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please tell
God bless you you magnificent bastard!
Truly the gods (whatever you believe) are smiling down on this martyr for liberty.
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
I'm not a fan of the porn but the rest is inspiring.
We might have meme'd too hard. Next few decades are going to be strange.
TRSodomite confirmed?
Memeing too hard? I think we can inspire everybody in the future with AR advertisements.
Hitler wasn't a white supremacist, he was an ethno-nationalist. International free trade hurts us. He's a pedo. Fuck this faggot…
>HuffPost did not view any posts explicitly stating that he has engaged in sexual activity with minors, although he repeatedly expressed a desire to have sex with infants and children, including his own daughter. In the phone call, Larson said that the word “pedophile” is “vague” and “just a label,” adding that it’s “normal” for men to be attracted to underage women. He said he did not commit any crimes.
dubs of truth. I hate that he is a pedo, but perhaps that is his way out, his conceit to the NWO? I think that is why he made it so far… strange times to see freaks like this on the news…
I certainly don't care for the guy's entire platform
But I most certainly want to witness him running for congress.
He's bound to bring about a huge shitstorm with him, so it ought to be entertaining at least.
Us? You mean (((YOU)))
Sounds like a controlled opposition candidate to poison the well.
Praise Kek, he recognizes my point.
Let's fucking hope so. Strange is unpredictable. Unpredictability is adventure. Adventure is what I fucking want.
and a white ethnostate.
Overall, he sounds like a degenerate because of these things. I can’t support rigs shit. As for his praise of Hitler and “white supremacy”, he just sounds like a LARPer. Maybe even controlled op to make us look bad?
*this shit
He does sound like controlled opposition. Ultimately, he's unwilling to make personal sacrifices. If you can't control yourself, then you're unfit to control politics.
Trips of truth. As much fun as the shitstorm will be that follows, ultimately his purpose is to take the focus off of commie degeneracy and re-associate it with the (((alt-right))).
he is your guy
hes the CIA's guy
Sweet lord I hate anarchists of all flavors. Morality is seemingly unknown to them outside of the most personal and savage laws.
Who are these faggots astroturfing support? I noticed an uptick in Zig Forums incursions lately, any other guesses?
Master race, KYS shill.
Hitler didn't have a concept of "white" you moron, his race to him was Germanic people. He was an Ethno-Nationalist, not a White Nationalist. White Nationalism is American, as we're of multiple European ethnicities.
obvious false flag is obvious
I'd vote for him
This is true but it doesn't make the guy in OP less of a controlled OP and you will never have a consensus around this due to the fact that even most people who think themselves NatSoc aren't big brained enough to shake the conditioning or the association with mudslimes. It's as easy to D&C as a religion thread. It's something where the conditions will be created organically if pro-whites get into power and want to efficiently address the birth rate and stable family problem.
*controlled opposition
This, well and simply put.
Ofcourse he's controlled opposition but that doesn't make him any less valuable if you know what it is you want.
Inceldom is gonna be normalized just you wait… I guarantee it'll be compatible to trans activism and the best thing you all could do is learn their language and stop believing in some utopian white dream of breeding with slutty white bitches and learn to hate women
Because the way I see it either incels and trans alike are gonna be lumped together as dysphoric crazy pants and given free neet bucks, or hard conservatives are going to use them as a scapegoat and basically impose stricter marriage laws and shit so you all stop being millennials and work roofing and other blue collar jobs when Trump can't save the economy
This has literally never been proven.
Adolescents are 2-5x more likely to die during pregnancy than a normal 20 year old, schlomo. Can't have babies if your wife is dead, can you? Not to mention premature births, low birth weight, higher hospital costs, all contributing to higher deaths of babies.
Also, where are any statistics or studies that prove anything in that giant wall of text? I know the story about the guy and the kid, nothing about it proves anything of significance.
It would work if it is white, kike.
(((They))) want us to make a compromise on pedophilia
(((They))) have seen how hard we are at fighting the (((left)))'s attempts at trying to normalize pedophilia. This is the jews' big gambit to normalize pedophilia, but from the controlled "opposite" side. His platform represents many things Zig Forums values, but the (((compromise))) is to support pedophilia. That's not the end.
With or without supporting him, they want to associate many things we value with pedophilia. Because we won't support him, their backup plan is to drag what we want through the mud of pedophilia stigma. So this plan includes a minor (((sampson))) option.
Kikes don't want to normalize pedo, they only want gay shit to decrease the birth rate.
Ancaps are fucking degenerate cancer.
Rare level of clarity and insight friend, well done.
This guy cares about race, he ain't ancap.
This guy is more of classic Zig Forums.
Than he's controlled opposition. Either we he's the type of person Hitler would rightfully execute.
meant to write
This nigger's a pedo. Fuck this shit.
Oh please Hitler killed homo, not pedo and incest.
That's a funny joke.
This has to be controlled opposition. That or my state is a lot weirder than I thought.
Not gonna lie though, if he wins that will be a very interesting event.
Yes, there are, Hitler kept the age of consent at 14 while outlawing homo.
Think about it.
If he is control op, he should be far less controversial.
Consent laws are different in European countries but that's different than wanting to fuck a prepubescent child. Not that I agree with hebephelia either though.
Like it or not, Hitler and Germany were not puritan like anglos, nudism was openly celebrated too.
14 was deemed acceptable to explore sexual matter.
Pedos have no loyalties but to their own kind as they are rightfully the worlds most despised community. I have seen them play both sides of the political spectrum; they present their justifications using logic/wording that will appeal to which ever party they are trying to appeal to and manipulate at that moment. I have been saying that this would happen and should be expected. Pedophiles realize the time is neigh to ride the coattails of the lgbt movement and seek acceptance as they have.
Dunno why pedos are despised by all, considering the top dogs are almost all ways gay pedos.
So he's basically trolling?
People would prefer their children not get abducted and raped.
That is due to the fact it is illegal, never mind that arranged marriage has been a thing for millenium.
Only in this century where people marry less and at older age.
It is another part of decaying society.
Kill these scumbags.
Just because it happened doesn't mean they were handing out 10 year olds. And besides the illegality of rape is ancillary to peoples concerns.
What do you guys want to bet this dude is Southern Italian or Greek? Maybe some slavic mystery meat or worse of all, Irish.
So is this real life or did Yahoo get hacked or what's going on here? Because if this guy is a kid fucker, he needs to die. I don't care if he promises to exterminate every shitskin in America, I'll cut his bitch throat myself if he's screwing children. After that, I get all the kikes at a synagogue for free. It's the red line, Shlomo and the streets will flow with your blood if you cross it.
Pedophile does not mean rape, people have married young girls for age.
yep, puritan boomer.
sounds like a wako they got to flip in prison, and now suddenly he is a "Alt-right" nazi for the media
Reminder that all those loli-avatar-f/a/gs who post here are fucking pedophiles and deserve a bullet.
There’s a reason hitler kept homos and pedos in the same category
He did not raise age of consent laws, or do we consider gay pedo as pedo? That is fine with me.
this one time i was taking a nap and someone woke me up so i killed them for violating my nap.
Hate to break it to you, but it has been the standard for many decades already.
This is the most ancap guy ever, he needs to replace Adam Kokesh as the leader of Anarcho Capitalism.
Sounds like a typical Zig Forums user. You degenerates disgust me.
It makes me smile that this image still gets posted, user. TRSodomite tears, good fucking times.
God that makes me sick
Age of consent was post puberty and the man still had to have approval from the parents to court their daughter. Contrast to this guy wanting to fuck two year olds.
If it wasn't for free trade and being a pedo, he'd be perfect.
The current (((gun control game))) runs on "save kids not guns."
This candidate is both pro gun and anti-kid by way of incest and pedophilia.
(((They))) will pretend he's popular and getting votes to absolutely demonize the right wing.
(((They))) have the capability of portraying him as popular. They will make it seem like people are lining up to vote for him so it looks like he has the FULL support of the alt-right.
Time to start making memes about him being fake?
This. It's going to be a fun few years to see people like this run against proven controlled oppo on both sides.
reading through the article, i hate to be the one to be called a jew here, but it must be said
1) nigger calls noise complaint over another nigger
2) cops show up, pound on garage door and house door, garage door opens
3) nigger had a gun in his back pocket
in his own house
4) cops: GUN GUN GUN!
5) garage door closes
6) cops fire shots through the garage door, hitting him twice in the abdomen and once in the head
replace nigger with white
you have a right to carry a gun in your own house
the police did not have a warrant
i don't give a fuck about the nigger this is a gun rights issue
very well said.
Hitler loved his people , the german volk.
Jewmericans cannot understand this (properly) because they are a non-nation, a nation of multiple ethnicities (even if white) which promotes multiculturalism and diversity.
Don't get me wrong, i like and prefer higher diversity at a species / planetary level, but to achieve this, germans should live in Germany, italians in Italy, and so on, to maximize diversity at the species level. Americans somehow deformed this concept into a "diversity inside country" belief system, and so they don't have a true Nation.
Americans did not perverse language. This was a trick of marxist jews. They worked hard to make people associate diversity with (((THEIR))) definition rather than the scientific biological definition of diversity. As usual, their 1984 version of diversity is the exact opposite of what it should mean and what would be rational/sane.
No, you're wrong! As a veteran of the Great War, Hitler understood the pressing need to help Germany's white enemies.exterminate all Germans and to finish the resettlement of Germany with BASED Trumpkikes from Poland.
"If anyone gets to rape German women to death, it should be manly American sheepdogs from Zig Forums"
- Adolf Hitler
How do people end up like the guy in that pic?
A glass case to display his virginity, furry, fuck pillow . . .
Society? Bad Parenting?
He's a lolberg ancrap pedophile. We're """filthy statists"""" we have nothing to do with this cretin.
It was fine until the jews started the civil rights program to exploit blacks once again.
After slaves were freed from the jews, it took them around 50 years to start using them again.
When the jews established things like NAACP, affirmative action, etc - they did it so they could sue white-owned businesses and they still do it today. Just look at SPLC now.
Blacks wore suits all the time, stayed in their own societies and clubs and pretty much left other people alone until the jews made them riot and rebel and demand equal rights.
They fell into the trap and blacks are slaves of jews once again. It was vengeance for freeing them.
Not only were pedos tolerated under the Reich, they were given command of special SS units.
The only yid here is you!
He is Humint and connected to Fort Meade
Guy looks like the faggot from No Way Out
Wow the Nazis were infiltrated by Kabbalistic jews who would have thou….oh wait
sjw shills spotted
It's about gun control.
The only normal thing he talks about is being pro 2nd amendment.
By associating the ridiculously contrived pro-hitler, pro-child-rape, pro-incest bullshit with supporting 2A, he's providing fuel for gun confiscation advocates.