""ECFR Keynote: How to save the European Union. Speech by Geroge Soros, Founder and Chair of Open Society Foundations""
'''Keynote speech at ECFR's Annual Council Meeting in Paris 29 May. 2018""
>Indeed the whole of Europe has been disrupted by the refugee crisis. Unscrupulous leaders have exploited it even in countries that have accepted hardly any refugees. In Hungary, Victor Orban based his reelection campaign on falsely accusing me of planning to flood Europe, Hungary included, with Muslim refugees.
>In recent weeks not just Europe but the whole world has been shocked by President Trump’s actions. He has unilaterally withdrawn from a nuclear arms treaty with Iran thereby effectively destroying the transatlantic alliance. This development will put additional pressure of unpredictable force on an already beleaguered Europe. It is no longer a figure of speech to say that Europe is in existential danger; it is the harsh reality.
Soros new plan - How to (((save))) Europe
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""What can be done to save Europe?""
>I have always advocated that the allocation of refugees within Europe should be entirely voluntary. Member states should not be forced to accept refugees they don’t want and refugees should not be forced to settle in countries where they don’t want to go.
>Europe wants to extend a helping hand towards Africa (and other parts of the developing world) by offering substantial assistance to democratically inclined regimes. This would enable them to provide education and employment to their citizens. They would be less likely to leave and those who did would not qualify as refugees. At the same time, >European countries could welcome migrants from these and other countries to meet their economic needsthrough an orderly process. >In this way migration would be voluntary both on the part of the migrants and the receiving states. Such a “Marshall Plan” would also help to reduce the number of political refugees by strengthening democratic regimes in the developing world.
>Second, the main objective of most European countries is not to foster democratic development but to stem the flow of migrants. This diverts a large part of the available funds to dirty deals with dictators, bribing them to prevent migrants from passing through their territory or to use repressive measures to prevent their citizens from leaving. In the long-run this will generate more political refugees.
>How might such a plan be financed then? It’s important to recognize that the refugee crisis is a European problem and it needs a European solution. The European Union has a high credit rating and its borrowing capacity is largely unused. When should that capacity be put to use if not in an existential crisis? Throughout history, the national debt always grew at times of war. Admittedly, adding to the national debt runs counter to the prevailing addiction to austerity; but the austerity policy is itself a contributing factor to the crisis in which Europe finds itself.
>I mentioned three pressing problems. I have addressed two of them: migration and austerity. That leaves territorial disintegration exemplified by Brexit. I don’t have time to deal with other examples, especially in the Balkans. I will do so in a separate article to be published next week.
Soros isn't going to live much longer now, he obviously has plans to leave his trusts with other people/companies. Do we know which ones yet? I'm only asking because I'd like to think this kikes reign of terror will end when he's gone but its likely Soros will still be with us, in a manner of speaking, beyond the grave
He has a son that meets with politicians and studies at Cal.
Mark Zuckerberg
Soros is a front line kike made public so people don't poke around to the people higher up the food chain.
Muh based legal immigrants will love this.
While I have every reason to believe you are correct, it would still be interesting to know how he's going to tie things up before he enters the afterlife. If we pay attention it might give us a glimpse into the inner workings of ZOG. Listen to speech at: my.mixtape.moe
Love, how these kike faggots mix up
> to (((save))) Europe
> save the European Union
At least he admits that Europe is in the shitter.
Now if only he could die so we can check what are the people that will continue his plan (beside his son)
This. He has heirs. With that said the sooner he is no longer a factor in the world arena, the better.
Simple. Check the orgs associated with the garbage and who runs it. They quickly reveal themselves through advertising.
He admits nothing, its just bullshitting when they cant hide anymore with their plans, so they "acknowledge the problem", but still move on with the same old shit a second later.
>I personally regarded the European Union as the embodiment of the idea of the Open Society. It was a voluntary association of equal states that banded together and sacrificed part of their sovereignty for the common good. The idea of Europe as an open society continues to inspire me.
>Right now, attitudes towards cooperation are negative: member states want to reassert their sovereignty rather than surrender more of it.
>(((Harsh reality))) may force member states to set aside their national interests in the interest of preserving the European Union
In recent weeks not just Europe but the whole world has been shocked by President Trump’s actions. He has unilaterally withdrawn from a nuclear arms treaty with Iran thereby effectively destroying the transatlantic alliance. This development will put additional pressure of unpredictable force on an already beleaguered Europe. It is no longer a figure of speech to say that Europe is in existential danger; it is the harsh reality.
Until recently it could have been argued that the austerity is working and we must persevere with it because the European economy is slowly improving. But looking ahead we are now facing the termination of the nuclear arms deal with Iran and the destruction of the transatlantic alliance. This is bound to have a negative effect on the European economy and cause other dislocations
He is.
And we all know it, Isaac.
Still appreciating your enormous effort here, lol.
He's actually right for once.
Maybe he was /ourguy/ all along
TL;DR me. I find kike blathering tiresome
Nothing wrong here.
The problem comes when you invite niggers.
I'd rather see Europe nuked than to see niggers live in Europe
>How might such a plan be financed then? It’s important to recognize that the refugee crisis is a European problem and it needs a European solution. The European Union has a high credit rating and its borrowing capacity is largely unused. When should that capacity be put to use if not in an existential crisis? Throughout history, the national debt always grew at times of war. Admittedly, adding to the national debt runs counter to the prevailing addiction to austerity; but the austerity policy is itself a contributing factor to the crisis in which Europe finds itself.
CLOSE THE FUCKING BORDER. Use the money to encourage white birthrate. Fucking piece of shit, don't send money to niggers. If they want to come to Europe, shoot them at the border.
>sacrificed part of their sovereignty for the (((common good)))
Everything is wrong here
Soros says Europe should:
1. End the migrant crisis by reclassifying refugees as lawful immigrants
2. Borrow from kikes to send money to Africa and PIGS
3. Force Britain to revote on Brexit until they get it right
4. Pay for his astroturf political movements to create the illusion of democracy
Amazing that people still fall for this shit.
I actually couldn't understand what the fuck this is about. Marshall Plan for Africa? Money for infrastructure, or some sort of legalized human trafficking shit to pozz Europe with more rapfugees, or what?
>The idea of a “fortress Europe” closed to political refugees and economic migrants alike violates both European and international law and in any case it is totally unrealistic.
It doesn't actually violate international law that's why he followed it up with "totally unrealistic" knowing how cucked yuropoors are.
So Soros set up a bunch of NGOs to flood Europe with Muslims.
Now he's saying, carefully, "Hey, Europe isn't (((borrowing))) very much money, so you should borrow a bunch of money from me and then give me that money back to run a Marshall Plan for Africa to develop shit so less Muslims want to go to Europe."
Real audacious shit. He wants Europe to borrow $30+ billion from Soros and then spend that money on Soros orgs to build up Africa. But of course that would never yield anything good.
He wants Europe to borrow money from him and then pay him to develop Africa so less Africans use Soros orgs to migrate to Europe. It is totally insane reasoning and he ought to have been shot on stage.
It wouldn't do anything anyway. Infrastructure doesn't last in Africa. The people just let it fall apart or they dismantle and sell it as scrap the instant the white man is gone. There's no police force or anything in undeveloped places to secure any of this shit,and in places where there is something like a police force they just tyrannize everyone and are corrupt as fuck because, they're niggers.
encouraging the white birthrate is racist.
they will let whites go extinct before they spend a dollar helping whites reproduce.
Yeah he flooded Europe with africans now he tells Europe to (((borrow))) money to pay Soros to develop Africa to stop africans from moving to Europe.
fuck this dude
He also mentioned Macron. It seems he was implying some secret plan (involving the Balkans?) and is hoping Macron is in on it?
Surely that can't be it
Who wears red shoes. Well sneakers, but while attending "Devil's Heaven #tonight we dine in hell" spirit cooking dinner art display.
> Soros new plan - How to (((save))) Europe
Step#1: kick the bucket…
but they're legal goy. Are you raycis?
or to mine the living shit out of their resources?
First step would be a train network to get as many nogs to the Mediterranean as possible.
>(((refugees))) not "immigrants"
Basically, he pretends he's saying each country should be able to control better who enters it, but, in reality, it's the very contrary. France could legally accept 10 million shitskins and, then, Hungary should be obliged to accept them for the shitskins are now European and the EU law says their invasion can't be denied.
That's why they keep reproducing and are always getting to record populations.
Russia as external enemy and peaceful religious dindu terrorists and intolerant fascists as internal enemies.
If globalists manage to elect their US president, they will create a pretext to war, NATO will join EU armies against Russia, Poland will be the cannon fodder again. Trump was a god gift, a prorogation of peace before the disaster. May we give use to our extra time.
s/Europe/jew global domination plan/
If only he could get to save us from niggerbabble by getting to the point faster.
He's only an Israel ally, as is his country. He presented himself as what he is since the beginning of his campaign, he was just meant to eliminate the American, Saudi and Israeli created ISIS, and so he is doing.
Now stop being a faggot and a Zig Forums parrot. Trump was the best thing USA could afford and everyone here knew his strong and weak points since always. Zig Forums started playing surprised and shilling after he staged an attack against Assad last year and started shitposting against Kim on Twitter.
Lefties, contrary to the redpilled true Zig Forumsacks, reduce the international Jewry to Israel related stuff only. They are retards who fell for the dialectic trap of Israel vs muh poor Muslims. They don't give a fuck if Europe is being invaded by sunni crap, they'd rather side with Palestines than to whites. Their problem with Jews is "Capitalism", bankers and Israel. That's it. They don't believe in the evil racial traits of kikes, they don't believe in conspiracies other than an evil "Capitalist" doing his business.
If it's a Communist Jew (and Communism had plenty of them), then they will happily be their good goym. If the shill "feels" leftism is wrong, he will align with Dugin and happily suck Russian cocks. Are always happily sucking Assad's cock. Then pretend we are the cock-sucking ones and pretend the Trump support is only Reddit crap. They push their narrative the most as they can to make Zig Forums fertile land to their retardations.
That's how pathetic anti-Trump shills use to be. Don't be a left-tard parrot.
you fucking TOR faggot JEWS always say this Nuke London, Nuke California, Nuke New York, when all it requires is killing the undesirable population in masses and then using a garden hose to wash their dried blood from the streets.
alex-soros-iinstagram-tonight we dine in hell
This is why the country needs to be shut down. Each election brings in something worse.
Yes to save the 70% that isn't suicidal.
We can't wait for this giga-kike to croak, he needs to be assassinated before he truly destroys Europe beyond all saving.
>How to (((save))) Europe
Hitler was used by the zionist jews so they could create Israel.
Although traps can have tits and with makeup and estrogen a feminine face, they can never have a pussy, only way to fuck a trap would be the ass. Anal sex is for faggots, therefore, fucking traps is gay. So traps are gay.
Christianity is a collection of pagan stories that were stolen by the wandering jew tribe and used to create a religion that subverted the occupying roman force.
Hitler was used by the zionist jews so they could create Israel.
Although traps can have tits and with makeup and estrogen a feminine face, they can never have a pussy, only way to fuck a trap would be the ass. Anal sex is for faggots, therefore, fucking traps is gay. So traps are gay.
Christianity is a collection of pagan stories that were stolen by the wandering jew tribe and used to create a religion that subverted the occupying roman force.
Hitler was used by the zionist jews so they could create Israel.
Although traps can have tits and with makeup and estrogen a feminine face, they can never have a pussy, only way to fuck a trap would be the ass. Anal sex is for faggots, therefore, fucking traps is gay. So traps are gay.
Christianity is a collection of pagan stories that were stolen by the wandering jew tribe and used to create a religion that subverted the occupying roman force.
Hitler was used by the zionist jews so they could create Israel.
Although traps can have tits and with makeup and estrogen a feminine face, they can never have a pussy, only way to fuck a trap would be the ass. Anal sex is for faggots, therefore, fucking traps is gay. So traps are gay.
Christianity is a collection of pagan stories that were stolen by the wandering jew tribe and used to create a religion that subverted the occupying roman force.
Hitler was used by the zionist jews so they could create Israel.
Although traps can have tits and with makeup and estrogen a feminine face, they can never have a pussy, only way to fuck a trap would be the ass. Anal sex is for faggots, therefore, fucking traps is gay. So traps are gay.
Christianity is a collection of pagan stories that were stolen by the wandering jew tribe and used to create a religion that subverted the occupying roman force.
Want to help Europe and the world, Soros?
Jump into a wood-chipper.
Change "Hitler" to "Britain" and you'll be right.
I really like it how they come right in the open with their plans now.
Why again isn't this guy considered a foreign enemy entity?
Hitler was used by the zionist jews so they could create Israel.
Although traps can have tits and with makeup and estrogen a feminine face, they can never have a pussy, only way to fuck a trap would be the ass. Anal sex is for faggots, therefore, fucking traps is gay. So traps are gay.
Christianity is a collection of pagan stories that were stolen by the wandering jew tribe and used to create a religion that subverted the occupying roman force.
Hitler was used by the zionist jews so they could create Israel.
Although traps can have tits and with makeup and estrogen a feminine face, they can never have a pussy, only way to fuck a trap would be the ass. Anal sex is for faggots, therefore, fucking traps is gay. So traps are gay.
Christianity is a collection of pagan stories that were stolen by the wandering jew tribe and used to create a religion that subverted the occupying roman force.
Hitler was used by the zionist jews so they could create Israel.
Although traps can have tits and with makeup and estrogen a feminine face, they can never have a pussy, only way to fuck a trap would be the ass. Anal sex is for faggots, therefore, fucking traps is gay. So traps are gay.
Christianity is a collection of pagan stories that were stolen by the wandering jew tribe and used to create a religion that subverted the occupying roman force.
Can someone explain to me the Soros obsession? Obviously he does have some influence of the political landscape of the world, but I feel he's being pushed and inflated way to hard to cover up on a number of other far more powerful and inconspicuous individuals.
The line of reasoning seems to be he's used his wealthy to set-up and push a number of political outcomes that he wants. But you've got countless individuals, families, conglomerates and loosely connected people that have wealth and influence that dwarfs Soros. They could easily pull off what he's supposedly doing but at a larger and more effective scale, why do people only focus on Soros?
Because the media and the other kikes use him as a scapegoat for the shit they want to push, he's just a proxy. We already discussed this.
Fuck you kike. It's a Jewish problem that needs the Roman solution.
It would require infinite amounts of money for infinite years because niggers will never be able to reach white levels of civilization.
tl;dr is that a hyperkike says that Europe is the cause of the world's problems and that Whites need to give shitskins all their money.
Ok newfags, time for some education.
George Soros' companies paid and printed the refugee pamphlets that described how to enter EU through Russia.
He is connected to the Bilderberg groups, banks, media and politicians and his allegiance to (((chosen people))) through his neanderthal blood line:
When a double agent that has funded and made immigration easier by giving information to refugees on how to illegally enter countries of Europe, says in a keynote on EU, that we have to keep Europe, allow for "some" national sovereignty when it comes to immigration policies and that we should send billions of € to muh-continent, we can now use this opportunity to out the plan of the (((hand-rubbers))).
Refuse EU, break the structure.
Refuse immigrants, refuse EU.
Refuse sending billions of €AIDS to kangz-relatives.
Dig in to these projects and what they are connected to. Don't trust a word that comes from the skinwalker's mouth.
everyone but niggers has neanderthal blood, especially red haired people like potatoniggers
So basically, instead of migrants invading their country of choice directly, they'll have to make a pit stop somewhere else first? Thanks, based kike. Now the few countries that don't want refugees will have literally no legal recourse.