I'm not a Zig Forums supporter obviously. Not gonna pretend to be. This isn't some weak raid or w/e I'm being honest with you all. I'm curious how you all will answer this question. A lot of people on the broader left and liberal leaning areas think that places like this are the direct result of sociopathy or even psychopathy, specifically as a result of the inability or lack of access to the basics of empathy. Do you all have empathy? Is it specifically focused on fellow whites or some smaller tribe? Do you think that empathy is weak and must be destroyed? Are they right? Are they right for the wrong reasons? Are they wrong? What even is empathy to you all?
Sociopathic or emapathetic?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off reddit. You'll find the extent of our empathy one day.
we usually have QTDDTOT (questions that don't deserve their own threads) threads for things like this. don't be an attention whore
I'm going to answer you honestly. 'The Left' as you refer to it is retarded. It does not understand the concept of 'me and mine' and 'you and yours.' The Left does not see humanity as it actually is, groups of disparate, divergent peoples struggling for survival, often at the necessary expense of each other due to the eternal struggle presented by finite resources. Instead, the Left sees humanity as one big, "happy" family.
Empathy is understood implicitly by most people on a raw, emotional level. However, more reflective types will note that empathy is simply a tool utilized for survival. Due to the eternal struggle presented by finite resources, primitive man is faced with a choice: fight alone, with an extremely high chance for failure (failure defined as not living long enough to breed), but an extremely low chance for high rewards due to having total control over a source of resources. This is how most apex predators operate, and it is highly unstable- apex predators generally have very low populations in comparison to other animals. His second choice is to split the resources equally between all men- but this is hardly even a choice, as the amount he has will be so small he will almost certainly starve to death.
This is where empathy comes in. The third choice is to band together in a small, close-knit group, linked by mutual trust and a common heritage. This is generally known as a tribe or extended family. The tribe is strong enough to generally ensure that all members have enough resources to survive, but of course, all members surrender their chance to have total, individual control over resources. This is empathy. This is the purpose of love and self-sacrifice and all those things the Left loves to talk about but has absolutely zero understanding of its practical function.
The fundamental mistake of lefties is to assume that you can't have emotions without acting on them, because that's all they do.
You can be empathetic towards other people but that empathy should never be a deciding factor when making decisions, otherwise we get the exact situation that Europe is now in - Supporting an increasing amount of hostile nonwhites who are more than willing to benefit from said empathy without even a hint of being grateful in return.
Empathy is when you place yourself in another persons shoes. You can't do it for us, why shouldn't we limit our empathy for "you people"?
Why is it obvious that you're not a supporter? What a fucking dumb opening sentence. Not going to waste my time reading the rest.
It's because he asked a stupid question.
Has nothing to do with "nonwhites", the principal distinction is that they do have very overlapping with our culture, and also europa isnt a welfare paradise anymore, or wont be in the near future. The whole concept lacks pragmatic evaluation and all this "moral" shit will go down the gutter once a certain breaking point is reached. So that is why you see these memetic concepts of hypermorality for example in sweden or in germany. It is basically taking a working model and streching it to the extreme until a certain feedback mechanism occurs.
Also, the people that try to push ideology by subverting freespeech or privacy will have to up their game because the mob will act on very rough distinctions, which means if you are analmouse, i would advise that you dont have any family and acting on your on responsibility.
Thank you for responding. I mean i guess that's true. It depends which part of the left we're talking about though because it is so divided even amongst itself. Much of the left is deeply tribalistic and anti-cosmopolitan. Even the supposed cosmopolitanism of people like authcoms is generally predicated on submission to daddy Stalin's vision or whatever. Then other forms of leftism that focus on like extreme localism could also be considered very tribalistic even if their tribalism is rooted in like geography as opposed to racial identity or whatever. Then economic liberalism is even different because it's supposedly cosmopolitan too and historically is opposed to sort of tribalism from the perspective of like "we don't need to be the same as long as we can trust each other enough to have business transactions which will gain us in personal wealth which will enlargen the amount of total wealth available to all people. Obviously political liberalism has many tribal aspects too. The virtue signalling you all squawk about is their version of look look we're on the same team! Which could be said to be at least part of the function or at least the symptom of a shared racial tribe as well.
Empathy can also be above the guttural emotional level and just be like the recognition that my desires are not inherently more important than someone elses even if they can't be trusted to ensure that i get what i want the most (hence like egoism or whatever which can be left or right i guess).
You can have intellectual empathy that is more far reaching than the like oh shit that person just got shot and is bleeding that makes me feel sad or w/e.
I'm not trying to lecture you or change your mind in anyway. I'm just thinking about your comment and wondering how different what you describe is from certain parts of the left.
It's obvious because of the "stupid" question i asked. I don't speak the language of this tribe and I'm not going to pretend to. You're a dumb opening sentence.
You can be empathetic but that shouldn't be a factor in making decisions? That's a pretty stupid comment tbh. If you are being empathetic, that means you're allowing yourself to understand the condition of someone outside of yourself. That is fundamentally letting it be a factor in your decision making. You may still make the same decision (this dude is about to kill me, I should kill him first, but he's just a human too, too bad gonna kill him anyway to save myself). But it still impacts you. Empathy changes you. The broader the empathy, the more it changes you. You can believe that's a negative result, but that's a different type of argument than the one it seems like you're making. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Okay so for you it's mainly about survival because you see the welfare system as collapsing under the weight of immigration? So like empathy is still a good thing to you at some level but it can be abused or it can create bad results or make people ignorant to the negative results of their generosity or whatever.
Understanding someone's situation and making it a factor when coming to a decision are two separate things. I don't see how that's a contradiction. It sure as fuck shouldn't be the only factor when making a decision, as the Left is prone to do.
okay maybe that was uncharitable. But at the same time, if empathy is bigger than just a base emotional response than it should also be able to factor in something like net detrimental effects so it doesn't have to be just knee-jerk. Empathy can account for externalities. Sure the left can make that mistake of over-privileging knee-jerk empathy, but is racial identity dramatically different than that? Like the assumption that we can trust each other because we share some distant relatives and some vague culture or some shit? I mean to me that seems at least a little bit of a similar mistake.
not going to be able to respond to any more posts for some hours.I will try to respond to comments though asap. Make sure to call me a beta-cuck while I'm gone so that i know you love me.
Theory has it that high empathy was a net survival benefit to early hominid populations living near the retreating ice, not so much to those that lived in better conditions. That would explain why blacks and Asians show less empathy and general than whites and especially nordids.
I feel enormous empathy, in fact, I have nearly all the empathy genes. When I see crimes committed or people murdered, I feel really angry. When I see the Boer farm murders, that shit hits home.
I think the opposite is true, most radical right wingers I know can actually console friends and invest a lot into friendships & families. A friendship to them is positive and negative exchange of emotion, it's not always fun and games– they expect you ready on the Happening, sending Christmas cards and watch the kids if he dies. There's responsibility to it.
Lefties take their comrades for granted and have lots of "friends" but the moment you stop making them feel good or disagree with them, you're a nobody that deserves to be stabbed in the back. If you feel sad around them, they actually get mad, like you're a leper. They want playmates and supporters.
That's because you speak the language of your tribe. So go climb in an oven.
Brilliant response, this is my position as well.
To further answer OP
I believe that there is a "sweet spot" for the development of empathy based on the relatedness of the average individual to another in an area and the population density.
In a high relatedness, low population density area empathy likely is increased and tribalism decreased due to the high chance anyone is kin. An example would be prehistoric Sweden.
In a low relatedness low population density area one would expect a lower level of empathy but a higher degree of tribalism. An example would be pre-European contact northern aboriginal communities and people of the Eurasian steppe.
In high relatedness, high population density areas one could expect low empathy and tribalism. An example could be regions in Imperial China.
In low relatedness, high population density regions one could expect low empathy and very high tribalism. An example would be historical India and Pakistan
Hope that makes sense
For whatever purpose it serves for context I am just under the threshold on the Hare PCL-R. I feel empathy but in a muted, almost "optional" sense.
I'm going to pick up on this point specifically because it highlights in my view the criminal insufficiency of viewing all politics as either being 'right' or 'left.' It is true that there are many so-called left-wing groups that are anti-cosmopolitan, but ask yourself this question: are Black American Separatists, for example, fundamentally left-wing? Or are they fundamentally BLACK?
Right and Left wing politics is largely a discussion about the political beliefs of white people within white groups. The fact that Black Separatists are identified as 'left-wing' is only because white people are attempting to place Blacks within white political constructs. They aren't Left or Right- they are fighting for Black interests. Third position isn't Left or Right- it is fighting for White interests.
here is a reddit tier post
i have thought about this myself since I consider myself a psychopath. I got sucker-punched as a teenager and have a vague feeling that I got brain damage. My parents are very educated and respectable and I have no criminal history in my family, but I spent my 20's breaking into community mailboxes, stealing identities, cloning credit/debit cards, scamming people over the phone, selling fake concert tickets, writing bad cheques, and really being a pest overall. I wasn't doing drugs.
I consider myself a psychopath and believe myself to be in the top 5% of psychopathy among non-Jewish whites. Among Jews I consider myself in the top 60% for psychopathy, and many that I've met I would consider to be significantly more psychopathic than myself. The ones I met in prison are capable of a level of deceit and malice that I don't believe even really exists among my race.
For me I think my political views are entirely thought out. I read a lot and am very interested in the world. The pleas to the greater good that Jews make to whites have always seemed like the words of a con artist.
Back when I would scam people on the phone, you would always try to make them feel sorry for you, and make them feel bad about themselves for not doing what they want. I just can't help but see the same dynamic in the ways that Jews act towards whites both openly and through their proxies in the media, academia, politics, etc.
I actually relate to Jews in a way. I have some vague empathy for my own race, because I see ourselves having a shared destiny, and we are only strong if we are strong as a group, but I have to hold myself back from swindling them as I do see many members of my race as dumb and gullible.
I think most whites have too much empathy. It may be beneficial when in closed homogenous groups, but it does not benefit you when your communities have out-group free-riders like Jews that are higher in psychopathy and prey on people that have empathy. Jews know that they can manipulate them by appealing to higher ideals, and stuff of that nature, and they seem to be able to use those ideals to manipulate the majority of whites at will.
I think psychopathy is one of the reasons that I have stayed outside of the brainwashing fog that lots of whites have gotten sucked into. I also am increasingly convinced that psychopathy is necessary when in group competition with other hostile ethnic groups. You do want throat cutters and people that are immune to things like anxiety, depression, empathy, guilt etc when things get rough and you have to defend your tribe against hostile forces.
You don't seem like a psychopath to me user. Psychopaths aren't this self-aware. You just seem like someone who was raised in an extremely fucked up world who never constructed a system of morality to orient themselves in. I was in a similar place for awhile until I discovered I had to rebuild morality from the ground up due to the fact that society has destroyed universal morals.
typical manchild leftfaggot.
Over empathetic, most here 'acquired' a veneer of sociopathy to deal with their inherent sincerity and thus gullibility.
That's where hate is born, love and trust besmirched. This is also why the left disgusts us at our core, they make a pretense of empathy without anything substantial behind it. They claim univeral love while singling out others to carry the burden of whatever they want.
Only the empathic can be truly angry. Anything else is tantrum.
I mean christ, would sociopaths make gondolas? They seem to me to be the height of the concept. Something to save and collect, that give warm comfy feelings. Hand crafted, each and every one, for the world to cherish at their leisure.
The kikes killed my empathy. All non-Whites must die.
I used to be a Buddhist from my early teens 12-13 through to my mid-late 20's. I wasn't the greatest but i was sincere. I would meditate for hours everyday on universal compassion. I still quite like Buddhism but I'm not one anymore for various reasons.
The conceit that we are all devoid of empathy is a comforting one for you i expect. But i am far from devoid of these fine capacities, the ability to recognize in another a part of ourselves or to understand another's existence and suffering is almost another sense. A man without it is no whole man and in all likelihood a monster. Most of us here i expect have a mixture of honest hatred for the betrayers and enemies of our people along with the sickness we are forced to look at everyday and love of our people. This doesn't rule out caring about others, necessarily. It just draws a distinction between our own family and someone else's.
But compassion and empathy make bad decisions by themselves. Allowed to be our master they become grotesque parodies of an otherwise healthy and decent awareness.
Take a look at the self hating whites. They are crucified on the cross of empathy and willingly allow nonwhites to cynically exploit their good intentions for their own benefit. This is easily demonstrated when you realize that calling us 'evil' and accusing us of every crime only works on us because we are actually quite nice and allow empathy and compassion to inform our actions. If we are the monsters they claim (and that we have been taught to believe) then accusing us of 'evil' would be meaningless. Why would we care?
Compassion and empathy are fine, decent qualities. But they have become obscenely distorted because the hard external limiting factors that acted as a counter to these drives have been largely removed. We live soft lives in which violence and hardship are seen as an aberration rather than a normal part of life. Under such stagnant conditions our inner drives have run amok in us. We have forgotten that compassion and empathy are good servants but poor masters. They make bad decisions by themselves.
A people that permit themselves to be demographically replaced because its 'mean' to resist is insane and will not survive.
A people that permit the mass rape of their children and make excuses for it because its 'mean' is insane and will not survive.
A people that must say #notall when they are attacked and murdered yet again is insane and will not survive.
Stern reality and its ruthless Darwinian rules must be the foundation of any world view, anything else is insanity.
This doesnt exclude compassion and empathy, it simply puts them into perspective so that they can function as healthy, decent drives once more. Instead of the sick, masochistic parody they have become, that is nothing but a weapon others use to emotionally and morally blackmail us with.
I genuinely feel that I am in a different spiritual universe than most whites. Regrettably, in some ways, because I know lots of ways to make easy money, but few whites are willing to help out and do what it takes to follow a scheme through to its completion, even if they are broke and homeless and would benefit financially with little risk.
I believe the psychopathy spectrum is such that highly psychopathic whites are somewhat average compared to the average black or gypsy. Even gooks have significantly less empathy (read: very little) compared to whites.
More than you know.
Not a lot at all.
Jews jew countries dry, but muh evil sociopath Zig Forumsacks.
I don't even…
We're the Lawful Stupid race, we like to larp as secular but we're very pious by our nature, jews just change around the gods that we worship and commandments to follow.
My empathy is why I hate you so much.
I used to have empathy OP. People shit all over me for it. No more.
That is why I help people for free irl, right?
Fuck you and heil Hitler, retard.
Where is your empathy for all raped women, dead people and hooked junkies that are the result of your shitskin invasion?
Empathy without pragmatism is suicide.
Nevermind all the whites turning to niggerdom, crack and opioids from all the garbage coming from your races invading and ruining western countries, such empathy.
empathy is the ability to recognize emotion
sympathy is the ability to recognize emotions and reciprocate them.
I can without a doubt say I do not care enough about you to assist you in your request.
Empathy has been the downfall of the white race, more useful is charity from a position of strength.
But OP's question is irrelevant. If you new how satanic this global system was you'd join us and Hail Hitler in 10 min flat.
Nothing to add. The main thing that separates us is that we are guided by our thoughts, logic and conclusions, leftists are guided by their feelings.
Nobody gives a shit. Get out. You are a sack of meat standing in the way
Not the poster you were responding to but this is a retarded statement. You're confusing the operation of acting on something with understanding it. You can understand someone's situation, feel bad for it, yet still not act to alleviate it. A logical person will make a cost/risk assessment on acting on the understanding. Leftist blindly act on empathy without making such an assessment; see their constant pushing for open borders policies in North America and Europe. Nearly all strands, but more importantly, all the most prominent and powerful strands of modern leftism preach this doctrine. It's because leftism has adopted feminine values. It is the reason the phrase
"feels before reals" was created. They act on emotional impulse without making the proper cost/risks analysis which almost invariably makes things worse for everyone in the long term, despite alleviating suffering in the short term for the people they identify with aka whoever is on top of the victimization totempole this week.
Hitler was used by the zionist jews so they could create Israel.
Although traps can have tits and with makeup and estrogen a feminine face, they can never have a pussy, only way to fuck a trap would be the ass. Anal sex is for faggots, therefore, fucking traps is gay. So traps are gay.
Christianity is a collection of pagan stories that were stolen by the wandering jew tribe and used to create a religion that subverted the occupying roman force.
Hitler was used by the zionist jews so they could create Israel.
Although traps can have tits and with makeup and estrogen a feminine face, they can never have a pussy, only way to fuck a trap would be the ass. Anal sex is for faggots, therefore, fucking traps is gay. So traps are gay.
Christianity is a collection of pagan stories that were stolen by the wandering jew tribe and used to create a religion that subverted the occupying roman force.
Hitler was used by the zionist jews so they could create Israel.
Although traps can have tits and with makeup and estrogen a feminine face, they can never have a pussy, only way to fuck a trap would be the ass. Anal sex is for faggots, therefore, fucking traps is gay. So traps are gay.
Christianity is a collection of pagan stories that were stolen by the wandering jew tribe and used to create a religion that subverted the occupying roman force.
Do you give money to less fortunate families, OP? Maybe. But you can’t help all of them, you know that. What sort of house do you live in, 2 bedrooms? 3 bedrooms? How many of those less fortunate families are you willing to let live in your house? More than 2? More than 3? Probably none. Why should you feed and house strangers at the expense of your ingenuity and hard work? Is it because you lack empathy? No. It’s not because you lack empathy, it’s because you’re not fucking retarded. Now apply the scenario to a broader scale.
My true empathy really started becoming important to me a few years ago when I noticed that nearly every single magazine, every single scientific project, every single Cultural Marxist meme was both jewish and anti-white. Since then I have been fighting for the survival of my race as we defend ourselves from a genocide 70 years in the making.
Apathy is violence in a genocidal ZOG regime.
This, but would also like to elaborate on the psychological component, namely Identification vs Projection.
So, in short, what a man inhibits: he projects. Thus, the Left who inhibit the animal in man, project this "animal" onto those with whom they are unable to "Identify" with.
Thank you for reading my essay.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
be me few years ago living in multikulti hellhole
be asian
be smoking cigarrette
look to side see white guy collapsed on ground
take step foward to help then realize moving him might be dangerous
call emergency services for ambo
bunch of black people walk past see collapsed guy and see cop car cruising down street and run over to flag it down for help
inb4 like niggers would do that, not in burgerfatland cops don't carry guns is civilized ex british colony where cops can be kinda lazy and like avoiding paperwork, but not psycho killers
All this time, from when I first saw the guy whites are just walking past him or even stepping over him like he isn't there
wonder why low empathy asian me, and black guys helped collapsed white guy while all these white people ignored him
Ever notice that the negroids and mongoloids actually lack empathy?
You're now trying to think of an outlier example to avoid cognitive dissonance but bear with me here, because I'm talking about the middle of the bell curve. Negroids by-and-large lack the mental capacity for abstract reasoning and mongoloids tend to direct or steer their mental energies away from empathy and toward strategy and game theory. Whites invented and then perfected empathy, so much so that it makes the news any time a white person without empathy is found.
Then, of course, there's the jews, who are smart enough to feign or mimic empathy to manipulate white host nations but are shown to be scheming in the background for their destruction. This is what makes the jews so detestable. It's the negroid's natural state to lack empathy due to evolution. It's the asiatic's natural state to suppress empathy due to cultural conditions. It's the jews natural state to fake it to until they can safely betray the trust of whites, which of course also means they understand empathy thoroughly and reject it.
Bystander effect overrides empathy oftentimes. Especially in busy areas.
funny, I think the same of liberals, they all behave like psychopaths trying to get good cookie points by siding with whatever destructive bullshit the system tells them to support, I obviously understand that there are retarded conservakikes that think aborting brown kids is awesome and saves white people or killing muslims in their countries is good because kikes told them to, and that some liberals just can't grasp why their empathy towards some things is completely warped and missplaced, but seriously, you have to be a silly mother fucker to wholly think without an ounce of doubt that letting people destroy themselves, be it with sexual pervertion, drug use, and cirurgical procedures to massacre their own children or destroy their own bodies because their mental illness told them that's the way to "feel nice", is a good thing.
Remind me how many retards on the left also think worshipping satan makes them the good guys, not saying there aren't asshats like that in here, but they might as well be on tumblr for all intents and purposes.
Shouldn't me and those black guys have been even less likely to help then?
The kike media is hounding whites to death, typically you'll see more sympathy from a majority population than from a minority, it works both ways. That doesn't apply to chinks though, they're a special breed of ant. Or niggers that don't live in civilized countries.
Mongoloids are arguably more sociopathic than negroids.
Niggers are just dumb and impulsive. They'll try to beat the shit out of someone for a short term gain or their own kids for acting like kids.
A chink however can cut your balls off and laugh and invent more creative ways to be cruel.
Meh. I'm a scientist. Insufficient data about your situation to reach a conclusion. Search for China on liveleak if you want some real Chinese empathy. More videos of chinks ignoring victims than there are of whites I'll tell you that much. Correlation =/= causation, but Chinese culture devalues the individual so there is a clear dogma surrounding a lack of empathy in the sense that there is no societal contract or moral basis for interactions like there is in white societies. Chinks are taught that all morality and obligations need to be codified by the state in order to achieve harmony with the communist party. This is why your government is torturing people with the new social credit score, a concept to erode trust and increase social stigmatization and conformity rather than individual impetus or moral responsibility.
just some quick two cents of mine, ignore this if you are Korean or Japanese as those two are honorable. Also most other Asian countries have cultural peculiarities which may impact their actions such as affinity to buddhism or islam…
Do you believe that anecdotal evidence is sufficient enough to speak for the entirety of multiple races? Legitimate question
Have you lived in a multicultural hellhole? Have you realized a lot of whites in multicultural hellholes tend to be liberals since they're insane? I had to learn that the hard way.
You're not wrong about liberals in culturally enriched areas being insane, though how much of the blame can be put on them when they were (((raised))) from birth to hate their own people?
Liberal whites in the middle of multicultural areas are insane but they're not the majority of such viewholders. Most of them don't have to deal with diversity on daily basis, they leave that to the poor.
They think it's socio/psychopathy because they have such great empathy right?
Zig Forums really needs to get off this psyop
The poor would love to gun them down in their own enclaves.
This is quite ironic coming from the left. Most hardcore leftards I've met are self-absorbed and are virtue signaling only to reinforce their social image., plus they tend to completely dehumanize people that disagree with them.
Yes. As a matter of fact as a kid I was called a pussy for protesting against animal torture and bullying the retarded kids.
It is now. At some point you have to desensitize and reserve your sympathies for the ones deserving them. Can't waste tears for niglets becoming vulture snack because their parents could not hold themselves from cumming inside in the middle of a famine.
You have fallen for your own strawman. Empathy, especially the outgroup kind, is a distinctly White trait and one of the main reasons for White people's success, for reference look how far gooks have gone with their higher IQ and complete lack of soul. We just need to learn to prioritize reason over feefees, learn when supressing empathy and do the necessary dirty work is warranted and at worst purge the most susceptible parts to pathological self-destructive altruism that can't be reasoned with.
The other races love to pretend to have empathy in western countries as a majority population, it's pretty funny seeing them fake it, they really are disgusting subhumans.
I limit my empathy to those within my haplogroup ethnic identity that I deem worthy enough to get it.
If you're white, you don't get it simply for being white, you have to earn it.
If I see that you are a hard working white man who is honest and good person you are on top of my list for good bond of social cohesion and trust.
Added to my list of things that did not happen.
was it a drug addict?
all of my empathy is reserved for the victims
From my experience the left in Germany at least often has people that are lower than snakes balls, extremely broody, petty, vile, gloating, no regard for life, extremely negative, petulant, etc.
It's pathological empathy. Validating that mentally ill person's delusions by setting up this whole circus rather than having them deal with reality.
Why are mongoloids so cruel? How is it evolutionarily beneficial to be so cruel? Or is is that their society is a reflection of them as people, and they value cruelty and game theory over compromise and socializing?
Real old guy with grey hair and normal old people clothes, doubt it
Of course we have empathy, or you would already be dead.
In all seriousness I see it like this; Zig Forums is the person willing to take responsibility when logic and empathy collide.
Imagine a boat overloaded to the point of sinking, we are the people who will let people drown rather than get on the boat, sinking and drowning us all. We are perfectly capable of empathy but we won't let empathy cloud our judgement in a life and death situation.
Now go home, back to your own country, you are sinking our ship. We won't tolerate it.
From my point of view, the left is lacking empathy and attacking anything they deem as nonprogressive. They are full of spite for whites, males, traditional hierarchies, and people who know that there are innate biological differences between men and women or between personalities and inclinations of different races.
The problem with believing people are blank slates, is that you then think that their personality is just the result of the culture they grew up in, or conditioning since birth. This leads people to then believe it is their moral imperative to program people with the correct utopian views, and to stamp out anything opposing those views. This is pure evil in my eyes and it leads to infuriating injustices. And the whole time they are arrogant with a sense of moral superiority and are hurting real people with their blindness.
In short, I care about all the suffering being caused by the left's social experiments. They do not seem to have empathy from my perspective.
Does this answer your question?
China was always the most populous area of the earth due to very mild climate, vast plains and huge primary production and trade thanks to huge rivers.
After some thousands of years of easy living and centralized government life becomes cheap and the previously necessary for the tribes' survival empathy becomes redundant.
Autistics have a few similarities to psychopaths as i have noted in my personal experience.
Both have difficulties connecting to others' emotions.
Both tend to have difficulties understanding social norms.
Both prefer to be factual, literal, and logical
Both can come across unintentionally as rude.
Both can be fixated on subject of interest.
Both can be exceedingly intelligent, almost savant like in certain subjects.
They both may have what many consider to be a warped sense of humor.
And both can often be considered anti-social.
However, there are certain differences that i believe would make comorbidity unlikely, if not impossible.
Emotional connection-
Psychopaths have virtually no natural emotion to connect themselves to other people with.
Autistics simply have an inability to comprehend that others have emotions that they aren't currently feeling.
Psychopaths have an inability to reason through emotional out bursts and the facts are a lot less effort.
Autistics are factual because they tend to be rigid and have troubles comprehending abstract ideas.
Psychopaths are rude either intentionally or due to a mask imperfection.
Autistics are rude generally because they don't realize what they said or did is unacceptable, not do they comprehend why that is so.
Psychopaths are fixated with a means to an end; always with a purpose.
Autistics are fixated as a form of ocd and safety net and through an inability to branch out.
Psychopaths are alone because people don't understand them, it's a firm of physical safety, and they literally have no need for human interaction unless it is to accomplish something.
Autistics are so because anxiety and the inability to connect.
But perhaps the biggest and critical difference between the two is that all autistics are empathics: people capable of emotion and guilt/remorse.
Psychopaths do not.
Only 1/3 of passers-by will even attempt to help, even in white countries. That is the sad reality of city life. This isn't the same situation as your average cave man might come across though.
But that goes the same way with their views, they're just pathological parasites, so evil like you said.
gas yourself you double nigger
What the fuck do you mean "obviously"? DON'T POST HERE, THEN. Isn't THE ENTIRE FUCKING REST OF THE INTERNET enough for you to have your safe space?
Yes, it's called projection.
We are the only ones WITH empathy. They have none of it. It is not empathy to offer up your race for literal genocide. It is not empathy to put other races before your own.
Empathy is how whites became as powerful as they did historically. ABUSE of our empathy is also what has caused our genocide. Your false dichotomy is irrelevant. Empathy is necessary, but must be tempered like anything else.
Is that supposed to be ironic or something you shitskin?
Well earned quads user, best description of jews and their abuse of White's empathetic mindset. It's disgusting, and if it wasn't for Whites being so kind, we wouldn't be in the place we are now, giving gibs to shitskins, and being abused by kikes.
Neither side lacks empathy, the difference lies in who recieves that empathy.
the leaders of the left are literal clinical psychopaths
we are just intelligent/perceptive people who see the bullshit and refuse to go along with it
regular leftists are typically just ignorant regular people being played for fools
Quotations and philisophy can be dangerous procedure for citation is possible. I think these Black rappers have yet to learn that.
speak for you're self faggot
They will mentally think you are left if you kll them or imprison them. They will think it irony
They think being ironically retarded is funny, like .
But for real, I hate every single motherfucker on the face of this planet
You've seen the twilight episode where a nuke gets dropped and there's only one dude left and a library? Well I don't need glasses so here I am.
If you have ever watched the video of a monkey grabbing a dog's tail and running away only to repeat, this is how they act.
How about that twilight zone eh? Pool guy fucks around with that other guy's wife. Or the Jehovah witnesses coming door to door before the nice guy who has been fucked over by everybody and has no trust left gets stranded and punished by nukes but that shithead motherfucker beer guy gets saved. Or how about the episode when the Nigger aliens come with a nigger Bible and teach the USA nigger farming foods how to get better yeilds. Only to find out these Black fucking niggers are cannibals and harvest even the best of the gentiles.
Empathy requires abstract thought. Knowing about what is occuring beyond your senses inside another person's psyche. This is something a massive portion of the population is lacking. Some may go as far to say that they are not fully human. Maybe even subhuman.
Succinct and correct.
Does anyone have the screen cap about how anons recede from society, not because they don't care, but because they care a little too much? That one hits hard and is a necessity for this thread.
Lol OP you don't even believe in empathy that's why you are asking the question.
Politics is sociopathy. On the right, the sociopaths are at the top, with naive, well-meaning people under them.
On the left, they encourage the mob to be sociopathic. Saul Alinsky encourages textbook sociopathy. I can't think of any comparable right wing writing directed at every day party members.
Damn Terry, you might want to start taking your meds again cause I didn't understand a single sentence. Nigger cattle and such. Shieet
The left always projects their flaws on to others.
To be right wing is to understand the natural world. The wolf eats the rabbit. That's how it is. Your empathy for the death of the rabbit is negated for your empathy for the starving wolf and for the greater good. Without the rabbit population being kept in check the ecosystem collapses.
The left are children who will throw a tantrum that the cute little defenseless rabbits are dying. They'll sit there with indifference as the mean old wolf starves. They'll celebrate the extinction of those nasty wolves. When the the ecosystem is destroyed by rabbit overpopulation the leftist will continue to attack those mean, nasty, unempathetic wolves. As the rabbits starve en masse the leftist is still clueless as to his role in this literal holocaust.
Leftism is nothing but destruction of nature in the name of compassion and empathy for the weak. It's beyond childish as even children are able to understand cause and effect and the need for hierarchies. Leftists are sociopaths willing to allow women and children to be raped and men to be killed so they can pretend to have some sort of fake moral high ground.
That sounds like the pot calling the kettle black for the worst "lefties" who are so absurdly degenerate they feed off the torment of children and try to promote it.
The rest are just lost sheep.
We're more like demons who got tired of being demons.
The question is ironic, because if OP had empathy he'd already understand the frustration, pain and anger that we have from our position.
The left on the other hand feel nothing because they are other:
Do you think everyone here started out as ethno-nationalists?. I'd wager most were liberal but had one conservative instinct, that they knew erasing the culture, history and kin was idiotic. Then they had to grow up and see the world for what it is. If too much empathy is a cause of such carnage then it makes no odds for the motives, the result is evil.
Actually most were apathetic nihilists trying to find some purpose and used a bit of logic.