2020 isn't looking good. What can we do to prevent these outcomes?
2020 isn't looking good. What can we do to prevent these outcomes?
Oh boy more totally legit statistics totally not rigged to make one side look better or worse and their outcome totally means it will pan out exactly like they planned
We want the worst possible outcome for the next presidential election.
Accelerating the inevitable collapse is a sure fire guarantee for our victory.
2020 will probably be a breeze for Trump, definitely easier than 2016 for sure. His rule is normalized, he's no longer really viewed as a big gamble or a mad man by anyone. He just needs to avoid wars for kikes and keep the economy growing and it's in the bag for him.
Very credible statistics you have there, friend.
Democrats aren't going to run Biden - he's a straight, white male. Nigger lesbian like Oprah is a sure thing.
Ah, straight out of Marxism. Thanks for the advice Shlomo.
You could start by not pretending these (((polls))) are legitimate at all and just keep redpilling normies.
Redo 1995 and get driven back underground of course :DDD
hale metzger
According to (((polls))), Trump isn't even president. Killary had a 99% chance to win!
They'll run Biden in the Primaries just to court the white vote and give an opposing voice to Paul Ryan. He won't win the nomination, though.
If Trump wants a second term he better put up a meaningful effort to put up the wall he promised or else he gets the boot from me.
Build the fucking wall and stop sucking jewish dick?
Fuck the presidentials. If you really want to do some shit do some shit locally.
Of course since the debates are bought-and-paid-for by the big two parties you could always fight to get third parties involved.
As of now I couldn't give two shits whether Trump wins or not
trump is going to win hes got this its just 11dimmensional chess
wish people here would respect our president after we got him elected after all
Tell Jared that we want progress on the wall if he want's votes for his father-in-law alamo shill.
Yeah, because we all know that the election predictions the media puts out are always right. That's why Hillary is president right now!
Aren't you the same guys who thought polls would win you the last one? :^O
If he builds the wall he'll beat anyone. Even if he doesn't, he'd stomp most of those people (Michelle Obama and Oprah polling that high is laughable, their numbers would plummet as soon as someone started campaigning against them).
The only Democrats who would have a chance can't make it past the primary. There's no way the Democrats are going to nominate a white man, or even a (((fellow white))) like Bernie.
I'm really hyped to see who the hell the democrats decide to run.
Not saying Trump has been great or anything, but it's definitely still worth voting for him in 2020, wall or not. Any dem in the White House will definitely mean a reversal in Trump's deportation policies, which are the most effective we've had in decades. And it's not like a democrat is gonna suck jew dick with any less fervor.
>caring about (((Red))) v.s. (((Blue)))
For one, there is the fact that democracy inherently grants Jewry control of our countries and that nothing good will come from within the democratic system (the possible exceptions being relatively unpozzed countries such as in Eastern Europe, and perhaps Italy on that note, I think our democratic shilling efforts would be better spent on the potential upcoming election in Italy to ensure the most populist, Eurosceptic and nativist government possible than bothering with the USA's most intensely kiked to hell and back government in the world).
Besides that monologue, if you look at the electoral vote map, it objectively does not appear likely that Trump will win reelection. If the (D) candidate wins Pennsylvania (was 48.18% to 47.46% in 2016, less than 50,000 lead) and Florida (was 49.0% to 47.8% in 2016, less than 115,000 lead), they will win. Look at pic related that I wrote awhile back- most of this still applies, but some Floridanon said that most of the Puerto Ricans left, so there might be a better chance there than I thought. Also, some people claimed that it is easier for a sitting President to get re-elected, so I might have been wrong about that. Basically, I do believe that the election will probably be decided by Florida, so if you care about it, keep that in mind.
If Trump does not start construction on a wall I will consider suspicions of him being nothing more than a pressure relief valve confirmed. At which point there is no way in hell I'd vote for a mere stalling tactic meant to buy kikes time until we're more of a minority, at that point may as well try to push things to go hot as soon as possible. Of course if serious progress is actually made on the wall then I will vote for him
disband ICE
Need Italians to take the lead on that but I'd support them if they start more actively pushing. Their political system is fairly complicated and it would be easy to misstep and accidentally make utterly foreign memes that are counterproductive.
That's a good point, we're only truly effective in the English language. That was the lesson learned by the Le Pen v.s. Macron election, anyway.
Trump shouldn't have much trouble continuing to present himself as an antiestablishment candidate.
Since the political and media establishment are working so dam hard to paint him as their very own satan.
That picture is frightening. Not only is any president who would allow such a thing to happen a disgrace, but the party they represent and all their family members should be removed from the public arena.
Lol, that picture minus the caption obviously is definitely older than Trump's presidency. I'm positive I saw an edit of it in 2013.
That picture is more well known than you think. Anybody gen x or older will remember Elian Gonzales and that pictures.
About the picture:
Amazingly it was democrat Janet Reno who ordered the INS to snatch him up and send him back to Cuba.
I totally agree fellow user
stop fucking it up newfag
will, hillary had a projected 98% chance of winning or so
and then she lost
don't be overly concerned, OP, but don't let your guard down either
This time the polls are totally legit, really.
How'd that work out for South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Brazil?