Baste Denmark bans Burqas
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I wonder if there will be any backlash. It's great to see Denmark standing up for their values and saying "this is Denmark not Saudi Arabia."
Would you rather pay for healthcare for the country when you don't need it or pay for only yourself when you do need it?
That pic is pretty retarded, but good news otherwise. This will probably increase the Ramadan bombathon intensity, which is even better news, since it leads closer to removing kebab.
go back to reddit
Sage fags should be gassed
Idk about you, but here in America if you go to a cheap ass hospital or one that will take any sort of public healthcare you're going to get fucked. There was one dentist named ((Schneider)) who was the only dentist in the area who would take medicaid. He would then basically rip out kids teeth for extra money for doing pulls with no anesthesia and abuse the shit out of kids. The kids he abused where from families too poor to abuse.
Aside from insane case like that, typically if you cheap out you'll get a 3rd world doctor from India 100%, which will cause you more harm than good.
I meant too poor to take legal action.
Theres nothing wrong with free healthcare if you have a racially united population.
no such thing, not even a lolberg, and, yes, there's plenty wrong with it
no, he's right. Is just that you americans are too far from having an homogeneous country that you forgot how that feels.. to know that your neighbour and friends and family are all from the same race.
Helping them is helping yourself.
There's a big difference between friends, family, and neighbors providing for each other and a government mandated bureaucratic mess.
That OP is absolute cancer. The topic is fine, but why are you typing like such a retard? And where did you get that Reddit cancer image you slapped on to your shitty OP?
GTFO kiddie
This. Government, even a pro-white government, can't be allowed to waste money on bureaucracy. Instead, family members and friends (or other community members) should lend (not give) money to those who can't pay their medical bills by themselves.
Fuck off yid.
That welfare comes at a price: moderate Islam aka hedonism.
Leafland had free medical care, downside is all the people who actually pay into it get thrown onto waiting list, minorities and other migrant scum get bumped ahead. Some places honestly have soviet tier line ups to a walk in clinic due to the severe lack of doctors and other medical staff.
that one is even worse. it makes the side it's arguing for look stupid
t. Faggot Mexican
Denmark is Woke
Report from @PeterSweden7
Ramadan fasting = no eating until sunset but that Scandinavian sun just won't cooperate.
Isn't it odd all these cuck countries taking refugees up the ass, hiding their rape gangs, etc. would do a 360 and walk away from that by banning something incredibly near and dear to the nigger religion? It's especially odd when juxtaposed with news about governments like china using facial recognition to track their citizens criminals
Just like everysingle Western Feminist failed Women in the Middle East by their own standards
Every single burka ban is super pointless. It deals with the most unimportant meaningless symptom rather than the root.
you forgot to mention he was also a kike