Well, just found this on youtube, anyone have any ideas?
Well, just found this on youtube, anyone have any ideas?
Another vid
This video is 5 years old and debunked, saged
he sounds like the pedo, reported and saged
Yeah, no, try again dumbass.
They're trespassing on private property, child sex dungeon or not, DO NOT TREAD & abide by the NAP wherever you go anons. What pedos do in their woods is their business.
I see nothing wrong.
The Nap doesn't apply to degenerates and non-whites. That's all you need to know to make libturdianism work.
wrong, the NAP works best in a multicultural civic nationalist society in which all peoples respect one anothers differences. Who are we to judge pedophiles for loving little children?
How can you even say that and be on this board?
Normal people.
hide this kike
I can't fap to this.
Normal people don't browse spinoff sexist video game forums at 4am. One of these days "normal people" will be pointing the pitch fork at you for a sick depravity.
Normal people also don't fuck kids either, and yet here you are defending them.
I do not defend their action, I defend their right to that action within their own realm.
Spotted the kike shills, pedophilia is redpilled.
I would shoot you for that if you were in front of me right now.
I stand for the right of the child to not be raped over the right of the criminal to rape.
There's not enough gas under the ground to deal with these degenerates.
Wew, the Hasbara crew is working overtime tonight
And I absolutely can't fucking wait for that day to come. What a joyous day that will be. :^)
where's the webm faggot
The best feeling in life is seeing new-cancer like you butthurt.
nice post op
Then where is the video from 5 years ago then? Where are your screencaps?
Followup, its on local news now.
Is this related to the findings of the pedos in the woods with the police stand off?
seems similar
Its literally nothing
The published date is when it was put on youtube, not the date it was made.