What's going on after imkampfy was fired? Are we still being raided? What do we do about this? Who's going to take Bergay's place?
TFs going on?
Things are very good rn. Lull in the shilling. Lots of normal content and investigations. Except your shit thread.
We are being spammed by kampfy and his goons, literally asking to restore him.
Kampfy apparently isn't being replaced. I think the plan is to have the global moderators step in to delete spam and illegal content, and absolutely nothing else. As for the raid, I can't tell if this is an orchestrated attack or if this is what happens when you cleanse the ban list and let everyone back in, or if this is some kind of attempt to force the moderators to pick someone out to deal with all this. /polmeta/ or /sudo/ would appear to be the place to go for answers for that kind of thing.
This is the new normal, welcome to 4chan.
What are you talking about? I actually left 4chan because of the word filters same reason I left Zig Forums
ignore those two
It's the kampfy goons we warned about. Still ubersalty.
This HAS to be an orchestrated attack, how else could you explain the shit-posting to death of Zig Forums on fullchan? We need solutions and a backup board just in case. I miss the Saffa and Rhodie threads, but I suppose we could make more of those elsewhere. it's occurred to me that Someone is posting about how we need to move to endchan. Is endchan Zig Forums a shill board? If things seriously cannot be maintained on fullpol, why not have a true Zig Forumslack make a new Zig Forums on Zig Forums? We need solutions to this, this massive shitposting is unacceptable and the fact that the site admin not only tolerated Bergay's nonsense AND is doing nothing to stop the raiding is telling. We need ideas and we need to discuss this now.
Don't get me wrong, Heil went completely nuts and was destroying Zig Forums with his own hands, but a slightly unhinged BO that still cleans up the board of spam, shitposting, leftist stupidity and subversion was better than turning it into /b/.
Do you know how many of these fucking blogposts/exodus threads people have made? It always goes the same way: hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 8pol is comped durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr we should give up and flee to [honeypot2]! YAY! IT IS SO COOL OVER THERE! IGNORE THOSE EVIL ANTISEMITIC THREADS AND OPERATIONS! JUST LEAVE. GOOOOOD GOYIM! SHALOM CFR AND UNIT 8200!
Well, there's always /zenpol/.
by the way, is no one is going to step in to fill the position, fullpol will become lawless, so much so that it will be impossible to get any political activism done properly.
I agree wholeheartedly, but we can't have Bergay back as it would not only set a bad precedent, but would also encourage him to do the same bullshit over again and perhaps this time, even with more subversion.
Everyone who's here, take notice of . This post in question certainly seems like it came from an unironic shitposter who's not been on fullpol ever and is only interested in shitting up the board.
Tell us more about it. Does it allowrhodie posting?
Go fuck yourself asshole. I am sick and tired of dumb niggers pontificating thread after thread about how they are going to totally leave this time. Most of the other pols are slower than this one. Don't trust me. Fucking surf a bit. I am fighting for this board. Come spam, come raids, come everything. I am staking a fucking claim goddamnit user. Show some fucking backbone asshole.
I mean, I'm not positive that the global mods really care about whether we're happy with the arrangement or whether posters here can have an organized effort at anything. The sticky announcing kampfy's ousting really reminds me of the one moot made when he went to eliminate Jim Profit from /tg/, but with much less warmth and discussion.
>Tell us more about it. Does it allowrhodie posting?
Couldn't tell you. It won the Attention Hungry games some time ago and has floundered since. Mite b coo, though.
I take back my first post. The shills are back from lunch in D.C.
This. Unfortunately the filthy Turkroach will be a thorn in our side still for a long time. Never again will he subvert this board though to the extent he once could. Forever a pleb from here on out.
I don't think you read about what I said, I mentioned exodus only as a completely last resort. I also mentioned that (rebuilding the board) would be better because of the people already here and the possibility of other chans having honeypot like status and lack of decent mod enforcement. Assuming you're genuine, you need to take a breather. I'll have you know that I'm responsible for the enlightening commentary on Rhodesia and South Africa.
So, here's the thing. In order to restore order in any board, they need a king. Without someone to properly enforce things on any board and only relying on the site admin to enforce an edict, damn near impossible because that's an over stretch, this board WILL GO TO SHIT and then people will leave anyway but WORSE, we'll have no idea where they've gone to. The site admins lose out too, because then the board will die and very likely, Zig Forums as well. In the interest of saving this board, we need to find a way to speak to the site admin and state our case for a new king
Now I'm def convinced you're a shill. Maybe you're Bergay?
He'll forever be, this is the paradox. Bergay's shitting up this board even moreso since he's been fired.
I'm not going anywhere. CM was okay with the board for years, even while having his e-mail and /sudo/ constantly spammed by banned anons to remove the BO. It took direct acts of disrespect from the BO himself for him to take over.
I'm hoping he will choose new mods who will keep the board as it has been for all this time, but without the excesses like stupid wordfilters and endless bans for trivial things.
I'm with you in fixing this board IF you are legit. I'd rather stay and work to fix this board's problems. Now that I look at these posts, I'm sure they're from Bergay.
I'm not bergay I'm just a Zig Forumsack but then again I did call you a jewish cockweasel by mistake so I'll take the insult in stride
I'm just telling you what I gathered from the sticky, which is that it appears to be codemonkey's plan to just leave Zig Forums without a board owner and to simply have the global moderators remove the worst of the offending material from the board, instead. And again, I'm not really sure they care what happens as a result. It seems like the administration and owner collectively dislike Zig Forums, something that's been the case since halfchan first added /news/ and it subsequently turned more and more towards Nazism.
Maybe they think they can weather the storm.
Trump cucks are shirt posters and kampfy was the biggest one
There's still the same amount of shills, but also many unfair bans were lifted. There's a lot of shitposts and shit threads, but there's also a lot of good ones, a lot more progress and intelligent discussion. Better than the /x/ slenderman echo chamber it was.
Yea, he will never subvert us by banning these magapedes and civic nationalists, antifa and overt anti-whites etc. Now we have our shitposting utopia where we can passively watch white genocide take full effect, laughing the whole time about how great it is.
It's up to the site admin, their loss I suppose. This is strange when you consider codemonkey's very telling booting of Bergay and the latter's suppression of free speech. I myself, will not stand for an unusable board however and will elect to go somewhere else if these raids are allowed, but that's just me. I'd prefer above all else to get another king, however.
I disagree wholeheartedly, x-posters were banned even the one's who would incessantly state that Trump was a jewish puppet. Normally any speech I believe should be protected, problem was, many of those people were shitposting and not allowing for extended intelligent conversation.
Further, most of those people were raiders from: Reddit, Freech, endchan and btards from cuckboiichan, and we have the documentation by cianiggers from Zig Forums to show that.
No he fucking never, not once
Kampfy and his team of isreali patrol bots banned anyone calling out their MAGApede shilling, hence why Zig Forums turned into Breibart 2.0 under Kampfy-kikes rule
Kampfy's Nu-pol is dead, long live juden frei Zig Forums
you are full of shit. Zig Forums and other shills have raided cuckchan for years with their propaganda and now that they're unbanned here with only a slap on the wrist as punishment then they'll continue to do it for years to come.
do we have a new BO? the leftypol spook thread has been anchored, I doubt global mods would have done that.
Then you're retarded. the spookthread is just a raiding bait thread. those are still not allowed by the rules codenigger set for the globals. the problem is now there's so many shitposters that it's 10x more likely the OP is going to be pure shit, not relevant political news since the mods were axed.
Lol it appears kikey got the call to show up.