I havent been to this site in months but it's ridiculous the amount of shills calling poltards shills on 4chan today. theyre baiting people with .PNGs that change just look at this thumbnail compared to the enlarged
Tommy Robinson being shilled hard
Oh sweet, cuckolding thread.
Most of the Tommy response is organic normalfags banding behind someone who they see as a leader. Lemmings to the jewish pied piper, but still better than Communism.
Backing zionists or marxists is the certain way to guarantee our white children will have no future
Literally who?
No, really. I've never heard of him. What's going on?
he came out of nowhere and punched a migrant earlier this year but has since been exposed as a Zionist just like Richard Spencer and all these other fat kikes that rise to fame quickly
(((Drudge))) had Tommy as his main story for almost two days, it was still red linked today too. Tommy serves two purposes:
Tommy being jailed for 13 months is how he can take a graceful exit from the scene, while still fulfilling a useful role. He probably did start off as a legit football hooligan, but he has long been working for the establishment.
Par for the course, I guess. Thanks for the heads up.
See posts on this on other thread
or a plant the entire time so they can cull back movements to keep their numbers low every so often. Like cutting the grass.
He stole the name from a recognised Luton FC hooligan, his jewish handlers liked how typically 'English' the name Tommy Robinson sounded he himself was always zionist agent of the state, see
It's probably far easier to scare a yob into compliance than to train and inculcate working class sentiment into an MI5 oxbridge graduate, so I tend to think he was turned. The end result is of course the same.
He is the size of a petite woman.
Just like Hal 'Shooting wetbacks on the border as an FBI Informant' Turner did.
When I was vol here, people unironically OP shilling this faggot or Sargoy of cucckad made the job much easier. RAM shilled those faggots too, enough said.
I have noticed the RAM and GI threads have died down significantly lately. I especially enjoyed countering and calling out the GI shills.
They left this place alone after RAM got super butthurt when I b& them and deleted their threads a month or so back. I think that didn't go down so well with the other mods.. but I'll never know exactly what triggered the mods.
It's hilarious how poz UK groups and UK in general is. Well it would be even more hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.
Good job on the assreaming GI/RAM.. nice work, user.
Tommy's been around a lot more than a year, guys. He started the EDL and then later left because it was getting too racist for his taste yet he keeps getting physically attacked in the streets by muds and seems to get arrested every time he goes anywhere of note in England. Kosher as the day is long, but it's interesting to read about whenever he does some shit like beating the shit out of a Muslim that his mate told him was supposed to shank him in prison.
It's a jewish police state and Tommy works for the same jews
Interesting watching the usual hasbara activity on these boards, ignoring every piece of clear evidence presented about the judeo-kike alike being promoted, then when evidence is shown, drifts off for a bit with random
Then minutes later the same kikes pretend they can;t read a few posts up again showing the kike they are shilling for is ZOG
People on this board are this retarded. Brits decide to not be TOTAL cucks for once by coming to this guy's defense, and this is the response LMAO.
Who fucking cares if he's a jew? The issue is not him being a jew.
The issue is journalists being thrown in jail for covering rape gang trials the government doesn't want publicized. It is unquestionably against freedom of press and individual freedom in general. If they want to up an reasonable time embargo on publishing, fine. But the government is literally telling the press what they can and can't report when it comes to trials.
Sage because this thread is the same retard stormfag/antifa reductionist bullshit that ends up as an unintentional D&C from within: "subject is X or supports X which means he is impure and anything that happens must be controlled ops to brainwash normies because only pure aryans/antifacists deserve our attention when their rights are being tramples.
Or in terms of middle school drama "Tracy doesn't like all my positive posts and or even comment on my insta. We should shun here because she's not a BFF like us."
For the few idiots here that want a "pure" progress movement you have to realize it takes time and compromise to build nice things. Yeah many of you want to live in a pure white land right now then move to fucking valley in Alaska, north Dakota or eastern Europe. Your not going to find it in western Europe any time soon since mistakes take time for proper remediation.
The issue is he is betraying the English for the jews
Now fuck the fuck off
It's the same shit. He's a trotskyite shilling for the race that gave birth to communism, that's at the very least as bad as any overt commie.
The real issues are the symptoms, don't bother with the cause, goyim.
>Tommy (((Mossad))) Robinson
They hate it when you put it so simply.
The issue is journalists being thrown in jail for covering rape gang trials the government doesn't want publicized. It is unquestionably against freedom of press and individual freedom in general. If they want to up an reasonable time embargo on publishing, fine. But the government is literally telling the press what they can and can't report when it comes to trials.
Any defence lawyer with a degree from a pop up college would have a hard-on for the shit this spastic pulled. Literally easiest appeal for a re-trial/mistrial due to prejudice you can imagine. Yaxley-Lennon was told about this the last time he pulled this shit. Yet he did it again. If you actually care about rape gangs and you actually care about them being convicted then why not wait just one day for the trial to be over and report on it then? Doesn't lessen the impact of your message at all. Why even take of the chance of causing a mistrial? And when you've already had this shit explained to you before. You faggots need to jump off Robinson dick quick, he's setting you up for a massive shit on your face moment.
His real name is Stephen Yaxley-(((Lennon)))
By way of deception thou shalt make war