks, Pizzagate, even Q, all have led millions of people to start down the rabbit hole that eventually leads to the gas chambers. There is no stopping it now.
Stormy Daniels, Kanye West, and Elon Musk happenings were all coordinated to shake things up, add more chaos, and make the normies start questioning things. Elon Musk specifically was caling out the journalists for how nobody believes them and how they're a joke. What do they do? They doubled down again, which only made people more angry. The press is also IMPLICATED in spygate and they have been from the beginning. I wouldn't be surprised if journalists got incarcerated.
and they'll tell everyone they found absolutely nothing.
Asher Parker
Israel told USA that they can hack planes … and the media reported that it was isis trying to put bombs on planes … Several Israeli intelligence officials confirmed privately that Trump's disclosure of the intel to Russia "confirmed their worst fears" about Trump, that the disclosure jeopardizes Israel's "unique" intelligence-sharing arrangement with United States and that Israeli officials were "boiling mad". Israel's "unique" intelligence-sharing arrangement with United States And trump told Russia avoiding false flags in future …
and he met with survivor of USS liberty .. while previous presidents wouldn’t even dare mention the event …. And he loves Andrew Jackson … "den of thieves"….
How could I have have doubted the man. How could my faith have wavered
Henry Hernandez
B-b-b-but drumpf is a kike!!!!!! All those totally legit and not paid for (((anons))) told me so!!!!!
Asher Walker
Could I get sources for all that?
Alexander Kelly
Christopher Green
Uhhh…. It's the pictures in this thread dude. I did qoute wikipedia though just google that line. The rest are from
first response about the news exploding that trump shared intel
fourth picture USS liberty
first picture andrew jackson. though the den of thieves is something biblical that I can't even wrap my mind around. YET.
The truth, you know it, but you don't understand how hard it is to be counter-cultural. The notion that the government is completely comprised of the corrupt, that there is not even a single soul of goodness remaining in it, that it is so far gone, is unimaginable in the Bible Belt. In California, New York, Floriday, they instinctively have brotherhood with DC, for they are criminals in their every breath, and do wickedness all their lives. They see in them their kind of mingle.
Lucas Reyes
Florida* but jej @ Floriday
Hudson Morales
If anything actually comes from this, the kikes will literally kill people to keep the news of it suppressed. Don't be surprised if this gets memoryholed or silenced.
Charles Fisher
Robert Mueller > Covered up Rod Hatham's murder for (((Bill Cohen)))
Believing in this Jewish WWE fake combat to placate the goy to support the ZOG? No
Landon Lopez
Chabbad lubavitch is 243 year old russian cult. The mormonism of judaism. Very wide spread across the world with their tentacles in everything.
If you didn't think we were in a constitutional crisis yet, we sure as hell are now. The Russians are actively trying to influence and manipulate our democratic elections while the GOP and Trump administration do nothing. Shit, Trump said last week Russia should be invited back into the G7.