Investigation threads have been removed which leaves no denying it my mind that this board is now fully kiked

Investigation threads have been removed which leaves no denying it my mind that this board is now fully kiked.


Attached: 452f26672b4880d951a3de4a503f6ad4ddf74b974867531c4591b60aad3c4552.jpg (1200x1200, 172.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:*/

watch this get anchored.

Still waiting on that livestream, kamphy

you shills are so fucking obvious

any true Zig Forumsack knows that those invesitagtion threads were the shining bastion of Zig Forums

Do the world a favor and kill yourself, kamphy.

Your board isn't being returned, shill.


Any bets on long it'll be before imkikey necks himself? Ten internets to the closest under prediction.

Attached: 1489511589969.jpg (1595x1052, 342.68K)

You couldn't even reply to it anymore. It was full.

No selfies, please, imkikey.

Really gets my noggin joggin who's spamming the board with a ton of threads in the past 30 minutes.

How about make your own board user or go to >>>/p01/

Attached: 2b3620f79a0c30c5e34931b5fec57de66406accfbc88f4d16b56bc5ccbfef2d91.png (2000x1750, 2.24M)

God fucking damnit you drama queen. Always defcon 1 with you faggots. Just stop spamming the place with constant shit. I can seen and im sure others can as well, that the place is so much better without your constant nigger tier antics. Just fuck off or an hero or whatever. You have been on the rag since you were justifiably fired. Quit being such a fucking bitch.

tbh we need a BO that isn't imkikey but is an actual natsoc Zig Forums user

The trick is finding someone who isn't just a kike wearing a nazi mask.

why don't you make a new one instead of bitching and moaning
global mods alrready have enough on their plate, Zig Forums needs to moderate itself, that includes gassing shills and mantaining relevant treads
ikikei was a fucking goon
and no amount of shilling ain't gonna persuade anyone that someone who baned cultural treads, self improovement treads, nigger hate treads, redpill dumps and anyone who called out muh (((emperor))) the mutt or the eternal anglo with the excuse of: "hurrdurr muh CIA D&C, Soros shill, 1488 chess" wasn't a complete goon who deserved every bit of Zyklon Bollocs codemonkey shved down his throath

You think that's bad? Try having your home broken into repeatedly. Having neighbors with electronic devices that jam your memory hack your phone and bury evidence. Good job. And the framing never ends.

We really want to give it to your type bad. It's incoming. Trust me on that.

Zig Forums is for National Socialists. TRS is for civic nationalists and racemixers. Cuckchan is for free speech and memelovers.
This is for National Socialism. National Socialism goes here. If you want to make a non-National Socialism related board, go ahead. You can call it anything you want, but 8/pol/ is for National Socialists, always has been. If you want to hijack the board, Im going to attribute it to whatever ideology you hold dear and Ill consider your leaders the enemy of humanity. Eventually, you wont have leaders.


This is an online community, the real fight has no reset button nor kikes to step in and save the day for you. Sleep tight.

Not sure if you are just willfully or functionally retarded but it is probably both.

No we don't, this is perfect.

you know, with a screenshot of it and using a vpn to get around it after deleting cookies

Behind another vpn now. OP, why don't you start another one and post evidence if it gets deleted and/or you get banned? You know, with a screenshot of it and using a vpn to get around it after deleting cookies?

Also, read

Don't bring back kampfy, put in a NatSoc mod.


You know meguca exists for that user?

how about you fuck off with your degenerate board shilling.

Zig Forums Investigations Thread 5: The Holocaust Didn't Happen But It Will Soon Edition

Last Pizzagate thread:
Last Seth Rich thread:
Zig Forums Investigations Thread 1:*/
Zig Forums Investigations Thread 2:
Zig Forums Investigations Thread 3:
Zig Forums Investigations Thread 4:

thank god

You only have to read the replies in this thread to realize how kiked this place is now