Remember the glow in the dark CIAnigger trope which was once popular here, but fell out of favor?
Every true Zig Forumsack sees your surreal Jewish glow from a mile away. Keep trying, oh trying so hard to portray others as the enemy of Judaism while simultaneously filling the board with pro - kike PSYOP posts.
Examples of these posts include "Muh NatSoc means you aren't from Zig Forums", "Whites owe us", "NAZBOL GENERAL", "The Jewish empire in Europe" (which desperately tries to convince us Germans are the real enemy of Western civilization with various kike logical fallacies), "trs general", "self moderation is meaningless when the shills are paid to drown the board in shit", and various other attempts to make us wish for Imkikey's return regardless of his crimes against the board.
It's over shills, you can't guide discussions with the assistance of mods banning dissent anymore.
The board is full of antifa spammers and communist threads are left up by the non existent new mods. You destroyed this place, even if a lot of people will try to hold onto it, as word spreads and the cancer isnt cut out - it will inevitably fully turn into cuckchan. This isnt some joke, you have seriously harmed our race by destroying the real activism and change that was done by this board. I seriously hope you suffer before you die.
Ryan Watson
based turkike
Jayden Collins
There never was and still remains no evidence that Kampfy is a turk. Berkay is a niggerdick spammer from krautchan. The only people spreading that bullshit were lefty/pol/ and cuckchan retards who dont care about proving things objectively, showing they never were Zig Forumsacks. Its known hes a niggerdick spammer. Youre just raiding the board with a commie discord brigade, spreading this narrative that anyone who isnt happy about Zig Forums harbor round 2 is Kampfy and a turk.
Your post convinced me. I want the kike back now because ZOGnald Trump is better than ZOG antifa and communism
Jacob Parker
The whole board was full of National Socialist posts with subjects related to things we care about before, now you cant report any cancer and everything is one big argument with lefty/pol/ shills. Soon the JIDF will start making threads about Israel and Palestine too, hope you feel like brushing your arguments off from half a decade ago on that one. Youre cancer, you are the cancer, you are the justification for the old mods.
Liam Butler
communism threads should be allowed on a politics discussion board
if you want a natsoc hugbox then go to >>>/natsoc/
Wyatt Gray
Nothing imkikey did was wrong. Wordfiltering the word nigger was justified because it was easy to copy and paste the word nigger from modposts, therefore the act was justified!
Pretty much yea, he filtered nigger to double redditor because all reddit posters are niggers. Thats your "justification" to turn this into a communist shitposting ground. Youre not interested in genuinely discussing this, you couldnt be swayed even if the website shut down tomorrow. You are lefty/pol/, its typical, arguing in bad faith, happy about an atrocity against the white race apparently because nigger was filtered. I originally assumed he changed it just to make you cuckchan cancerposters sperge out so he could find you and ban you, and I supported that. You deserve to be banned if you care more about nigger being filtered than having a place to organize national socialist internet activity. You deserve excruciating pain before you die, and I hope it happens really soon.
Leo Scott
Mods bumplocked some blatant pro - Jewish threads recently.
What is your argument? Were we supposedly better off with a pro - ZOGnald police state than with chaotic free speech which allows near anyone to post without being censored by some kike with an agenda? PLEASE.
Christian Ross
Maybe put more time between posts. Makes you ip hopping a little less obvious. Ovens are getting hotter and hotter everyday Jew. Can't wait to toss you in
Christian James
there's still plenty of proof that he is learningchode though
Logan Price
go back. >>>Zig Forums
John Long
Its clear that the only ones left here are IP hopping shills accusing other people of IP hopping. If youre reading this and actually are a Zig Forumsack, this is what the place is going to be for the rest of its existence. Cuckchan isnt worth posting on for a reason and its because these people purely exist to troll you with stupid arguments while watching you "pick them apart". The guy knows hes the one with a VPN calling everyone kampfy and countersignalling genuine outrage about the cuckening V2 by accusing other people of VPN hopping, he knows thats designed to infuriate and cant be countered because its a subjective bullshit accusation with no proof behind it.
Enjoy arguing with idiots, the rest of us are going to take siege to heart and force these cunts onto the street with no food or power or internet. See how long they last when the niggers get hungry.
Ryan Perez
Wordfiltering the word nigger was clearly done to dissuade newcomers from staying at the board, an attempt to kill it by slowly filtering common words in the white nationalist dictionary.
Islam? Censored.
Muslim? Censor it.
Nigger? Censor it.
Kike? Censor it.
Censor every racist term, when Zig Forumsacks complain say it was done to catch shills because only shills had the motivation to complain. Only shills were incapable of copying and pasting words from modposts.
Thomas Gonzalez
MAGAkikes actually read Siege?
Matthew Ramirez
nu-Zig Forums doesn't read unless it's on an image macro or printed in big bold text
James Russell
Nigger you have your own board >>>Zig Forums Unless multiple natsoc threads are allowed there, fuck off.
Chase Stewart
What's with the affiliation of anti-trump spammers and threads like this? Why is it always one in the same?
Wyatt Nelson
I got banned from Zig Forums for using the dictionary definition of the word "property", but that's okay because that board is specifically designed to be a hugbox. Zig Forums on the other hand should be for discussing politics and if you can't handle that then fuck you, retreat to a hugbox like a coward
Brayden Rogers
This. Someone put up an Israeli news thread and it was instantly bumplocked.
Gabriel Phillips
Imkikey's rachposting, Pajeet posting, admitted intention to convince Zig Forums into hating Germanics (in 5 months hating Germanics will be mainstream on Zig Forums), suspicious suppression of all dissent toward Donald Trump (A PRESIDENT OF AMERICA. A FUCKING ELECTED PRESIDENT! So many have forgotten : Every President in the modern era is chosen by the Jews. Every President serves the Jewish grand strategy against white civilization in some way), MASS BANNING and other activities DON'T MATTER.
Memory hole them, all of them. Imkikey did nothing wrong because communists and ANTIFA are allowed to post here now and weren't when he was a mod therefore BRING HIM BACK!
It's only been a few fucking days since he was deposed, you dirty kikes. Are you going to keep petitioning for his restoration until the skin on your fingers is worn off with bone showing through? Sad you do it for free.
Parker Brooks
choose only one
Blake Edwards
This thread convinced me, I want the imkikey led Zig Forums where we couldn't read, couldn't help our race with self-improvement, couldn't have an independent thought, called everyone who disagreed with anything at all a shill of some kind in the 2 minutes the post was up before they were banned, accused anything and everything of being a controlled op for the flimsiest of reasons(except Trump because that's chess, you're banned for thinking otherwise) and had a catalog which resembled r/the_donald. I want this back because god dammit it there's some fucking spam threads here now! Where's my sticky of what Trumpberg stuffed down his fat gullet for breakfast!?
Word filters were gay. It was second grade, mad-lib-tier trash that made intelligent discussion impossible. Anybody entertained - even in the slightest degree - by that horseshit has psychological development issues.
Colton Hill
I'm not a leftist, I just don't want Zig Forums to be an echo chamber. If you miss your hugbox then go find a new one.
Lincoln Cruz
When you behave like a muslim dont expect to be liked. you could have already made a Zig Forums for general politics but that's not enough, now you have to force the board native users since the exodus out. Go fuck yourself.
Joshua Rogers
Its over, White people lost. The board is owned by Marxism and Zionism now. Those are the only choices you're given, as OP so accurately relates.
It was before you fucking retard, anything pro-White was shut down for being 'controlled op'(not TRS before your meme spouting ass regurgitates this) and anything which shed light on zionism was removed and the user immediately banned because more often than not Trump was involved. I remember seeing a thread for about 30 seconds which was about Trump's jew backers for bombing Syria.
Kayden Lewis
Cry more, imkikey. You are castrated.
Samuel Collins
They aren't the native users, they're a bunch of fucking newfag neetsocs that kissed imkampfy's ass
If you can't handle Zig Forums being a politics discussion board and want some gay little natsoc board roleplaying as an action committee battling hoards of imaginary shills then go make a new one.
Aaron Fisher
Elijah Ramirez
making any board on Zig Forums a global goes against why people migrated here in the first place. if you cant see that, then you dont belong here.
Tyler Diaz
Those faggots weren't/aren't national socialists in any way shape or form, imkikey removed every real national socialist. Those faggots are nothing but those who like the aesthetic and want to seem edgier than their r/the_donald counterparts, but give you snark replies 'WAIT FOR HITLER LOL' and moronically call you a kike for calling out actual kikes. The best thing about all of this is those faggot pretenders being driven off the board, no real national socialist would support anything pissrael.
Benjamin Cruz
Nah, it was just zionist as fuck. The mods actually did a good job on most everything else besides zionism and trump. KEK! Hi TRS. Define 'pro-White'. Can fags be pro-White? Can niggers be pro-White? Can Jews be pro-White? If not, why not?
Yeah, I know. That was the problem. And pretty much the only problem - we didn't have niggerporn and shitposts and communism everywhere. Just zionism. Its a shame we cant just get rid of the zionism and now allow all that other shit in…
Kayden Allen
*not allow all that other shit in
Connor White
Fuck off. At not point was this board better off in the last four years, unless you think hemorrhaging users and staying in a dwindling echo-chamber was your idea of being "politically incorrect."
Sebastian Ortiz
Subversive nation wreckers can't be pro-White, you should already know this. And that's what we got before, because supporting Trump is supporting all of that shit whether they pretended to allow it or not. Zig Forums was completely defanged when it became a zionist circle jerking board. Now we're in charge and it's up to us to actually fucking do something instead of just sitting here and waiting for another corrupt piece of shit to take over the board and ruin it again. Nothing is stopping any of us from making quality threads, quality discussions, and chasing out the spammers. Don't allow them to influence you, mock them relentlessly. The most subversive thing about imkikey is he made you all meek.
Bentley Adams
WHat about < Niggers are from reddit lmao and ethnonationalism being wordfiltered to civicnationalism. THe point of wordfilters was to slowly destroying any meaningful discussion and making it seem like gibberish to newfags.
Recently, you couldn't call out Chabad without being banned, there were 4 or 5 threads anchored or deleted about SHolom Rubashkin. Any shit that the kike media said that Trump had said that was beneficial was stickied, anything that was bad was anchored. And the "shill bingo" that was posted in every thread twice at least, for about two weeks? And oh man, you could be banned for almost anything, I was banned 1 month for opposing the torture of random afghans and saying that the idea that Muslims in their own countries are a threat to us is zionist propaganda.
Easton Adams
It too much volume to be just imkikey. This is an organized raid from a well-funded, well-staffed entity. It should be expected this would happen, given the power this board demonstrated in the election. Luckily they're still pretty clumsy and easy to spot.
Liam Bailey
All of this, definitely. I was banned 4 weeks for reason 'kike' for saying the bump stock ban is retarded. Never even posted anything else except a one liner about it before I was banned in about 2 minutes. r/the_donald fags are complaining about this being turned into cuck/pol/ when the retard shill bingo thing was posted there first months before I ever saw it here, with a few minor edits.
Christian Wilson
No, Zig Forums still had its fangs, it just wasn't permitted to use them against zionism/trump. Everything else was still getting savaged with regularity, when such was even necessary because the moderation did a pretty decent job of keeping the vermin out so that wasn't necessary - and if you wanted to spar with vermin, cuckchan was always right there waiting. No we aren't. The board is ruined right now. Yeah, that's why cuckchan is functional, right? You're foolish or malicious in intent. No, that's just you trying to create a narrative to justify your presence here.
Zachary Powell
This is fucking retarded, r/the_donald bans commies and leftists and '""shills""" too, the moderation was the actual vermin if you couldn't fulfill the one core component of being a national socialist. Your entire post seems to be clamoring for a slightly edgier version of r/the_donald. I don't want it to be the wild west here, but if the alternative is what it was before I prefer this vastly since true national socialists actually have their board back from zionist scum.
Joseph Thomas
The CIA is actually mad kikey got axed, lol.
Chase Richardson
Yeah, that's what happened. Yeah, and that's a good thing. Because they were zionists masquerading as national socialists. Now THATS fucking retarded. Its not. That's the point. You're playing the 2-sides-of-the-shekel game. The options are not 'zionism or marxism - choose one goy'. They don't though, that's the point. NatSoc lost the board to zionists, and then/now marxists. If you think this is 'true national socialists' having their board back, you couldn't be more retarded.
So why are you Kampfy bots sending them all here to prove your point? Kampfy was the root source of the problem here, banning anyone capable of formulating a solitary intelligent argument against the current zionist kikes you endlessly shilled for here.
Same as before just as many isreali jews shilling for Tommy Robinstein and Trump and the rest of the kosher clowns you shilled for, only now actual pol/aks are allowed a voice, finally after your contact Kampfy got his mod rights revoked, for being such an intolerable cunt even 8ch mods despised him.
Now you can't have legit anons banned like before
Benjamin Howard
First image 100% accurate.
Kevin Morales
Go kill him then. Just hope you like getting lynched painfully.
Charles Mitchell
What meaningful activism actually went down under kikey? That fucking kike didn't get Trump elected, actual working-class White Americans did.
Benjamin Scott
Yeah he's definitely learningcode so the question is who is learningcode.
Bentley Phillips
If you concede he's Learningcode then you concede he's a Turk; the man was doxxed on 4chon years ago.
Ryder Hall
Well yeah, the CIA is a basically a jewish organization at this point.
Joseph Morgan
All that was 'achieved' under the zionist occupation of Nu-pol with Kampfy and his merry little isreali helpers was activism for the Zionist right and every single thing that TRS/Anglin's Stormer and the rest of the jewish aut-right were shilling for.
You turned this place into Breibart 2.0, openly a neocon recruitment centre
You wankers mass reported every single non retarded pol/ak to keep the board strictly kosher, now try to suggest we would ever want your Kampfy controlled Kushner approved nu-pol back?
Thomas Lopez
Yes, I agree. So you acknowledge that the only real area of 'oppression' was in the context of zionism and specifically trump. Yep. So, basically, taking the zionists out of power and installing chaos didn't inhibit the zionists at all. And so are communists and jews and lolbergs and all the other assorted scum whose silence WAS A BLESSING. This is the problem you won't acknowledge: YES, its good that the zionists are gone - BUT replacing them with a maelstrom wherein marxists and other assorted scum can weasel their way in, AND wherein the zionists can still shill aggressively, is not a meainingful improvement. Oh, are you a 'legit user'? Eh? Seems fuckin 'legit' bro. Not really. In reality, its like we were under zionist occupation, but then that regime fell - and with it all military, and thereby borders - and now the people who were driven off by that regime can return and thats nice… But there's also no military, and so no borders - or, at least, really lack-luster military and equivalent enforcement of borders - and so we're being invaded by swarms of mongrel vermin. And the people celebrating that? Far more of them are the mongrel vermin trying to LARP as 'legit Anons' than are such Anons themselves.
Michael Cox
Yeah but the 4chon dox is different from the guy in the image, who was doxxed and discussed on endchan of all places.
William Bailey
Yes Breitbart was openly National Socialist, banned anybody who didn't read Mein Kampf, fervently anti-capitalist as well as anti-Communist, calls for the removal of every jew on the face of the earth, and tells the truth on the Holohoax. Thanks for the (((history lesson))) Shlomo.
Jordan Cox
Yes, nothing says openly national socialism and anti-capitalist like sucking Trump dick.
You lost, kampfy.
Brody Nguyen
Yeah, nothing says national socialism like the complete absence of oversight and the widespread promotion of communism.
Because the only choices are marxism or zionism.
Aiden Rivera
The only faggots sucking trump dick are you drumpftards. He lives in your empty skull rent-free. Every day you come here and try to turn whites against him like a chimpanzee obsessed with the zoo keeper who stole his banana. We get it; you're pissed that Uncle Bernie won't be paying your bills with his magic gibs tree. It was funny in 2016, but like all jewish comedy, your retarded gibberish gets old really fucking fast.