Soros Has Been Defeated, Italia Is Liberated

Good job, pizza niggers, you did it.

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One can only hope that this coalition can achieve material results in the wake of this largely symbolic victory.

Whoever is in charge should sticky this, so when do they plan on abolishing the Euro?

Can someone translate OP to Burgerland?

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Global mods don't do stickies unfortunately.

Just bump the hell out of it.

Opera thread?

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Good job pasta niggers. Make the world proud and crash the EU with no survivors.

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Mario is fighting globalists.

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yeah its not so raid-y any more. shouldnt be too bad. just gotta keep an eye on it and if things get good, cap and archive

good job
mia nonna would be proud

Also Soros will never be defeated until he is killed and all of his assets dissolved and indicted.

Fuck yeah Italy. The EU literally cannot stop fucking up. globalists have an obscene amount of money and power yet continually fall flat on their face due to laughable amounts of incompetence.

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So did the 5-Stars cuck out and drop their secessionist rhetoric or what?
Also Südtirol is not Italian.

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That's great and all, but what if it's a psyop and Savona is actually their man? Ya know, a pressure valve deal. What evidence is there to support Savona is legit? If he's legit then why is the press even talking about him (no platform for the right)? Is he Tommy Robinson/Geert Wilders tier? Has he appeared in any Rebel Media shows?
Questions questions.

so they've still got a traitorous kike in charge of the economy or did they appoint a new kike who is pro jewro?

On another note, OP forgot to mention that the 5 star leader is trying to invoke article 90 of the constitution to have the parasite charged with High Treason. Vid related

backstabing traitors, civil unrest and a former Goldman & Sachs employee replacing the current President incoming in 5 … 4 … 3 …

theyve been betting in the hole for a little while now. bound to make mistakes like that

goldmans busy making money off of oil. theyll get around to it.

fellate a shotgun

Hell fucking yes. When European Confederation of Poland, Hungary, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Greece and Czech Republic? The path to invasion must be blocked.

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I got excited by the OP thinking that fucking kike would have finally been caught and executed, or at least jailed. But beating his subversion is better than nothing at all.


I'll need to see laws changed before I make that judgement. IIRC, the president can still reject bills being proposed.


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how did you fuck up this hard?

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The more the pro-EU pushes back the more the Italian people get angry and want more.

Let's see how they are going to fuck their country up and then blame everyone else.

Hello EU-kike, Italy has already hit near rock bottom, can't get much lower than it is now. The JewU will crumble under the weight of its own lies and dictatorial laws.


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Nothing unites a people more than obviously bad bureaucrats and a means to hurt them.

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Slight criticism, (((EU))) =/= (((Soros))).

(((Soros))) hasn't always worked in the interest of the (((EU))), and usually acts as an independent actor to undermine specific Nation states and Nationalist political parties, even if it does often work by proxy in the interests of the (((EU))). Italy hasn't conclusively defeated Soros, the only European country that you can say isn't under Soros influence is probably Hungary.

Other then that, brilliant news! Lega is uncucked, second only to CasaPound.

Attached: smentita-casapound.jpg (2999x1348, 620.67K)

im just technologically illiterate.

Stop embarrassing yourself, newfag.

I just got out of school, im at a public library and cant convert video into webm. i dont know how to embed.>>11670570

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ty, it was a funny mistake though.


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are you a fan of my little pony lol

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Np go to >>>/test/ to test site functions

summerfag niggers get in here

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Kalergi must be oy-vaying in his grave…

What's the sauce on that one?
My guess is large caliber revolver execution of store clerk during robbery, from top of head exiting chin.
Also bump for the kike, globalist, pedophile, NWO possibly getting fucked. Good job pasta niggers.

don't let the shills slide this thread off the front page

EU tried to steamroll Italy.
Looked likely to get more shafted if italy went back to polls
Rolled over and played dead in order to retain thin thread of control.
Italy gets half a victory, EU gets time to buy/extort main enemy

Fuck your retarded stickies, newfag. Just kill faggot threads that break the rules and everything else will sort itself out

Italy NO!

Bump for based Italy



Excellent news. Been closely watching and supporting you during elections.
t. Alpine Slav

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I think it's pretty fucking obvious, everybody had to pretend to scale back their talk of anti-EU to allow Matarella to sign off on the new government.

Also, if Germans are going to be such monstrous cucks, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol is better off as Italy.

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Rome will rise again

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No nigger. Now get a brain or GTFO!

it better fucking not, that lot cucked the world

I'll believe it when I see it. Trump said similar stuff and has yet to do it. He's definitely one of our best politicians, but if Italy is anything like the US, politically, that doesn't exactly amount to much. Also he's only "far-right," while Trump was "literally Hitler." I feel like if he were a big threat they'd be going harder on him, or they would have killed him. We'll see what happens I suppose.

Italian election ended up with anti-EU majority.
The UESR (Union of European Soviet Republics) tried to ream in Italy democracy via it's usually array of well placed cronies. The pro-EU Italian president, widely abused his power and decided he was the one to pick the government not Italians voters and their representative.
Everything was going well, Italian democracy was dead, an IMF banker was to be prime minister.
Until someone quite obviously got to the italian president and gave him the godfather talk on a offer that he can't refuse (it's fucking Italy you KNOW it's what happened. Both the Italian far right and far left have no problem killing politicians, so the alliance of both…).

Suddenly it was not so bad for the president to want to crash the EU with no survivor and the anti-EU government has been accepted.

Which the best news of 2018 so far.

Nah, an other year of lead would be.

Apparently Italians still don't want exit, from a (((poll)))

You speak too soon. It is not over until Europeans unite to raze the homeland of the shitskin invaders to nothingness like Carthage.


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Good Job Spaghetti Niggers

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Italy is soon to be hit by the next couple waves too. Hopefully this was in time to stop that.

Why the fuck did Trump bitch out so easily? A little sunlight is all it takes.

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Fuck the World Order globalist faggots.

Back to reddit you fucking nigger.



Lying media can't have the decency to call them illegal invaders.

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Second time I listen to this. Musically speaking it's better than Shadilay.


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Fucking balls on this guy laying it down like it is. We're are the rest of European politicians with balls? Maybe in the rest of Europe this is hate speech?

This will tell whether or not this government is controlled opposition.

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typical chuckchanner

The jews have far more direct and significant control of the USA and UK than they do in most of continental Europe. The Anglo-American empire is the centerpiece of the jewish caliphates' balance sheet, all burger and bong politicians must cuck out or be destroyed, but their grip on the rest of the west is more propagandist and less tangible, relying more on brainwashing and less force, whereas in the UK if you speak out against rampant, unchecked third world immigration you literally get disappeared and the media blacks it out, as we have just witnessed.


As long as he's alive he hasn't been defeated.

I wish all shitposts were of this quality.


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This is concrete, objective, factual information.

Hmpf. And who is Conte?

remove Soros/jew Influence. You won the war, now You must mop up.

I'm happy for you pastafags, but I won't be impressed until you actually become fascist

Soros is not that bad. Netanyahu is not that terrible either. They show both to kikes/kike shills and normies how much kikes actually suck.

Kikes like Sheldon Adelson, Jared Kushner, Jacob Rothschild, etc, are much more of a problem.

+ Soros actually promotes degeneracy in Israel too. This is concrete, objective, factual information. Fucking based.

According to liveleak (If memory serves) apparently the dude was attacked by 3 guys with machetes. That's why there's that huge flap of…flesh.

Mussolini the god.

I'm sorry, how far right has the US ever gone?

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The Italian people govern themselves.
Spitfire Walks with You.
You have won this war, IMMEDIATELY start mopping up.

I'm not sure that kind of talk would fly in France. During last elections, Le Pen got hit with fines and jail time (that didn't stick, but still) simply for posting pictures from ISIS-produced videos on her twitter and saying "this is terrorism". I think it was simply done as an answer to someone who accused her of being a terrorist, or something else stupid like that.

Oh you'd be surprised how much control the jews have over France. We even have an ex-Rothschild banker as president. The brainwashing about holohoax is incessant. I even regularly get pamphlets and stuff in the mail about holohoax museums and jewish history shits. Anyone who doesn't fully comply is a nazi.

Not strictly opera, but I listened to the OST recently so it made me think of this.

Attached: You're the best, Kuniaki..mp4 (1280x720, 13.52M)

The Italians are Pussies.
The Italians do not know pride. The Italians are Just going to stand around and Look at Pretty Russian Girls…
Take back Your Country, Show The Slavs how its done.

Have you been fucking paying attention this election?

Is Soros dead?

gtfo d&c jew

Yeah, and 25% of the votes were destroyed, and a bunch of people claimed that the military and police were majority FN supporters….and just stood around with their dicks in their hands.

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I hope Trump isn't "literally Hitler", otherwise he's going to lose a World War in a few years, fake his suicide and run off to hide in Argentina.