I'm just waiting for when all the boomers die off tbqh fam. Great to see The Death Panel rip into them once more.
I'm just waiting for when all the boomers die off tbqh fam. Great to see The Death Panel rip into them once more.
Other urls found in this thread:
globally reported
first post is a kike….
and kikes hate TRS?
Mike, can you stop spamming your podcast here? You should be at the store changing your diet and following that trip with a hearty regiment of physical work and physique training. You are a slob.
Zig Forums has tons of crypto-kikes who hate TRS, but they'll go the way of imkikey soon enough.
Listen to our bits on the 504um and TDS, you'll like it.
stop being a crypto-kike yourself! the hesitation towards (((TRS))) isn't without reason…but shills don't tend to lurk long enough to understand that.
so who am i talking to now? the bald guy with plugs? or the dad that actually wears logo band t-shirts as a grown man? or the snarky guy with the yankee accent?
get the fuck off our board
kill yourselves you degenerate freaks. your fat half kike e-celeb overlord is harvesting your data and selling it to mossad via his bnai brith kike wife.
smh mods fix embed for duplicable youtube videos, faggots
why the fuck are you here then, vermin?
hey trsodomites remember what happened the last time you came here to astroturf, /baph/ pushed your shit in and your forum got 404'd, your alexa ratings still have not recovered
oof. try harder schlomo. most people do not possess sincere Aryan sentience. there is no "influencing" people who aren't truly "people" beyond their physical form; without a spirit there is no "person"…merely a body that can parrot words and emulate movements.
Fuck off kike
Lmfao you niggers accuse Mike of being a Jew and yet your 8cuck meetups are full of niggers, spics, Flips and fat females. Everyone knows this and that's why nobody uses this place while even 4cuck is more influential. TRS is the leading white nationalist media empire while 8cuck has word filters and (((imkampfy))) ruining what was already a shit board.
>implying that those meetups were (((totally Zig Forums users))) and not an organized assault by jewish forces to make this community look (((silly)))
don't you find it weird how shills use social arguments to justify themselves? who cares about meetups; what is the point? creating white families and strong aryan communities doesn't need to take place IRL in some cafe…only a kike sodomite such as yourself would assume this to be the only way to strengthen our white movement. how about interacting in your local community and spreading awareness in a broader, international white community online? why not lead by example, rather than BE led by (((TRS))) or (((personalities)))?
>(((TRS is leading the white nationalist media empire)))
reread what you just said. imagine saying this. imagine being such a kike you slip up like THIS. no one here cares about a "media empire" you filthy yid.
notice how TWO (((TRS))) threads are currently running. i wonder who could be behind so much talk about these people! could it be…them?
these ones always bury those yids. tuned into their show once out of curiosity and they spent the first thirty minutes crying about Zig Forums successfully unmasking them and their tricks; REALLY GREAT CONTENT MY DUDES!
D&C, e-celeb, this is 2nd degree shilling. I miss the old mods.
This really is a shitshow
it feels chaotic but their freedom to post allows us the freedom to punish them and continue to dismantle their lies. let them shill; it isn't hard to gas them out. casual browsers of the forum (with the mythos of our movement in their heart) will see the insidiousness of (((TRS)) and their ilk.
letting them spam will probably HURT their viewership even more, actually. so SHILL WISELY, MIKE AND BALD GUY!
kampfy wanted to make this place /r/the_donald 2.0 so anyone not sucking trump's dick 24/7 got the boot, I've also noticed the shilling has almost died down completely since kampfy got the ax, really activates the noggin
Reminder the only thing TRS ever did was indirectly promote white genocide.
let the trsodomites keep goin with their astroturf, I can't wait til their bath house gets 404'd for good this time
The amount of anger from you soyboy cucks has been delicious, mmmm. Almost like some gook or Khazar pussy. Keep it up.
Why would the kikes give a shit about discrediting this place? They hardly bother with halfchan, what social standing does this board honestly have to lose?
fucking hell cuckchan is crawling with israeli anons
4cuck is teeming with kikes – mods removed and now pigpol is teeming with kikes.
If TRS says we are so non influential, why are you trying to shill your shit here sodomites? Besides the fact Enoch is still married to a kikess, they are unfunny as fuck and do not provide much in terms of thought to masticate to justify listening to his fat breathing into the mic for three hours. Seriously, why shill here? Unless you're looking for further reprisal?
Because people like fucking with you you retard. You get triggered by everything. OP probably isn't even a fan.
Boomer detected. End thyself
I don't think Kike Enoch really cares if TRS goes anywhere so as long as he can fleece the few remaining Mannchildren that will actually pay him money to listen to his autistic screeching.
It's amazing how many regulars on this board misidentify everything around them. Its almost as if this place has become a containment zone for the mentally ill.
< schizo board
t. alt-sodomite
I dont know what youre talking about but picture made me laugh.
That's not reddit spacing you sodomite.
Thank you for policing my formating. You are making Zig Forums a better place.
Lol you sodomites are so fucked in the head. Doesn't surprise me since the level of cognitive dissonance required to worship a bloated kike married to a bioqueen tranny pusher is beyond comprehension as well.
Go make your publicity somewhere else faggot.
This is obviously either Enoch himself or someone that listened to so much (((TRS))) they begin adopting his lexicon. You haven't a shed of dignity!
You do realize it only pronounces how yiddish and fat he is…right? That ISN'T a good response photo; you prove our point…
I have a question, after getting doxed where the fuck did "ricky vaughn" go? im actually a bit worried over the poor saps who supported him if paul nehlens accusations against rv where true.
it all leads to weev
that kike has something special planned for the whole alt right "community" for sure…it all stinks to high heaven.
is /baph/ still alive
If you ever find yourself at a "meetup" you should realize that none of the people at that meetup are from here. Holy fuck this cancer…
Other than the one on /monster/ during the eclipse there have not really been many meetups from this site, and certainly no Zig Forums ones
Kamphy actually anchored and deleted the two Ricky threads when anons started to look for his address. The dox on Ricky Vaughn is still only partial. He is probably laying low and still selling the info on the TRS paypigs that Weev is giving him
He probably still works for the same kike and is busy building up a new internet persona. He was paid to post on the internet and I don't see why that would change now. The SPLC didn't go after his employment or anything like they usually would, and they didn't even mention his real name in the article they wrote in him, if that tells you anything.
As an esteemed member of the Atticwaffen Division, all I can say is that Vaughn did nothing wrong other than maybe counter signal the alt-right a little. It's a shame he got doxed, but at least we've learned from that whole ordeal how to better practice opsec to avoid similar situations.
He works for a Jewish data mining company, tard.
Shaddilay my fellow pool resident! Remember that fantastic Christmas bit Mike's wife did for the show? It sure called out all the bad guys but not the jews, but I'm sure that is just an over site.
Thanks for the d'nation! One Dollar!
This is where the sperg lies come into play. Vaughn was doing consulting work for a Republican firm and his father did lobbying in the local GOP in the northeast iirc. I never knew the guy personally, but many of the TRS and Daily Stormer goys had met with him before and knew him almost on a personal level, really. They knew Vaughn was lowkey sympathetic to white nationalism, but wanted to take "a better approach" i.e. AmNat tbh. It would've served him better not to counter signal us on Gab and the 504um all the time, but NOBODY deserves to get doxed. We're all in this together.
His job is to collect your data and then figure out how to make alt-right and white nationalists vote for zionist republicans, you fucking moron. That isn't a lie and you can look it up for yourself (though you seem to prefer shit served to you by e-celebs). That's literally what the company does and what it was created to do, by Jewish Zionist Republican insider Richard Schwartz. Him being "friends" with worthless kikes like Mike Peinovich doesn't really do a whole lot to increase his credibility.
Honestly, people like Doug Mackey deserved to be killed, not just doxed.
Mulatto Nationalism?
What's the deal with Kike Enoch and why should we gas him lads?
More sperg lies. Stick to your WN 1.0 and see where that gets you, faggot.
Thats really the purpose of doxxing, its just most people are too cowardly so rarely does anyone die. I heard some guy in Thailand was going around killing faggot "bloggers". Not hard.
No lies, dude. It's all public knowledge that you could find right now with a couple of searches. If you did your own research instead of having your info filtered by e-celebs first, you could easily find the information, but TRSodomites like you are braindead retards.
Thats a positive confirmation, TRSodomite detected.
Kys, 8cuck.
Uhm no sweetie, they're massive lies. Smartcheckr was a Republican consulting firm. Vaughn worked for them. He was lowkey sympathetic towards white nationalism but wanted to take a more subtle approach at appealing it to the masses. He made some dumb choices along the way, got doxed, had HuffPost target him and he left the internet. Your kind always purity spiral and have this specific, arbitrary way of going about things and it's why nobody comes here. Nobody wants WN 1.0-esque, sperg-tier bullshit that won't win the masses and won't start an actual white revolution in America.
Since you're all NeetSoc goons…..Hitler won via an election. Food for thought.
So why are you here again?
Is there going to be a racially motivated breakdown of society before political parties can campaign on racial problems? I'm going to assume if it there is then it will somehow encompass the downfall of international finance.
he is trying to rustle up some paypigs
look at Brazil
or even Venezuela. or most of central America. even third world monkey governments never properly collapse. things just keep on trucking. there will never be a true collapse in the West, even when her demographics mirror Brazil's. no collapse. outside of any major paradigm shifting catastrophes like widespread crop failures or oil shortages. just an excruciating slow burn and descent to proper third worldism. the cloistered elites living in penthouses downtown will hardly notice. and that's the truth. your opportunity to pounce in the midst of a collapse will never present itself. governments are simply too resilient. that's the black pill.
I believe this is where I post these
I saw a thread in halfchan about some live stream during Mike's trial and it was a cringe fest and they cut it off early.. that true? if so, link???
BTW Thank god the former moderator team got removed from this board.
An economic collapse is going to need saboteurs assisting to have a real impact.
Are we saying that any chance to actually have a national utopia, containing a uniform race, is somewhat impossible given the current status quo? Or, at the least, not achievable in the "let's rally the people together to kick out or relocate the other people"?
Is it so that we must rely upon these so called "saboteurs" to rock the boat until we capsize, forcing nations to stare at what is obviously the unavoidable issue of racial discord?
It will not be peaceful because they have rejected peace. The only way out is to end the failed nations that turned against their peoples.
>cherry picked (((exposés))) on Richard Spencer
For all of his faults, he's certainly a lot better than you spergs.
This. Old Zig Forums felt like it was financed by shills who Kampfy worked with privately. May not be the case but that's how it felt. I've been reading here since it opened and I never bought into a single Spencer/TRS hate thread.
They deserve criticism as anyone, but the hate threads here always smelt of something rather funky. Finding out the old mod team was deposed is a great bit for Q2 2018
/trs/ BO here, never worked with kampfy and am enjoying fucking with him as he spergs out here. Nothing untoward was behind the /trs/ thing besides Mike having a kike wife and the rest of the TRS gang being suspicious.
Yes, and his job was to collect data that could be used to microtarget the far right and get them to support zionist republicans. That is 100% fact. Again, you can search all of this right now, but instead you choose to repeat narratives fabricated by faggots at TRS.
America is different from Venezuela or Brazil though, since it is currently the world superpower. America becoming shit and declining in power will have huge geopolitical consequences. Ones that will be favorable for us. Venezuela being shit doesn't affect much of anything because it's just a banana republic that only ever existed to sell oil to America.
Oh you forgot when he admitted he was a kike himself around, "other jews" I guess.
yeah honestly it always smelled funny
never forget actual antifa desperately circles all corners of the internet far right 24/7 actively looking for any kind of fracture point they can find. whenever you see someone acting like a complete caricature of a WN odds are a good they are antifa attempting to consensus crack. accusing every public wn figure of being a Jew or gay is also another mossad tactic that dates back to the early 90s.
Awesome site bro!
Spencer is OK. I think he's just a middle aged sperg who likes to read and talk about right wing stuff. TRS is shit though. They are completely dishonest cretins and should not be trusted. They could be given the benefit of the doubt before the new wife thing, but now there is really no defending them.
I feel very much the same way. Spencer is/was going through growing pains, but he's a much better speaker now. I never felt the TRS crew grow or mature at all, and then you have that jew wife shit layered on top.
Most people hate TRS because >muh shilling and they tend to conflate TRS with the whole alt-right. The thing about the movement is that you can pick and choose any side, all sides or no sides. I respect 8pol taking their own path in spreading the truth as I see the anons here being mavericks at times, but any dissent is followed up with the stale"T-T-TRSodomite" meme that the gay porn watching spic Common Filth came up with. He gave up on podcasts and records himself playing games now. TRS, despite me not having a high opinion on them, continue to grow.
I think it's more jealousy than bad faith on the part of 8pol.
TRS is actually worse than the rest of the alt right.
I beg to differ. They're average in my book, but if I had to name some of the folks at the bottom of the barrel, 8pol comes to mind.
lol ok.
age d&c
No, it's completely true. They are definitely the worst of the three big players (Spencer, daily stormer, TRS). Spencer is the most ideologically sound and has the best understanding of politics. DS is shit and Anglin is a complete moron, but at least he manages to be funny. TRS is just annoying, unfunny, and ideologically retarded.
Zig Forums is not a part of the alt kike
Nice LARP.
Fam, all you gotta do is listen to any Merchant Minute/Tales from the Trough/Atticwaffen bit and you'll see that we're really not that bad. Spencer is kinda gay and preppy, but he's /ourpreppy/ and Anglin is an absolute genius.