The only thing you are good at is murdering civilians and terrorizing small countries.
Why is the Jewmerican military such a fucking joke?
Those were the Serbian churches and monasteries in Kosovo.
May you rot in hell America.
And for those uninitiated, the Kosovo war was justified with forged evidence, much like Iraq 2003.
Because they are mutts. They are now paying for ww2 and ww1.
just like you
You Axis collaborators got off too easily. That Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, and the Baltics got away with no territorial losses is a travesty.
You should be kissing the asses of Russian and Serbian communists, because had we had proper governments you people would only have half a country today.
The next round of democratic bombs are still on us, serb.
Kosovo isn't yours
Get fucked
Because it's become a welfare program to keep the hordes of unemployed men with work. We are essentially in another depression if you cut out goverment employment
what did Americans do to those churches?
Posts like this are why I'm glad we kicked the shit out of you in the 90's Russians and Serbs both deserve heavy handed beatings.
Ah I see, once a collaborator always a collaborator. We'll see about that in the next war, us + Russia + China, vs you + kikes + America.
You didn't kick the shit out of anyone you servile imp. Now go kiss some Jewmerican ass for protection.
You let the Albanians destroy them after the war was over and you had occupied Kosovo.
I'm a burger and we face fucked you until you submitted. You and Russians both are cruel pussies and cowards who only pick on nations weaker then you then cry like a bitch when someone stronger then you slaps you. Burgers might be a shitty 56% empire but at least we have never been serbian faggots.
because diversity. still the most powerful army in the world though because the fighting rolls are still mostly white people.
someone post the pogs vs grunts post.
Nah dude, you just bombed a vastly outnumbered and outgunned people, there is nothing courageous or valiant in that. On the contrary, it is cowardly in the highest degree.
What weaker nations? Austria and Germany? You're a joke dude, learn some history. You're probably a kike as well, because only a kike would be proud of America's criminal wars.
The American military is full of diversity hires; niggers, women, spics and mutts. The upper echelon is no better. They simply are politicians dressed in navy blues. Everything is duck-tapped to work. Nothing is solid. America was lucky enough to fight only Third World shit-holes armed with rusting Soviet AKs. Any conflict wiht a major power and America is toast.
You're crazy if you think America can attempt another great war. Women/nogs crash navy ships into each other under peacetime conditions, could you imagine in war? The only thing keeping america afloat is an extensive air force with more missles than it knows what to do with. But it's only going to be a matter of time before diversity hires cause a nuclear mishap.
Zogbot who's part of the (((few))) and (((proud))) here. Don't join, kids! 0/10 Would not recommend.
Don't bother, both are kikes
Kosovo is serbia's soil.
Another kike stooge in ww2. How quaint.
What didn't you understand about the OP? You're a joke, you managed to destroy only 13 tanks out of Serbia's 500+, and that using 20.000 aistrikes.
America, unlike Russia, has never fought an equal opponent. Your Jewish empire will collapse once Russia and China recover.
Serbs are the manlets of the political world, they're tiny, always angry, and always picking fight with those bigger and stronger than them.
We're the martyrs of the political world. We always get picked on by the strongest ones, we just have enough spine to stand up for ourselves instead of bending over. The Kosovo war was based on forged evidence:
i didnt say US was the best. i said it was the most powerful..
why are you faggots so salty? lol.
There's nothing wrong with going to war with countries that are 95%+ muslim.
The US just needs to stop fighting wars for Israeli expansion and focus on its own expansion.
At least they're not invading white countries like Russia is doing in Ukraine. What happened to no more brother wars?
no, I wasn't involved. That sky ghost who allows its temples to be destroyed is not worth worshipped anyway.
interesting, it seems Albanians not only misbehave here.
This is really the pinnacle of burger education.
Firstly, the Kosovo war was against Kosovo Serbs, who are 100% Christian. It is only because you expelled them that Kosovo is now 95% muslim (because Albanians are muslims). Secondly, you have heavily armed 100% muslim countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. You just destroy anyone who wants to be free from the kike world order, regardless if muslim or not, and you leave everyone who bends over to kikes, regardless if muslim or not.
And finally, provided you're a white American, your very own survival and future depends on whether or not you will free yourself from kikery, and waging wars in their interest is exactly counter-productive to that. Muslims, unlike kikes, are not in any way a threat to your immediate future.
all of this.
i know several albanian families and only 1 of those families is muslim. oddly enough theyre the whitest looking ones - blonde hair, pale skin, blue/grey eyes, while the others are more swarthy
Even ironic shitposting is shitposting
I have to post pic related too, because it is sure to redpill someone.
Statistically 90% of all Albanians are muslim, so your personal experiences are shit.
Wow, nicest digits in a long while. Pic related is the background story.
Were their signs written by Skaven? Yes yes bomb bomb and die die. We will kill kill them!
clinton: "hurr durr this isnt a war against serbian peoiple this is a war against slobodan milošević"
how were slovenians kike stooges in ww2?
both the collaborators and the partisans sold the jews to germans and confiscated their property
you realize the albanian christians mostly left albania, right?
why are you so angry? repressed homosexuality?
effectively turned a christian country into a jihadist hellhole
effectively created all of the modern terrorism as early as the 80s, and then effectively created the worlds biggest heroin producer
effectively caused the modern immigration crisis and sentenced africa for a few more centuries of prehistory
is this bait?
you fags staged a color revolution there and forced russia to act.
its like russia decided to bring down the mexican goverment and put up people that want to kill americans
anyone know what happened in macedonia after that thing last year (pic related)
whiter than you, chaim.
Wow it's just as they said.
All the genetic disease in you kikes is calling out now it's extremely easy to spot you given the sick shit that comes out of your brains.
I'm not angry, it's just that anecdotes that contradict statistics are worthless. You might as well start talking about the intelligent negro or the generous jew - sure they exist, but it doesn't matter.
Wew. It's like the whole country is a giant nigger. Protip. It is.
"""statistics""" can be dangerous to rely on dependong on who makes those statistics. are you a firm believer that white genocide doesnt exist? because their are """statistics""" that say white genocide isnt happening. so it must be true right?
fuck anecdotal evidence, eye witness reports, a plethora of news articles, or personal experiences. just believe the statistics, right? its not like statistics have ever been used to underrepresent a group of people, right?
assyrians dont exist, syria is just full of muzzies, right? there are no white christians in palestine, so if israel slaughters them its just a bunch of arab muzzies, right?
I am a firm believer that my Serbian people have been killed and expelled by NATO-allied forces in the last decades, and I have evidence for this, pic related. As for your American white genocide I'm sure you will find statistics too. I've met a dozen Albanians in my life, 100% of them were human-trash tier and muslims. So if we take my anecdotal evidence and yours, we will arrive closer to statistical truth.
So you're implying that statistics about Albanian religion affiliation have been forged. Do you have any evidence for this?
They do exist but I wouldn't make a judgement about all of Syria based on Assyrians alone. I hope you see the difference.
Oh, you're clearly just a white supremacist who wants to exterminate those lesser than you. I mean, if the good people of say so, it must be true. Except ignore all white genocides by nonwhites; you don't get banned for supporting those.
I here this gay CIA narritive said a thousand times. Russia always wanted to inade Ukraine due to Russia being controlled by (((Chabad-Lubavitch))). The Jew has seething rage against Kiev and the Maiden was a scapegoat to turn the (((useful idiots of Russia))) against Ukraine.
Glad I don't live in this shithole filled with radioactive spawns of half-breed mongrels.
european as well.
i stated my experiences. you got mad and sperged about statistics. i thought maybe someone would give an explination of that instead of just saying "your experiences are shit"
maybe your experiences are different than mine, but maybe thats because you live in a 3rd world muslim hellhole and have no grasp on the truth so you repeat jewish lies?
use some critical thinking
albanian religious affiliation is definitely underrepresented since many christian albanians would be murdered in many parts of even current albania. most albanians are split across several countries and many are in the united states, montenegro, italy, kosovo, germany, and many european countries. most of the ones that felt the need to leave were christians while the muslims felt at home so they stayed.
and no, im not referring to recent migrants. you realized much of their christian population left because of the civil war and communism and all that?
yes, i know the difference, but i dont conflate muslim invaders with the actual population. when i talk about british people, im not referring to their muslim invaders. racial identity is important.
How does it feel to be an uppity nigger that got his ass beat by his betters?
Threadly reminder Kosovo will never be Serbian
kosovo is serbia. neck yourself.
The only faggot here is you. Kosovo belongs to the serbs
Because Americans tend to be cowardly cretins. America has gotten by on advantageous geography and huge material advantage, but the quality of their soldiers has always been the lowest in the western world.
Don't fall for the bait serbbro. I'm sorry nato interfered in your country's internal affairs. Albanians are absolute scum
Hello nwo kike. Gas yourself
they woren't even fighting Yugoslavia, they wore fighting just serbia, a country of 7 million, if they wore fighting yugoslavia as as a whole they wouldn't win
The irony of this post
Damn double-heil'd. Nice digits, and thanks for the pill, I'll be sure to use it.
Or the Ottomans. Serbs have always puched above their weight.
ITT third world shitholers get jealous and mad at Americans because we turned their backwater country into a bombing range
this reminds me of a thread on /ck/ where this serb got VERY upset when someone posted Jimmy Dean sausage.
Based! You hear that third world shit holers? Toe the jewish line or else we will punch you right in the mouth! Dog bless ameriga
Fighting for American expansion is fighting for Israeli (Jewish) expansion, you fucking yard. America is a Jewish nation. Any growth or expansion for USA benefits Jews primarily.
Who the fuck do you think wrecked those countries in the first plce and forced those women into prostitution
Die in a fire you dirty fucking kike
Not only that, who gives a fuck about america. America makes no pretenses of being prowhite and we are on the verge of being majority nonwhite. We are the great satan. America MUST be destroyed. I'm just glad the kike mods have been removed so we can once again call out conservatives for the jew puppets they are
The Russian commies and Serbian dipshits wrecked their own countries by being fucking retarded. If Serbian couldn't win any of these wars why the fuck did they start them? Russia is a shithole because Russians are shit
once theyre in the US prostitution is a choice… its not exactly difficult to make a living here. even niggers manage.
You obviously have no understanding of the kosovo conflict in serbia. Sad. They were putting down an insurrection from muslim albanians. I'm sure when the mestizos try taking back southwest usa in the name of Mexico you won't have a problem with that either you nwo kike. Also you proved my point, they were commies that ruined eastern europe. Who the fuck do you think the commies were? Who do you think invented communism? You obviously don't belong here
Stay mad goat-fuckers, you can't do shit to us. Want your problems handled, glass pissrael.
Yeah thats real cool and all what about when the serbs were attacking white croatians and murdering civilians
Not an argument kike
Serbian are constantly being niggers to everyone not just muzzies.
In 1990, an armed insurrection was started by Croatian Serb militias, supported by the Serbian government and paramilitary groups, who seized control of Serb-populated areas of Croatia. The JNA began to intervene in favour of the rebellion, and conflict broke out in the eastern Croatian region of Slavonia in May 1991. In August, the JNA launched a full-scale attack against Croatian-held territory in eastern Slavonia, including Vukovar.
Most of Vukovar was ethnically cleansed of its non-Serb population and became part of the self-declared Republic of Serbian Krajina. Several Serb military and political officials, including Milošević, were later indicted and in some cases jailed for war crimes committed during and after the battle.
a few hundred was bombed to dust by NATO
im not from that shithole but its so apparent (((their))) intent was to erase culture and religion in the region.
isnt this shareblue reddit speak for "please dont bring up my hypocrisy"?
It really is considering the same faggots started and fought both wars less then a few years apart the serbs are not poor innocent nation bullied by evil capitalist America
serbs are bad people that lie about their crimes. they do some good things like attack muzzies, but they also murder white christians.
not much different than how israel is towards palestinians.
then they act like theyre just killing muzzies for better PR.
just like israel.
Okay, so the Balkans are a fucking mess. This is still the fault of kikes for carving the region up after the two world wars while disregarding ethnic and religious differences between the populations.
This doesn't change the fact that the serbs were dealing with their own internal affairs. This is not anyone else's business but the serbs. I don't want nato stepping in to stop me from killing mestizos when they eventually try to take back southwestern us
is this ever not the case though? for anything?
Incase you didn't get the memo we ceased being an extension of the donald last weekend
I never made the case that serbs were completely innocent, only that america had no justification for interfering with their internal affairs. America has no obligation to police the world
whataboutism is still a shareblue term invented to "seem like" a logical fallacy designed to defend hillary clinton and the lefts massive hypocrisy.
next you'll be saying "buttery mails" or "muh emails" right?
serious question, where did you come from that you think whataboutism is a thing? reddit?
They killed more white people than america has killed you fucking wehraboos.
Apparently that word triggers you, my point was that the conflict between Croats and serbs was irrelevant to my main point.
It seems we're at an impass here.
That's right faggot, so if you are not as powerful as us, rest assured we can come and do the same you.
The only thing keeping you savages in line is violence, the only language you understand.
Based! Just like those savage germans who didn't understand amiright! If you don't want to be enslaved to the jew world order then us Americans are gonna bomb your ass to the stoneage!
i didnt disagree. i just pointed out the term is cancer and makes no sense. pointing out when someone is being a hypocrite isnt a logical fallacy, or a reason to dismiss an argument.
jews use "whataboutism" as a way to dismiss when they do shit that seems like a contradiction. for example when soros supports femenism, its not because he's jewish, its because he's a liberal loonie. so you point out when he cut his funding to femen when they decided to go to israel. and they cry "whataboutism"
but it was initially used to defend hillary clinton. "hillary should have won, i dont want trump being president because he's a rapist" "hillary is married to a literal rapist" "whataboutism"
just odd someone on Zig Forums would use it unironically… really makes you think…
In all honesty, Kosovo going independent was a blessing in disguise.
Yeah it's got mineral wealth and cultural significance but the people are pure fucking cancer. Imagine all that albanian cancer infesting the rest of the country once they completely overwhelmed the already dwindling Serbs.
Now you've at least got them contained and on EU's dole instead of sapping Serbia's social handouts.
I wonder how much Serbia's unemployment level dropped after they went independent.
It was always muslim majority. See first pic. US didn't make it a muslim majority, the Ottomans did. I know you want to blame everything on the US, but don't come here correcting me with bullshit "facts".
Afghanistan was always run by retarded jihadi sandniggers, even before the US came. I'm still missing the part where you tell me it was bad we invaded them in the 2000s. You don't because you can't. Every muslim killed here was worth it.
EU boats Africans in from Somalia and other countries that don't even share a border with Libya. Killing people in Libya doesn't magically move Africans into Europe. You're killing yourselves and blaming the US again.
See pic two. I assume you know where Libya is because you pretend your education isn't complete dogshit. I'll give you a hint, it's the really light shaded country in Africa that is one of the tiniest slivers of people you are taking.
Pick one
Imo Milosovic and leadership was stupid about it. Lost every Serb majority area except Vojvodina, most unnecessarily by the looks of it. Won Kosovo, then relinquished it. I remember Yanks saying, "lets see who wants it more". Hot heads work well on the ground, but not for greater strategic goals.
This is what I mean by "hot heads". I believe the slovanon was agreeing with you on Kos.
Pics related are about a temp contract worker. It was not the first time he set fire to the sub.
This is probably at least partially true. You should have bargained for various things, like north koso, mineral rights, minority rights, access to churches, rebuilding of destroyed ones ,and concentrated on keeping more serb majority areas together.
In the end, probably a lot less people died than might have. The d u munitions used will likely cause the most lasting damage, as they also do to the operators of the equipment themselves.
To be fair I googled it to make sure it wasn't a term exclusive to reddit and I couldn't think of a better term at the time.
>using (((google)))
well i think we found your problem…