Can I be a nigger and a white nationalist?

So I was born to sperm donor and never bothered to seek him out until now, I have brown hair blue eys and white skin but what if I am part nigger/arab/shitskin
Can I still be a white nationalist?
Should I an hero?
Should I commit a terrorist attack?

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It's okay, some nonwhites do realize that they have it better when whites flourish. After all, we did invent things like television, computers, cars, air conditioning, basically all these nice things we have and take for granted now.

Just be there to give support to whites.

im not turkish my mother is 100% european

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only half nigger user, my mother is 100% european

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On the note of niggers , do niggers really want to be a jew puppet? Look at your boss tyrone he knows hes got you on a leash to do his bidding.

This, but stay the FUCK away from our women and children.

Nope. You can be a National Socialist though. Luckily for you, Hitler developed National Socialism for the Germans, but the ideology can be applied to any race that desires purity and the preservation of tradition.

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So you want to live in a white country as a mixed race chimera? You have to earn your keep if you want call yourself an ally of white nationalism. You must be an activist for ending shitskin immigration and remigration of darkies. You must never run for political office, but instead campaign for the most pro white candidates. You must never impregnate any woman white or nomwhite within the country. You may marry a fatty of your choice though.

Whites will never rest until we have our own ethnostate free from subhuman apes

Ignore everybody else. Yes you can believe whatever you want as long as it brings YOUR race and YOUR nation forward.

National Socialism was never about one race. It is about all the races and how some of them are inferior to others. For example, Zig Forumsacks NEVER criticize the Japs because, well, they are fucking based. If Japs are allowed to be white nationalist then you are.

Nigger here. Had a vasectomy done just to fuck with those idiots who kept demanding I get lots of kids. Gonna move to Japan after I get my degree in agriculture and completing my apprenticeship at a vehicle maintenance shop. Good luck with a full white ethnostate. You'll get constant invasions from idiots seeking gibs - just be sure not to let the steins and bergs fuck your leadership over a few generations from now.

Then return to Liberia you high yellow. Establish a functioning country and push back the antmen. In the mean time leave Zig Forums and do not post again until you do.

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just become a fascist/corporatist like all the other thrid position mudbabies

There's actually quite a few smart niggers who browse Zig Forums and don't get their titties twisted by some hate facts… not saying le based black man xD meme but more like pic related

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thats only if i am a nigger

your phenotype is still nigger. and if you marry a white woman, your kid will still be a nigger. if that kid fucks a white and has a kid, that kid will be mixed… and if that kid fucks white again, they will be still mixed but much less. then THAT kid has to marry a white person, and that kid will be known as "heinz 57" white.

you can support whites and their right to self determination, and you can be a nationalist. and you can support white nationalist. but you wont be a "white" nationalist.

Why? Why not move to some place in Africa and start a family of nigs that dont nog. Someone has to push back to make niggers less shit, it may as well start with one self-aware enough to browse Zig Forums, like you.

I'm White and I support Nationalism for EVERYBODY. So, yes OP. You can be a Black White Nationalist, but you best be a Black Nationalist too - or you're a cuck.

no fool, it's better that intelligent nogs don't breed, so the ape tier nigs can breed and implode themselves

civnat faggots out

If you are a nonwhite, the best thing you can do is fuck off back to your own country and deal with your own volk.
We do not want any nonwhite here, even if he is muh based blax or whatever kiked cancer the jews have thought up now.

you realize you replied to something that was impossible, right? always tell "good" niggers to return to africa to make africa better.

its like convincing a nigger employee that he could make more elsewhere and should really try to get a better job. tell him he's under utilized or overqualified. "youd rise to the top of a big company"
"i dont know why youre wasting your time here."
"ever consider working over at bergstein incorporated?"

how dumb can you possibly be? the reality is even a top 10% nigger (average white) will end up mixing with an average nigger, and have average nigger kids that'll act out, misbehave, and take advantage of him.

niggers will eventually implode of their own accord. any strategy which hastens that process is good, any strategy which delays it is bad.

Honestly, If I have to back to living in a crowded shithole after living alone in a home with the mortgage fully paid off where I can spend my time on learning and self-improvement as I please without having to do to what some loud fatass telling me what to do, I'd honestly kill myself. That's why I chose Japan - the lowest possible chance of getting dragged into providing for another nest of dimwits. Dodged a few bullets so far, so I know what to expect. I can adopt a child and raise him/her instead of flooding more welfare-dependent idiots into the world if I ever get the urge to start a family.

putting them all in one place does hasten. there are no "good" niggers, just better niggers. and if you tell the better niggers to go to africa, the majority of them will just devour the better ones.

the jews say you are what your mother was


I know who you are

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