Google officially lists California Republican Party as Nazis

Oy vey! We gotta shoah these goys!

Knowledge Panel on Google search results for "California Republican Party" lists Nazism as one of the party principles.

Attached: GoogleCaliNazi.png (890x1081, 180.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: President_2.jpg (569x720 146.15 KB, 81.36K)

I fucking wish.

1. Join California Republican Party.
2. Sue for slander/libel.
3. ???
4. Profit.

Take your ronnie raygun worship back with you to Hell. Amnesty Ron opened the doors to this country to every beaner and guatamala squat who could ride in the back of a pick-up. A pox on Ronald Reagan and all his low IQ fanboys.

Attached: 7e4aeeac66ecbf4445d588d5374098f5bcb69edc794eb1cb7504135685bb0522.png (481x270, 189.15K)


Wasn't he just a B-List actor? Shouldn't this say volumes against hiring public entertainers and media personalities from entering office?

No lie

Libshits already froth at the mouth as much as they do about former Democrats like Reagan and Donald Trump. They stayed exactly the same as they were while the Democrats went so far to the left they almost fell off the planet. It's the same screed about everyone to the right of Obama. Eisenhower was Hitler, Reagan was Hitler, both Bushes were Hitler, Trump is Hitler, and whoever the next Republican President is will be Hitler too even if he has a platform identical to Mao Zedong. How much collective pants-shitting do you think they'll do when an actual "Nazi" shows up?

They'll just have him assassinated.

>>>Zig Forums
Go away ya commie commofag

Attached: Commies.jpg (1366x768, 181.21K)

You're retarded


beaners are the disease, they just brought communism with them when your clipdick messiah house goy threw open the borders and said, "race doesn't matter, buy shit on credit!"

I would kill your entire generation with my own hands if I could.

Attached: f1531e35c531cd3f8befc73c6691392a131967c3a42623825d06f61ddc831f3f.jpg (301x351, 26.03K)

Attached: Kek's Judgement.JPG (1579x798 74.86 KB, 211.77K)

But not those BASED Trotskyites who he brought into the White House. Reagan is the reason the Republican party went commie.

Attached: Reagan-Begin.jpg (560x784, 262.19K)

I know you hebes love your false dichotomies. So pick one and only one.

isn't he second at 17% or something?


Its gone now. Literally just some retard vandalising Wikipedia, nothing remotely important.

I want to believe. I've read mixed things, and polls aren't trustworthy. But that they are omitting his name in headlines like he's the 13th floor in a hotel is a great sign.

>It's a big Nothing-(((Berger)))

Whatever happens, he will come out with campaign experience out of it, and he will be able to coordinate with other candidates in the future.

Republican party was commie since it was invented. Karl Marx was one of Lincoln's biggest supporters.


Attached: ragin.jpg (954x1116 68.32 KB, 469.47K)

Oy gevaaaaaaaaalt, goyim!


Never forget the 60 trillion.

Attached: nixon's vp.jpg (731x1127 201.65 KB, 241.74K)

they never fucking learn, do they?

No, jew.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (400x233 302.26 KB, 200.85K)

I'll vote for him every time he decides to run, assuming he maintains his integrity. I'd prefer to be proud of my futile vote rather than compromise for an unpatriotic traitor that is guaranteed a win. As far as I'm concerned there is only one person running for any position in the state of California that values honesty, pic related. Nobody else deserves my support.

Attached: Patrick Little.jpg (4160x2340, 3.09M)

Attached: 'White Hispanics' in One Image.jpg (1690x446 105.37 KB, 103.4K)

The world's premiere search engine – the great index of the information superhighway – is deliberately slandering half of the American political power structure as Nazis. Is it time for the Republicuck Party to impose neutrality requirements on this public utility yet, or are they going to wait until the unholy alliance creates a Democrat/tech firm autocracy?

Reagan was libshit camouflaging as right. What destroying US things didn't he promote?

Or better become thing left so eager to meme into real life.

Who is Patrick Little? A Little Investigation.

Part 1:
Part 2:

Attached: little threat 4.png (615x1281, 329.55K)

American ballots look like lottery tickets? Can I play the lottery tomorrow now and feel like I am supporting you guys?

stop shilling your shitty blog


Moarpheus fuck off.

Attached: moarpheus6.png (581x421 163.79 KB, 96.69K)

Attached: patrick little mossad.png (1450x527, 87.09K)

So you have no problem with self-defined jews and zionists, just anti-semite zionists?

Attached: moarpheus9.png (581x502 11.61 KB, 417.55K)

Post a source for this assertion?

the three pictures in the post

The first pic is a claim which we can discuss. The other two are re-tweets. What's your debate here?

You don't retweet by accident you slimey nigger.

So you have no problem retweeting and following avowed zionists, but you have a big problem against anti-semitic zionists? You also do not have a problem with supporting jewish people, correct?

Who said it was by accident? What is your argument exactly? I've exposed Patrick Little as a NAZBOL Jew and you're kvetching because I retweeted news?

if youre not blocked by laura loomer what argument do you have?

Attached: blocked laura loomer.PNG (916x339, 193.57K)

Ah, ok, I see. So nazbol jews are a problem, but self-avowed supporters of the state of israel, and the jewish people in general are not?


the three pictures I've linked in the previous post

Little really is the boss.

Stop giving it (you)s idiot, its just playing dumb to shit up the thread.


you're going in circles



Keep voting capitalist, jew-boy.

didn't he ban automatic weapons too? he was fucking awful

t. Zig Forums

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I thought you could support the jewish people without supporting Israel.

Left vs Right

Attached: deadlol.PNG (601x598, 817.19K)

Jews, in spite of being disconnected and without a single leader, all seem to act in unison. How do they do that, user?

Attached: nazbol fischer.jpg (850x889, 97.6K)

tell me

I want you dead.

Because it's an innate predisposition toward such behaviors and there actually ARE meetings where rabbis from around the world meet and scheme.

well, he is a jew.
he also doesn't think kikes are a distinct race.

I want off this ride. May Goolag burn in fucking hell.

Attached: chuckschumertears.PNG (513x385, 343.56K)

Lenin wantee to wipe out 90% of the population

Weev aurenheimer advocated a similar figure for extermination

What is it with these subversive kikes and genocide fantasies?

A handful of very intelligent "Elites," working with the world's Governments, use psychological manipulation to herd not only the goyim but also their fellow Jews. Socially, humans are like cattle: you can convince crowds to do whatever you want even if you couldn't convince an individual member of that crowd of the same proposal. This is the phenomenon of mob mentality. These Elites create cultures and they force groups into them. For example, European whites accepting their own genocide seems insane but it's perfectly reasonable if you simply create the culture for them to fall into, likewise it's easy to turn the Diaspora against everyone else even though as a Zionist Elite you mean to sacrifice the very same diaspora. The problem is one of culture and so is the solution to the Jewish Problem.

You're right! But Rabbis are leaders of the community. Without evil leaders and the Elite to guide them the community loses it's venom.

Self-hatred + massive ego = hatred deflected onto everyone else

Attached: weev jew 3.png (1067x596, 941.43K)

California should be split into three states.

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He was also driven mad by the kike menaces.
Wow, what a shock.

You implied it didn't matter because it was retweeted.
Who cares? He is literally completely irrelevant.
The type of news you choose to retweet says a lot about you.
And then there's this:
Which tells so much more.

There are no good Jews.

Ever read Starship Troopers?
tl;dr: "The best things in life are free" is both literally true and innately false, in that the best things in life don't cost money, but their cost is struggle and hardship.
By the same token, "There are no good Jews" is both literally false and innately true, in that there are likely Jews who are not completely fucking trash, but they are so small in number and it is so potentially-damaging for subversive Jews to be given audience that there is no Jew who is worthy of being given the benefit of the doubt of being a 'good Jew'.

You are an enemy.

Attached: Jew Explains Why Jews Are Evil.webm (480x360 1.96 MB, 938.53K)

And there you have it folks. Moarpheus fell in love with the culture of the Trump campaign and is doing everything in his power to revive it. Guess what kike, you're getting gassed, along with the rest of your race.

yeah, check the other post I'm replying to

This was probably done the same was as getting DuckDuckGo to list Ben Garrison as "Propaganda Minister of the American Nazi Party".


No, filtered.

You have no argument.
I have a proper solution to the JQ.
Do you worry it renders your Zionism impotent?

Attached: trump zionism 11.JPG (585x658, 82.21K)

form an counter argument?

You don't though.
It doesn't though.

I did you slimey nigger.

Then counter my claims pertaining to culture.

No, nigger, you form a counter-argument to what I said to you.
Your claims of 'muh culture' are the same bullshit assholes like you shill everywhere.

Jews are a horrid people, innately, and that MAYBE a few are not shit does not equate to 'its just the culcha goy!'.

Unfilter him and check. It's a good case study.

Your solution is multicultural civic nationalism, eh, while you pretend to be natsoc, you slimy kike.

then stay defeated?


what is your solution?


inb4 multicultural civic nationalism + "jews are good its just da culcha goy!"

Why do you make false claims like I promote civic nationalism and only when asked for sauce do you actually ask what my stance is? Are you a shill?

Answer the fucking question

just tell me you stance, I suspect it's civic nationalism, but I might be wrong

I'm an ethno-Nationalist.

It was one of /ourguys/ who did this knowing it would spark media attention. The real question remains, however: are the Republicans now the real racists?

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lol, you're saging now? if you're an ethnonationalist, why are you against zionism? Aren't Spencer and Enoch ethnonationalists as well?

Because today's Ashkenazim Jews who spear-head the Zionist movement, and the Sephardim, are in no way connected to the ancient Hebrews or Israelite peoples. They have no claim to Israel.
Spencer is a "Pan-Europeanist" and Enoch is a dead-eyed kike.

I see. You believe that Jews are White.

how did you get that from my reply?

Attached: mfw what.jpg (1280x720, 49.8K)

You aren't though, because you don't believe in race. You think the Jews are the way they are merely due to culture.
They are literally the direct descendents thereof, in diaspora.

Are Jews White?
Can Jews be pro-White?

If they're not white, and they're not descendants of the Isaraelites, what are they?

inb4 muh khazars

Jews are venomous demons because of culture, yes. However, their genes make them prone to this type of culture thanks to things like schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder which are all prevalent among Jews. Their shitty genetics can be fixed with science, like CRISPR, and their culture can be fixed. If both their genes and their culture are re-aligned what threat remains?

No. White is synonymous with European of non-Jewish lineage. Jews are Khazars.
I haven't met one yet.

They're the descendants of Khazars.

Attached: jews khazars.PNG (671x318, 32.23K)

stay defeated.