We're back lads. Time to make a Brit/pol/ thread.
Brit/pol/ revival Thread #1
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how do you faggots enjoy being worse than Sweden? gawd save teh kueen!1
It's great. We're still leagues above the yanks and their nigger infested continent.
I think niggers are about the same or even less than the percentage of Moslems in the UK. Spics are the demographic that is really taking over the US.
You have like 13% blacks, UK has nowhere near that amount of blacks or Muslims
tom tommy toommy tommytommytommy kike
GCHQ approves of your post
Hello britfriends, what level of despair are you feeling today?
Stop. We're all in a big mess.
She is the worst prime minister in living memory. Everything she even looks at she fucks up. Where as blair and brown were activ traitors, she is even more destructive and she isnt even trying,she is that clueless. And how did she even get chosen as a candidate for an mp. Ive had wet farts with more charisma than her.
And all you mogg cunts can shut up as well, he is all bark and no bite. Non of them have the minerals to go after her despite her not only fucking up brexit, they lack the ambition to take the top spot for themselves. the whole tory party should be purged.
Her role is to fuck things up and if things get bad, hide behind claims of soggy knees.
Any other brits laugh in slave last week when the bbc and sky tried to say there were two new secret previously undiscovered pages in anne franks diary. Just as jews were shooting unarmed civilians who want their stolen land back.
Eternal despair. It's all I can go to make a cup of tea and slowly sip it.
She's a diversity hire that no one fucking likes. She got the job because she bullied another diversity hire out of the position. The damning statement? "I'm a mother, I have kids in this country so I have an investment in improving it" where as May is a childless cat lady and flipped her shit at her.
Perhaps you need to look at the husband and what he owns, always sneaking around in the shadows, left alone by the (((press))).
dubs ;_;
About to lose it tier tbh.
But Zig Forums is alive and well over at >>>Zig Forums
The mud mayor tried that, he is still seen as a fucking joke and I've seen people telling him to resign.
Filthy yank piggu here.
Yeah, I know. How's Nigel Farage these days? Is he still intensely charismatic and kind of dreamy?
>>>Zig Forums is an unfree shithole just like the current Britain. The American revolution should have continued until Britain was liberated also.
the mods are kike-tier but its otherwise very comfy
Yes the rank and file lad and lass are chill and comfy nya~
So when are you guys going to get rid of the current royal family and replace it with something better?
When we get tired of being fucked?…
How about we leave them over there and keep them out of here?
Farage is a no body. He did nothing for no one. Look up UKIP and friends of Israel. It's no wonder he's so in bed with Trump, they're both cryptokikes.
And a testament to the perseverance across milennia of Celtic thought, culture, and will.
-t. your celtic brother
Yet you say that in public there and go to jail.
The United States has a higher population overall as well however, but I do know the UK has more Muslims than the US by a large margin. The population of blacks in America is going down, like the other user said, its mainly spics
>>>Zig Forums
Not sure about that. There have been some really shit ones Blair, then Brown for example.
Fuck Farage. We need more of Godfrey Bloom. He should start his own party tbh.