1. Communism (Marx) 2. Sexual depravity (Freud) 3. Corporate Leftism (Bernays) 4. Multiculturalism (Horace Kallen) 5. Deconstructivism/Critical Theory (Walter Benjamin) 6. Frankfurt School (Adorno) 7. Radical jurisprudence (Brandeis, Frankfurter, and Cardozo) 8. Large-scale, non-selective immigration (Israel Zangwill, Emma Lazarus)
Even a casual perusal should readily convince that there isn't really any such thing as politics, there are just weird religious cults, and that the Frankists are the weirdest.
The basic idea of reversal is from the Jewish tradition that the Messiah would come either when humanity had achieved spiritual perfection or when it was utterly corrupt, they decided the former was never going to happen and determined upon accelerationism of the latter.
I was researching the Rothschild's association with Jacob Frank when i came across the article with regards to the founding of the Jewish Golden Dawn mother lodge in Frankfurt and an earlier version of the Frankfurt school.
From the greater perspective there's nothing new in these more modern manifestations of the Jewish religious psyche, no real difference between when they were trying to introduce the cult of Jovis Sabazios into Rome in 139 BC and were expelled or when they introduced Christianity into Rome and suceeded, indeed the practises ascribed to the Sabbatean Dönmeh Jews are verbatim those ascribed to the early Christians with regards to incestuous orgies and blood sacrifice.
Evidence that the Rothschilds financed Jacob Frank:
[Jacob] Frank's relatives on their fate. After the moral credit, there was also a monetary one, because this relatively insignificant family encouraged gossip about their connections with powerful European courts, which so enhanced their position that the best banking houses in Frankfurt hurried to voice their readiness to serve them. Even the Frankfurt Rothschilds must be included in the list of believers, as Mr. Schenk-Rinck records in the second part of his treatise Die Polen in Offenbach
No it wouldn't be. It would still continue on because normalfaggots are hedonistic treadmills who refuse to rip the bandaid off.
Jayden Howard
Kikes use Sabbataen-Frankism as a bogeyman to distance the crimes of certain jews from the jewish collective. The blog you linked is no different, written by a alt-right jew "The Rebbe".
The problem with all the "it's not the jews, it's this special kind of jews that aren't really even jews" is that the kikes as a whole have been a plague on humanity long before any of these subsets existed. Plug in the dates when Sabbatai Zevi declared himself messiah or Jacob Frank started his movement into pic related, you'll see that most expulsions happened long before any of that.
That's true and why i suggested this goes much further back then more recent manifestations, in fact it's an inevitable consequence of El as tribal Deity were that corresponds to Saturn and Satanism is the malign aspect of that, it also relates to the Marzeah of El.
Generally it is a case of looking at the introduction or revival of this practise were the Marzeah is a secret gathering of 13, indeed the tribal confederation of Israel was probably founded on such schemata, the practise pre-dates Israel and can be evidenced beyond it, the Frankists would argue that the regular Jews were only ever a support system to accommodate the hidden tradition.
Hue so what's the difference between this conjuring of the Messiah and the Weimar Messiah? This would quantify an "intelligent " reason for what jews do but all I hear is an excuse for the Jewish nature.
Jeremiah Murphy
Get gassed, schlomo.
Jordan Roberts
Ultimately, narratives like this boil down fundamentally to Christian insecurity about their precious Biblical Hebrews being the same people who fucked up the world, hence a need to blame it all on something "satanic" or otherwise different or aberrant to the faith of Abraham and Moses.
Thomas Ortiz
Oh great more american retarded logic and promoting the destruction of the REAL european cultures by promoting americanism, retardation and faggotry.
Remember folks when they talk about "western" civilization it means americanism. There's no such thing as western civilization and there never was. That's just a concept invented by the americunts in order to standardize Europe.
Dominic Gray
Americans didn't invent the concept of "Western Civilization" you tit. That's a dumbshit idea invented in recent years by identitarian types, ironically as a reaction against American white nationalism.
Lucas Sanders
It's true, and Jewish people get extremely angry if you bring up Sabbatean-Frankism.
Caleb Sanchez
I don't think McDonald knows about Sabbatean/Frankist, but that history only corroborates with Kevin's thesis. But the 'Rebbe' is wrong on the whole "Rabbi" system too, they never really restrain any 'bad jews'. And more often than not, the rabbi's extort and control their respective communities. not to mention the possibility that these rabbi's are actually Sabbatean's/Frankists!
In either case, the whole story about Sabbatai and Jacob is a SUPER RED PILL! Especially when it comes from Jewish Sources.
The Frankists were so bad, that they had week long orgies and doing wife swapping. They were so bad that the Council of the Four Lands (Jewish version of the vatican) EXCOMMUNICATED THEM!
Jaxon Long
You're not called Cardozo by any chance are you?
Anyway you'd have to take those sort of details up with the author of the article as thankfully i'm no expert on Jewish family histories, i do know the historical basis for these cults though and they're a very real phenomenon.
Mason Cruz
It has to be considered why they're attracted to such cults in the first place, why even those who don't really understand them or have never even heard of them are drawn into the general attitudes they promote, which is were McDonald and genetics would still have a case.
Isaiah Russell
Also the first attested usage of the term Rabbi is from Ugaritic culture pre-dating Israel were the Rabbi was the facilitator of the Marzea drinking/orgy/necromany meeting place, they organized the whole thing.
Nicholas Morgan
Yup. I remember in a few debates on the Warski live streams that JF brought up a point; he said that this (globalism and replacement of europeans) couldn't be based on hate or some multi-generational conspiracy, so it must be due to some profit motive…
But if we consider this Sabbatean/Frankist cult, THAT would act as the vehicle for the multi-generational motives! McDonald needs to get an email about sabbateans/frankist.
If you're really interested in the topic, look up Stanford J. Shaw, he wrote some books about this and he talks about Sabbatai too!
Gavin Parker
What Weimar Messiah?
Gavin Martinez
I think the scale and complexity of the issues is only just beginning to dawn on JF thanks to his looking for greater quality contributors, i also see him giving up on the Atheism sometime soon.
In terms of the multi-generational aspect the Marzea cults are also ancestral, El is the patron of degeneracy whereby those gathered succumb to physical/mental/moral disintergration to the point were they are considered to be in the actual underworld as it were, a point of contact established with those rising from the underworld, the Rephaim/ancestral spirits.
The Biblical story of Noah getting drunk and being supported by his two sons and cursing Ham is derived from the Mazea of El were he becomes totally legless and is supported by two gatekeepers of the underworld and the Devil Hababy emerges, the narrative indicates that Ante-Diluvian knowledge was transmitted through the Marzea of Noah by Necromantic means, it's the continuity and connectivity with former tradition.
It was also the case that early Freemasons based their search for lost knowledge and passwords in terms of the Noah tradition rather than Hiram Abi, the father of the deep, as the Graham manuscript indicates.
holy crap, do you have a blog so I can read more? The more I read into the history around the bible the more complex and interesting it becomes. Have you seen jewsforhitler.com/ ?
He does very good videos, he is part jewish, but the info is good! Romans are related to the twelve tribes "Jews" are only those descended form Judah aka Judeans Greeks are related through the tribe of Dan Technically everyone has a right to a piece of Israel!
His content is really good for red pilling evangelicals, the looks on their faces is PRICELESS!
No i don't have a blog but the most interesting aspect is that it wasn't their tradition in the first place, the NW Semites adopted it and adapted it from their Hattic and Hurrian neighbours over 4,000 years ago, they have an ancestral cult based on people that were not their ancestors.
The Noah tradition provided the basis of claim for common post-Diluvian ancestry but has no validity.
Samuel Brown
Wow, the faggot jews are stumped. Earn your paycheck shill…. Think of something better already.
Evan Butler
I read that it wasn't just Noah, but even Moses' story was made up, (considering that Moses' story is virtually a copy of Sargon of Akkad not the eceleb)
What gives credence to this is the fact that the bible DOES NOT NAME THE PHARAOHS! You'd think the most evil Pharaohs that ordered first born killings would be named more than 'the pharaoh'. Here is an excerpt from Tacitus talking about a more likely origin of the jews. livius.org/sources/content/tacitus/tacitus-on-the-jews/
It's possible that there was a real "Moses", but the story was later embellished (the jews tend to do this all the time). In fact jews claimed a "Blood Libel" of their own about the Egyptian Pharaohs, claiming that he wanted Jewish blood to keep his youth!
I just noticed something, you mentioned Noah cursing "Ham", and in Tacitus' account of the jews, he says that pharaoh Bocchoris went to the oracle of Hammon, who instructed that they exiled the 'diseased' people!
Could this be a contemporary nod to their exile from Egypt??
Bentley Peterson
This is the Ugaritic text that pre-dates Israel;
El sat in his marzeah. El drank wine to satiety, New wine to drunkenness. El went to his house, He stumbled to his court. Thukamuna and Shunama supported him. The "creeper" approached him, The one having two horns and a tail. He floundeed in his (own) feces and urine, El collapsed like the dead, El was like those who descend to the underworld
So we compare that with Noah getting totally drunk in his tent after the flood, being supported by Shem and Japeth and cursing Ham as evil and see that it provides a basis for how evil survived the flood, it has manifested in Ham that is the substitute for the creeper/Hababy/babbler in the El narrative, the point being that spirits of former times manifest through the Marzeah, the Rephaim.
Certain Rabbi's told the likes of the Freemasons what the Noah narrative was really based upon they thus proceeded to have subterranean meetings involving much drinking, all forms of degeneracy and attempting raising of the Devil, because that is what God did, in the case of El.
Of course the Moses narrative is also made up but contains important tradition as it relates to the Atenists being forced to flee Egypt including a certain Ra-mose and taking up with certain Habiru of the Sinai region, this included the scribes of the House of Life that were responsible for creating sacred text in Egypt, they were very good at what they did.
It's convoluted but Baʿal Qarnaim "Lord of Two Horns" was an aspect of El/Cronos to the Phoenicians, arguably that two horned evil aspect that emerges through Marzeah, the Hebrews being the chosen people of El he would have been the one demanding their release as El Shaddai the Lord of the Mountain, were the mountain as YHWH represents the empirical Pantheon, it is what it is.
Ah right, 88 was that equal and opposite reaction that is the point of the entire reversal/accelerationist doctrine, except not Jewish which is as it should be, but also not capable of success.
Agreed. We're in it way to deep for some spiritual awakening of the people even if confronted with literal baby-eaters as their leaders. Ask anyone under the age of 40 what the meaning of life is and most will say something to the effect of "to have fun", "to be happy" or "to enjoy your life". And to them, that means anything that feels good gets a pass with very few and quickly disappearing exceptions. Some of us spend out entire lives striving to understand the universe, humanity, and our place in it. Always searching, never satisfied, but convinced there's something better, something ideal that's worth investigating and believing in. But to most, buying the latest iShit 5000 is peak existence. Literally.
Gotta hand it to (((them))), the extent to which (((they))) have fucked this gay earth and the people on it is truly jaw dropping, impressive even. I agree with them on one thing though. This world needs Armageddon asap.
Listen up TheRebbe faggot, you may think your Talmudic D&C obsession about Sabotai Levi has any impact here, but let me assure you not one National Socialists gives a shit about your Talmudic genetic brain disorder that makes you split logical atoms to scapegoat "bad Jews" from 400 years ago and exonerate the "good Jews" who dindu nuffin, who was trying to get his Temple and his Promised Land back together.
There are no good Jews.
Your thesis betrays your being infected by the high verbal IQ disease. You think if you can just make up enough pseudo-intellectual BS, cloaked in fancy words and strung together by the flimsiest evidence and entirely premised on believing mythology is real, that you can fast talk the Jew out of the gas chamber.
I assure you that your efforts are wasted Moshe. Everyone here hates you and wants to see you and yours go extinct.
We don't care if you believe Sabotai Levi was the Messiah or Shaitan. You're all the same subhuman pestilance from our perspective, so the more you subdivide yourself into endless taxonomies, the worse you make it for yourself.
You're obviously a self-hating Jew. What Jew in their right mind would go to a board of National Socialists to sew division amongst their own kind?
That's a rhetorical question by the way, because we all already know who is genetically disposed to generate endless factions to pit them against each other.
I wouldn't be surprised if 80% of the comments in this thread are all from "TheRebbe" socks, talking to himself to promote this bullshit.
By the way, you're a fucking idiot when it cones to history.
It has been established for centuries before Sabotai Levi even born that Dhul-Qarnayn was Alexander the Great:
Don't worry so much about scapegoating bad Jews in the hopes that we won't gas all of you. Instead, worry about the fact that "Jews" no longer exist whatsoever, because you have all been cursed and punished by Hashem for turning away from HIM and embracing idolatry and wickedness, and that is why Hashem caused the Romans to slaughter the last Jews in Massada in 69AD and kick you all out and scatter you into the Diaspora, which is exactly how Hashem promised he would punish you, leaving you no way to return to being a Jew, and condeming you to a permanent existence of Wandering as Rootless Cosmopolitans without the possibility of regaining a fixed identity. Talmudic Sources Saying that Jews Are Forbidden to Return from Exile on Their Own and Create a State
Tractate Kesubos 111a The Biblical book Song of Songs says: “I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the deer of the field, not to arouse or awaken the love before it is desired.” This oath occurs three times in the Song of Songs (2:7, 3:5 and 8:4). The Talmud interprets this metaphorical language to mean as follows: the speaker here is G-d, and the “daughters of Jerusalem” are the Jewish people and the nations of the world. During the Jewish exile, which began with the destruction of the Temple in the year 69 CE, G-d placed three oaths upon the world, two upon the Jewish people and one upon the nations. The Jewish people were foresworn not to immigrate as a wall (i.e. en masse) to the Holy Land, and not to rebel against the other nations. The nations were foresworn not to afflict the Jews too much.
There are bad non-Jews. Want to talk about Carrol Quigley's "Tragedy and Hope"? Want to talk about the Rockefellers and how they and Carnegie bought up all the medical colleges and schools? And how they steered those organizations to USE more oil? Want to talk about how there have been multi-nationalist pirates in every century that have used drug-smuggling to profit and power underground criminal organizations?
Of course, Sabbatai / Jacob ARE NOT MESSIAH'S! But use their history to red pill people!
I'm not TheRebbe and i'm not Jewish if i was either i would simply say so, neither have i discussed in terms of good and bad Jews because as i have suggested the entire basis for the founding of Israel was to provide a support base for the practises of the Marzeah Lodge, the thirteen heads of which were ideally the leaders of the thirteen tribe confederacy and that a Lodge system which permeated down to the regional and village level.
It is also the case that in a town and City near yourself there is a Lodge system, probably located close to the Judicial Courts, that is derivative of these traditions, that also provides base support for the inner rituals to be practised in secret, i am actually more concerned about that rather than determining who is a good Jew and who is a bad Jew.
As far as history goes, did it not occur to you that they may have equated Alexander with the earlier attested Baal Hammon…?
Julian Long
No not really. The Old Testament is largely about how evil the Israelites were and how God punished their evil with the Babylonian Captivity, and the New Testament is about how they killed Christ. Ask any kike as to whether they like Christianity and whether they think Christianity is 'pro-Jewish.'
Jordan Ross
Oh irony, i am told i am Jewish by someone using the term Hashem/The Word and applying a mystical interpretation of Hebrew scripture to world history.
Aiden Morgan
Look up "moser" and "rodef" for more on this.
Juan Taylor
Michael Baker
They got the term through the Akkadians and Old Assyrians, a term for the Sumerian sacred mountain Kur and En-lil as Lord of the Mountain and destiny.
The term "El Shaddai" may mean "god of the mountains", referring to the Mesopotamian divine mountain,Shaddai is a derivation of a Semitic stem that appears in the Akkadian shadû ("mountain") and shaddā`û or shaddû`a ("mountain-dweller")
Adam Cox
Old testament Middle Eastern Israelites slam satanic cannibals after 400 years of waiting in bondage, "ripe for God's punishment" Moloch, Land Consumes Itself, Ba'al and all that stuff.
Kabbalistic subverts change gentile into "goy" invert the laws face east to "worship" get kicked out to Babylon hijack the religion, Murder Christ get their kike asses kicked, convert a nation of goyim, create freemasonry and voila here we are.
The OT was the bedrock of the West, hence the jews tearing it down everywhere… these bastards know they are talmudic kabbalists, or "donmeh".
That is why Sidney Gottlieb and the rest perfected mind control they, have the countries, and the world under a spell to make people think they aren't ruled by the kikes when in reality they are. Brutally so in fact. Look at those crypto sand kikes the House of "Saud". Our staged dog and pony show here in the states. Its a full spectrum plan.
Luis Bennett
|Bumping important thread. Frankism is absolutely the memetic root of post-modernism. Furthemore it cannot be overstated the importance of this historical event. You cannot get 500,000 people to totally invert morality AS A RELIGIOUS DUTY unless there is something seriously fucked up about thier memes and/or genes. You can draw a direct line from the polish Frankist sickos to the German Frankfurt schools and post-modern pedo relativist shits.
Charles Young
It's weird the role the City of Frankfurt plays, maybe just because the Roths were based their and founded the Morgenrothe Lodge which was the Mother Lodge of Golden Dawn and the philanthropic school for Jews which was the precursor to the later Frankfurt school, there is also suggestion they established a Marzeah type Lodge as head of thirteen families but i doubt any documentation would be available on that.
Joshua White
Ba,e across this today further research wise, the words and doings of the Lord Jacob Frank:
Surprising how many of his dreams, parables and sundry lies can be related to Rosicrucian and Masonic symbolism, and also records his naming of 12 apostles and subsequent orgy with them…
courtyard made up of our people, so that no one might dare even to look through the window, and he himself went in with the Brothers and Sisters, undressed nude and also Her Highness, OBM and ordered all those gathered [to do so], and after having taken a little bench he drove a nail into the center and set two burning candles on [the bench] and hung his cross from the nail, and so after having knelt before it himself he took the cross and bowed to the 4 sides and kissed it; then Her Highness and then everyone he ordered to do so; after that, the sexual relations took place thereafter according to his determination. At that, one of the women laughed, then at that moment the Lord ordered the candles put out, saying: If they would let the candles burn they would see what would happen. And at that time he said, With this deed we go to the naked thing, therefore it is necessary to go naked.
Luke Gomez
Yeah the Donmeh are directly in power of Turkey. They are working in tandem with the Zionists
Jaxson Lee
Brody Richardson
this. historically, a lot of times a messiah claimant came out, bloodbath ensued. in the end the only argumentation jews can have about those is "that's not real judaism. judaism is a religion of peace". remind you of something?
vid related. also maimonides is definitely mainstream…
Oliver Gomez
Matthew Morgan
Have you even read Loki…?
Adumbratio Kabbalae Christianae (1684); and Two Hundred Queries … concerning the doctrine of the Revolution of Humane Souls (1684)
"Observations on the treatise of Mr. J. Locke on the Understanding: after the doctrine of the Hebrews and the ancient philosophers."
Also the Zohar quote which is used to justify melding all peoples into one, except the Chosen;
>And the People of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot, who were men, beside children. And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, and very many cattle.—Exod. 12:37-38It is them [the mixed multitude] who cause the world to revert to the state of waste and void. e mystery of this matter is that because of them the Temple was destroyed, “and the earth was waste and void” [Gen. 1:2], for [the Temple] is the center and foundation of the world. Yet as soon as the light, which is the Holy One, blessed be He, comes, they will be wiped off the face of the earth and will perish—Zohar 1:25b
You don’t comprehend the purpose of this website. Leave and do not return.
Jason Moore
saving against spy thread sliding
Angel Rogers
Because it's more good jews v. bad jews smoke and mirrors. Orthodox Judaism supplies all they need to conquer the world, and slandering the name of schismatics won't change that.
It is the case as i've pointed out that this obviously always emerges from Orthodox Judaism in the first place, that history suggests they are prone to sliding over to the dark side, that they perhaps need to re-consider being the Chosen People of El.
In a sense i think that the supposed bad Jews actually get it more than the Orthodox, that the religious laws of Israel and attempts to maintain tribal integrity were only ever to provide a platform for the greater agenda, a control system, and that maintenance of such was never the overall point.
The Kabbalistic Jews consider that the whole Earth can be laid waste and void, all peoples and cultures destroyed except for themselves, that's naive to say the least, in fact El as En-lil has previous in Mesopotamia for wanting to destroy ALL of humanity, it's an aspect of the nature of Saturn the astral association of that Deity, that over time all things degenerate and die, hence his association with the agricultural cycle, this by extension can be associated with all physical/moral/mental degeneracy.
There is a natural counterpart to all of this and we're expected to supply it, no other people is remotely capable.
Wyatt Rivera
I've got a lot on my plate rn when it comes to Jew-research, but I highly recommend curious anons to check out this guy >en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Benatar This theme of kikes hating life and nature seems to keep popping up and at the forefront of antinatalist philosophy is a South African Jew.
He argues against procreation roughly on the basis that existence involves pain, yet he defends the brit milah. Why am I not surprised. Anyways, I find it very strange how reclusive he is, and I'd like to know how much rabbinical education he's had. On the one hand he might be a smart kike with a pathology, and on the other his antinatalist positions may derive from the Talmud, Zohar or some other midrashim. He got some coverage for debating Sam Harris recently. Also, for some reason, he reminds me of Peter Singer, a coethnic, in his sideways approach to biological philosophy.
There's a reason, in Mesopotamia under the overall authority of Anu the Pantheon effectively divided in two, Enki was responsible for the organic side of creation, he enjoyed sex, beer and manufacturing Beetles, planted the Tree of Life in the Quantum field.
En-lil's side of the Pantheon related to spiritual qualities and phenomena such as Time and Destiny, the non-existential, generally these were represented by Heavenly bodies in terms of abstract symbolism.
In Sumer there was no conflict between the two sides of the Pantheon, but once El-lil goes all absolutist things seriously start to fall apart, the schism between the Asura and the Deva can be understood in these terms.
In Israel under the auspices of El this led to the doctrine of original sin were the flesh profiteth not and the primacy of spiritual redemption, and later hordes of crazed Gnostics paranoid about physical creation and a supposed Demiurge, a very poor attitude to life in general, at the deepest levels of such psychosis a hatred for nature and beauty and the desire to eradicate it.
Jayden Wood
that is a faulty conclusion why couldn't it be both? do you think jews would not want to profit while creating conditions that cause the demise of their enemies?
Evan Moore
Sure the first thing they did once liquid currency/the shekel was invented was started creating debt slaves, financial power is simply the basis for controlling others and manipulating them towards one's own ends, the plan is always toward absolute control over the fate of others.
In that sense the role of the Rothschilds was critical in Neo-Frankism.
Isaac Barnes
Oh god more christian identity bullshit.
Chase Powell
This is a very important thread imo, so for any anons that are interested in this topic, I highly recommend getting your hands on Gershom Scholem's books. He spent decades finding the most obscure, unknown and publicly unavailable kabbalistic texts in order to understand jewish mysticism, and thus is considered the foremost scholar on the history of Kabbalah, which includes the Sabbatean-Frankist antinomialist heresy. One of his best friends was Walter Benjamin, of Frankfurt School fame.
On a related note, I am interested in getting my hands on a journal article that is (((unavailable))) online. If you go to/live near UCLA, U Toronto, Columbia, Syracuse or Colby Universities, please respond to my post here— 8ch.net/pdfs/res/665.html#q9500
I was surprised in researching this how difficult it is to find quality translations of original Kabbalistic texts online, there are plenty of bogus, my impression was that they don't want core texts generally known, in fact there are 20 key manuscripts on practical kabbalah which have never even been published in Hebrew according to this article on radical Judaism, which does a surprisingly good job in tracing the connection between Frankism and modern secular Jewish radicalism.
It could be something they put in the Frankfurters, but then again…
Noah Garcia
That is where Coudenhove-Kalergi‘s wish for a mixed egyptian like race might come from. Kalergi was paid by the jews.
Kalergi‘s family comes from Greece, that is also the place were the Donmeh original settled.
Coincidences? totally not ironic
Jace Anderson
Yes their entire masterplan is based upon a 14th century interpretation of a made up story in the Book of Exodus…
Blake Carter
I agree that this poster's use of 'HaShem' and 'G-d' is highly suspect, but you're wrong to conflate the Jewish refusal to speak the name of God with the Christian concept of 'The Word/Logos'
Kayden Morales
Hashem and the Word/Logos are one and the same.
Nathaniel James
1-8 jews judaism - jews masonry - jews illuminism - jews shriners/jesters - jews hollywood - jews tv/radio/magazines/newspapers - jews niggerball - jews war profiteers - jews israel - jews
It's all jews everywhere, all the time.
Charles Miller
Jews are just foolish monkeys it's countering d-50 i'm most concerned with.
You have no idea what you're talking about. The use of the term λόγος in the Gospel of John is a syncretic adoption of Greek philosophy, which goes back to Heraclitus. 'The Word' is a poor translation of the original Greek anyway, so let's get rid of that.
The Hellenic notion of λόγος is founded on the idea of a divine ordering principle, or cosmic reason/rationality, or cosmic logic, or to perhaps put it even simpler: truth. Logos is diametrically opposed to the idea of chaos. Therefore, to suggest that Jesus Christ was the Divine Logos incarnate on Earth has profound theological and philosophical implications, particularly in regards to ideas of right action. And before you say that John probably was writing in Greek as a second language, the Aramaic term for λόγος is 'memra', and later Jewish scholars like Philo also picked up the concept, using the term דבר, or 'dabar'.
In comparison, HaShem (i.e. The Name) is simply a euphemism because the degenerate Jews refuse to speak the name of God outside of the liturgical setting. What does it say about Jews and their religion that they treat God as 'He Who Must Not Be Named'?
The very idea of suppressing the name of God is diametrically opposed to the Hellenic concepts of truth, reason, and order that underlie λόγος, so you are completely wrong to equivocate the two.
Adam Morgan
You seem not be taking into account that Shem could also indicate essential nature in the same sense as Logos;
When a sheep is selected from the flock to be sacrificed, it is called "chosen". The jews are called the chosen people. Holocaust is a synonym for burned offering.
Jackson Wilson
In the beginning the elohim (plural) created heaven and earth, not the shem.
John Brooks
The baptism of the (((Frankists))) was celebrated with great solemnity in the churches of Lwów, with members of the Polish szlachta (nobility) acting as god-parents. The neophytes adopted the names of their godfathers and godmothers, and ultimately joined their ranks. Frank himself was baptized in Lwów (September 17, 1759) and again in Warsaw the next day, with Augustus III as his godfather. Frank's baptismal name was "Joseph" (Józef). In the course of one year more than 500 individuals were converted to Christianity at Lwów, and nearly a thousand in the following year. By 1790, 26,000 Jews were recorded baptised in Poland.[7]
Some Frankists were active during the French Revolution, such as Moses Dobruška, a son of Frank's Sabbatian cousin in Offenbach Shendl Dobruska. Many of the Frankists saw Napoleon Bonaparte as a potential Messiah. The Frankists scattered in Poland and Bohemia eventually intermarried into the gentry and middle class. Maria Szymanowska, a piano virtuoso, came from a Frankist family.[8] Wanda Grabowska, the mother of Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński, also descended from Frankists.[9]
In 1883, a Russian magazine Русская старина (Russian Old Times) issued memoirs of an influential official of the Russian Ministry of the Interior, the privy councillor and staunch anti-Semite O. A. Phzetslavsky. He promulgated the allegations that the mothers of three of the greatest men of Poland (Frédéric Chopin, Adam Mickiewicz and Juliusz Słowacki) were converted Jews from the Frankist sect.[10] Similar assertions were put forth by Mieses and Balaban.[7][11][12][13][14][15]
Michael Nguyen
That's correct they use HaShem in terms of substitution and John 1 follows the same convention by not naming Elohim and crediting this to the Logos equivalent of HaShem.
Adrian Gonzalez
Jesus, I've noticed a ton of jews(as in jewdar going off) in Poland that pretend to be Christian. I had no idea they were Sabatean Frankists. There's probably millions of these and you won't find them in official records because they never openly identify as Jewish. Come to think of it many years ago when I was a kid I was told to watch out for a white van people have reported abducting children, it was in April no less, fucking blood passover.
James Robinson
sorry for misspelled names. The last paragraph is my notes from a Joe Atwill lecture, and the rest I just copypasted from old thread
Jews stealing non-jew babies to drink their blood actually happened though. The Sabbatean sect engaged in this activity, and it was the dominant form of Judaism until relatively recently.
Kabbalists believe that God was shattered by the act of Creation, and that His attributes lay as “holy sparks” imbedded in Creation that must be picked up in order for Him to be restored to oneness (known as the act of tikkun). The kabbalist therefore believes that the Jewish Messiah will never arrive–and thus Mankind will never be liberated–until God is restored to oneness. The way to do this, according to kabbalists, is engage in acts of holiness and meditation in order to retrieve the sparks of God. In the year 1666, a kabbalist and occultist named Sabbatai Zevi declared himself the Jewish Messiah. Upon his messiahship, he turned the Torah around by declaring that all sins were now considered holy and that to only way to “repair” God was to engage in acts of depravity. He lost several followers after the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire forced him to convert to Islam, but several Jews still followed him. 100 years later, Jacob Frank declared himself to be the reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevi and took those ideas to an even greater extreme. According to him, in order for God to be repaired and for the Messianic Era to arrive, mankind must destroy all of its traditional moral values and go beyond good and evil. The Frankists, as they were called, engaged in every horrible thing you could imagine–black magic, wife-swapping, sex orgies, homosexuality, incest, pedophilia, and they promoted a form of proto-feminism and proto-communism. Every one of these acts was considered to be a “holy tikkun” (restoration) of God if done with holy intent. They were entirely apocalyptic and despised the world of Creation, seeking to bring about its early end and to bring forth a Messianic utopia. The Sabbatean and Frankist heresies seemed to disappear by the start of the 19th century. However, there was still an active Frankist stronghold in Frankfurt, Germany during that time. These Frankists were known to be affiliated with the Freemason lodges around the city. One such Freemason was a man by the name of Franz Joseph Molitor. He was a known satanist and alchemist who took a strong interest in the Kabbalah, even going so tar as to synthesize the Kabbalah with a perverted form of ‘Christianity’. This is what lead him to picking up Sabbatean-Frankist ideology. In order to promote his views, he authored a four-volume set of books promoting a bastardized understanding of ‘Judaism’ written from a kabbalist and Sabbatean perspective. These books of Molitor’s were picked up in the early 20th century by two young Jewish scholars from Berlin: Gershom Scholem and his best friend Walter Benjamin. Benjamin later became a Marxist after living in the USSR and meeting with Georg Lukacs, joined the Frankfurt School, and became one of the main intellectuals behind Critical Theory alongside Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adomo.
Sabbateans had 4 god heads, one of which was called Big Brother. Their goal was a thousand year world utopia. Also known as Frankists and Sect of Edom. By 1830s most of Warsaw's lawyers were Frankists. They were also loan sharks and ran brothels and into radical politics. They became henchmen of polish nobles. In 1800, chancellor Forney of Prussia investigated the Sect of Edom and discovered that the cult was cover for political purposes and infiltration. Eisenberg created a Frankist state within a state. Amsel Rothschild was a court agent to Eisenberg. It seems the Rothschild family may be Frankists, or at least support them. Prince of Eisenberg married Sofie, relative of Hannah Rothschild. The Russian and Austrian authorities investigating this cult determined they were a transnational spy network. 29/58 of Amsel's grandchildren married first or second cousins. Louis Brandeis came from a Sabbatean clan and became a US Supreme Court justice.
Ian Powell
The Zohar isn't about Exodus, it's a kabbalist's interpretation of all of Judaism and its central tenets. Furthermore, while it was written down in the 14th century, they claim it was transmitted orally from the 3rd century, when the Mishnah was first written down. The Talmud, likewise, is claimed to have been transmitted orally from the days of Moses for centuries. One thing I've learned researching the Chosen Ones is that they lie to their own about as often, if not more, than they lie to the goyim.
Sabbatean-Frankism, as many Jews as it influenced, was not the 'dominant' form of Judaism, and was publicly denounced in orthodox synagogues when the two men were alive. In fact, knowledge of these men was something of a well guarded secret, along with Kabbalah in general, until Gershom Scholem published his works. These heretics are convenient scapegoats for the moral perversions and crimes of Jewry writ large, and orthodox men like Antelman and The Rebbe basically take all the 'anti-Semitic canards,' admit they are true, but only for the Frankists. Then, any Jew that's caught doing evil can be written off as a Frankist, even in the absence of evidence. It's telling that they want so hard to tie the Rothschilds into all this. I'm not saying they weren't involved, just that the proof-driven should not make arguments from silence and excepting the fact that Frankfurt was a location for much shadiness, there isn't much connecting those dots. I've also seen the claims that Adam Weishaupt was a crypto-jew and that he was funded by Rothschild, neither of which I've been able to source.
On a related note, I've translated (roughly) this Hebrew infographic, and I'm looking for someone with art skills to produce an English language copy. I'd also be much obliged if someone can find me a larger version of the pink one, or can source it's origin.
principalities and powers influenced by satan control the worlds movers and shakers…. they wish to attain godhood as does their master. their egos reflect satan's and they are trying to be as depraved as he
Jonathan Moore
Yes the Zohar is an interpretation of the Torah including Exodus, melting pot theory originates in that Book.
Sabbatean-Frankism are relatively modern manifestations of what lies at the heart of Judaism, i've pointed out that their practises were based upon the Marzeah feast which can be traced back 4,000 years the inner premise of that is the degeneracy of EL, there was always an inner cult within the mainstream practise indeed in Nabatean practise an actual cella within the overall Temple complex, the first mention of Rabbi in Ugarit is with regards to being the facilitator of the Marzeah lodge.
The greater religious body serves as support group for this inner circle they are law abiding in order to hold that society together, in the case of the Hebrews they simply adopted Hurrian common law as can be traced through the Nuzi tablets, thus a non-Semitic basis for biblical common law tradition and the reason Europeans relate to its values.
The Hebrew tribal confederation, the entire basis of Israel derived from the Marzeah and its 13 participants as the heads of tribes and a High King, that lodge system filtered down to the regional and village level in much the same way as Free Masonry, mentions of Marzeah in the bible are in the context of it's no time to be practising it when Israel is falling apart, the two are inextricably bound.
Intredasting. I've been reading academic papers linking the cult of Yahweh to Dionysos (a modern form of interpretatio graeca), and it seems alcohol was a mainstay in their rituals. The Last Supper ritual involves wine too.
Evan Thompson
The Sect of Edom marks the point were Frank determined their future lay in transforming Europe.