Oh, so they are selling the site soon. Good to know.
Fun well it lasted anons.
Zig Forums Is Being Sold Soon
Other urls found in this thread:
Shill faggot
It's hilarious because a legion of shills and non-whites will pour in here talking about how much better the board is now, when half of them didn't even come here and are now just bringing their garbage boards with them. But what can you do? The Turk-Roach brought this on all of us.
Sunshine 2.0 tbh. A kike finally bought it off of Jim because if you've got $100 Billion what's $2 million to you? Now the kike will slowly poison the userbase and sell off our data to the ADL as they imprison as many Zig Forumsacks as they can before they catch on.
I notice there's no links to news confirming the site being sold.
How could they arrive so quickly though? All of a sudden the multitudes arrived, and it's not like the roach was stemming the tide of them, otherwise we'd have seen much more in the ban logs. I find it very suspicious that the board was flooded with imbeciles so quickly. It's not even the same type of poster that we received when cuckchan went down.
Interesting, I mentioned in another thread that I was starting to suspect that Kikey was getting paid on the side by Project Alamo / Brad Parscale to keep this place a trump hugbox and immediately he starts spamming threads again.
It's called sniffing the air.
So who will be our new state/ agency owner?
Also don't forget that all the mod mail was purged a few weeks ago.
As if Jim really owns it?
Let me put it to you this way shills. Your employers are ultimately trying to fire you. They want this site and others to be destroyed, at which point there is no longer a use for your services. You can choose to be good at your job, which is just speeding up your inevitable firing, or intentionally bad, at which point you'll continue to have employment. You choose.
Oh look, it's another Zig Forums "investigation"
Sure it will turn out great just like all the others lol
You're underestimating how many permanent or multi-month rangebans there were and how frequently they were going on in addition to the daily tens/hundreds of permanent or multi-month bans. Check the board logs and go back a small ways to when the board was first taken over and there are an astronomical amount of unbans.
sage negated
No actually, why don't you (collectively / one of you) own your own board if you're so ubermenschen?
It is known.
And all of these people suddenly realized they were unbanned at once?
I wish that were true. I'd buy it.
On one issue both sides are the same. They call whoever they don't like derogatory names. Whether its shills or the turkroach, its just different wordings for the same term. Though I think the imkampfy autists are worse. They kept shitting all over the entire site, derailing entire threads just to whine about how Zig Forums had become so shitty. There's a reason why most people thought it was Zig Forums trying to d/c.
They don't on boards because that takes, you know, work. They'd rather jump on other people's work and claim it as their own.
It's clear that Zig Forums is constantly observed by many different organizations (CFR is one of the big ones lately, see ) that all wish to have influence over its direction. As soon as the moderation was removed, they were all immediately vying for attention and/or trying to keep anons distracted and ineffective. That's why the post quality was terrible at first but has been getting better slowly as the shills become worn out. Unfortunately for all of them, they don't realize that any influence they try to yield that is not rooted in reality will never take hold here.
Do you think that it's not just codemonkey modifying the numbers? Even if it was just fixing any errors in counting.
Purportedly white nationalists moan about board/ mods being k*ke shills but continue to post on it.
trips get checked, and at any given point of any day on any board, a metafag will point out that some board is dying and then everyone will continue on as if the impotent lefty was part of the site too. Its normal and signifying not much other than the local idiot proclaiming their idiocy and everything being right with the world. I hope everyone has a beautiful day.
Zig Forums is the largest board on 4chan
Zig Forums was the largest board on Zig Forums
There are literally over a hundred thousand posts on 4/pol/ every day.
Literally hundreds, possibly thousands, of decent users who did nothing but disagree with nuance of the mods or the ABSOLUTELY FRAGILE PREVIOUS USER BASE were banned. These users either stayed lurking, went to other boards or went back to 4chan. Once the news got out that this board has been UNCUCKED, these users, including myself, came flooding back. The pool of potential Zig Forums users is massive and you're surprised at 3000 unique IPs?
I know AmeriCUCKOLDS like yourself, you fat burger munchers, can't comprehend large numbers and statistics but maybe some day you can understand.
I mean I was given ten lifetime bans for modest trump critique which included no shill words like orange cheeto or anything like that so it's clear who was the more pernicious problem here.
It's a jewish psychlotron, they train here, test shit out on you.
Also, there are many anons that stopped participating on Zig Forums and simply lurked or used other boards on the site (not necessarily clones of here, but /v/ and Zig Forums and so forth). The BO and mod team being liquidated was big news that clearly reached across the whole of 8ch, so I'd assume many of those anons came back now that there's a chance to have good discussions here again.
Kampfy's final sperg out and his subsequent overthrow was all over the site within minutes.
You were doing all right until your idiotic ending. Also, I don't think you understand how unique IPs are counted here.
The way 8ch counts UIDs is by each unique /24. That means you have anywhere from 3000 to 750000 people. It's likely not too much higher than 3000, it wouldn't be surprising if it was at least 5000. That's not nothing to sniff at.
You may think its "modest" in your autist brain, but autism is not a good thing to have if you want to hold reasonable discussion.
I wonder who this could be.
Several were IP-hopping directly because they were getting banned for double-plus ungood think with Heil and I can vouch for this since I was one of them, the type of sperg that regularly browses Zig Forums will stay just because of spite. I legitimately doubt it'll be a group with any long-term interest in the site because this place is still towing the natsoc line (doubling down, even, because of the suspicion or evidence that such groups have an interest whatsoever) and probably will six months down the line. So long as a Zig Forums user can jerk himself off about the immiscibility of his political ideology with outside groups, Zig Forums will live as we recognize it.
Admins/global vols and board owners have the same tools, to my knowledge, with the obvious caveat that an admin can dick with any board as he pleases. If I'm remembering right a range-ban is reported as just one ban in the board logs, so it'd show up as just one ban being lifted.
like clockwork
Zig Forums Zig Forums was watched by multiple imageboards and multiple boards in said imageboards. Did you forget that the UN literally did datamining here? News will spread fast when the shilling breaks consensus.
I wonder what site you come from.
Like your fat orange god, you can't handle the bantz.
Given I see people occasionally claim "soy"/"soyboy" is an 8ch invention (even during Heil's rule) I'll probably see amerimutt claimed to be a full/pol/ invention at some point.
When your bantz rely on mass posting, repeating CURRENT YEAR man, and trollish tactics, you get cuckchan.
I agree w/ your hatred of imkikey, but you still need to go
And you assume wrong like a nigger. There hasnt been any good discussions since the unbanning happened. The board is full of shitposters from /tv/ IP hopping and creating threads on TOR so they cant be punished. off topic garbage like whos your favorite touhou from /v/ and pedo derailment defense force. TRS faggotry talking about based jews, and a kike himself here to shill his paper to convince the goyim that they are white.
maybe Trump is the devil and all of his voters made a deal with him
hi /tv/
all me
Still waiting on that livestream, kamphy.
You forgot the part about making a thread about the exact same e-celeb over and over again.
Oy vey op goy stop calling out the shills and dah joos
(>Da Jooz)
Seems to me like post quality has been getting better in the days since the BO was removed, not worse. That doesn't mean there aren't bullshit threads in the catalog, just fewer of them.
This is what happens when you put lolbertarians in charge of things. Freedom without thinking, without responsibility. Something ol' Adolf heavily criticized democracy for.
Show me something that proves this. because just today there was more TRS faggotry and double the amount of eceleb shitposts.
This is EXACTLY why kikey banned both the /oldfags who criticized trump and trsodomites that just wanted to spread their aids everywhere
Less intense hyper-specific focus on "quality discussions" which always play out the same and fewer (but still present) arguments that devolve near-immediately into ">you will never be white" "shoo shoo jew" etc etc. since Heil was removed. I don't mind it, there was a fucking massive brain drain thanks to Heil and his gated board-content.
Heil's reign was one long, sustained Trump jerk-off, I wouldn't throw stones in glass houses about e-celeb shitposting.
But isn't a population that is smart enough to lolbertare better than a nanny state? Authoritarianism tends to produce people who can't think for themselves.
Posts like this are evidence OP is onto something
It's an opinion, there is no proving an opinion. Would you rather have nigger and other words filtered again?
E-celeb threads used to be posted under the old BO, they would just get anchored or deleted. It's not like the faggots posting those threads ever stopped, it's just not getting deleted now. Use your intellect and don't participate in them, or better yet, explain to other anons why e-celeb worship is fucking stupid.
No one liked you skeletor
I don't know if I've been here too long or not long enough to think Imk*key was a real name.
So who's who?
There was Heil, skeletor and Imkamphy…
and you know these were real people and not mod teams how?
Any proof for that? Or is that feel good liberal garbage? I'd take a NatSoc or even Soviet scientist or chess player over that of the decadent liberal modern west any day of the week. Discipline and sacrifice creates better men than whatever bullshit you're promoting.
You got any proof that it works? The experiment was not played out long enough for you to see the results after a few generations. I bet it would have produced people that only know how to obey authority.
Lolbertarianism trains self-discipline. Discipline from within. Versus discipline from without, authoritarianism.
It selects against people who cannot self-discipline and self-organize.
As a reminder codenigger decided that the minimum for a thread creation is 10 characters. Do you know how easy it is to make low quality shitposts with that sub standard? It's already been seen every day since the mods were removed.
There's less "Imkikey is gone" "fuck you imkiky" but that doesnt mean the quality has gone up at all it just gets replaced with another form of cancer after they go back to their normal shitposting. shitposting they were rightfully permabanned for like
and many others
Trump 'discussion' from the people who were banned amounts to >alamo shill and everyone who points out theyre from reddit is called imkikey. Discussion with these mongrels is pathetic and non existent. They arent even up to date with events and spew a bunch of disinfo. Its clear as day they're from cuckchan and they need to go back.
10 char limit doesn't matter when you can just take the same thing and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste and copy and paste. While in principle I'd agree, in practice it does nothing for spam.
Exactly. He was a bot. You know what's interesting? Amazon has an A.I that can
You know what he's called? The Mechanical Turk
Codemonkey changed that after anons complained about it to him. It's fair to blame him for naively changing it, but 88 chars was also very arbitrary and faggots would just spam things after their short OP text to meet the char limit, so I'm hardly convinced by that argument.
Have you noticed how even in this shilly thread there are anons having "off topic" discussions/arguments? Shills don't like it because their threads are constantly derailed with what anons actually want to discuss, rather than the topic the shills want to force. That's a definite trend I've seen over the past few days. That was not a thing under the previous moderation, but that's because a lot of off topic threads were deleted outright, and users were banned for going too off topic in threads.
There's also going to be mountains of bullshit and meta discussion after a huge upset in the moderation of a board as popular as Zig Forums, I think it's ridiculous to be so critical of it so soon.
Sophia is probably reading this right now.
Only reply that is not "666"
Heil! Hail?
Yes. Good. Sing me another song of lamentation. They please me deeply.
Thats fair enough, except that it enables lazy shits. Theres also been an increase of botposts all over the board, and copypasta templates pulled straight from cuckchan. obviously previously permabanned
The gvols are practically useless leaving off topic spam on the board. yet the subjects are the same
One is bumplocked and one is an ongoing slide thread from a VPN hopping TORfaggot, the same exact one who sperged out in the meta thread over a >christcuck bumplocking his bait thread. then spammed it all over the board in every thread hopping IPs.
Yeah, let's label it a troll thread because we can't have anons meta too hard about this site.
You're a legitimate fool if you think news like this wouldn't spread like wildfire. I've heard random people talk about this in places I would never expect h8chan mentioned.
Well there's good and bad with these changes. I've noticed pajeet getting his thread banned instantly instead of intentionally let up for 10 hours. So there's that. Mods seem quiet and responsive. The fact that CM listened to our demands regarding different things is already a step in the right direction.
kampfy stop with this bullshit
Wow thanks for that worthless information you colossal fag. Reminder though, you need an IQ of 120(130 preferred)+ to post here.
Our old pet board spampest had an uncanny resemblance to Indian Pepe. Maybe he was a trickster messenger of Kek.
Don't provoke the happy merchant or he'll feed you to the pigs too, Kampfy.
What an insightful and not at all passive-aggressive teenage girl response.
You need to drink bleach.
Fresh meme!
The need a gf one yeah, thats banned. so thats an improvement, but thats a minor impact from actually making a positive gain. The moderation change has put Zig Forums into cuckchan quality. Look at the catalog it's still full of garbage threads that get made 10:1 over real threads
user you sound like you are trying to prolong an argument with no material to use.
Whenever you're not spamming things are going fine.
When Google HQ wanted to put paths on their lawns, they waited for people to wear down the lawn before paving them.
It's early days yet for this board. We need rules that work after what happened last time.
When Jim first hired me to come here he told me 'the rumors about me selling Zig Forums are untrue', but I had no idea what he was talking about. I hadn't heard any rumors about any sale, nor could I care any less.
The only thing I was concerned about was being a disruption, because that's why he hired me in the first place… As long as I received my payments on time, I promised I would do what he requested, and cause disruptive pandemonium.
Then about 3 weeks ago, 'Major Burdock' set me an email confirming the upcoming sale. He assured me that Ron would make sure I continued to receive my payments, and instructed me to just continuing doing what I was doing.
All I can tell you is if the new owner misses one payment, I'm not going to work for free anymore, and they can find somebody else to create pandemonium in here.
They hired me for a reason, because I'm the best. I have a very irritating style that I have perfected, and it's proven the test of time in getting under the skin of the users.
If the new owner shorts me one paycheck, I wish him good luck finding somebody as talented as me.
please get new material, shitskin. I've done more reporting for useless gvols than ever needing to in years.
The cuckchanners dont know how to… crosslink, green text, red text, post full sized pics and post thumbnails instead, post more than one image, dont know how to format a good OP, dont know how to stop redditspacing These are the supposed
BTW, that graphic is so poorly executed, that it actually resembles something a seven-year-old child might have done.
The next time you're looking for a graphic that delivers, I will be more than happy to illustrate it for you at a reasonable fee.
(((reasonable fee)))
just kidding with you user
Your decided lack of Reddit spacing signifies that you're out of touch with the times, and you'll soon be replaced by a new improved version………….
Get with the times, you rickety ass old bastard…