>The songs Chabloz were charged over included one titled (((survivors))) – using the white supremacist online convention of placing Jewish names within three brackets. The prosecution was initially brought privately by the charity, Campaign Against Antisemitism, then taken over by the CPS.
Alison Chabloz Imprisoned by UK for making Holohoax songs
Airstrip One hasn't had freedom of speech at any point in its history. No country but the USA has ever protected the right of the people to say whatever the fuck they want (and of course the US now has hate speech laws and the Civil Rights Act, so the 1st is right out the fucking window).
what a stupid cunt she deserves it. just dont make the song its that easy.
What a classically English name.
The Jews better hope they never loose that boot pressed on our collective necks, there will be no mercy when the situation is reversed.
gas yourself nigger
Has anyone been taken to Jail (in modern times) for a grossly offensive song toward Christians in this same light? Because there are plenty that could qualify.
She deserves it for being stupid enough to say something terribly bigoted in a country which doesnt allow bigotry. Not smart, what an idiot.
Oy vey. Gas yourself kike.
English commonfolk did this in times when they would take their heads off for it during the days when the church was in power. In modern days it seems they have switched over to a new power to protest with less repercussions.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT'S THE TURNER DIARIES ALL OVER AGAIN. No joke this is one of the lines the press is using at that book.
Jesus fucking christ
The british people are gonna wake up from dystopia any day now… Aaaaaaany day now…
Are you even trying, you future bullet-targets?
The British people are well aware of the problems.
Now offer a workable solution. There isn't one while the dying giant still has enough power to smite you for attacking it.
You have no fucking army just take all the british and attack from the north to the south until you take London nobody will come to fight against you in a civil war and nobody will join against even if it happens. I will come there myself if you actually do that.
just take a look a nigger rap lyrics published and played in the UK
Any nation in Europe that actually starts removing kebab will be liberated by their greatest ally right quick, even under Trump.
God save Britain. From a Pole.
It will probably be one of the following
I wouldn't worry about it, goy. /ourguy/ Tommy Robinson is much more important. He's a White hero who could be killed in prison, let this Norwegian Serbian explain.
Okay then, you round up all the people to do this. Organize them. See how it turns out for you.
Also, please format your post better next time OP. Reddit spacing isn't applicable to articles.
Well it's already happening you cannot stop it.
inb4 shills spam endlessly how we shouldn't care and claim she's a jew
Putin is pleased. Another country joins Russia in the war against racism, fascism and antisemitism.
You mean like those "shills" who say we shouldn't be worshiping the zionist agent Tommy Robinstein, of which Chabloz is one.
Muslims will never fully conquer Europe because it's bad for the jews. They want MAD between muslims and europeans to kill two bird with one stone. If not that, they want to use muslims as an excuse to make a far-right government which is not run by the british people for the british people, but by a jew for the jewish people who will dictate how the brits will serve pissrael. Instead of just media propaganda and suggestions, it will now be absolutely mandatory to serve the jews or face death by right-wing matzo squads.
Found the Jew.
Her songs are pretty good too!
She is not.
The Jews went for her after a tweet, and she was slowly made Jew-wise.
(((Survivors))) good God how have I not heard of this lady before? shes fucking hilarious!
No, they are not. The average briton will be saying to itself, "Glad this nasty racist got charged. Hatred is not tolerated in 2018."
This isn't a jew?
A large or long nose doesn't automatically mean jew.
The Jew will often have a nose with a hook or a bump, but then so will a lot of other assorted dune coons.
I saw some old Reich stuff for children that mentioned their noses looking like a 6 from the profile. This seems to have some truth to it… but then again, not always.
I've always found a flat ass and Asian-looking legs to be better indicators… but I don't get into all that canthic tilt and forehead slant and shit that some anons do.
No, but you are probably one, as calling the ones the jews try to silence a jew, is a jew strategy.
Also, chabloz?
She sang along when her songs were played during her showtrial, so she is feisty enough to double down when she comes out.
Implying what?
top banter
It looks like her videos are still up.
It would probably be a good idea to start saving these now.
Kill yourself
What does free speech promoter Tommy Lennonstein think about this I wonder??
None of them are going to mention her, I reckon.
You should see weev's video on the fake nationalist, Stephen Yaxley Andrew McMaster Paul Harris Tommy Robinson for the retards who think he's somehow a martyr for free speech.
This has been all but fully Shoah'd.
Weev forgot Joshua Bonehill.
He has supported him before, so it's not so bad.
low energy, now that everyone can post here you fags have gotten lazy
This, and bump.
You only cement that jews call everybody they don't like jews, so to try to discredit them among the jewhaters.
Chabloz is a Jewish surname.
Anti-Semitism is a Jewish trick.
how many more nails are they gonna put in that coffin?
You never listened to her songs?
I don't listen to kikes.
So you know nothing about her, but you are sure that she is a jew, even when the jews hate her?
Do you think this logic will convince anybody?
I know she's a kike promoting anti-Semitism instead of real solutions to problems like White Genocide.
People wake upon different subjects at different speeds.
Anti-antisemitism and holohoax revisionism is a step in the right direction.
How do you plan to remove jewish power, without getting the goyim to hate the jews?
this graph seems to indicate Trump has nothing to do with it.
Has anyone got her address so that I can write a letter to her?
Something really needs to be done about non-profits and charities.
mass redpilling. hate is an emotion which leads to error
stupid thinking. it's time the cattle learn to herd themselves.
wont load on hooktube, have a rip
That gay communist with his dog has been charged with the same. Is that an actual written law in bongland? I hate that country so much.