Polarized and radicalized left and right

We have the left who support faggotry, GMOs, mass-immigration, government, the NWO, and normalization of mental illness, while we have the right who support capitalism, money, the rich, and racism.

I will admit I am more conservative than liberal, but modern right-wing is the equivalent of shit. The problem isn't black people, the problem is technology and society, and liberal ideas of mental-illness acceptance and diversity.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Are you black?

Give it a rest leftypol.
Money=/=evil it's man who's evil.
The same as a gun doesn't kill.

You're convincing no one, just nodding like a retard to you fellow commies.

sighs in swahili

Attached: horse vs goddess.png (1165x884, 1.46M)

Black people aren't the ones doing this.

Yes you are. You gang up with jews on marxist hit squads and terrorize our children and our families. Shut up you lying filthy nigger

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Again, this is the problem.

Zig Forums blames niggers, while Zig Forums supports nwo

okay ill tell you.

Technology is what causes immigrants to come to america

technology is what lets people make GMOs

and so on

Are you nonwhite OP? You certainly sound like it.
Niggers are experts in crime, killing eachother and have highest conviction and crime? How in the love of fuck they are not the problem?

Because money is the problem

niggers and jews. The Negroid is strong and feral. He can hunt and run and jump just like his tundra ancestor monkeys. He has figured out some basic hygiene and organizes in tribes called "muhfuginn sccuad" where he fights for territory from other collectives when before kinsfolk would fight. The modern negro, emboldened by "the eternal jew" (watch it) raids the white men of the world with no legal recourse. Sexual harrassment is gittin down wit da ladies and coalburning and single motherhood is being a playa.

Some niggers are woke. Beyond Civ Nat woke. I mean global SS fuck the jews fucking us woke.

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Just waiting for 10% of the population to fully support open violence and warfare to defend ourselves, American values, and families and it'll be a different story all over America

Again, I agree partially that immigration and other liberal ideals are destructive, but money is also a problem.

Money is a loan from the central bank to the government. The central banks are jews. The jews own all money except crypto.


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Welcome aboard the NS freedom train!

Because it causes corruption and greed

Maybe if you weren't 16, you'd understand.


? Technology would make immigrants not needed if you automate minimum wage jobs.

Now what's wrong with GMOs?

Hey they finally reached the logical conclusion of the pagan larping bullshit.
Well that didn't take long. Be sure to take your racemixing BASED odinist brothers with you.

Humans, not money. The problem to that is eugenics, not abolishing currency.


How the fuck will that solve corruption or greed?


Shut the fuck up I never said I support racemixing. I said I dont support immigration

Immigrants come here for a better life, idiot

I honestly believe we're about 5 years away from a major continental conflict, the rising of or the all out crash of America. Prepare yourselves accordingly

And here I thought it was the welfare and the inability for inferior races to build societies. It's not race guys, OP says so.

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No i mean technology like boats and airplanes.

Oh my fucking god


So what? Fuck them.

Theres also epigenetics and upbringing factors you know

Agreed. they are able to come here because they can use technology like airplanes and boats

You really sound like a brainwashed leftist faggot for someone who considers himself more conservative than liberal.

Newfag thread detected.

Immigrant are being used as scab labor to replace average Americans in the work force as workplace quality reaches an all time low. You are defending the use of people a pawns on a chessboard, and supporting the gradual replacement of populations.

Lurk moar or gtfo.

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why? because I don't support your racist ideals?

Then why does leftypol keep banning me for being right-wing?

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lol k

I tell them I don't support LGBT, normalization, immigration, or GMOs

So don't change the human into a better one though personal development but instead abolish something material?
Would the human in question just find another thing to obsess with?

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Removing money would definitely put these people out of power.

Look at the op of this thread for a moment my fellow shitposters. This is what a cuckservative looks like. This is what goes through his brain as he gets done servicing Tyrone's cock.

Look, point, and laugh.

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Harry's bride is exactly what the problem is (((Negro-Semite))).

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look at yourself fucking weeb autist

Answer the second question cowardly fagget.

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It's not an ideal retard. It's a fact and you are in denial of the obvious truth.

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I don't understand the question. They just wouldn't be able to exploit others.

The goons fear the anime.

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It's okay. Take your time. Read it slow. We are here to help.

Maybe ask it differently?

We know. But that will not change overnight so people who hold this perspective will aim for the next best thing for the time being, leaving the next generations better prepared to make these changes. I would love to help the bee's grow in population but it is all for nothing if other people wish to replace the forest with parking spaces and the worker with immigrants (who are less likely to give these questions high priority while simultaneously establishing themselves and their lineage in the country). You can sperg all you want but you are only identifying a problem not offering a way forward.

B-but that would be contrary to your previous post so which one comes first in your opinion? Prevent racism or removing the (((banking system)))? Lurk more faggot

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Ok. You have a big brain. But we have bigger ones and we are more beautiful. Therefore we are better than you. Easy enough?

What is this even supposed to mean?

Also look into Negroid, Caucasoid, Austroloid and Mongoloid racial admixtures. Who performs better? I will never again talk like a toddler to a dumb nigger anons

Ok. You have a big brain. But we have bigger ones and we are more beautiful. Therefore we are better than you. Easy enough?

Always fun to see.
I'll rephrase: Won't humans just find another material thing as a basis to exploit others?
You gonna ban that too? Where will you stop?

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Aaaaand you lost me there… Technology served man until the jew learned to take over from us. Society was the pinapple of the white men until jew deconstructed it. If you think these are the porblem and not the parasite which corrupted it then you should kill yourself!

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The issue isn't obsession, but that people can exploit others using money


Fuck off you retarded pavement ape nigger


the problem is kikes and capitalism, lurk for two years you bluepilled retard.

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Nice sockpuppeting faggot.

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technology lets nonwhites use airplanes and boats to come here
technology lets jews make GMOs

society lets people invent technology and spread disease among eachother

The far-right does not support (((capitalism))), (((money))), or (((the rich))). This is a false dichotomy.

If technology wouldnt be hold back then America wouldnt need mutts like you because mechanized assembly lines would do the shit jobs not your kind mutt! If technology would be used by the white men then you wouldnt be depend on inbreed arabs and their oil.

And what's your solution?


98% of black females and 90%+ of black males vote democrat every election. US democrats haven't won the white vote once in 80 years since exit polling was first used.
Race is the single most deciding factor in politics, science and warfare. If you were ignorant of literally everything else, you'd still be right the majority of cases.

In dogs there are "7 Types of Dog Breed Groups" displaying completely different skills and instinctual drives. Dogs good at retrieving game do it without being trained to. When you try to breed them enough to change their nature completely, you do it by breeding the members of the group highest in that attribute.
After doing it enough times, you have a completely visibly different breed and that's ignoring 99% of the original breed can't be used to create the new breed. Plus it takes multiple generations.

russian fox experiment -> Trying to tame black foxes so their black coats could be safely sheered. Just created red or white foxes/puppies.

Races use different organic compositions, muscles allocations, temperament and life drives. Blood types and everything from other races will kill you if you put it inside your body. Disease immunities and pathways are different. Being able to produce defective offspring does not mean animals are even the same species.
Wolphin, Lygers, Zebra/Horses/Camels/Donkeys/Llama, Bull with any herd animal, etc.
With enough medical intervention to suppress immune system, you can see all kinds of spliced animals.
If 3 billion asians can't come close to producing what less than 1 billion whites can… Face reality and save your energy from running into egalitarian delusions.

You sound like a leftist precisely for saying that the right is racist and only cares about the rich, which is clearly nonsense for anyone who have not been brainwashed by Marxist propaganda.

In case you are confused, this board does not mirrors mainstream right-wing beliefs, this is a National Socialist board.

My guess is that OP probably read Industrial Society and Its Future but got too heated too fast and forgot he had to finish Culture of Critique and MK too. But he will probably come around once he cool down.

I already pointed this out but he ignored my post. I can't wait for a lengthy reply.

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This is why you leftypol idiots aren't welcome.
You just yammer on your shallow cult doctrine and can't even grasp the basics of logic. When things go rough, you just go into the shallow end again and splash like a retard.
It's really sad that you don't reach your full potential due to chasing your own tail.

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A truly 'enlightened' centrist. Don't you see that you've just let others define your beliefs for you? You've just picked the midpoint between two "extremes" instead of defining your own system of political belief.

Attached: stop thinking so 2-dimensionally.png (1809x746, 221.16K)


I'm laughing, but this is Marx's reserve army of labor theory, and it's true. Businesses are doing it and are probably getting kickbacks from foreign countries to bring in their immigrants. With our welfare systems they're making us pay for it.

Wasn't Marx pro welfare?

No the problem is no nothings like OP jumping into politics.

>>>Zig Forums

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Get out.

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GMO technology is cool and potentially very useful, but like most technology, especially biotech, whether it's good or bad depends on who is using it and what they're doing with it.

Third position, YEAH

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Marx got a couple things right, but his response to them was way off. Hitler criticized Western capitalism as well, but his answer was very different obviously.

>The far-right does not support (((capitalism))), (((money))), or (((the rich))). This is a false dichotomy.
If you arent aware, this is a lefty/pol/ shill. Banning money is what communists do, they oppose transactions from one person to another. Its part of banning private property, no one trades with anyone else because no one owns anything.

The premise of anti-racism is that racism is learned that is a social construct because race by itself is a social construct
We know that isn't truth there are differences between races, RACE EXIST, thus racism wasn't a learned behavior but rather it was a natural response.

He's probably not arguing so much against the concept of money, so much as modern currency systems.

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Well what you basically need to know is that the divide between communism and capitalism is dead with most lefties being free market faggots and us hating the Jewish capitalists

Faggot what are Reichsmarka

Blacks have zero ability to ruin anything without jewish influence in white countries.

So should we ban technology and go back to living like Medieval peasants?

That'd be fine tbh, I've always wanted to run down the peasants in the fields.

Varg is a real psycho you know that right? You have to be to give up the civilized world.


Yeah the guy is pretty unhinged, also super delusional that he thinks the system will collapse on its own.

Well OP you can go back to Africa with your fellow niggers and live in huts. The Right will gas the Jews, enjoy their technolgy, and laugh at you subhumans.