So when did Mr. David Duke turn over to the dark side?
How and when did he turncoat for the Jews?
Other urls found in this thread:
He never did Moishe.
low effort/10
How do you explain the shilling for Trump then?
In you go, Kikeberg
Another kampfy thread. Sad.
I think he's just easily manipulated. For the past few years he's been Sperglin's puppet, only to be tossed aside for interview Patrick Little.
As what he called a strategic move that would be better than having any of the other candidates for president and would have helped bring people further right.
He (inadvertently) was always a boon to jewish interests because his likeness alone turns any RW effort to shit and rot. You do not need this man to hold strong far-right beliefs, associating with Duke in any way is more likely to be a detriment for you than not, and if he really cared, he would step the fuck down. Fruit of the poisonous tree with this one.
don't you fags get any new tricks
He is human like the rest of us. He susceptible to being wrong, to rationalizing when something bad happens, etc. He's probably just had a rough go of it, like so many who gaslighted (gaslit?) themselves during the 2016 election.
The Trump campaign was merely supposed to be a vehicle we used to promote out ideas, and many many people drank their own kool-aid.
are you the same kike that was shilling this garbage yesterday in defense of (((trs)))? get gassed you filthy inbred yid.
Hit up Tom Metzger OP. They both like each other.
there's nothing jewish about that nose
the kike posting these "inforgraphics" was doing the SAME thing in the (((TRS))) thread yesterday evening; obvious KIKE is OBVIOUS.
He should get a beard again
Hanging out with Dugin and Spencer was a bad sign. He's either stupid or fucking stupid or a CIA agent.
He's never done anything that bad but he's the poster child for "lol, KKK dragon wizard leading white rights". He was better at just making youtube videos. Also running for office while Trump was running seemed a little (((Alt-Righty))); it was like Spencer yelling "Heil Trump!".
This. Media just made his name so toxic that anons started thinking he was one of (them). He's not.
Never. DD has been going strong for decades. Really good guy
David Duke is on the attack as far as I can tell. I think Patrick Little re-energized him or something, because he's just really awesome to listen to lately. We all get confused now and again and Duke is a fallible human like any of us.
kill yourself jew
This is outlandish even for a Zig Forums d&c thread.
David Duke was one of the original and purest anti-kike forces in America. He was shitposting IRL kike hate long before you niggers were born. Duke is very
good people. Cut out the bullshit d&c.
Duke ran for Louisiana House of Representatives and won, if Patrick Little wins the Federal Senate seat for California and unseats Feinstein, that would be a massive win. We haven't had a pro-white person in the Senate since Strom Thurmond, and certainly not one who openly calls out the Jews (at least not one in a very, very long time).
Traficant was just against the Israeli Lobby, and Israel having too much power over Congress. He was pretty much philosemitic otherwise. (((They))) probably still were behind his death on his farm in Ohio anyway. Little on the other hand, calls out the Jews not just because of Israel, but the degeneracy and the opioid crisis.
Listen to duke on rense radio around 1 am or 1 pm pacific time.
At least something useful will come of your shit post OP.
Dr.Duke is one of the best if not THE best kike ass blaster red pill terminator T6gigamillion alive right now.Listening to him interview Little last week was amazing.He is nuanced in such a way as to bring maximum exposure to the ratbergs and all their disgusting behavior and at the same time btfo claims of anti semite with feints/counters with muh human rights activist,self determination for ALL people when it is clear he only means whites.Then turns arounds and uses the kikes own words against them while showing verifiable statistics on racist jewish nepotism being the sole cause of their over representation in all fields and not merit or muh IQ.When he debates kikes and their shills he is like a honed razor sharp Aryan sword loping of heads.I could go on and on but I digress.
There Is no reason to think that duke isn't compromised or bare minimum a federal informant of many years. Duke has done some shady shit that would have earned him many years in jail.
Having said that, remember when David Duke got himself involved in interstate gun running to participate in an armed rebellion in another country?
Its funny how over the years David Duke's name has been scrubbed from all involvement
I never paid much attention to Duke. Wasn't he part of the KKK Christ insane kult? Tom Metzger had some rather unflattering things to say about him and that was good enough for me.
yes goys swallow the bait. Duke is bad mmmkay.
The only two things David Duke has ever been guilty of has been has been cucking his beta orbiters and having a problem with gambling. As a total score I give his life and service to the white race a 97 out of 100.
Michael Jackson wants his nose back, not to mention the thousands of Barbie dolls that are missing their hair. Yeah the dudes totally legit.
All mainstream nwo opposition is controlled.
It's exactly like npr or opb or Ted talks or daily shit or late night tv or movies or cnn or public school history book.
Start doing your own research, check this post out
Here's links incase it gone, the nwo hates the public actually being informed of useful information.
also check this series out, not allowed on youtube so i uploaded them in order on tiny
He's been shilling for the ZOG emperor since the election. Did you forget about him saying anybody who doesn't vote for the openly pro jew candidate who has married all of his children into jewry was "a traitor to his heritage"? Coming from a regular alt kike goy that would have been forgivable but when it comes from somebody who has spent decades documenting jewish subversion it is cause for concern about his intentions. Just pushing the idea that you can vote your way out of white genocide is enough to discredit him imo.
A tweet years after the fact complaining about ZOG emperor praising muh muslims doesn't really cut it, where was the criticism when daddy Drumpfet was rimming chosen ass over the last two years?
he look dumb dumb, dat mean he bad!!
Isn't the KKK an FBI operation?
And when TRS got exposed as Bnai Brith he said Ames Friedman had the wrong color eyes to be a jew.
He's a jew and Little is probably one as well.
B..b…but jews couldn't possibly trick us like that……
Yep, those damn controlled opposition that openly call out the full extent of ZOG control and anti-white subversion. Sneaky fucks are obviously Kikes.
Kill yourself faggot
Dr. David Duke is a man of true honor.
Rebuke the Duke!
Yeah no.
He's said some very questionable things and encourages the victim narrative of blacks, women and yids by complaining about how Anglo-Saxon Protestants oppressed him. That is pretty bewildering considering that he has supposedly been fighting against the Jews and must be familiar with their tactics.
Regardless he points out an awful lot of other stuff which makes him better than 99% of other people. I wouldn't ever trust him; but I don't have to, so long as he helps wake a few people up there is no need to oppose him. Better to focus on proven controlled opposition and our outspoken enemies.
Metzger has something negative to say about everybody.
Every single thread with anyone publicly right wing will have some yid squealing about how they're controlled opposition.
The state of your total defeat which echoes with your larping drama whoring is amusing.
David Dunce comes out every blue moon to support whichever candidate the FBI/CIAniggers tell him to in order to deter normalfags from that candidate.
Hes been controlled op ever since he sold out members of the KKK
That's retarded conservacuck bullshit.
He's an old guy, tired of fighting the good fight. Everyone has a price as well as a breaking point. Kushner came and convinced Duke to lend a helping hand in electing Trumpstein for money and another 5 minutes of fame. David Duke was out in the trenches for almost 50 years. He now wants an easy retirement. In his prime Duke would be the first one to see though Trump's Jewish deception, but he's too old now for that unfortunately.
When I found out he talked shit about Hitler on TV
Because it was the correct move strategically. The election redpilled millions of people both in the US and other white countries. It badly undermined people's trust in the MSM. It propelled racial awareness and the JQ far and wide across the internet.
Whether or not Trump is a good goy or not, it was the correct move at the time and only idiots and kike shills would deny this.
I can confirm, that post is really there.
Duke is a con artist, just like the rest of the sperg leaders. You guys do know that he plead out on a felony charge where he took money from his followers, claiming he was in financial distress, and then spent the money gambling at a casino.
Up until relatively recently (maybe 2015?) the TRSodomites denied zionist influence and would condemn the "ZOGpeople" who acknowledged that existed. Weird how that contradicts Eunuch's back story of being an anti-neocohen libertarian who saw that all the Middle Eastern wars were being fought on behalf of Israel.
Tell us more about the trumped up case against Dr Duke. Be sure and site some great unbiased sources like NYT and other leftists rags.
I like this quote from 2016.
That was in response to a "voter suppression" hoax, started by none other than the jew Michael Peinovich.
Surprise surprise surprise.
Anyone that listens to anything Dr Duke puts out would have a hard to rectifying it with the lies spread by the kikes.
No back story could dismiss the utter kikery of his being; just take one look at him.
Trump/Duke 2020
I'm glad you brought up this case, because it goes to show what a sham our DOJ and IRS are and the perversion of justice that is committed by hardcore zionists in our govt.
The judge in this case ordered the IRS to audit Duke and 6 months after Duke's sentencing, the audit concluded that Duke had overpaid his taxes. The IRS issued a refund of $6406.08 for the year that Michael Chertoff claimed Duke had defrauded the govt.
Duke, being the classy guy he is, handled his situation with humor saying “Well, now I know why I am here, anyone who would overpay this rapacious, evil federal government $6000 should be in prison!”
The voter suppression hoax aka tricking Negroes into thinking they could vote by phone?
That was hilarious.
Kike eunoch is a real class act that promotes d&c of blacks against whites. There's an ethnic group, or tribe, that are famous for this tactic.
The IRS thing was total bullshit, maybe the casino story was too I don't know.
Trump supporters can't criticize Duke for supposed wrong doings when their God Emperor has a long history of stiffing workers on payment.
This and the salty simpleton faggots can't deny it.
Except in the BASED conservative MSM, to the point where we have people who are supposedly jew-wise watching Hannity and Tucker Carlson,
Why do you say "based conservative" and "fashy" in every post? I see you spamming multiple threads with this shit. You're not blending in by posting entry level shit like conservative media is kiked, all you're doing is hiding behind it to shill your degenerate nonsense in other threads. You're straight off of Zig Forums and sticking out like a sore nose.
What? Nigger, are you denying that the Trump campaign breathed a new life into neocohenservatism? I haven't paid attention to Sperglin for a while, but last I checked, the whole video section of the Stormer was almost all Fox news clips. That never would have happened on any WN website pre-Trump.
For every supposed step Trump took us forward, he took us two back.
Rinse never had anything to do with the CIA. He's a scammer and a blow-hard loser.
< trump took us 2 steps backward
8^) I found the kike. that's you, nigger
I'm wondering if its with reference to him going much softer. He used to be much more high energy until the past 5+ years or so. Maybe it's just the age getting to him where he now has that grandpa style of speaking the truth.
Bullshit. We know. It's a CIA penis-in-anus quality story, because the CIA is full of fucking retards.
I found the CIA agent:
But kikes are only moving forward?
looks like a tranny
Probably before you were born, newfag.
No I'm calling you out for your endless shilling on this board, and your failed attempts to blend in using Zig Forums lingo. You're entire existence is meant to scream about Trump, even in completely unrelated threads. You are a shill be the purest definition of the term, you fulfill no other agenda but push every conversation towards your narrative.
Not gonna happen. The shills can't help it.
"Everyone that gains fame is a jewish puppet. Never trust anyone goy. Don't vote, don't fight, don't rally behind anyone!"
They even had threads like this about Hitler FFS!
Duke was the original optics cuck.
I was naive enough to send Duke 100.00 for a 'special edition' of the Protocols a few years ago. He never released it and I've emailed him many times about a refund, from numerous email accounts, and have never once got a reply. I also know another person who he did this to! He is a thief and a charlatan. Shame on me for giving this fucker my hard earned money.
prove it
Hahaha you got fucking jewed my man.
Nice pic. What I know about Duke is a few things about his personality from hearing him speak numerous times. He does not strictly think he has to tell the truth all the time and he has a lot of ego/pride. I would personally give him a pass for anything somewhat shady because he is constantly promoting White interests and making kikes look bad to normalfags. He is very difficult to refute, even for cucks, precisely because his messages are tame and seem reasonable to the goy cattle.
Obviously, we don't really do that here (to put it mildly), but I have had a lot of respect for him generally. The only thing I have seen him do that I ever thought was anti-white was to block Seana Fenner from Odinia over Twatter a few years back right before the Shuttening, and that was over her expecting White men to stand up to kikes more openly. That's not nearly as fucked up as Spencer, but Red Ice are sold out privately to anti-white figures and censored her too for exposing kike attempts to promote faggots and create a fake kiked version of paganism to catch Whites escaping christ insanity.
tl;dr: that was not particularly good on his part, but I think it was pride. His messages are too damaging for the system to reasonably assume that he is their employee. They might have some other leverage on him–otherwise they would have probably killed him or denied him his seat when he was a political figure.
I dislike the word (((human))) but I otherwise agree with your post. Not everyone is going to be perfect.
Checked. He is using his talents and personality where they benefit Whites most.
Maybe. He's been out a long time though.
1. You are trying to cause Americans to be enslaved by the kike George Soros
2. You are engaged in Russian-style agitation, completely devoid of any intellectual aspect.
< notRetardedOnlyPretending.png