Nazbol Info

Give me a quick rundown on Nazbol. I've asked on cuckchan before and anons swarmed in with shitty memes that didn't answer anything. I got a lot of "nazbol gang" bullshit responses.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Russian psyop by Dugin. It's a respectable swindle but the followers are absolute retards.

The Nazbol was within you all along, op.

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Ok, if you're Nazbol, could you address the questions in my OP?

Heil Dugin, Heil Mugabe

This is the only Euroasianism that i would have followed.

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Bolshevism plus nationalism. You abolish food, but at least you get to kick out the jews.

You're in the wrong place faggot.

nazbol is communisim under the guise of natsoc.

You simple fucking nigger.


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There's a post on Zig Forums that explains it better, but there's four main types as far as I'm aware.

i.- A genuine attempt to synthesise nationalism and Leninist Communism in 1920s and 1930s Germany. Not particularly popular or influential, sort of similar to the proto-fascist National Syndicalists in Italy and France. Kicked out of the Communist Party for advocating an alliance with the German Army, monarchists, and nationalists to fight the west.

ii.-A trend of Russian Nationalism that saw Soviet-style Communism as the most effective way to rebuild Russian power and prestige. Prevalent during the civil war, died away after that (although you can see the echoes during Stalin's move towards Russian patriotism World War II, and Putin's nostalgia for the Soviet Union now).

iii.-Eduard Limonov's meme philosophy from the 1990s. Although he presented it as a serious group, I'm of the opinion that the 'official' National Bolsheviks were mostly being ironic (what better way to shock people in Russia than to synthesis Nazi and Soviet iconography and statements?). Broadly seems to have enjoyed taking the piss out of 'serious' Russian Ultra-Nationalist groups, although not everyone involved seems to have been in on the joke.

iv.-Dugin's serious version of National Bolshevism is a mixture of drunken ramblings by a moron who wants Eurasia to become once country (because it's on the same landmass I guess), and is actually racist, anti-Semitic, etc., as opposed to Limonov's group. Fissled out as a serious group, with most defecting to other Ultra-Nationalist groups, or to Putin's government.

What you'll see online owes most to iii., it's either halfchan morons posting because "Nazi Bolsheviks kek!", or left-wingers because it's a satire of the far-right.


I'm begining the think that nobody knows what Nazbol is…I think this user>>11643468
is the closest to correct though.

checked. This is the best expatiation I've gotten so far, thank you.

You are entirely correct. Nazbol is a stupid meme pushed by TRS and a few fringe groups among larger fringe groups on Reddit and Zig Forums. It is not popular, serious, or in any way a relevant or useful philosophy to follow and, those who do pretend to follow it, are just being ironic.

Read this book:


It's made by fags for fags. end of fucking story.

More here

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It's like the tranny version of communism. It wants to be NatSoc but it fails at even being an imitation.

No. Stalinists hate nationalism.
Farther left than natsoc corporatism.
Markets sure, freedom no.
No private property, personal and public property only.
Pro hierarchy. Pro-dictatorship.
Bolshevism and leninism are largely anti-religious.
Traditionalism is more accepted among nazbols, non-materialism is probably accepted.

The nazbol are cannon fodder.

It is hardcore anti-jew commie with strong nationalistic elements. Jews are deathly afraid of Nazbols because it will be memed in to reality and many Nazbols are very supportive toward the nationalists. Hence the reason they are called red hitlerists.

I'm a fascist and I consider nazbols useful allies in the fight against the Jews. Their memes are also quite spicy.

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Checkem faggot.


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Who got the GET?


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nazi bolshevik

the bolsheviks were jews though, so…

wew all these "11" time GETS. What did kek mean by this?

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Rolling again.

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That is fucking weird that all those posts could happen at the exact second. Although it could be due to the website "hiccuping" while everyone was trying to make a post. Although I'm not sure if that effects post times or not. I left this place for like a year and came back from cuck chan. I remember the website having these bugs but I've never paid attention to post times in general. Plus I'm high on weed, so I'm rambling on an image board like a retard.

cheking and keking.

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Nazbol is too totalitarian and it's name comes from the (((Bolsheviks))), so it's a dud unless we pretend that it's just what Bolshevism was for the Jews, but for us instead. Either way, central planning is a bad form of socialism.

I prefer National Mutualism. Anticapitalist, but instead of the state owning all the property and exploiting the workers the same as bosses, all businesses should be democratic co-ops operating in a socialist free market. Only white workers should have these rights, and non-whites should be removed. All internationalists both capitalist and communist should be removed, all jews, and we should have a system of national libertarian socialism. No welfare state either. No parasites above, so no (((capitalists))) getting fat off profit they didn't work for. No parasites below, so no welfare scroungers taking wealth that was generated by working men. Freedom for the white proletariat. The best race and the best class that does all the work for the capitalists (overrepresented with jews) and the lumpen class (overrepresented with niggers).

The only problem with classic mutualism is the lack of a state - anarchism will never work - but Nazmut fixes that. Proudhon as he was was pretty based, because he represented the socialism of the era before (((Marx))) came along to subvert it. He influenced the French nationalists Circle du Proudhon, who influenced the German national socialism that eventually influenced Hitler. The effort in Germany was a good effort, but it was imperfect. National Mutualism would be the perfect system for the white race, since it combines freedom and democracy (the ancient Germanic kind that is local and scales up, not the kiked top down scam).

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Damn, I was so close.

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NazBol doesn’t really exist lad, it’s a meme.
NazBol can best be described as Duginism, or pan-eurasian globalism, which is objectively bad.

The memes are still funny. Gang weed nazbol gang

Well I'll be, turns out it was a swindle all along. And who'd a thunk it?

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It is funny because the jews are responsible for memed commie stuff into reality without understanding that there is side affects to the memes. No sympathy for the jews. It's their fault for the mess they created for us.

Actually a good read.

This thread is going in my cringe collection.

Thanks fam.

Fuck Nazis

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You are on the wrong board user.

Bump for Bolshevism.

this. its meme ideology, or not even that. inside of russia it might be legit but outside of it its just stupid meme shit that attracts high school children.

which is a good thing! there will always be edgy faggots that are memeing communism just because they thing its edgy or cool or like aesthetics of their propaganda or some shit like that, and wont be swayed by the truth of National Socialism
nazbol takes away from this pool of people that dont know shit and tells them to fuck globalist jews lol.
i will take nazbol over Zig Forums every day of a week. they are doing more good then bad

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It's an art movement turned political-memeology you fucking moron.

I forgot to mention that any group that gets its laugh by pretending to be idiots will eventually find itself filled with idiots who believe they are within good company, aka the unironic and also leftist filled nazbol movements of today.

It's a meme ideology.

Its being a nazi for people not having the balls to fly a swastika.

Civic Zionist Communism

This is what I want.

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Ideologically, it should be the unification of both parties' main points (down with ZOG, socialism, nationalism etc.) but it's really just a meme centrists use to fuck with right and left wing extremists. It doesn't really work as much as the fence sitters and intellectual virgin ones though because it inherently shows positive sides of both of them, doesn't have a unifying factor other than the meme flag and it's got a very strong message. It's not as subtle as the Ancap one, where you just make increasingly more insane accusations towards the ideology, it's full on "lmao look at how retarded these nerds are".
Feels terrible

Begone unclean whore.


Is that why everyone I've seen who uses Nazbol as a pejorative is fucking retarded?

A new level of dumb shit probably thought up by some faggot jew in America going to an overpriced school his parents are paying for. That or a black transexual on twitter.

It's a meme you dip!

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