Can niggers honestly not comprehend that even if there were African kings in the past, the chances that they are descended from them is the tiny, and you can't run a society where everyone is a king?
Can niggers honestly not comprehend that even if there were African kings in the past...
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Niggers barely comprehend what's going on around them at any given time. You think they are capable of grasping concepts such as "heritage" or "genetics" or even "geography"?
One thing that I've noticed online is certain words or phrases they use convince them that they've won an arguement. For example, when they're called out on anything by a white person, they post 'you're ignorant'.
I don't know why, but saying that makes them think they've automatically won the argument, same as saying stuff is racist.
I know a family who helps raise autistic kids. The first thing these kids learn in Kindergarden is that saying "Sorry" makes people not be angry with them. They don't understand why this is, because they are soulless abominations unto God, but they use it nonetheless. Same deal with niggers.
It's for the best. Their kings DID sell them to slavery, after all. Whether in the ancient era, or today - the only thing that matters to them is gibs.
That's quite interesting actually. I'd wager the autist kids are more intellectually developed than your average nog but it would make a good study, their brain development compared to autistic children
You've probably seen the whole thing about major African languages and how they all lack more abstract concepts such as temporal and spacial relations. Are you in any way surprised that blacks would use terms they only understand by way of the reaction they cause?
HEY. Don't badmouth /ourkids/.
The mildly 'tistic shit that goes on here is nothing compared to a non-functioning autist, believe me.
Its more of a metaphorical/cultural meaning than literal. Like how everyone here thinks they're descendants of every famous white writer/artist/explorer/inventor/musician in history for some reason
To be fair a white person has a better chance of being somewhat related to an important historical figure than the average African.
I do have a genealogist in my family and I can confirm many of my direct ancestors were explorers and artists, many of whom are famous enough to get Wikipedia pages about them and name drops in history books
There's a much higher chance random white people are related to someone famous in history because blacks are only famous for rapping and basketball
Shit thread, but it's a fun topic.
I count maybe three layers of abstraction in that question. To rephrase:
Jesus christ, where do you think we are?
This is mostly because blacks literally never invented record keeping so we actually do not know much famous niggers further back then 300 years at best. Whereas whites have been record keeping for 3,000+ years so we have a very comprehensive history of our race.
What would they be famous for though? They've invented, explored, discovered nothing
You mean niggers? I think one of them invented peanut butter but not really since nut butters have existed before that
Not true. Very advanced nigger scientists worked for decades to perfect the Muhdick, a very advanced sword made of newfangled iron.
Only took a century to diversify.
And again they failed to invent one of the corner stones of civilization yet claim to be as good if not better than other races.
Peanut butter is a recipe not an invention
They invented those lip disc things and those neck ring whatchamicallits.
Did they even have the wheel when explorers got to the continent? Genuinely never heard if they did or not
Reddit faggot, why are you even here?
Niggers can comprehend obnoxiousness, anger and breaking shit. Like unevolved termites.
When I visited America every single black I encountered had a disgusting attitude, including a negress Uber driver who tried to lecture me and my wife about how racist America is
The ones on welfare who do uber for drugs, iphones and jordans are the top of the heap.
This was in DC btw. I'm so glad we visited other places around the USA, DC was a fucking shithole. Nigs dealing everywhere, going around in gangs, graffiti, litter, homeless begging everywhere, horrible place.
sorry sweetie
I can think of some modern African kangz how could anyone forget princess cheddar
Nope, there were some Nigger tribes on the Gold Coast that managed to invent the wheel, but they were quickly hunt down and killed by their less technologically advanced brethren. That Nigger Kang who run the place thought the wheel will make his subject lazy and unproductive, so he banned any research into this marvelous piece of hi-tech equipment. The niggers happily obliged and the wheel became the stuff of legends, never to be seen again, until the Arabs came to spread their faith there.
American Niggers can't be descended from kings, because their ancestors came over as slaves. Slaves that were enslaved by other blacks, those that lost their petty tribal wars, or the ones whom their parents (dirt poor with nothing) sold for booze money. They are the literal trash of the continent. Why do you think African niggers hate American niggers so much?
No one thinks that. That's fucking retarded. Just consult your family tree and recorded history. If you don't have one, you're probably a nigger anyway.
What kinds of people actually believe and talk about what you said? Are you making this up?
Ew spoiler that jewish freemason. WTF would you even have that picture and not deface it.
you goys need to listen to an Amren classic
Actually, lots of people are descended from royalty, simply due to how many ancestors you have the farther you go back. The chance that you descended from an ancient king is actually kind of big. The chance that you descended from a farmhand is similarly large, the chance that you descended from a blacksmith is similarly large…the point is that it's actually kind of meaningless to have been descended from a king.
Second, niggers are dumb.
It's a reaction picture you autist
If anything they're related to kike royalty for getting raped by kike slave masters when brought to America.
No, they can't.
I remember listening to a William Pierce podcast about Haiti where he quoted some book about someone's memoirs of being there. The author wrote how Haitian niggers manage their army - it was basically a cargo cult that missed the point how an army is supposed to function. There were more highly decorated generals, colonels and so on than regular privates, which tells you all how they perceive this shit. They're dumber than anarcho-communists who ask you "oh yeah if capitalism is so prosperous then why don't we all own yachts and drive golden Rolls-Royces???"