So here's the thing…
Sarcuck STILL wants to believe that collectivism doesn't real. But the thing is that collectivism obviously does real. One easy to look place is the US supreme court. The US supreme court was near 100% Protestant for all of the US's existence. Today the US supreme court is comprised of 33% Jews and 66% Roman Catholics. Psst, that means 0% Protestants. Jews still make up 33% of the US supreme court despite being 2% of the population. Where did those Protestants - ya know, the people who founded the USA, go? Are Protestants a minority in the US now? No, they are still the overwhelming majority. All these Protestant Europeans living in the US (not just Anglo-Saxons, but the Swedes, Germans and more) seem to believe in that 'meritocracy' thing which prioritises individuals over collectives, and that same thing is still big in Western Europe amongst their cousins; I wonder if we see similarities in how meritocracy vs collectivism is playing out over there?
Maybe we should look up how many Jews are in Hollywood? Maybe we should look up how many Jews hold high ranking positions in the mainstream media? Maybe we should look up how many Jews are in top positions at banks? Good thing we have the internet and can easily check these things out and get the truth for ourselves, isn't it? Maybe we should see which groups are pushing atheism, homosexuality, transgenderism, SOCIALISM?
Remember when Obama got elected? Remember how nearly every black wanted to vote for him because he was black? Maybe your memory sucks, so let's go look at Hillary Clinton's campaign. Remember hearing that 'it was time for a woman to be President'? Remember how women would literally vote for a woman SOLELY because she was a woman, and that the Democratic party literally used this as a vote-gaining tactic in their advertisements?
Collectivism does real you disgraceful manlet. You bring dishonour on England by pretending to be one of us with your faked accent and your absolute lack of awareness. If you really did live in the UK then you would see how Poles hire other Poles, Indians hire other Indians, blacks even hire other blacks (when they have jobs). The only people who do not help their own anymore are Western whites, usually of Protestant backgrounds.
So collectivism is real, you now admit. "But why should we change how we act? Our way is better. Our way is more enlightened."
We must change because we are losing. Half of the US political establishment has decided to pander solely to 'minorities' and forget about the needs and wants of us, despite us being the majority of the populace. The UK has got rid of 'free speech' despite being one of the strongest forces to initially spread it in the world. Do you think it was native Anglo-Saxon Protestants in the US and UK who started to do these idiotic things? Or do you think it was the Jewish, Papist and otherwise hostile-foreigner groups that infiltrated those nations? … You don't actually have to think because you can literally read what happened; the Kikes are so sure of their victory that they do not even bother redacting inconvenient bits of history.
You know about the Kalergi plan, right? You know about the Frankfurt School? You know about Cultural Marxism and all these other things that you're supposedly an expert on, right? What about the Bolshevik revolution? What about the Spartakusbund? What about the Opium Wars?
We do not even have to wonder about what our 'brave new world' might look like in a few years. There have been a few nations that have done trial runs of the exact same policies that we are now committing to. Maybe you've heard about a little country called Zimbabwe? How about South Africa? … So much for individualism and meritocracy.
So there you have it. Either we embrace collectivism until we regain near complete homogeneity in our own nations, at which point we can pursue individualism once more; or else we get genocided by mudshits and niggers. Easy choice, right?
Get bent you stuck up faggot.
Zig Forums
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