Some questions for facists, if I may

Hi Zig Forums,
I showed up here recently, new and unaware what Zig Forums was all about, and shit all over the board with my personal story. None the less, the board was cool about it, let me speak my piece, and informed me this was a natsoc/fascist board. That left me with some questions. When the average person hears the word "fascist" they mentally recoil because it is immediately associated with tyranny (maybe it should be, I don't know – that's what I'm here to try an suss out for myself). These are things I am going to study for myself, because I have a sincere curiosity, but 1) That will take some time to dig into and think about, and 2) I simply don't trust most of the sources. So, I just want to ask actual modern fascists what their position is on things that are important to me.

The hills I'm willing to die on, and are curious about, are:
my right to self-preservation and protection, free expression, and free association.
What do fascists think about those things? If you are a fascist and are against those things, can you give me a rational argument for your position that I can examine?

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Other urls found in this thread: - The Coming Corporate State (British Fascism) (1938).pdf

I'm obviously still new and figuring out chans, so if I'm still doing it wrong, please redirect me, I'm sincerely curious about these things…

Go to pdfs and find the books in pic related. Space them out over the course of a year, spend another year reflecting on the things youve learned. Then you can stop lurking

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We can post up pdfs in this thread now.

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Thank you, very helpful!

in short

Fascism is the third position. It is looking at history and seeing the secret societies and all the other non-democratic control, not Left vs Right vs Left etc…

Who funds the bolsheviks? Who funds the (((neocons)))? Video related is my favorite summary though.

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Not only fascism but national socialism is the thing we want we are not like commies who suck dicks all day and think everyone is equal we got the truth following us. We also got the real religion not the judea ones no the real pagan ones that actually hold something we haven't yet fully understood. And science on the other seeing the sucess of national socialist germany is an example.

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The others should be able to redpill you well but I want to add that Hitler was a race realist but not in the genocidal way normalfags have come to believe because of kike propogandra, Hitler was a good man trying to help his people from the conspiracy and plotting of the evil Juden, same with other fascists like Mussolini, so even looking at it from the liberal POV they were still far better than what the kikes pretend to be when they virtue signal.

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fucking nice bro, I've been reading a lot of Evola recently.

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You got a hard on in your pocket or something? You dont speak for Zig Forums.

Chill out faggot if you do not like my opinion you can fuck off and not spamming a thread for no reason at all without saging for off topic.

I guess I'm a fascist considering leftists have screamed that word at me for so long.
Here is my position on your questions.

Oddly enough, if I had to sum up Fascism in just one phrase, It's choose "self-preservation"
The "self" that is to be preserved is that of the extended family, one's People or kinsmen. The cultural and racial group that defines who you are, of whom you are the inheritor of their heritage.
So in that sense, Fascism = self-preservation against the forces of marxism/liberalism/glibalism/etc that seek to destroy the things that make us unique and replace them with unnatural ideals like liberalism. Liberalism and marxism are enherrently destructive for every society they touch because they seek to destroy all distinction and beauty and replace them with materialism and make all human groups identical.
Doubtless though, you mean "self preservation" on an individual level. I presume you are a libertarian-ish fellow based on your word choices. I was also once a libertarian.
Every man has a God given right to self-preservation just as every family, tribe, and nation has a God given right to self preservation.

As for freedom of expression, well that's a yes and a no. You and I probably agree on a lot of anti-free speech laws like laws against pedophilia, child porn, threats against individuals, and so on. Thus you are in a position to understand why we need laws that prevent a small tribe of hostile agents from seizing control of the multimedia corporations and spreading destrictive filth. You probably understand that we need laws to protect the individual. Well, consider too that we need laws to protect the community too. Every individual is part of a larger family and that family has interests.

Same goes for freedom of association. Imagine you live in a house with freedom of association. You can associate with whoever you choose to but you wouldn't allow foreigners to crawl in your window and take up residence in your home. It's you're goddamn home and they need to leave.

Thus, I am in favour of many individualist ideals up to the point where they conflict with the interests of my race. I believe that in healthy moderation, individuals should pursue whatever goals they want. But not at the cost of destroying life for the rest of us.

no. lurk more faggot

First of all, Fascism and National Socialism are two separate things.
Secondly, those ideals are fine in both as long as you are not hurting your race (NatSoc) or the state (Fascism).

Some Zig Forumsacks think they're pretty much the same thing though.

You know what I love? Lefties calling anybody to the right of Mao a 'fascist' has deadened any postwar impact the word carries. With that lessened impact, actual fascism will find fertile ground. It's exactly the same with Jews calling everything they don't like anti-Semitic. Over the long term, how well has calling every person and idea that the most vocal Jews don't like 'antisemitic' worked out?

It's hilarious to watch (((them))) double down on variations on a failed theme.

in short

I agree with all of those things, having come to those conclusions through my own life experience and examination of my own principles, not by being exposed to or needing to fit into a group ideology. It is just who I am.

The idealist inside of me (which I'm happy to let put it's 0.02 in) starts begging the question: who gets to decide what is degenerate, etc.? Well, the realist in side of me can answer that question, and the answer is that I DO. Because if I don't then a bunch of schizophrenic subhumans are going to weaponize a bunch of various breeds of niggers to force you to do it their way. There is no libertarian option, because these retards (literally) are incapable of that. I have a massive hard on for reactive aggression because it is JUST. I think one of the most dangerous narratives that white people have been brainwashed to believe is that reactive aggression is wrong.

Any half wit with an internet connection can tell you in all honesty that at any relevant scale, race/culture can not be separated, all men are not equal, and you are pretty much stuck with your genetic identity. Them's the breaks. If they want to force me to 'think globally,' fine, but they will not be happy with my conclusions because every single shred of observable evidence suggests that I am, in fact and by birthright, and by any measurable standard, superior. (I have never, ever said that before. Feels weird). That is not a brag, or an excuse to cause unjustified harm to anyone, it is simply the reason that I have every right not to have your culture/race forced upon me. Multiculturalism infringes upon my rights.

This is just who I am. I am not sure where that puts me in any group ideology.

Rights don't exist.

You have no right to self-preservation.
Nor to 'protection'.
Nor to free expression.
Nor to free association.

You don't have that. It doesn't exist.
I mean, rights don't exist, but there is no Western nation wherein you geniunley have freedom of expression or freedom of association, for example, and in many (see Britain) self-preservation is deemed a crime, often a hate crime.
The problem is that you've become so enamored with your mythology of rights that you've forgotten your duties.

All this 'rights' crap makes me think you're a lolberg, and lolbergs are as-aberrant as progressives, they're just autistic where the progressives are lacking in self-esteem.
Anyway, lolbergsteinism is trash, because its got the wrong orientation of priorities: it places freedom from obligation above innnate obligations, in some cases suggesting innate obligations do not exist or are not righteous in application, which is simply ridiculous and the paramount of rejection of duty.
A nation can endure neither complete tyranny, nor total liberty - duty must be a priority and a high one; however, many, such as yourself, conclude that any imposition upon the individual in the form of duty to the nation (not the state, mind you, the nation - the people) is equivalent to tyranny and oppression, and so their nations already begin to crumble.

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This is already the lens through which I view the world.

Actually, Fascism is shit.
Fascism is just civic nationalism in a fancy uniform.

Everything good about 'Fascism' comes directly from National Socialism.
Pic related: Every non-NatSoc 'Fascist/fascist' movement I've examined is not ethnocentrically focused - its civically oriented, and that's dogshit.

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Actually, I can't say that…

I CAN however say: Every non-NatSoc 'Fascist/fascist' movement I've examined is not ethnocentrically focused - its culturally oriented, and that's dogshit.

Religion, culture, civic entity (state) - none of these is an acceptable priority for the governance of a people.
National Socialism is the only 'fascist' (it shouldn't be called as much, but besides the point) movement I've encountered wherein the people, as a biological clade (as opposed to civic, cultural or religious clades), is the priority.

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Fascism predates NatSoc, dummy head. Don't disrespect Uncle Mussolini, or Second Cousin Hirohito just because they got the Racial element wrong. Past wrongs were always made, and past experience is what proved them wrong. Either way, they accomplished great things.

I accidentally wrote this enjoy:

Gun regulation is dependent on the socio-economic situation. As armed Leftist groups emerge and initiate jewish struggle for Bolshevism, they must be stopped by any right minded citizen of the Reich and by extension their government of the German people, not jewish banking and culture worms!
The weimar republic, infinitely cursed, had all sorts of evil jewish practices like child prostitution, scams, mafia and usury.

The jews declared war on Germany in 1933. This meant that all jews living there were active enemies of the state. Many like George Soros denounced their evil cousins and joined the Nat Soc Empire in its war against the Zionist Occupied Governments. jews are pests, and we have the proof that your close minded supremacist kind are paid to shill here.

make the same cuestión to the /fascist/ board. they can anseer your questions better

Don't want to be rude but seriously lurk the fuck moar.

Rights exist only to the extent you can enforce them.

Since we are making sweeping generalizations about curious strangers: I suspect you are a little jaded towards anyone who isn't part of your in-group. I am here asking fascists how they define themselves because otherwise I'm just hearing how other people define them. I didn't solicit a critique of who I am, but if willing to crystallize that comment into something parsable by an 'outsider' I am willing to revisit it.

its not, right on top of the page it says Zig Forums - Politically Incorrect which means unpopular opinions are welcome here, that doesn't make it a natsoc board

kindly fuck off

Personally not as a fascist but as a national socialist, a "nazi" if you may. I also define myself as a pretty cool dude.

Glad to see you stuck around! I talked with you a fair bit in the other thread, the material I posted you answer many of your questions.

The tyranny that is associated with fascism, is all post-war propganda from the allies and soviets. Mostly, it's massive projection from the communists, which were part of the most dehumanizing, blood-lusty and gruesome tyrannies to ever exist in history.

It couldn't be more wrong. Fascism is the antidote, the contra to this type of tyranny. It's followers seek not to become a crypto-commie state but with fancier uniforms! They seek to elevate their people from the plight and degeneracy that surrounds them, and make them the centerpiece, the most important concern of the state. Economy is to SERVE the PEOPLE, and in that mantra, every effort is made to subdue corruption, wage-slavery and bad treatment. The worker is the backbone of the state and nation, and as such, he is cherished and cared for by the state. No man works simply to feed on his vegetative existence, but instead, he is given a purpose, that his work means the strength of the state, he is no longer working for himself, but he is working with every worker of his nation, together and unified, towards one goal: to improve and strengthen his nation.
Of course, unlike communists, who call themselves worker's paradise and proceed to strip them and any other citizen in their territory of their private property, national socialism respects and safeguards the private property of all it's people.

Here are some snippets from Hitler's speeches, which will give you a feeling for what the ideology aspires to do.

His take on democracy:

His speech to the german hitleryouth (must watch):

"…but I want to add that Hitler was a race realist but not in the genocidal way normalfags have come to believe…"

I honestly know nothing about Hilter. Good nor bad. I see Hilter as Jewish Mystical Hysteria. This is probably going to sound really weird for around here, but: to me, Jews appear to worship Hitler. Hilter is the most powerful Jewish concept they have ever had the pleasure of being able to entangle themselves to; and they worship a fictional, boogyman Hilter. Hitler was a man, not a fictional god. I know nothing about Hilter.

Fair enough.

Fascists don't want everyone on their side. Lurk more and stop making shit threads.

Here is how I learned about the true Hitler, its the Manga version of Mein Kampf

It explains about how he was raised and how he came into power, after you're done with that you can read about the actual politics of NSDAP Germany and WWII.

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My pleasure, friend >>>/4chan/

Yes, these are the meanings I am applying when I say those 3 things. You are articulating it much better than I am, I'm not really used to explaining it to others. This is just the way I see it, inherently.

there's a book thread in
if you are interested.

Some more food for though, has contributed to my thinking. - The Coming Corporate State (British Fascism) (1938).pdf

I know what people say about Fascism not exactly being national socialist, but I don't discount the methods of other political theories because they can all be repurposed for serving the nation/nations.

I've always found Brett's work to be interesting. I'd recommend and but I think they've been down for quite a white. Few times they came back a couple times last I heard his site was under a massive denial of service attack. Luckily I HTTracked both of those and will put those both together in a pdf to post soonish if he doesn't get his site back up. He's had some very insightful ideas and has been writing online since the 80's.

correction, anus is back up.

very thought provoking articles even if you don't agree with all of it. They sort of grew on me over the years. Would be good to save all of those in case the site goes down again.

The (((elites))) were so afraid of it they turned word that is the symbol of fascism to mean homosexuality.

“The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies "something not desirable"…In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning.”

― George Orwell, Essays

“It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else.”

― George Orwell

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"stop making shit threads"
I just don't know what qualifies as a 'shit thread', and don't see any kind of rule set anywhere. Admittedly, I'm sure this is my own ignorance.

This doesn't seem to be the right place for me to have this conversation. I can respect that. Thanks for the info Zig Forums, especially the reading materials suggestions and whatnot.

"Fascists don't want everyone on their side." I like that about Fascism, but your individual gatekeeping does not matter. Are you afraid one more relatively sane white person might figure out they are inherently fascist, nigger?

And for somebody like Mussolini, letting niggers in, or any other race, would have probably been unacceptable.
It didn't happen (massively) so that's why he didn't take a position about it.

I have a question for you, OP. Why aren't you lurking for two years, you newfag?

"Why aren't you lurking for two years, you newfag?"
Societal force of hand. I don't think there is 2 years to waste.


Energized movement grows exponentially. 2 years is a very long time, anymore.

Oi Vey!

Ha. And so fascist and national socialist are not necessarily interchangeable. I'll look into the difference, thanks :)

I also think you're a cool dood fren

And you too fren

And it gets more complicated, ha. Thanks, that was actually what I thought Zig Forums was as a non-user when I showed up the first time. So other subjects are welcome or no?

check the meta thread
Zig Forums has been under new management since saturday

FFS, I didn't know there was a home page like that, I came directly to Zig Forums – thanks, very helpful.

That's not strange at all. You should hear what Charles Manson had to say on the subject.

Those Zig Forumsacks are wrong and need to study more.
NatSoc=Nazi=Fascism is a jewish lie that needs to be scrubbed from your mind.

Watch The Greatest Story Never Told.

Then lurk moar, until you get the culture of this board.
If you don't want to waste your time lurking before posting, this place isn't for you, we aren't reddit, we aren't 4chan, we aren't funnyjunk, we aren't youtube.
This board doesn't exist to make you numb to the world, if anything it has the exact opposite function.

I'll take a pass on Manson.

He was nothing like what you were told. Pretty fucking interesting guy. Terrified the jews too. Watch his own words, they guy would have reveled in this place.

No thanks, Charles Manson is not my flavor. Why do you mention him? Is he strong figure in national socialism and/or fascism?

Do not take every post a face value ok. Use your critical thinking. Why would someone want a cult leader associated with Zig Forums?

That is why I asked, I assume the answer is no, but if he/she wants to press I think they should justify the association.

National socialism is simply German fascism you uneducated nigger. No modern American can recreate it, and the reason Britain and Italy didn't have as big of a emphasis on the racial element was because it could be a dividing factor for Britain's Empire and the ethnic differences between Northern Italy and Southern Italy. Race can't be the uniting factor in these countries because they're not completely homogenous ethnically Like Germany was. Mussolini and Mosley still agreed that Britain should remain British and Italy should be Italian. Nothing is more Jewish than trying to divide your brothers on such arbitrary lines by saying fascists are civnat cucks and therefore aren't allies.

You have nothing to fear if you're not a nigger

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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checked. dem trips. wew lad

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The man literally did nothing wrong except eat out of trash cans, take too many drugs, and have sex with too many women.
There was no cult. He had nothing to do with any murders. The FBI needed a patsy and they chose someone they thought no one would care about then the Jews proceeded to make money off his image.
Seriously, the man had no trial because he was deemed "too persuasive". Watch Charles Manson Superstar before you knock the man.

Look at how quickly your mind recoiled at the mention that something you were told all your life was wrong. This shows you (((their))) programming is still affecting you. They fucked with your mind, dude. They did it to all of us. Shed yourself of that shit and search for the truth.

National Socialism is a worldview you uneducated nigger. It's a worldview based on race. Thus, Fascism is not equal to National Socialism.

Are denied to you by the post war anti-fascist ruling junta of (((western values))).

Why care, if those things are already denied to me?

I side with those people, not tying to kill me, my family and people.

You may kill yourself, slowly.

fucking this