Pedophilia. In 2018 pedophiles are coming up with all sorts of slang terms in an effort to mainstream their perverted ways. Terms like Minor Attracted Persons and Virtuous Pedophiles, all created to minimize their hopes of child rape and child abuse. These 2018 pedophiles CLAIM they would never actually rape a child, and all they want is to slightly lower the age of consent or legalize child sex dolls. If you believe them, you are demonstrating an incredible ignorance of reality. Look to Germany and see when they supplied pedophiles with teen boys. Look to Britain where the Westminster Pedophile Dossier disappeared. Look to the USA where Jeffrey Epstein, a known pedophile, is hanging out with Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. Still trust pedophiles? Go onto their online forums like BoyChat and others I mentioned in the video - and see exactly what they talk about. Don't forget Amos Yee or the other youtube pedophiles! Remember - "I'm a pedophile not a monster" - huh? Have you read the scientific studies, seen the CAT scans, that demonstrate we're dealing with the mentally deranged here?! The debate was over before it ever began. Pedophiles and Pedophilia - two things that should never be mainstreamed or normalized regardless of compassion. There's compassion, and there's stopping child rape. You can only pick one. I pick stopping child rape.

Attached: 0.jpg (1280x720, 288.68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

With all the recent threads, it seems there's an an ongoing attack on pedophiles?

Homos and jews are spared while everyone gang up on them (and incels)?

The actual pedo (i.e. child diddlers) are in power both in government, corporation and the church, while the loser fuckfaces face witch hunts.

This is not a balanced state of affairs.

1. pedophilia is not child molestation

2. Selecting girls young has obviously had some productive purpose, in an evolutionary sense, since the trait of attraction to prepubescents exists today in 90% of the average male population. This isn't opinion, this is fact. An opinion would be that relationships with younger girls build stronger monogamous couples that have more kids and encourage a more traditional family structure

3. Science has not conclusively proven sex with minors is harmful (see Rind et al. controversy). It's much more likely that legitimate inquiry into the topic is far too taboo to have an accurate opinion on the matter.

4. The argument that teenagers are immature morons who can't decide what they want is illegitimate when the absolute vast majority of youth are drinking, doing drugs, having sex, going to parties, etc… The reality is that teenage girls are going to have relationships and their relationships with fellow teenage boys probably won't last. It's very easy to argue that this behavior actually discourages monogamous and successful relationships, while encouraging people to go through the "getting it all out of the way" phase. Your laws aren't stopping kids having sex, they're preventing kids having long-term relationships.

5. I exercise every day, have an (almost) perfect GPA and live a good life. I have no interest in controlling and dominating a girl, I just feel as if adults lack any ability to express honesty and genuine emotions. I

6. I consider most people to be inept morons. I'm probably far more intellectually capable than you but I'm not trying to ban people from """taking advantage"" of you.

7. Most pedos don't prey on anything. Remember, 90% of men are attracted to kids. How many of these people even admit this, let alone go around stalking for victims to assault?

8. Pseudo-psychological nonsense from someone who has absolutely no interest in reality but will more than happily make up a worldview based on your emotional response.

9. Threaten the species? what? You know that, with almost absolute certainty, your ancestors were most likely "pedophiles". Hell, even Jesus was born of a 12 year old. Did you know that?

Sage for shit quality antipedo thread and there's already one up, cuckholds who stop the birthrates of the white race like you OP will be hanged on DOTR.

Attached: natural.png (881x766 391.43 KB, 154.76K)

Look at that, the pedokike defense force is here.

90% of Men are attracted to prepubescent girls, this is not an organized attack, you are simply outnumbered and always will be you cuckhold

Attached: wife.png (653x321 63.4 KB, 140.96K)

Kill yourself pedokike.

I have presented solid arguments in my case and you only have personal attacks in response, you antis are brainlets.

You've posted nothing but the exact same pedokike shill talking points that have been destroyed every single time they've been posted here. If there's one good thing about the old mod team, it's that they didn't allow your kind here.

t. Imcuckfy.

Being anti-pedo doesn't make me that turkroach you nigger.

90% of men are mentally ill then. We need to reduce the population anyway.

Also I mean true pedos not the “well the AoC should be 16” lads, they’re mostly okay and looking to make pozed countries like the USA more like Eastern Europe which has much more reasonable AoC laws and as a result less BLACKED-tier shit.

Zig Forums needs to get a definition of pedo straightforard as “people who are attracted to children and infants” rather than “people who think we need a lower age of consent”

Another point is that pedos are not bad because of concepts like consent, they are bad because of dead-endism. The same reason why faggots and dogfuckers are bad, they engage in behaviors that cannot lead to reproduction, most simply adopt pedophilia because they are unsuccessful with women of reasonable age range.

shill using in-group fracture points
Sage this shit of a thread. You need to hang yourself.

Yes they fucking are you nigger. Kill yourself.

Kampfy was one of you, idiot. All of his reaction images were from lolicon manga, get fucked you schizophrenic faggot.


No, they’re bad because they engage in behavior that doesn’t lead to reproduction and adopted because they’re failures.
Consent arguably doesn’t exist, and if it does women as a whole are too stupid to consent to anything which is why they need strong men in their lives to prevent them from fucking niggers, driving, and ruining political movements.

Well you just tickled Coonfy's chode, having sex with fertile biologically capable of reproducing girls is natural and so is courting for marriage before they reach that age.

But it is not dead endism, we are not going to leave the girl once she hits some age, we would remain a bonded couple for life and have many white children.

Have a bump, reddit cuck. Sage is not a downboat


Yes you are, or she will leave you because she realizes you only chose to be with her because you failed with women. Once she comes of age you will either lose attraction to her, or she will leave you.

This is a shit argument, because it’s basically the same as “I was an antisocial loser as a kid and lost contact with all the women i knew back then so let me get a second shot at it I swear I’m not a sickfuck”

Your argument is that you should “get them before society corrupts them” when it should be “create a society that doesn’t corrupt children”

Go play in traffic you fucking freak

Underage cannot consent and are not ready for reproduction kike.

Take the BLiNK PiLL

Attached: Nietzsche1882.jpg (1000x678 452.56 KB, 187.77K)

Read my post, even adult women cannot consent - why else do they fall for every trick in the protocols, fuck spooks, and only adopt higher ideals when it’s a vehicle for male attention.

Pedos are bad for the same reason fags and racemixers are bad. Fags consent to their degenerate shit - is that okay with you, dumbfuck lolberg?

JEWS are the ones creating the rules so they can create an unhealthy, oversexualized relationship to children.

Pedos are not to blame here, they LOVE children after all.

RIP this thread.

You kikes have tried these things thousands of times before.

Pedophilia is jewish

You know spook means nigger in 90% of the world, right anerimutt? I wasn’t even thinking of ebin egoist memes when I wrote that.

Face it, females around sexual maturity are the most attractive.
It is no coincidence that "teens" porn and lolis are the MOST popular.
Everybody with an uncucked brain will gravitate towards youth.

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not saging is a bump though you fucking faggot.

I have no issues with people who are true lovers of children, even those who are attracted to them in an amorous way; but I do not condone child abuse or child abusers. Children can feel and experience sexual arousal but that is no green light for teenagers or adults to force them into doing so. The perversion of the Jew revolves around manufacturing opportunities to deceive others into getting what they want. That is why the majority of so called paedophiles are actually Jewish child molesters. They want to have their way with children, primarily boys you will notice, then tarnish any close relationship between adult and child. Paedophile hysteria has been born from this and it plays right into their rubbing hands. While they use their positions of influence to further acquire and abuse children, everyday men (primarily) and women are being harassed for innocent behaviour.

- Don't console your student if they are injured or upset, goy
- Don't walk near a public park or playground if you haven't any children, because doing so means you're a paedo, goy
- No cameras at school events, goy. Every father and male relative who takes a photo at these events is a pervert and secretly masturbates to their relative's classmates.
- Don't record your child having fun at a water park, goy. You say you're focused on your little one having fun, but have you seen all those kids in tight swim costumes? Oy, vey! Such perversion among white men, who have children just to attend these excursions and outings.
- No goy, there's nothing wrong with circumcision. It's part of our beliefs and if you question us mutilating boys, then sucking their bleeding penises, you're anti-Semitic and clearly a Nazi! But don't you dare let children play naked at home, goy! That is so unnatural and perverse.
- Only a child molester would comment on the modesty of a young girl's attire, goy! Leave the morales for Beyonce and Teen Vogue to teach. That is the tolerant way.

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You mean the feminist bullshit produced by cuck (((universities))) known for forging their data? Get the fuck out, roastie. Nobody's buying your bullshit. Guys want hot teenage girls, not your used-up roastie ass. The redpill is out there now and there's no stopping it. Enjoy losing all your sexual market value as more guys figure out your games.

Lol, this stupid fucking shit again. How many times are you going to bring this up only to have your arguments completely destroyed? Adult women are not fucking in demand, retard. We go for teenage girls because they're more attractive. Sorry you're a roastie hag. Not really though.

Textbook feminist shaming tactics right here. You don't fit into this cucked society because you're a thinking individual, so you should be robbed of your chance to be with the best girls. Or even worse: maybe you actually did find a teen girl when you were 20 or so, but the laws wouldn't let you be with her because they were made by feminist cucks.

Wow kid you sure triggered me with that cool gore of yours

Read my other posts fammo, wanting pubescent girls is not pedophilia.

I'd believe this on the face of it if it included teenagers. Jailbait is a meme for a reason, after all. Prepubescent kids though? Hang yourself, sick fuck.

Reminder that if you're a pedophiles, faggot, trannie, or other sexual degenerate you're going to be hung from a lampost when the day of reckoning comes.

Especially you pedophile freaks, die.

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But pedos are patricians.












Read The Bible, an old emergency procedure was killing all men and women and taking all girls, so basically allowing pedophilia is like doing a surgery to remove cancer, the final solution against whites, but allowing it now will create revolts, just check what is happening in England right now with a big muslim population and whites without weapons, this is why they are slowly allowing it in muslims and they just ignore negros untill shit is noticeable in America, because in Africa or South America kids have to fuck to survive, there is a reason why mexicans and negros love "big girls", they are bored of "small ones", also check money, if you allow pedophilia just people with resources will be capable of "raising" girls, so untill muslims can take all Europe money allowing pedophilia is suicide, they are actually raising the age of consent in South America because they were shooting their feets with that.

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Daily reminder the age of consent in Germany was 14


Yeah buddy, have fun with kikes convincing white children it's ok to be molested by Jamal, Juan, Ahmed, Shlomo, and fags. Have fun being unable to stop your kids from having homosexual orgies and cutting off their dicks/inverting their cunts. Have fun being unable to arrest them. You know kikes will ramp up the racemixing, homo, tranny, and pedo propaganda 100 fold if there are laws preventing white men from protecting their daughters from non-white pedophiles (implying they all aren't).

AoC is the only inadvertently pro-white law that exists today in that shitskins prone to preying on the weak can still get arrested.
Until you pedos fix the kike problem, you an just the fuck up about consent laws. We know you just want to get easy pussy just like the shitskins but you're too meek and beta to break the law like they do.

Attached: 1507325817562.jpg (480x599, 34.99K)

America is a cuckold nation.

Fix the multiult and kike problem before worrying about your dick, pedo. You'd sacrifice millions of young girls to niggers and kikes just to get some. You are not pro-white, you are a thirsty pathetic faggot.

if AoC didn't exist then pakis would freely groom and enslave European children, more so than they do now. The British state already begrudgingly punishes some of these pedos, but imagine if there was no law against fucking children. They'd do absolutely nothing. They'd probably spend more time and money hunting down the fathers protesting it for "inciting racial hatred" and "menacing".
By the way, the spics do it here in America as well. The only difference is in spic-land there aren't as many white girls to corral since the place is basically Mexico. If it were no longer illegal to fuck kids I can guarantee you ever shitskin man would be rushing into white areas (even more than now) to pick up some easy prey, without the treat of the law of violent fathers. White flight would be even more impossible if you dangle underage pussy alongside free gibs.

You fucking know I'm right, you know the kikes will seize the opportunity to indoctrinate your daughters and give them to shitskins even more than they're already trying now, the shitskins will seize the opportunity to take away your daughters were the polite white men will not. You don't give a fuck. You want your easy prey, your uncorrupted innocence. Well, pedokike, there will be no more uncorrupted white girls left if you let the kikes have even more power over influencing them into degeneracy and even more shitskins offering them trinkets for pussy.

You're fucking dead, you faggot.

Currently white girls spend the majority of their time in multcult hellholes known as public schools. Tell me, were are they supposed to find lovers in this situation?
What happens to the 12 year old girl surrounded by niggers for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week? When there is nothing stopping the niggers from fucking her, and all while her teachers tell her to be white guilty and loving a colored man is beautiful and so on?
That's right, you don't give a shit. You'd let these children be even more vulnerable to predators if it means you have a chance at finding your 11 year old waifu.

Pedos are legitimately the most unbearable faggots on the internet, their behavior is like a mixture of an hysterical manchild and THAT kid, but multiplied x100; They're mentally ill, look how cancerous their posting style is:

Attached: that faggot kid.PNG (501x739, 638.78K)

Gore for ants.

This, my country has a low AoC and the only reason it isn’t a giant shitshow is because we don’t have any niggers and the ones we do have know that less than ideal things will happen if they fuck with our women.

Also most people aren’t sickfucks who prey on kids so the low AoC is mostly to prevent teenagers going to jail for having sex with other teenagers(oh, and most people who are in long term relationships meet when they are both ~17-19 with the average age of first “sexual” encounter being 17)

Most white men will not fuck children. Most shitskin men have a penchant for fucking children because they'll fuck anything with a moist hole and children are the easiest prey. If you remove AoC laws you are only permitting shitskins to fuck your children without fear of punishment. Sure, some pedo whites can have their loli waifus, but they sold out their nation and the majority of underage girls who will be completely powerless against institutionalized shitskin pedo rape. Sure is "pro-white", make 1 white baby with a 13 year old girl in the woods while the other 98% of white girls are in paki and spic rape dens. White civilization is saved! Thanks pedos!

Let's see, if the west
Tell me how we are even a civilization any more? We are limping prey begging to be put out of our misery. Come take our land, our money, and fuck our women and children. What a fucking joke… as if we weren't already a joke.

your ad hominem aka personal insult doesnt invalidate anything they posted on any level. Please stop trying to apply peer pressure and try to argue.

Fags are harmful to society and marrying young is not.

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not sure i posted the correct r9k image there

Attached: r9k_explains_patriarchy_civilization_and_marriage.png (1469x1323, 2.68M)

Fuck right off.

This is the future you'll choose for white children if you allow them to become sexual beings. You don't care about white children, you care about muh dick, like a fucking nigger.

Pedos need to fix the kike problem before they start lecturing other whites about how we need to make children legal to fuck. Otherwise I'm going to keep rightfully believing your motivation is your dick and not the preservation of our people.

No, it makes you jewish.

White beta pedos will defend child fucking online, hoping to future-farm for an underage waifu.
Meanwhile jews in power fuck underage shiksas and treat them like dirt.
Keep towing the pedo line for kikes, you beta fuck. You'll never get any.


All pedophiles should be castrated, prove me wrong. You can't. It's true.

Ephebophilia shouldn't have been made a crime!

Nice reddit spacing you fucking pedo. Give a credible and scholarly source on that 90% attraction because I don't fucking buy it. Only fags like little girls because they haven't developed yet and look like boys with long hair. And most girls find older guys creepy and prefer within their age range, only those with daddy issues go for guys 10 years or older.

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See that's exactly how it should be because your culture still has its unwritten laws intact. Ideally people would remain chaste until marriage and marry young, with good opportunities for housing and a career. The reason America cannot have that is because our morals have completely eroded, so we have to force them in the form of AoC laws. The law says in abstract, "No one is doing it right, so no one should be doing it at all"
If the culture comes back for this type of thing, I'd be happy to have a low AoC. My grandparents married when they were 16 and 17. The thing is though there are multiple factors that make this shit nonviable and pedofaggots sensing vulnerability are offering a devil's bargain that would supposedly solve all our problems.
Also I'd like to point out how none of the pedos are responding to anyone with a well written argument.

Attached: Married and living together at 18-19.jpg (640x480, 39.31K)

Exactly this, if you have to groom a child into marrying or fucking you, you're an absolute failure who no sane person would want to touch with a 12-yard pole.

enjoy getting raped in prison by niggers you fucking pedokike


Anyone seen this shit?

Attached: 013a20aa86be477b59c21d8e5d3dbc9b8e1a26158ded45b8a7f4b5935398fe0.png (727x935, 436.67K)

Also I'll bite since that image gets posted all the time and pedos like to defend it as sacred.
The immediate problem with that argument is that Semites are actually the biggest pedophiles on the planet. I'd say being a pedophile makes you more Jewish than supporting AoC, especially since they've been known to use pedophilia as a form of initiation for their useful goys.
Another thing that argument gets wrong is that it assumes all things Jews do is bad. It's within the Jewish playbook to pacify the populace with little distractions while committing atrocities behind their back. They've done multiple "good" things just to keep the frog boiling.
AoC laws could have been used as a defensive measure for whites so they would feel more secure in inundating themselves with large populations of foreigners. There's just too many possibilities for the reasoning behind this action to use it as leverage in an argument.
Some of the worst men lived when age of consent was low too. Not an argument. Also attitudes about sex and sexuality have changed dramatically since they were alive, so you cannot argue that the circumstances are the same. Lastly the John's case was unusual even for the time. It's an extreme example presented as the norm.
Here's where the devil's bargain is presented. Times have changed. We can't do that shit anymore. It would be nice to let the children out to explore and make their happy little marriages early, but there's wolves around now in the form of Muslims and niggers. I want you to look at Rotherham and know that would be the current consequence if we were to implement the change you speak of.
Second image is fucking gold and 100% accurate but its not about pedos.

I don't see how you could conflate that with pedophilia. That's not an argument supporting pedophilia, it supports a traditional marriage model.

This is why I hate this board.

Attached: Wolf-and-rabbit.gif (470x431, 161.33K)

Huge fucking find. Location is good for building maps and tracing routes. Get that shit to the investigations thread immediately, they'll want to look into it. I really wish it were still stickied.

Okay pedos, let's make pedo legal, but only people in the same age range can marry and reproduce. That means if you wanna bang and marry a 14 year old you can't be older than 16.
You shouldn't be chasing the women of the younger generations and leave the men without a chance.

no thanks

is that what you people tell each other?

This is low effort shilling. as expected from pedos who have lower IQ on average. pedos are virgin loser manlets with broken brains.

Quora is a site full of SJW's, kikes, muzzies and niggers. It is a degenerate site full of cucks that fantasize about sex and other pedophilic shit. Right wingers are barred from stating their own opinions. The (((moderators))) keep banning the right winged people. It is a left wing echo chamber devoted to spreading marxist ideas and degeneracy.

Zig Forums, I'm asking you for a favour. I need everybody shitposter to raid the fuck out the site. Start by asking red pilled questions, and answering red pilled answers. This will make (((them)) lose their fucking shit. Ask questions like "Did six million jews die in the Holocaust".

There needs to be a lot of effort made in order to perform this shit. If you're going to say "this degenerate shit. BTFO JIDF!" then fuck off. Zig Forums has become too infested with edgelords and LARPers that take everything too seriously.

If we do this successfully Zig Forums, then we are demonstrating to the world our true power. The shills, cucks and kikes will lose their fucking minds. Come on. It will be some fun!


I don't know what's more retarded, that post or the fact that you're screencapping that shit and reposting it thinking it forms a valid argument for fucking prepubescent children

pedos are funny people

Thanks for this, doubt he'll respond though. He always runs away after posting his screencaps.

pedophilia is based

anti-pedo = anti-white

get a load of this guy

See how quickly pedos rationalize when you agree that pedophilia is ok but only with two pubescents.
They claim that young people need to breed for our race, but evidently not with eachother. They want impressionable young girls for themselves because they see them as easier to handle than women.

This is all a post hoc rationalization to hook up with a child risk-free. They want to fuck your daughter but they want the police to protect them when they do it. All the other little white girls who get groomed by shitskins and kikes be damned, it's all about muh dik.

These are the ideal AoC laws in a white family oriented society for upstart youths.

Teens: 12-19
Young adults: 15-24
Adults: 20+

You realize the modern AoC is part of the reason why whites aren't reproducing, right?
oy vey! white women you need to focus on a career! no children for you until your eggs are rotten at 35!
working men aren't allowed to select women who haven't been corrupted by kikes.

Beta males shouldn't be allowed to breed with younger women, most of these pedos deserve the rope. but a few of them are correct when saying younger people need to breed more.

This only seems to be an issue in America and certain anglo countries.

Please, kike. AoC is what forces the government to put shitskin groomers in prison.
If you're too much of a freak that you have a problem with getting with a >16 year old you're just a pedo, and you're not interested in preserving the white race.

>The only other option to

A young girl should be marrying a upright traditionalist farm-boy with a bright future in her age range, not a 25+ year old incel lusting after children on imageboards while posting provocative pictures of girls that the kikes produced (and probably molested afterwards).

This is the modern american girls life:
-have sex with 200+ guys before 30
-go to college, obtain a stem job or medical degree
-abuse drugs and drink
-hold no responsibility
-put career ahead of mothering

when they're ready to settle down their reproductive timer had gone off 5 years too late, at best they'll have one white child diagnosed with autism, learning disabilities and 50 allergies. The child will grow up ignored, likely the father will be removed from their lives as they develop without a father figure having been abused by their various stepfathers ( mommys bfs).

Is that the fate you want for us all, kike?

I absolutely agree, the state ought to entice white women to breed and seek traditional roles in family. iirc the nazis gave out crosses for mothers of the 1st generation.

Found it

Attached: mN_sgBcLdVv5oMZ8FVv4hkprnlrq4N0_PNvs6abCoi4.jpg (216x314, 15.99K)

You are an MRA/MGTOW and a pedophile. Guess it's fitting, MRAs either become gay or pedos since they hate women.
You are making a caricature of women to justify your child lust.
You're just rationalizing. You damn well know that there are still good women to be found. Sadly, they are not interested in inferior men such as yourself.

The life of a woman is that of steady Jewish propaganda throughout her childhood, prolonged trauma from being forced to live around her racial enemies and justify it, then extreme depression when she does what the kikes told her to do and fails miserably. (not much of a difference between how males are raised).
Women today are more depressed than ever. They need white men in charge of their lives, not kikes. You want to run off and steal children before the kikes really get to them, instead of fighting the kikes and their influence themselves, or rescuing your friends and family. You are a weak beta bitch who is afraid of confrontation, down to your sexual preferences.

"The only solution to rescue the white race is getting muh dik from your daughters!"
That's the solution for cowards with a sexual fetish. Our solution to fix our society is to remove the cancerous elements within it, top to bottom, not hide away with our loli fuckdolls and wait for the jews to forget about us. They won't.

"The state" and all other nodes of power today just mean jews. Of course the Germans would reward good breeding behavior, whereas kikes will promote trannyism, homosexuality, racemixing, and pedophilia.

I have one of those, but I don't think it's the gold one, I'd have to pull it out and check. They got handed out like candy if I recall, by the millions.

I am neither of these, I hate MGTOW actually. They're nothing but spoiled entitled modernist manchildren who want to lock women in cages and rape them.

Nothing I said suggested 40yo men should be fucking kids, im advocating since kikes have pushed back the average age of conception with (((birth control))), (((AoC))) and (((feminism))) we should return to a simpler period of time when young adults could choose younger partners for procreation. What part of that don't you understand, kike?

for example, a 22yo man with a solid job should be allowed to date a 16yo girl.

If you have one I'd love to see, its a common but interesting piece of history.

Why are you in a pedokike thread kvetching about AoC? It's already 16. You don't need to worry about fucking girls younger than that, idiot. Unless you're a teenager yourself, which I doubt.

Its 16 in a few states for teens only, which means anyone over 18 is a rapist.

All the pedophilia advocates (or most of them) hail from which is where all the /hebe/ freaks flocked to when Jim shut down their hole.

Attached: FLACcid.png (500x724, 134.97K)

based jim

In most states so long as you are under 24 you can fuck 16 year olds. If you're over 24 you've already missed your chance to find a young wife, so let young men have her instead.

This is why women aren't wanting to have children… They don't want to deal with this traditonal roles bullcrap. If any man wants me to quit my job i'm quitting him

This is also the problem right here. Women today are too brainwashed by modernity. They don’t want to get off the high horse. Feminism and egalitarianism are too ingrained in their minds

Attached: 1B03FF43-F73C-4996-80CE-99BED0B31F17.jpeg (400x400, 29.98K)

Lies. Women don't know what they want and they just follow whoever has the most influence. The kikes have more control of white women than white men, thus women are unhappy sluts who work dead end jobs and can't figure out why they're so depressed while their ovaries scream at them internally.

t. kikes. Kikes have been feeding women propaganda that being a mom is too hard, unfulfilling, and also your babies are pollutants anyways. I've seen many articles written by kikes about the horrible things that happen when you have babies. You lose your friends, your face gets uglier, you become homicidal, etc. Unsurprisingly say-at-home mothers are polled as the happiest and most fulfilled women.
Kike propaganda cannot supplant a woman's natural desires, it just obscures it, making them depressed when they are deprived of it.

You can turn any woman into a loyal housewife if you train her correctly. But it takes a strong will, since women only respect men with motivation. this is why so many incels become pedos, because they are low quality males who can only impress children. Just avoid coalburners and raging feminists. They're tainted meat.