What can we do to keep Zig Forums the front of National Socialism?

We are experiencing a very opportune raid by some leftypol faggotry all around this board, the majority of boards that are up reek of plebbit, Marxism, and the weak ideological paradigm… We need to form a defense until we get another Natsoc moderator for Zig Forums.

What can we do to prevent our beloved full chan Zig Forums from being clogged up with Marxist theory, meaningless threads, and general sub-human filth?

I suggest we try to create as many quality threads as possible, and if not, spam the /political incorrect/ board, with fashy /politically incorrect/ content, to combat the massive amounts of shills.
If push comes to shove, memes will have to be made.

Actually… memes could be the saving grace of our board. Quality memes and enough enforcement could also win back half chan as well.

Don't let all things pure become rotten, and defiled, Zig Forums!

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just keep harassing outsiders with shitposts and redpills, it's pretty obvious

I'd say we are already winning. The ratio of crap to meh is improving daily.


Oh I know, let's reinstate imkampfy as BO ;^))))))))))))))

You disgusting American, obese, fat, fucking AUTISTIC retards have doused yourself in gasoline and jumped into a fire pit, surrounded by a fence. People have broken the fence to come and cover you in fire-retardant blankets but you keep rolling around trying to escape and douse yourself in more gasoline.

Americans need to DIE for being so fucking stupid. NUKE that fucking abomination nation.

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No one believes your D&C. You are lost.

Dirty Dumb Mongrel Scum.

Your Day Has Come.

All that time wasted writing that text, knowing you wouldn't succeed in subverting us.

Why, user?>>11669166

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Right, Trump really is Hitler, just he supports the jews this time around!

Create memes, content, high quality posts, debate and post redpills

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Too obvious.

Oh but please, regale me of all the times Trump has spoken about the JQ and white supremacy? Go ahead.

i-its 4d chess gaiz!!!!!!!!!! Next GOP leader will totally change the system bro!!!!!!!! So based Republican neocons keeping israel greatest aly safe :DDD



People need to filter all bait and obvious shills. Both thrive off (you)s.
To retards and newfags: You can tell who's a shill easily. For example, in the antipedo thread on Zig Forums, a bunch of shills were BTFO, and the next day they turned up on /b/ pushing EXACTLY the same arguments. This is how you can tell that particular line of argumentation is made in bad faith and shouldn't be bothered with.

How this sounds to actual anons:


Oh yes, I am sure that the best way to fight israel and AIPAC is by giving them everything they want and more by never criticizing them or implying that the jews control the US government. ZOG is just a meme, amirite MAGApede?

You can't promote National Socialism by hiding as an user on an imageboard.
There needs to be IRL action, protests, campaigns and public rallies and marches. The Nazis did not come to power in Germany by shitposting against Jews.

Trump is based.

He's just playing the Jews. Us white people who support real Nazism understand that do also trump is for us fellow white people and our interests.

Us fellow white people have to have faith in trump and understand that when he says he loves Jewish people and concede to all their demands, he's actually moving his chess pieces into the fourth dimension, ready to sink their battleship. Then…. Yahtzee! Us white people have the Jews right where we want them!

For one, I don't think I'm the only one who noticed that the "Required Reading" sticky that's been up for a long time disappeared recently. You know the one with all the info about everything you should read about and watch before posting here.

Should be a special sticky and pinned above all of the rest of them. What I'm saying right now needs copy/pasted to the BO / mods. Perhaps we can start with this thread and gather the list from before? Does anyone have it?

What was a string which appeared in the first few lines of the sticky? I have archives on my computer but don't know what to search for.

Real life action is for kike shills. Us real national socialist white people post support for Donald Trump anonously online among people who don't deviate in opinion at all.

Have you heard of groups like identity Europa? They're not proud Aryan warriors like David Duke (who is really intelligent and successful fighting for our white people interests). Every group that goes out in public and doesn't explicitly demand the extermination of Jews is controlled opposition and us white people should never any of these people. we have to support Donald Trump because he fights for our white people interests.

Why not flood obvious D&C/Shill threads with infographs and various other redpills? I've already seen a few anons taking initiative and doing this, and it seems like a decent strategy for turning otherwise useless threads into redpill dumps.

Agreed fellow white person :^)! In fact, Trump is so based, I think we can even take a break after him. People will be so far right we may need to remind them of how Shitler lived during the weimar republic which was a German government run by fellow whites who understood personal liberty and the constitution. We really need to ban these reactionaries who keep getting in the way of Trump and Israel because Israel is actually the only Democracy in the Middle East!

The 'required reading' WHICH NO ONE EVER FUCKING READ EVER is now at the top in the tagline, where it should have been instead of taking up front page space this whole time.

"Haavara Agreement" might pull it up.

Was it the investigations thread?

It's still a means of distributing information and if even the mainstream media and leftists think it's a good idea to mention Zig Forums by name on prime-time television, they're forgetting they don't have control here. If they created millions of lurkers, eventually some are going to start wondering what the true substance between the ideas are that they make a caricature of.

No the one with the eagle on it.

This, from the outside looking in Zig Forums appears fucking insane and self-obsessed to the point of mental illness. And that's not even getting into how fringe a natsoc ideology is in the first place, or that referring to it as "natsoc" or "national socialist" isn't fooling anybody or lending any legitimacy to it since everybody on the planet already knows "Nazi" is the original shorthand for it. I vehemently believe that alphabet-soup agencies flatly don't care about Zig Forums, only astroturf and bait just to fuck with trailer-in-the-desert types that're easily baited, and save all the real political manipulation for websites like r/t_d that have a substantial normie population while shitposting on Zig Forums on the side since they'll eat up anything. Hell, some normies only know about Zig Forums because "they use the matrix joke when they say they're telling the truth"

I'm saying that stickied thread was never read by anyone except maybe me. The best part of that thread is now at the top, which is the guide to forum spies. Definitely the most relevant bit. No, we don't want your 100000 stickies back kikey.

By having all you halffags and leddit cunts hop into the ovens.

I can rest easy that the board is chaotic but we'll still have dedicated sage-downvoters to give pithy and passive-aggressive responses instead of ignoring it.

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And if people from the outside were to be greeted to "The Greatest Story Never Told" when they looked in they would find out that the correct term is National Socialism and that the term "Nazi" was invented by the (((allies))) as a play on words that sounds similar to a german slang word that was meant to denigrate the movement and those who supported it.

It's the same sort of ignorance when people think there's no difference between "Fascism" and "Authoritarianism". Most have had little to no education, formal or otherwise when it comes to political theory or the history of it.

Yeah I know what you mean, too many stickies gets a little out of hand. I'd say 2 at most should ever be up. I looked into it myself too when I started coming here. Just figured if I did, I'm most likely not alone in that behavior, it's just natural to be curious when that's the first thing you come across.

normalfags see one overt nazi and think the worst we're fine

Looks familiar?

Attached: sticky.png (1354x4294, 820.06K)

Personally, I tend not to lean towards conspiracies and like to follow Hanlon's razor BUT when literally EVERY SINGLE FIGURE that even slightly supports some agenda that 8/pol/ believes in (who isn't absolutely abhorrent in the eyes of society) is instantly dismissed with any discussion arguing in favour of them spammed down or banned (by kampfy), it really make some think.

I'm like willing to say this is 80% due to stupidity and 20% possibly of conspiracy.

It's not a matter of what I think is morally right or true, it's a matter of what I think is smart politics. The insulated Zig Forums user is the person who didn't see the purpose in the whole "it's okay to be white" debacle. Thry see that and think "why not put a sign up sheet to the KKK on the back? Why not state that the Jews must be extinguished? That'll really redpill people!" These people are morons and their opinions are worthless. They literally do more damage than anybody to their own agenda.

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man? Socialism doesn't work outside of your Hearts of Iron 4 games.

And the obvious reality is that these types of people will never be able to comprehend why having an insulated, centralised community that promotes one sole opinion and can't handle any criticism is detrimental.

Don't drink the kool aid user. A lot of anti-NS optics are jew propaganda which you have internalized. D&C and demoralization are their oldest and most common tactics. D&C is failing now that whites are banding together internationally, across their emigrated clans, and demoralization is also weakening due to the alt-kike idiots digging their own grave with cutesy dog whistling.

Ah yes the sony emails digging thread is ESSENTIAL. Zero people read that thread. But feel free to spread that around as much as you'd like. But I know youre just kikey trying desperately to hold on to what was before a new normal can set in. That thread essentialized what your moderation was like, messy and incoherent. No effort to categorize the information or put the links into any logical order. Just linkspamming like a fucking autistic child. That's why no one misses that thread.

What people need to realize is just how badly kampfy's shit over moderation harmed this place. By banning any sort of unlike thinkers, trolls, shills, etc, he robbed us of one very powerful tool: our ability to convert people to our side by just using hard facts and truths. I originally came to 4/pol/ years ago to pick a fight with those "internet Nazis" and call them out for being ignorant racists. How many of you started the same? Chan's have the unique ability to devour information and shit truth, and that is the price reason why NatSoc ideals were/are king. Because of the properties of image boards, it's easy for is to show new people the truth, how Hitler was right, the Holocaust was a manufactured lie, and that the kikes are behind pretty much all of the ills of the world.
Instead of bitching and moaning, what you SHOULD be doing is building up your redpilled collections in order to show trolls/shills/commies just how wrong they are, and convince them to see the truth. Zig Forums will forever be a NatSoc board, so long as we continue to educate others and spread our ideals to newcomers. This may seem like a trying time for us, but in reality, this is a unique opportunity- now our board is flooded with new people, all of them ready for the redpilled, whether they like it or not.

There comes a point where people repeating the exact same debunked arguments over and over are too much of a waste of time.

But on the other hand that political education really doesn't mean a toss when it's to impress a board that has "gas the kikes 1488" all across it anyways and doesn't really do anything to dissuade against that kind of low-effort meme behavior. A normie looking at Zig Forums, even if reading up on the issues or well aware of what Zig Forums was all about, would probably either be immediately repulsed by all the flowery terms about how jews should die or come to the conclusion they were correct the first time and Zig Forums is inhabited by memelords and prison-cell Nazis with swastikas tattooed on their eyeballs. I'm aware they're essentially they're the lowest-common-denominator, but when the LCD behaves like that it reflects badly on the entire board for being taken seriously in any fashion. I'm sure I'll have one such in about five seconds here claiming I'm D&C

I'd hedge my bets on something similar, it's inane how quick anybody is to immediately dismiss or shout down while simultaneously knowing nothing about it. Hell, publicly identifying with the underlying ideology is social suicide because of the stigma involved ("everybody's well aware Nazi is old shorthand for national socialist" etc etc) and you won't even get a platform even though by all rights you should be able to say your piece.

I'm of the same mind, it was fucking baffling seeing the immediate REEEEE to get back what is essentially a safe-space where there's no possibility of being questioned or intellectually taxed in any way. I'm still not sure how this thing has survived at all with needing to be mollycoddled on its own opinions when even back on cuckchan we did just fine without removing any opposition and even now on cuckchan the board still survives and gets derided by other boards for the things it always has been.

this is not a very good thread

Attached: Global mods.jpg (2048x1216, 628.05K)

Yes. This is the key. When you enforce the hugbox, there was no more sharing of any information. Everyone agreed with one another, so there was not much to discuss. It's like Gab. Everyone on there more or less agrees on things, so conversations of consequence never happen. Another user succinctly made the metaphor that the board is now an intellectual knife fight again instead of a walled garden hugbox. The board started as a knife fight if you recall, and those that didn't agree were eventually tired of getting BTFO so hard that they made their own boards. What do you think made the pinkos make Zig Forums and the lolbergs /liberty/? However, now kikey can't enforce his alamo-tier trump hugbox and we can discuss his failings instead of having a thousand Trump threads on the catalog every time he sneezed into a microphone.

I much prefer what we have now, even if only because the new car smell hasn't yet worn off and there is so much blood in the streets that it smells like Zig Forums again. I was the one who made the boomer hate thread, and I know a thread like that would have been banned under kikeypol since the only thing we were ever allowed to talk about was jews in negative terms and trump and positive terms. It was like Zig Forums went from 3D to 2D through enforced narrative policing. I hated it, as much as I prefer a NS leaning board, I would prefer to forge it again through BTFOing newfags rather than a braindead mod doing it for me. Also the negatives with kikey like wordfilters were just too much. On a text based website, there is no better method of suppressing speech than wordfilters and bans for wrongthink. There's a reason this place was called nupol.

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Just an interesting note, you can bypass wordfilters easily by including unicode zero-width spaces in the middle of filtered words. Looks just the same as normal.

Or how about having none at all, except to deal with spam? We all knew about the triforce bypass, but that's not the point. There was no need to do it to a board that was supposedly NS. Wordfiltering nigger, give me a break. This place was just edgy r/T_D resting on the laurels of past user accomplishments. Apologizing for wordfilters (and the rest of your posts) instantly out you for being the roach.

So yes, you can bypass it, but fuck you for making me do that. That's why we shed no tears for your ousting.

I am starting to hate being part of nazi larping, these people are completely dense, i'd rather be more open to different parts of my own ancestral culture, then close myself off.

Still dislike Jews.

pigmason minions have turned the board from a place that was a spastic trump fellating news aggregation board into a shitposting faggotzone filled with dribbling retards from reddit, the alt kike and goons. Zig Forums should be neither.
it was once a base of operations when the quantity of users was small enough to be high quality and threads weren't filled with absolute garbage.

< oy vey, stay away from National Socialism goy.
Kill yourself alt kike faggot

Don't fool yourself, he started as a corporate big wig and will die one, he might have been the best option, but that doesn't make him anything more then the best option.

We must restore our beloved hurtbox. This is not a place to run from opinions we don't like. Rather by allowing those opinions to attempt to fuck us over rhetorically, we may evolve that we might hope to triumph in the end. After all isn't the salvation of our people the ultimate goal after all is said and done? For that to transpire we must be sharp and make threads not just on esoterica and politics but also on space exploration, on culture, on art and on literature. For by broadening our minds and expanding our knowledge we learn what is needed.

Like I said, the board quality has improved. Under kikey, we had a literal reddit mod. It doesn't get more reddit than that. Perfect? No. Better? Yes. Kikey is the one doing half the spamming so as soon as he tires the board will start improving once again.

Nice dense awnser!

I don't promote wordfilters. I was just pointing out how to bypass them if they ever appear again. Or for example on sites like lainchan where the string "Zig Forums" is completely banned. Etc.
You are acting like the roach. Instead of screaming "SHILL" at everything, you scream "ROACH".
Get a grip on sanity, dumb fuck hypocrite.

Using incredibly well documented (((alt kike))) shill rhetoric doesn't merit a comprehensive response, kike.

not going to happen while Zig Forums is global and National Socialism has been totally removed from the board. the useful pinned post isn't even here anymore, what sort of (((faggot))) would delete that useful thread? this entire site is owned by freemasons and funded by jew york kikes, Zig Forums isn't going to improve.

You were always transparent as glass, kikey.

>Using incredibly well documented (((alt kike))) shill rhetoric doesn't merit a comprehensive response, kike.
Come on, most of the original use of nazi images on 4pol was larping, it was a joke, you really want to be some dense fruitjob who thinks jews instaid of being part of the problem are the problem. good luck!

< jewz dindu nuffin goy
They clearly aren't training JIDF very well anymore. What are you going to tell me next, that it's all the Anglos? The Capitalists (while denying that capitalism is a pure expression of judaism), the Communists (another pure expression of judaism)? Oven is heating, Moishe

No self-respecting National Socialist would ever call themselves a, "nazi."

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No, you're the roach. Notice how your arguments aren't even any better.

This is why neo-NatSocs need 'tard handlers.

Attached: Idiot.png (564x110, 6.73K)

That's not the pinned post you fucking alt-kike faggot and you would know that it wasn't the pinned post if you weren't a wellpoisoning, astroturfing little kike

Like any hugbox, once it's breached you're going to have people fighting and screaming tooth-and-nail to reinstate it. Sheer persistence will pay off in the end since any niggling at such a hugbox will mean it's compromised.

We could make a time machine.

Nazi has always been an insult, read up on the history of the term, it's an intentionally insulting slur of National Socialist like the word nigger is to Negro.

< alt kike lingo
< radicalism is bad
< alt kike rhetoric
< implying that normalfags belong on imageboards
< more alt kike rhetoric
< implying that the problem isn't astrotufing shills like you shitting up the board with your PR cuck alt kike bullshit
fuck off jew

That is/was the only useful/helpful pinned post. Every other sticky was just fantasies about someone maybe might could possibly get arrested for something they maybe might possibly have done.

1] Nobody gets arrested
2] OP is always a faggot
3] If you think something might be useful, make a thread

< he has literally no idea what the content of the pinned post was
kill yourself now shill

Attached: Rock Man.jpg (1100x619, 160.59K)

fucking just self moderate the board.

Learn how to create good threads,
Promote good threads by bumping,
Self moderate bad threads.

D'awww he thinks gore posting matters. Such a kawaii little newfag.

Oh, shit, you posted gore, you sure showed me and drove me off. What will I do now.

The best way to deal with bad threads is to hide them. There will always be those who choose to give them attention, but you don't have to be part of that problem. Slap that [-] and move on.

Totally organic, definitely not kikes sat together planning orchestrated shill raids

You do realize that gore posting hasn't worked since Ogrish was a thing, right? All you're doing is throwing a "w-well I'll show YOU" tantrum, which only proves that you're a toddler.

Yes, you caught me, I'm a kike shill goon redditor TRS antifa astroturf nigger cuckchanner. No, the gore! My one weakness! What will I do, that hide button next to file doesn't exist if I'm legitimately bothered by it in any way! What will I tell my kike shill goon redditor TRS antifa astroturf nigger cuckchanner brethren!

Attached: LOL.gif (400x134, 56.02K)


Keep pushing this thread to the bump limit. That's all you're doing, you know.

You really aren't getting that gore isn't driving anybody off, are you?

Attached: m'fuselage.gif (630x354, 3.58M)

The irony that sliding threads you don't like is a shill tactic is lost on him.

anons fooled by this copy paste propaganda: 0


< synchronized goons

If I pay attention to it more that will dissuade the opposition and prove it's not working!

My thread was not meant to become a gore thread, guys come on guys PLEASE GUYS STOP

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Let him tucker himself out, he seems pretty convinced that not agreeing with him means you're the invisible enemy.

It's ok. He's too new to the game to realize what filters are and how they work against gore-shilling.

Your transparently co-ordinated alt-kike posting alongside your jew buddies ITT renders you the enemy
>Kikey was mollycoddling and not trying to drive National Socialism from the board and turning it into (((hail drumpf))) redditnigger land

< oy vey, the ones who post gore are the shills, not me, you filthy go- erm, I mean, fellow user!

The feel good story of "I was a degenerate fag late into adulthood and decided to derail your topics! but then I changed to your side". Just seems stupid.
There's hundreds of popular platforms to spread out and do our own brand of shilling to change hearts and minds. Slow minded people that can't get vague hints that something is wrong on their own aren't really that useful.
In a world of 7billion where 3billion+ are asians yet almost all of asia is a shithole. Clearly numbers for the sake of numbers, coming from vastly inferior abilities only seems valuable to egalitarians.
Even for the lonely, being around normiefags won't provide satisfaction. Until you can gather enough capable people, there will be no cohesion of desire to save places until they prove value. Boards should be tiered will aversion to entryism. Demanding lurking on Zig Forums doesn't prevent you from spreading around the internet. Eventually you'll need a spot for higher level discourse only for those that have gone through the grinder a few times.
Pretending any bunkers are in a current better state to take that role is clearly misinformed folly. Believe in your convictions and kick out heretics.
Even understanding base chase-game in dating shows by not being a spineless pussy you actually attract more people to your interests. Don't be welcoming, if anything be insulting.

It sure is a good thing I didn't actually say that, then, isn't it? I didn't read anything that came after that since you're making shit up, or just seeing what you want to see.

t. you
you read it but you aren't responding because you can't deny it.

If by the end of the thread you notice the only people responding to gore posts are filtered.
Maybe gore actually does work. It's like refined honey that they can't help be affected by and try to redefine the social value to.
They don't understand taking something at visual visceral value. No love or insight gained from the physical natural world. The same reason the left can't meme seems to also be why gore and smugs gain strange success.

The biggest problem with Zig Forums being NatSoc is that Zig Forums has no nation and no people. We are a collective of different people from different nations. The ideology behind National Socialism is "Nation First". For Hitler, that meant Germany and the German people. Who does it mean for Zig Forums? Who are the Zig Forums people? /sg/? Well, that counts me out as I'm not Syrian.

How could Zig Forums legitimately be National Socialist when Zig Forums has no nation?

Daily reminder that the SS was the largest multiracial army in history.
I will keep posting this until people stop WW2 revisionism.

< oy vey abandon National Socialism, goy
You faggots are transparent.

This is pathetic.

Banning every single person at the first sign of wrong think was what practically killed this place before. If you want an ideology than can only support itself in an excessively moderated echo chamber, I suggest you fuck off to leftypol, or Reddit.