Why have Slavs been less successful than the typical white in running a country?
Jews fucked them hard with communism. Shit's not easy to recover from.
China seems to have recovered well.
It's like Aryan segreagation and Jude crow.
It stole almost all the money from Neanderthaal normies for the wrong cause.
Admixture. Look at Putin, clearly part Lapp.
Are you fucking autistic?
why are russians so nostalgic for the USSR, then?
Eastern Europe was a flood zone for almost constant warfare between Europeans and west Asian from the collapse of the Roman Empire until Russia finally overthrew the Mongol yolk. The devastation suffered by those regions in both the hun and Mongol invasions cannot be understated. After the Huns destroyed everything and sent the visigoths running the fuck away from the plains there wouldn't be any large scale settlements until the Vikings settled kiev. Then after this phase of history it's mostly because Russia was shitting up the place and fucking everything up which they still are even now.
Because Russians desire power and strength above functioning goverment
Because Stalin hijacked the movement from the juice and turned them nationalistic and promoted traditional family values, + He put an ice pick in (((Trotsky's))) head.
Anyone tell me where the 100 part questionnaire about the political compass is? I can't find it. I checked my ass, and it's not there.
Pretty much.
Stalin implemented "Socialism in one State" which is pretty much the same thing China did.
It's codeword for State Capitalism with Nationalism at its core.
Stalin and China are basically successful versions of Hitler.
This. Just look at Vatniks.
The only people left to actually miss the USSR in Russia are decrepit old folks. Vatniks on the other hand have beliefs that seem baffling at first to the Westerner until they learn of their mentality - praising both the Tsarist times and Stalin seems contradictory, but it's less about the specific style of government and more about the image of great and strong Russia. Stalin's propaganda greatly appealed to the average Russian peasant at the time this way, sure they lived in rundown hovels with nothing to their name, but look at the huge parades of tanks and planes!
That's an enormous insult to Hitler. Moderate yourself.
They are succesful products of Marx and Jewry. Quite the opposite of what Hitler stood for, appart from the very superficial feature of a socialistic state, which every state is today.
Life wasn't that bad in the USSR after the 70s. Everyone had a decent little home, education, and food. Better than the typical rednecks in the Americas.
Life was better for adults in the 70s and 80s in Russia, this is why the nostalgia exists. 90s and 00s in Russia meant great poverty and instability.
All I am saying is that Stalin and China are able to remove ethnic garbage without ending up shooting themselves at the end.
The Third Reich began in the right direction, but there were obviously personality issues that surfaced during the war.
Germany has been Jew'd hard since Hitler died.
Ethnic garbage like Jews? No, they are clearly not able to do so. Mainly because they are adherents of a Jewish ideology where racial division for the goyim is one of the cardinal sins. And Germany was Jewed hard? Jesus Christ, the kikes murdered tens of millions in both Russia and China. Killed all the elites. Installed a completely Jewish system. Germany actually got off light, considering.
Retard: the post
Slavic countries are now doing better than western European ones
It's a deep historical question. gtfo
Then why do all of them keep coming here instead of staying in their paradises? I could do with fewer Russians and Poles. We already have to deal with Turks and Arabs.
Lots of easily accessed territory with potential aggressors on every side.
Meaning they have historically pretty much always been at war either with each other or with an external threat (for example muslims)
So they have a lot of difficulty maintaining any level of stability.
Meanwhile a nation like the UK which is difficult to invade and isolated from land borders with potential enemies is the oldest nation on the planet in the terms of continuous government.
I think Slavs are better than Turks and Arabs because they are more closely related to white people.
Hitler even considered raising some blond Slavs as ethnic Germans.
Eastern Europe is the gate into the continent. The West has never had any outside threats, the North either, and the South has had the occasional African raid but is somewhat protected by the Med. The East has never had any protection from barbaric hordes of the Mongol/Russian/Turkish variety, had to fight them completely solo and the rest Europe was happy to let them deal with it while they went on with civilization.
The East was actually getting in pretty good shape after WW1 in terms of art, science, industry. But then Uncle Sam and the eternal Brit had to screw the pooch and gave half the continent over to the Commies. From most countries, all the aristocracy was killed if they couldn't flee, all the intelligentsia (which was uniformly nationalist) either fled or were beaten to death in prison, same for all the previous political class. Anyone with a brain and a love of country. Eastern European countries were striped bare of what makes a civilization, and underwent decades of socialism to a degree westerners can't even imagine.
You see a few SJWs knock down statues and calling for "more equality" and you already think the West is dying, that's nothing compared to being arrested by the secret police for owning a banana because it's seen as too bourgeois.
I don't give a fuck if they're white. I don't want foreigners in my country full stop. Yes, they are better than non-white immigrants, but that's not the point. If their countries are so great, why do they leave?
If by "decent" you mean a tiny apartment that only single people live in in the West, that everyone had to wait a decade or so for.
The Capitalist West accomplished near universal literacy too.
Sure thing. Even the shittiest US redneck has a great life by communist standards. I'm from an ex communist country myself and one of the greatest culture shocks to me was just how much shit everyone in the West has - being "poor" means a much different thing there, like having less electronic gadgets and older cars, actual poverty of having little to eat is very rare.
fuck off nazbol trash
I remember reading that Bohemia would have had a high gdp if it hadn't become communist, and that it would have been wealthy if the Austrians hadn't controlled them. Czechs don't consider themselves to be Eastern Europeans, but they are slavs, so it goes here.
Thank you. There is too much Russian dick sucking on Zig Forums.
In state sponsored cuckold factories.
Why is this bumplocked? It seems no one is currently moderating this board, yet this is bumplocked?
smdh tbh.
not nazbol, simply stating why some Russians look back with sentiment.
They're dumping their lowest shit on your country, and your country is stupid enough to have open borders and accept everyone from the world. In the meantime, the good ones stay behind in their own countries and keep the brown trash out. They're doing it for the same reason they stay in the EU and take the free money yet don't follow EU immigration and refugee policies.
Bohemia had a high gdp when the Austrians had controlled
their own country and not some slav nigger.
Anything they show you as their “heritage” was made by Germans.
The Austrians made the error to try to help the slav nigger, to rise out of their rural ignorance. Stupid move that created a genocidal anti-German movement. With the Germans the GDP dwindled, only to rise, again after the Germans came back.
Most of the slavs working here that I have met have masters degrees in something. You can make more money as a hotel receptionist or cleaning lady here than you can in slavland with a degree in biology. That's why they come. They're Europe's better educated equivalent of Mexicans.
Lmao. Do you even know the state of civic society in Russia and Ukraine? Do you know that ukrainians are migrating because of wages and Russians because of regime?
I do not understand you.
- I live in rurals nowI cannot go a past a settlement without finding illegal pile of trash,
- roads are breaking a year after they were fresh-layed (personal experience),
- russian cities are suffering from lots of issues (transport, communal infrastructure, parking),
- we have several laws directly contradicting constitution signed in last years,
- our taxes will be rising, new taxes are being introduced each year,
- Putin secured presidency again and he does everything what might harm him only after that,
- Russia has country-wide internet survelliance law which we are paying for.
- not a single official was punished for the "Winter cherry" tragedy, nobody except firefighters, it's a trading facility which was functioning illegally for years
- not a single official was punished for alleged illegal building around "Chistie prudy" in Moscow, they were registered owned buildings and were destroyed breaking all the laws
- 8ch.net is already blocked in Russia FYI
Does each eastern european country have all of this? I do not give a fuck whether you personally do not want me in your country, if you have developed civic society I will be going there once it's insufferable here in Russia.
There is a new kind of society being born in Russia right now and the old kind of society, the slaves of historical heritage, are resisting it or just do not care. Best people are fleeing Russia because it's hard to live here and see whole country wasting potential, business opportunities are abysmal compared to 1st world. "Worst" people can't afford to emigrate.
Correction: Saged*