Brit/pol/ #2823: Toilcore Edition

Body of British soldier killed by elephant returned to UK

EU elections: Cable says Remain parties 'shouldn't be squabbling'

Brexit: PM all but out of time to pass deal

Attached: for whom the bell toils.webm (720x480, 4.36M)


Attached: fakecunt.webm (1280x720, 6.28M)

will probably have nightmares tonight before the bossman meeting tomorrow. Said it wasn't going to be anything bad but the way he said it, twice, made it seem like something awful is going to happen. Starting to feel existential dread, lads.

I don't get it

The metric system and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

good Zig Forums lad at 11:42

Who will save Brittvania?


Ngl, men bring this shit upon themselves.

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by lore, the dayshift continues


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oh god, is he banned again?

lads why do people look at thots instagrams? don't they realize it just makes you into an exterminationist primitivist?

Attached: he cute.gif (244x156, 616.29K)

Can't tell by the board log. Is there a way to check exactly which post the bans link to?

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Unironically so peng

No need for primitivism once we've exterminated all the normies, lad. It'll be a tech utopia for me and my druid pals.

Vape and pineapple juice for dinner I guess

Can engage in urban guerrilla warfare in the shelled out remains of London against the Islamo-left front before dying in a power struggle between formerly allied nationalist militias

120 mg of codeine down and I’m still bored smh. Opioids are gay.

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time for morphine i guess. or start microdosing fentanyl.

Wish I had somebody to love

shiver me timbers

Attached: pirate maddie.jpg (357x499, 80.95K)

Might buy some alcohol and cigarettes

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Smash me bollocks

Wew lad


With a pint bottle of rum

what do you lads think schopenhauer would think of instagram thots?

Tie a rope round me bollocks and throw me over board.

Her rotten cunt probably looks like a the mouth of the kraken


Shoppenhower? Who?


don't know who that is

Keelhaul me golden dubloons tbh

*blocks your path*
im going to need to see your papal writ showing that you don't support julius tbf my buddy

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*stuns you and stabs you in the armpit*

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Had a lovely dream of sucking on some big tits last night after looking at /milkers/ tbh

*dies in agony then gets members of my extended clan to have bloodfeud with yours so they ambush you when you are herding sheep to the sheep shagging festival

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This is why Brexit happened.

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Posted from an iphone.

bit tits are so comfy

Attached: milkers.jpg (496x59, 7.94K)


Yeah wish I had a pair to squeeze and succ on rn

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*has existential terror*

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Think that is each leg size

Is this a bot rn?

ur mom is a bot m8

put your socks back on

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Nice round supple bottoms t b h

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stop strawmanning him

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strawmanning bullies need to step the fuck off and go back to the daytime where they belong

Attached: nightshift.jpg (400x630, 85.36K)

Brummies say mom tbf

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She’s more than 14 years younger than me, so no complaints here.

Attached: Chechnya.webm (640x360, 3.57M)

thanks lad

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the absolute state of Zig Forums

Flipping heck grandad hows your joints?

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Not too bad son, still feel masculine virility in my loins.

Attached: inner_toil_homer.mp4 (100x136, 11.39M)

I wish I could watch a video of the doggoman ripping an arthog thot in half and eating her while she selfies her own death with a dog filter on

What alcohol should I buy?

Very good lad

Such an Aquarius thing to say lad.

Hobgoblin sponsored by Nick Griffin, formerly of the BNP.

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sex offender cow?

It's that vocaroo where Steiner sounds about 20 years older than usual too keeeeek

Mean spirits tbh, want to try new stuff

Might buy chartreuse

Going to smoke some more weed for a treat lads

good lad

Attached: First Chechen War kino.webm (480x360, 3.15M)

ur in there lad get some milkies

Lmfao, its the first thing I noticed when he first posted it

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tfw remeber when we all thought Steiner was legit insane

He is lad he has bipolar disorder.

girl toes tbh

yeah its obvious he has mental problems lad


do you like pearl jam?

Wonder if they smell the same as blokes feet.

Leave Steiner alone

Attached: 1557799091560.jpg (1284x891, 388.43K)

good lad. I saved that one but never got around to doing anything with it.

