Perhaps of larger significance regionally (Hungarian RW gvt, Italian RW gvt Austrian RW gvt, Polish RW gvt, Croatian RW gvt)
but of existential significance locally. What is at stake: Survival of Slovenian Nation in the face of ever increasing globalist pressure of EU Kalergi plan
Our/pol/Champion: SDS
Enemies: All in one way or another funded by globalists SD LMŠ Levica Združena Levica
Current polls project 15% SDS win over 8.5%LMŠ (communist soros "fresh faces") 20% undecided @45%participation
Election date: Sunday June 3rd 2018
Note to Slovenians (feel free to discuss scenarios but don't disclose any tactics that could be used against us)
BTW, what do Slovenians think of Croats in general? You two both wanted independence from Yugoslavia, did that make your two countries closer with each other?
We don't have bad feelings towards Croatia, mainly it is leftist D&c Personally I wish Croatia all the best and consider them our friends
Alexander Hill
To be quite honest we have our border dispute with Croatia that we love to both obsess over but in the current time I think it is much more important to support eachother and work 100% together to stop the invasion of Europe
Another thing about us you have to understand about us Slavs we love to shit talk eachother to death and bust eachothers balls but when push comes to shove we will step together and everyone who we consider our joint enemy will get annihilated
Joshua Rogers
But Zig Forums hates electoral politics now.
Henry Phillips
Call out "wait for Hitler" shills wherever you see them, remain vigilant
Jonathan Gonzalez
I've been away admitedly. The amount of work I put into this is beyond comprehension of most and I will probably write a how to after this election.
I don't want to stray off topic as 8/pol/ as such still is very much home to me, but after new leadership took a decisive stance against pro white movements (white rex pro, rise above, bloc identitaire) I realised I have to leave 8 for a while and focus my dedication 100% on the battle at hand.
Nolan Fisher
You can not fight two fronts fully 100% and expect to win. But rest assure we will take 8back again
I want to give a massive shout out to SoCal. Thanks for everything you do
Levi Martinez
You have no real ill-will towards even the Serbians (also Southern-Slavs)? If so I just want to say I find that very admirable, that you are willing to let history remain in the past in preference of a better future.
I don't know what you're talking about (if its info that can be used against Slovenia by the globalists then no need to keep talking about it), but I also want to also commend you for having put in the hard work.
Kayden Stewart
Actually no I don't, what I and few other people smart and savvy enough are doing is much larger than most could comprehend. Call it a Pan-Slavic resurrection, call it the final battle between good and evil, the battle for Europa, it must be won. So no I don't harbour ill will towards Serbians on the contrary-I support them, Croatians and Slavic Bosnians as well - regionally to the fullest extent. My other post was much more thread related in the sense of how to win against complete hostile enviroment dominated by Soros globalist media and turn it into your own benefit. The tactics of which I'm sure you'll understand I can't disclose fully until june 4th
Fuck off kike DAILY REMINDER that SDS party, which is sadly the biggest right party, is supporting israel, has an ex hard communist as their leader and consists of people who are in politics only because of free shekles! The fact that hey are anti-immigration doesnt mean they are good for us.
At the moment the choices are close to none and we will soon need to get a big right wing party going or Slovenes will be doomed under liberals albanians, macedonians and bosnians (not to mention immigrants).
Do you think Janša is not 200% redpilled on (((eu)))?
The guy was our first minister of defense fought of JNA and then ran his own parallel paramilitary intelligence service for fucks sake. (PARAVOS) He knows exactly what's up. Hence the support from Orban
The new play for kikes is parties who are anti-establishment and anti-immigrant while maintaining a complete shitlib platform. If you're unsure of whos who, then just read/watch how the media describes them. Thats usually an easy tip off but someone like orban you need to fig a lot deeper to figure out hes just a run of the mill cuckservative. He became a catch all party to push down the rising right who openly called out kikes.
Angel Bell
Its best to always have a legit hard right party running who knows how to walk that fine line. This will scare the centrist right parties into becoming more militant, otherwise the real right takes over.
Julian Edwards
How does Slovenia compare with Hungary regarding the top super-villain jewish Globaist? is the Slovenian nation safe from election manipulation by puppet-master George Soros?
What kind of voting technology will be used? Machines or paper ballots?
This. Janša is an EU stooge. Which also got him out of jail. And he'll say anything to get elected. He's the male version of Merkel. He's selling NLB(Slovenia's biggest bank) if he wins which is in my opinion the most important part of his kike'd up plan. Considering that the current government was delaying and opposing the EU kikes on every turn considering NLB I'll vote for them. Remember that if we lose NLB we lose the control over our economy. And the eu can crash it with no survivors if we aren't good goys. In addition to the number of jobs popping up in the recent years, economy booming and people actually having kids.
It's not what you think it is. The Counts of Celje were the most successful Slovene feudal lords that got bred out of existence by the Habsburgs. One of them was even best friends with a HRE emperor.
The party we should be cheering on is SNS (Slovenian national party) which got 1.8% in the last election and is now polling at 4% ==which is the exact number they have to get to enter the government== .
This is big because SNS isn't a sort of nationalist party like AfD, they are more along the lines of Golden Dawn or Casapound in that they are openly far right.
God bless Slovenia and please let SNS enter government o the third.
Ayden Hughes
SNS is beyond repair, they'll never be relevant (again)
Hudson Morales
I'd say entering the government is pretty relevant, after all they are the only really right wing party. SDS is between center right and right.
Are you Slovenian? If you are please explain the situation to me as I am not and you sound like you know more about what's going on than me
David Miller
Are you delusional or something? How do you expect Zmago to be PM?
I am supporting them and love Zmago as much as the next guy but PM will be mandated by SDS
Kermu pravš retard pička ti materina. I agree with the rest of your post
Gabriel Lee
I disagree.
Zmago is looking very good and support is now growing according to latest poll by valiconn / mediana
Lincoln Williams
>>(((abrahamics))) don't tell me you worship this fucker
I am, Zmago has been too much of a clown and the only reason he's getting a tiny bit more support is because he went full populist lately. The short video on the frontpage seems more like a bad shitpost than a real political campaign: (translation: "I am Zmago Jelinčič, and I implore you, when will you have enough of this shit? Vote SNS if you want better.")
Poglej samo kako cvilijo (((mediji))), ko omenjajo Bernarda Bršiča … Janša ve kaj se dogaja, še posebej s tem svetovalcem, če kdo bere njegove kolumne za Reporter tudi ve, da je precej redpillan.
Why is the election important for the rest of Europe?' And it might not be an accident: Europe’s leading populist, Hungary's Viktor Orban, has been in Slovenia speaking at a SDS rally during campaigning.
They'll have to form a coalition, like most other European countries. Hopefully they'll make some badass nationalist coalition.
Gabriel Wood
our media is saying that all the other parties in the new parliament will most likely refuse to form a coalition with SDS
Adam Reed
I thought Polish media was kind of untainted? Oh well. That could actually be true. Slovenia, from what I understand, is actually kind of behind compared with other Eastern/Central European countries in terms of the coming new era of nationalism, so who knows? Either way, no matter what, this is STILL a win. No matter what the media says, Europe will liberate itself. This is yet another blow the increasingly weak EU, which is a humongous pillar standing in the way of a good and pure Europe.
There's a couple reasons for it, just like in other countries we have cucked students, and immigrants (though lots of them are from ex-yu countries so they are even more inclined to vote left), but we've also had a genocide of nationalists after WW2 and we're a post-socialist country and we still have lots of the same people from back then in positions of power.
Thank you Poland you are best friend (why can't we have share border? This world is unfair :)
My money is on one ot these three scenarios ranging from low probability to high: 1. The loser soros faggots decide to stick on their pre-election deal for no party entering coalition with SDS resulting in a hanged government and possibly getting beat down by angry SDS supporters violence on the street (honestly I would like to see this, Poland will understand this we both love a good tear-up)
2. Repeat of election where SDS goes PiS style winning overal majority in parliament
3. The second one LMŠ, comes crawling to SDS accepts their conditions and forms gvt. This is very similar to the Italian LEGA NORD + 5 STELLE government in Italy, down to the absurd point that both Di Maio and Šarec's profession before politics is Comedian. scary shit-just noticed they look similar too
So Slovenia forcibly Westernized itself, more or less.
Jacob Rodriguez
Jaxon Flores
Delicious, 1.233 metric tonnes of communist cultural marxist salt produced by realization of their worst nightmare coming true seeping through their lacrimal glands:
Long term strategy is a centrist party that steals talking point from the shitlibs then forms a coalition with SDS once they get in. Similar to italys election. Its the only to push shitlib parties down to irrelevancy.