I just checked Don's twitter after six months and I can't stop keking all the way back to Zig Forums- The man is...

I just checked Don's twitter after six months and I can't stop keking all the way back to Zig Forums- The man is tweeting up a storm, shitposting like a true boss troll in command


I forgot how hilarious his bantz are, looking in top shape tbh

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Other urls found in this thread:


I wouldn't be surprised if he has shitposted on pol tbh. Guy is savage. Kiked or not.

His election was worth his weight in gold for the comedy value alone

Kiked for certain.
Do you think he had a hand in the way the kike-jew mod Imkampfy banned anyone daring to point out that the great messiah Kampfy's nu-pol was shilling for was a dastardly kike?

Still better than Hilldawg tbh

Hardly any better if at all
Which was and is the very first step of understanding the Red Pill

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Trump is a faggot and so are you

Attached: Sanders-Dies-Trump-Says-Hes-A-Quitter.jpg (1024x768, 222.5K)

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Uh huh

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Nice reddit lingo, head on back.

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Do please go back to reddit.

There's no denying moderation was turning this place in /r/the_donald lite. For a while there you couldn't say a single bad thing about Trump, not even something like "I don't think we should bomb Syria or go to war with Iran, because that just helps Israel, not America" without getting banned.

Oh emperor, my emperor!

Attached: 3f44a0b332ef42ae3f602ac67509ff5e20d24a82cc7b38338179a7c6d06912ac.png (226x350, 132.72K)

Am I not allowed to laugh at the bantz he posts?

Are you fucking thought police bro?

I helped Don get elected and I never visited reddit,
I don't plan on starting now, fuckface

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found the newfag

Attached: Rothschilds-MayMay.png (2000x1384, 2.25M)

So is the general consensus now we hate Don?
We should have elected Hillary?

I'm OP you fucking mongoloid

You guys have 0 trust, 0 loyalty and zero perseverance. Would not go into battle with/10

Attached: abdce534cb23d9254b274be05e50302b--i-will-fight-fight-for-you.jpg (600x600 90.35 KB, 29.7K)

Let alone a war.

You don't really need outside factors when you devalue all the greatness you achieved by yourself.

14th Balkan Division here, checking out.

Attached: 320px-TheGreatMemeWar_toAllWhoServed.jpg (960x960 714.01 KB, 84.72K)

It still means alot to me. Will make patch to put on my camo gear.
Thank you the user who made it, and the second version with slo included as well

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If Don was not elected president many good things around the world would have never transpired

Attached: DQo-210XcAIB4Ao.jpg (387x464, 26.32K)

Why are we having all these Anons who have 0 respect for themselves and what they achieved here?

Attached: TrumpKicksAss.jpg (1920x1080, 664.21K)

still a kike stooge tho

fuck off reddit

Attached: JewWave Snoo.jpg (1200x1200, 353K)

I never worshiped Trump in the first place, because I knew from the beginning that a President can only do so much to change things, and that he probably wouldn't be able to keep his campaign promises, let alone establish the all-white paradise like some people were expecting. I mostly expected plenty of shitposting and daily liberal tears, and I have not been disappointed. A++ Would vote again.

This. Who cares if we are being outbred by spics and are sent to die for Israel if the president posts epic memes that btfo all those dang liberals?

He has.

Attached: 3ef1f9b132ce9e331df77e9691….png (3000x2000, 1.46M)

Unfortunately we live in a post-trust society, loyalty is to be abused and perseverance is shameful. We can't even trust our own families anymore, no one is going to a trust a stranger for long.

Attached: A symbol of our times.jpg (1600x1200, 122.29K)

Speak for yourself.

You're the outlier here and the fact that you dismiss the destruction of the White family shows how disconnected you are, as it's one the of largest issues facing us.

What do you expect Trump to do about this? You were wrong to expect him to fix things in the first place.

Why anybody is still so naive as to think that there's a governmental solution to the race problem and the Jew problem is beyond me. At most all any governmental body can do is slow down immigration, and slightly trim Israel's gibs and military aid. If you expected Trump to wave a fairy wand and make all your problems disappear then you deluded yourself. The most I ever expected from Trump is that he wouldn't be as bad as Hillary, and he's met that expectation.

I tried to tell everyone during the election that it would turn out this way but of course I got banned for not groveling at Trump's feet. "The God Emperor", how shameful. You got the President you deserved for being so naive and delusional. I only got the President I expected: pretty ineffectual overall, but one that ruffles feathers on all sides and produces endless mountains of salt.

I was a smug as fuck when the bastard won the election. The look on the liberals and leftists faces was priceless. I give him credit for that and for that reason I believe we should try to help him in his path rather than abandon him.

Shills will tell you yes.

Are you 15yo?

It's better than I expected, actually. I've noticed that the small businesses around me aren't dying as badly anymore. It looks like things are bouncing back. And this is in a blue state where they're trying their hardest to mask the recovery. Fuck the shills, we can almost afford shit again. I thought the decline was completely irreversible.

Fags like you exist to be filtered


/ourguy/ cucking jews


It's not possible for one branch of the system path to be better than any other. They are the same.

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if you are a newcomer working for one of the many agencies, then yes, that's your line.
The rest of us just think whatever we like.
I think the lack of bloodshed (sacrifices to moloch) since he's been in, especially the grand failure of the syrian offering, means i still think he's both hilarious and fucking with the kikes.

Come on user.. How could you possibly fall for the oldest kike trick in the book?
If anons didn't like President Trump why would there be so many memes?
Why is God Emperor Trump such a high quality meme?
This is your psy-ops division.
They meme like no one else.
They are heroes, like you.
And true anons stand with you.

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If you think Hillary would not have introduced strict gun control measures after the first two mass shootings, you are delusional.

Guys, I think we really might win November.


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I thought the boomers left after getting heart attacks from the boomer hate threads