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What is the reason for the current steam of sjwism?
It seems that we haven't yet fully pushed back against the growth of leftism from 2013-2016 yet people are already celebrating…
Even when we do push all the way back we will still be driving towards societal collapse, leftism made a steady push from 1970s to 2000s
We need more action and more organization, yet people are starting to rest on laurels, why?
What are the genetics of the Jews? Although a lot of people will claim "lol khazars" I really don't think they are, given the Armenoid features like the bird beak noses, receding forehead, dark and curly hair, puffy lips, etc.
who is this guy?
semitic, which means they hail from the Mesopotamian crescent, hooked noses are to protect them from sand getting into the nostrils.
they are basically "kebabs, wave 1". and christianity was protomarxism brought by them.
Miguel Serrano
Why do whites deserve to exist?
Whites don't owe you an explanation, you simply don't deserve it.
Well I guess we dont have to let you live then, its our majority in like 10 years anyways, nothing you can do about it cumskin.
Reported for sticky and cyclical.
Go look at >>>Zig Forums for the consumer advice and questions/support
Go look at >>>Zig Forums for their QTDDTOT
There was several posts during the shit period last few months where someone mentioned a civil war in Germany started by kikes.
None of my searching has brought up anything, because results get flooded with holocaust.
I would appreciate it if someone could give me the name of it, or anything really.
Why hello there r/happas
Why do the Aussies hate the politics so much?
you know the whole Hitler (PBUH) was a Rothschild agent conspiracy nonse. Iv'e heard that that conspiracy in of itself was propagated by the rothschilds. Links pl0x
because we know Australia is turning in an oligarchy
Imagine if whites stars started kneeling before various shows or sports entertainment in order to honor and bring awareness to Black on White murder rates. Can this be memed?
I mean whites are being killed by blacks and nobody even drops a knee over it. What kind of dumb prey animals are we? Like a dumb heard that doesn't mind sacrificing regularly to the jackals. And then allow ourselves to only act reactionary when being shamed at the some time.
There were posts here several months ago which talked about a Jewish led attempt at a civil war in Germany/Austria before Hitler's time.
I've tried looking for it, but everything ends up with holocaust.
If someone could give me the name, that would be nice.
So it is like Russia?
You have been drowned in semen
Sage for circlejerk.
found it i think
Is it just me noticing this or does it seem like we are losing memetic energy? With the rise and quick simmering out of the nu-right in a matter of just 3 years it doesnt seem like anything significant is happening within the actual movement. No happenings of significance, seemingly no momentum, no gains. Unless I'm just not paying attention. During the election it seemed like a lot of conditioning was being broken on some level. Now days with all the inward shilling and outward disdain and ridicule for national socialism, it seems like (((they're))) finally re-tightening the grips to more comfortable levels. Redpills, race, the JQ, deepstate, pizza gate, to the normals it seems like these things have become memes in and of themselves, where the repetition of merely hearing the ideas have caused people to simply shut them out altogether as some sort of cognitive dissonant response to certain ideologies and philosophies, putting them even more outside of what is deemed acceptable to them. Even if what normies hear are truthful and factual, and if said truths and facts are even produced at a high volume, they seem to shut it out entirely like the lemmings they are. And with the constant bombardment of shilling being received lately, from where I'm standing, image boards no longer appear to be a viable angle in which memes are made and information is born and spread (right now and for the time being) simply because nothing and no one can be trusted. Even if users on Zig Forums are fully cognizant and aware of the shilling at hand and know exactly what to look for at all times, the sheer mistrust alone leaves these vectors of information entirely self contained and un-problematic to those who oppose us. Even this post will be bombarded by accusations of shilling despite it being a genuine concern.
I'm not trying to blackpill or anything, but at least for right now, what's the most logical course of action as a national socialist? I've been reading, working out, redpilling, organizing, but what is there to do, as a movement, who is being actively and deliberately repressed? What now?
Zig Forums im looking for a pic that was posted by OP on a thread the other day. It was a thread about christianity and had a pic of a dove painted on a church ceiling with flames radiating from it. If someone could please post that pic or link me to it i would greatly appreciate it. See pic related for a rough idea of what it looks like.
I agree, i tried to post about this the other day but was shouted down.
Methinks that the main issue with Zig Forums is the lack of deep and focussed discussion that can take place on a micro level to form any kind of effective "movement" or plan. By its very nature of anonymity, Zig Forums is extremely untrustworthy of anyone who tries to shift away from complete anonymity or organise Zig Forums users. Which in turn stagnates Zig Forums, unless people happen upon here by curiosity or are referred here by a friend no one is aware of our existence or the nature of the world as is shown here, and no effort comes out of Zig Forums to redpill the masses either. Anonymity and distrust is both Zig Forumss best and worst feature. Until a group of Zig Forums users figure out a way (unless it already has occurred and by its very nature, we don't know about it) to find trustworthy Zig Forums users, establish communication with them through another medium that is secure and have discussions on Zig Forums topics but are more focused and can be discussed effectively without being shilled or watched. Only then will any kind of progress occur.
Things are happening. It does seem like we are losing energy because these things go in cycles just because of how humans are. There was an awakening, then comes the action. If there is no action then people go back to sleep. They cant be at alert their whole lives.
Like the "satanic cult" scare of the 80's. It was a big awakening to child kidnapping but no action, so you dont hear about any actual busts.
(((They))) are making a mistake by pushing too hard now when they should just leave things be and let their msm lapdogs lull the masses back to sleep.
But look at what is happening with Tommy Robinson. Gen Identitaire. Sons of Odin. Italy. Etc. Things are going on and people are taking action. Be aware and do something when the moment is right
Well put. One must lay in wait until his opponent is weak, and the chance presents itself.
thank you
Thank you non-rachposter.
Does any user here know where one could acquire a painting of Mussolini from? I'm moving in a short space of time and could really use a decorative and spiritual piece to set it together.
As a further question I must inquire where one could obtain a buttoned long sleeved shirt in the same colour and style as what Rockwell and the anp wore.
Most gratitudal thanks in advance
Is the ultimate history lession with John Taylor Gatto worth watching? 5 hours is a lot to commit to and I feel I could do something more productive. I find I can't watch these types of videos anymore, maybe I should click away and forget it exists.
Do you mean an original or something from the time period? Otherwise, if you mean decorative generally, then Amazon and others have services for prints of images in high-quality, various materials including canvas, metal, etc., which you could use with a portrait image. I had a number of fashwave pieces put on metal plates and mounting to protrude from the wall. Looks very nice.
thank him for what
You've been publicly shamed and stripped naked of all authority and you still can't stay away. You little Stockholm'd niggerfaggot. I told you that you were here forever. Welcome to the rest of your powerless life. :^)
Has anyone tried to infiltrate the Jews?
Where do they gather and communicate? Is there a Jewchan we can raid? How can we get a step ahead of them if we don't know what they're up to?
Like, maybe she could pass as a weird looking white girl in the first two pics, but that profile shot, BAM.
infiltrating leftist movements is way easier.
also a good place to get your dick wet, I did it and got 16 yos gullible sheltered leftists to gooble my dingus.
jews live on marble towers of gated clubs and eyes wide shut societies, you wont be able to.
People only act when they are uncomfortable. Economy is on an uptick. Sportsball, new shit to buy. Flouride, chemtrails, corn syrup, fast food, movies, shows… Did you want something more detailed than that?
Society may have corrupted their minds, but you helped corrupt their bodies. Degenerate.
Does anyone have medical articles against transgenderism?
yeah right dude, leftist "choke me hwuite boi" tumblrites that talk like niggers and listen to rap, those with coloured hair would have stayed virgins if I didn't feed them my meatpole.
get real or gtfo, all the women on my city belong to me or they are "going to waste".
fuck off nigger.
wasted dubs
if they dont reproduce your kids
and you dont lead them through the redpill (women are only a reflection of the strongest man in their life) then you failed
What is the current state of the American Nazi Party?
I looked at their website and it seems fine, but it's not a decent indicator for telling whether or not it has been subverted and neutered.
Jewesses and other mongrel females staying on the White cock carousel and never reproducing is a win.
The best of mud women marrying loser Whites is a win.
Anyone archived the "Identity Evrupa Exposee" thread?
Did it really reach post limit? When?
Does she have mild progeria?
Unironically saying nazi. Back to >>>Zig Forums faggot
Why boomers only repeat the exact same wrong shit about kikes?
Why antipedos only repeat the exact same wrong shit about pedos?
Why women only repeat the exact same wrong shit about everything?
Actual questions which I already know the answer. This is a test, show me how redpilled you are user.
Absolutely Weimar! Gas yourself kike
Nothing about trans in specific, but I remember a certain reddit story that someone should have. Normalfag got kis dick multilated, realize what he's done, them became a good communist.
Nice sage, great arguments. You are white and very different than a boomer.
Yes I am white as snow especially after fighting you pedos online for so long. Good thing my morals and battle spirit keep me eternally strong. SIEG HEIL!
Can't tell if ironic.
Is there a way to tell a jewess from the back? I may or may not have accidentally flirted with a tight little brunette with huge tits the other day, that turned around and had full kike facial features.
Hair and stature; I notice nothing regarding hips and shoulders.
Did you already killed her?
Shouting and guffawing like a man. Like she is bartering.
Can any anons who know whats going on with the Sines v Kessler case help me out here? I saw that they will might release info on TRS members, is this true or has it been quashed?
We only deserve what we can achieve. Same goes for you, shitskin.
That picture reminds me of something Hitler said about his generals. He compared them to balloons with a slow leak, which was referring to his need to boost their spirits after every loss. He actually began to praise Stalin's methods after a while. The amount of effort Hitler put into his men, and into the war effort was gargantuan. Theories that he was a plant sent to destroy Germany are total horseshit. I'd say a fear of not seeing Germany free in his lifetime (his health had begun to decline), and just a general love for his people (for whom he'd already fought in WW1) were probably his main drivers, with the former reason perhaps influencing some hasty decisions.
all whites are winners
fck off
Unless it names the jew it can't possibly be the ultimate history lesson. If you find yourself wasting your time, though, you may as well watch it. He's not bad.
sure bro
Tell me I shouldn't date this Brazilian.
I'm lonely and weak and Brazilians are not brainwashed to foresake handsome blonde dudes like myself.
hard to tell genetics on some brazilians
its possible pure hwhite
no matter which women you choose to impregnate, you need to be the masculine
dont allow degenerate "equality" marriages or worse
She likes to cook and be wifely so there is no problem on that front
I'm surprised cuz I thought Brazilian culture was turbo-kiked
Have you met her? What does she think of the men in Brazil? Why (if she is) is she interested in you. Why are you posting her pictures on Zig Forums?
And you'll get fucking rekt by this thirdworlder who probably wants to marry a first worlder and import her family. Don't you dare sell out your fucking country for some mixed breed pussy, you faggot.
I need a resume, time I get off my NEET ass and do something. I worked from 2013-2014 but since then I haven't been working. I suppose I can lie and say I worked at my dads company, only thing I really need is a nice looking template with a nice summary/bullshit why an employer would hire me. I'm trying to apply for a courier job they make pretty decent money and once I've earned enough money I have a plan to invest it.
i approve
dont get ahead of yourself, first get the job
I know I'm getting far ahead of myself, but I know what I want to do I just need a good 50k for investment. I need a tip top resume to get a nice little courier or delivery job. I only found delivery/truck driving to be the only decent paying unskilled jobs aside from construction. I really want a driving job too because I'm anti-social and a total sperg, I don't like working with people.
trucking will be fun
make sure u got the licensing
theyll liekly need your drivers record too
Why not try uber?
What exactly are the type of people that support (((gun control)))? From my own knowledge, it's mostly the modern liberals and Western European (mostly Brits), Canadian, Melbournian, and New Zealander normalfags who support it. They think it makes their countries "safer" than the US without knowing violent shitksin and nigger criminals and (((false flags))) are the real problem. They take being disarmed by ZOG as a badge of honour.
Communists don't support it because they think it oppresses the working class and (((uni)))-type Marxists think it "oppresses" niggers and shitskins who are "struggling" through society because of muh White privilege. So far, "progressive" leftists who are more left leaning than typical neoliberals but still aren't considered Marxists support (((gun control))) because they don't like the idea of White men owning firearms.
Another question is when did (((gun control))) become an idea? If (((Karl Marx))) himself didn't support it then who invented the idea? It's obviously a Jewish political narrative. Does it have anything to do with the Rothschild family? Can Zig Forumsacks here answer all of my questions, please?
pic related
There is literally nothing wrong with the European Union
Why does Zig Forums hate the EU so much? It's the only institution keeping European power alive in the world.
No it's not. If you can prove it, that's fine.
No such thing.
No it doesn't
Implying that's a good thing
Europe has probably not been this weak.
Wasn't Zig Forums supposed to go down for maintenance in a few days? What happened
Two groups
A creature that from first glance looks like a human, even white, but upon closer inspection, it's incapable of independent existence, does not exercise free will, doesn't have any views or goals. simply lingers.
This is very difficult for a Homo Sovieticus, because every day has a lot of choices to be made, starting at what time to get up, what to eat for breakfast and some harder ones like "What do I want to do with my life"
Due inability to exist on his own, Homo Sovieticus will seek someone who'll create an artificial environment where there's less freedom, and more ready-made easily digestable answers.
Guns are scary, black, or military colored, and they make loud noises, can be used to end a life, which as stated before is a choice that's too difficult, and having a third party theoretically ready at a phone call to make that decision for you, seems much more attractive.
Another example is healthcare; a Homo Sapiens is capable of making a choice whether to buy insurance or not, assessing his risks and whether the gamble of buying one is worth it insurance = you make a wager against yourself with the company, either you suffer some damage and win big, or the company keeps the money
Homo sovieticus needs socialized healthcare because saving money for an emergency is too difficult.
They want to seize guns from everyone that isn't them and/or their 80IQ genetically engineered gorillas mullatto bodyguards for reasons that should be obvious to you by now.
>Another question is when did (((gun control))) become an idea?
1919~ Poster says
Is CAPTCHA for new threads not loading for anyone else?
Yes, I just came here to ask the same.
Thought of it, it's shit pay and I don't want shitskins in my car, plus it'll ruin my car with tons of mileage. There's another startup company that guarantees 2500 a month but I forget what it's called now. Not sure I believe that but again I don't want to ruin my car.
I'm halfway to 30 and my mom doesn't want me to be a long haul truck driver so I have to settle for a courier driver.
I want to learn stuff. How I should study history? I mean, how do I know if someone is not lying to me? All I see is someone saying something and hoping for the best. How do I know if something actually happened?
You know Zig Forums, I've realized for a while know that there are quite a lot of pro-Palestine/anti-Zionist leftists out there. Same goes with the BLM crowd. They are mostly seen in (((universities))) and have been indoctrinated by their Jewish professors to Cultural Marxism but as it turns out, this actually made them question Israel's position on Palestine. Since they are still leftists and non-Whites they will always despise anything Whites have done throughout history, I remember this Journeyman Pictures documentary based on the poor White South Africans and guess what it's full of those subhumans saying "you Whites all deserve to die". They have no love for Israel but their anti-White political views still benefits the Jew so this is why they still exist and get more privileges than Whites. They are not funded by the Zionist Jew but they are funded by the Marxist Jew.
So it has come to my conclusion that leftists and non-Whites don't actually truly care about human life. They just pretend to care about it when it benifits their political narratives. Since they assume Jews as White, this gave them the opportunity to call any Zionist Jew as Literally Hitler because of their views on the Palestinians. They still don't actually hate Jews though, just specific types of Jews but never in a racial sense. They literally think it's all about "da 'whyte' man keepin' da brown man down". This is why the "Zionism=Nazism" maymay exists. If the lefitsts and non-Whites actually knew what Hitler's view on Palestine and Zionism truly was, they still wouldn't believe him because of muh Holohoax. Webm related is what he truly felt about Palesitne.
So all I can say about them is that they are all useful idiots thar only exist for the Jew to brianwash and control to be vehemently anti-White but somewhere along the line, their plans for the golems have backfired and eventually they turn against their own masters. This happens sometimes with niggers, too. They think Dr. Moshe Goldbergshekelstein is exactly the same as Mr. Johnson and family living on the pasture. Maybe we can weaponize their anti-Israel sentiments in some way but letting them live is extremely hazardous for the White race.
pic related
Any of you lads have proof of crisis actors?
A good heuristic is if they've ever held views that cost them money, safety, freedom, or happiness. David Irving was well known and praised for his history books in mainstream media before he questioned the status of Germany's concentration camps as "death camps". He was, and still is, considered one of the greatest researchers of all time, which is why he has been denied access to whole countries.
Also, check the notes/sources section of history books to make sure they aren't parroting claims made by other historians. Often historians will cite each other, and they'll end up going in circles, with the claim having no actual source.
It's jewish disinformation. After seeing that the "Pallywood" stuff did more harm than good, they repackaged it to sabotage their enemies.
Because the right is honestly kind of dumb and hasn't realized the culture war is a lifelong battle
Because I exist and this is my world and my life.
Found out from a DNA test that I'm .1% Gook and .1% kike.
where do I go from here.
Doesn't matter.
People say that the inflation rate is currently low and we should fear deflation.
Obviously, that statement is complete bullshit.
Is bringing up how prices from the early 2000s are adjusted for inflation to compare current prices a good argument?
What about asking if they would prefer to have 1990s purchase power of the dollar over their current purchase power?
Those are not even accurate. If you ran the same test again you'd get a different result. Unless you see slanted eyes and a hooked nose when you look in the mirror then it doesn't even matter.
Why are you arguing with kikes?
What we should fear is this kiked up system continuing.