Following the imprisoning of Generation Identitaire and Tommy Robinson who attempted white civil disobedience to achieve political ends, some young Germans today have decided the system has to be destroyed by any means necessary
Nazis Are Back In Germany
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Finally some good news from the Fatherland
You can't protest your way out of planned genocide
Can I get a translation on the first part?
Asked for this, but did you envision how it would look like?
Atomwaffen is dumb enough to not know Tommy Robinson and the GI cucks are controlled opposition?
Basically they say that they killed Hitler but they didn't kill the idea and no matter how how hard they try to crush National Socialism it lives on and this is a sign that our enemies have what's coming to them
I apologize. Let me clarify.
AWD does not support Tommy Robinson or Generation Identitaire. That's my own insertion.
I only inserted that as commentary on the timing of this video just as Alt-Lite fags are getting arrested and crucified by the state for the mildest of anti Muslim opinions. All peaceful resistance to the mass replacement has been criminalized
The enemy are playing a dangerous game here. They are trying to redirect our energies solely against islam so as to protect the jew. We can easily use Tommy Robinson and GI to point out obvious injustices, we then just have to drive home the point that the saracens are only here because of the jews opening the gates (just like its always been).
This is their most risky play because of how hard it can backfire if the truth gets out. Redirecting our rage can easily fail and end with them all pogrommed and killed, and they know this. We must strike now!
anti Islam movement is full of kikes purposely misdirecting and creating support for Israel while they send the shitskins to our white nations
our message is pro white, anti jew, before all else
Good post apart from the fact you use kike language in the subject field, It's National Socialists not Nazis.
run down on the Generation Identitaire jailings?
We, as a group, need a short catchy word which is less unwieldy than "National Socialist". Normies won't use long words, and it looks a bit stupid if you type out "National Socialism" every single time. It needs to be one word long.
NatSoc then.
forgot pic attachi.
Exactly, but the jew is always hiding in the shadows and that's why they have been so successful. By overwhelming the West with subhumans our eyes have finally been opened to the fact that something bad is going on. Now that there is public out rage we need to direct against the puppet master as well as the puppet; the jew as well as the muslim. They are trying to use GI and Tommy to direct all outrage at muslims; we should encourage this whilst simultaneously pointing out that the muslims are only here because of the jews, and then when people start to see that we can start to list all of the evil that the children of satan have perpetrated against us.
This is the time that Zig Forums needs to be most active. We need to be spamming away on the comments of news articles, on youtube, on twitter and just about everywhere we can get to make people see.
We have pointed sizeable portions of the public in the right direction before. We must do it again. Now is the time!
I 100% agree that it's a slur term. I'm just working within character limit. I only used the abbreviation because the titles get cut off and abbreviated with ellipses after barely any characters
Once the hate of shitskin and niggers becomes mainstream, it will become much easier to expose the jew. If "everyone" hates niggers, feminists, etc. it won't be so much of a stretch anymore to say that Jews caused it and therefore they should be deported as well.
why you guys gotta split hairs at such a meaningless thing
call it third position if you need to, but stop overthinking this while having no plan for it.
There might be some unicode wizardry that can be done to prevent the ellipses. But anyway all this discussion regarding the correct terms to use is off topic.
Martin Sellner got arrested and a bunch of others. The Austria offices got raided by the kike loving police a few weeks ago. They were fire bombed by Antifa before and the police did nothing to the attackers. A lot of good it did them to try and moderate their message and not name the Jew
this is hardcore larping and also autistic
American Nazi Party was good enough for George Lincoln Rockwell and it's a better shorthand that most people understand tbh. I'm not going to sperg out about terms
Giving your identity away in Occupied Germany when you're a natsoc is a bad fucking idea.
No it won't.
Jews always start wars to re-direct our hatred, and once it has started there is no turning back. Most of Britain and America hated both Jews and the Soviets prior to WW1, and many were supportive on Hitler and Germany (Britain has exclusive trade deals, and had these holiday/vacation deals to improve ties between the nations), Britain even had a HUGE fascist scene; then war breaks out and your brother gets killed by a German and suddenly you hate them, you hate fascism, and you are entirely focused on avenging your fallen family.
The Jews have started these wars SO MANY TIMES. We will probably also see Europe thrust into a war with Russia soon to ensure that Italy, Britain, Poland and Hungary stay in the EU and stay loyal to the EU.
This is how they do it. We need to make people aware now while the anger is growing.
is it "larping" when you're literally illegal, planning violence, and endorsing nazi guerillas in other countries? NO, larping is only when you're not serious about what you plan to carry out
Goebbels tried to take "nazi". Of course he did so before there were several decades of unopposed propganda painting NatSocs as satanic. Still the word has begun to lose its power due to overuse, so I'd say there's room to use it in special circumstances.
"NatSoc" is better slang, but I'd agree with those who say there's a need for most whites to form an identity separate from a German political party that's been dead since the 1940s.
I hate Jews a million times more than I hate niggers. Niggers are just animals who would otherwise bow at our feet.
The Kikes are the ones who turn our own kind against us and also lock us in cages with the animals. Every single Jew has to be before we can achieve freedom
I noticed some Strasserites in the beginning. I'm assuming they're allied with atomwaffen? I'm aware they're part of the group I've linked but I've never been able to translate their page.
NatSoc is the best term for abbreviation but since the rest of society and politics are so familiar with Nazis it helps in this case, and it's just such an unimportant detail in this possibly illegal video designed to send terror to anti whites and hope to pro whites
I think it's also that it's "more" legal in Germany to publicly wave a Strasserite flag. You can't do that with the blood flag but the narrator does use one as his backdrop
Indeed. And with these clearly unjust actions they have stoked the fires of national outrage; we must direct this towards the jews and not let them have it solely directed at the muslims. To do this we need to be speaking up now.
The public are ready to listen because the jews want them to attack the muslims, and for muslims to then get all the blame. Now that the public's eyes and ears are temporarily open we need to strike and make them aware that the jew is the one that opened the gates.
Well I happen to know that those guys are hardcore Strasserites although I can see your point since Der Dritte Weg does it as well.
the only reason Muslims are in the West is because of Jews, end of story
Given the neo liberal capitalist elite siding with kikes to eradicate our race, I have no beef with the Strasserites. I'm no fan of capitalism either as it serves as a doorway that Jewish internationals can use to get their foot in the door
I feel the same way. I was just asking out of curiosity.
Damn, it's hard to get this into people's heads, sometimes. But it must be done.
Shitskins are a problem but Jews are the one's letting them in and they're exploiting them just like they're exploiting us. They (the Jews) want to destroy every race of people on planet earth except for their own so I'm willing to work with shitskins if it means destroying the Jew in the short term. After the Jew is gone, we can send the mud people back to their own nations and hopefully the races can co-exist (separate from one another) peacefully.
Everyone in this thread should also watch and share this video that I saw in another Zig Forums thread
Yeah, that's what I was agreeing with.
This. My daughter recently married a black man and he would be perfectly fine if it wasn't for Jews influencing his culture and disadvantaging him in life. If it wasn't for the jews he would probably be a rocket scientist instead of being on parole.
I watched a bit and kind of got the gist. Didn't watch it all though since it's a bit of a black pill for me since I'm already well aware of the anti-white narrative in the media.
Ah, fair enough, I guess I misread your comment.
Girls want to meet men that are like their fathers unless their fathers are not masculine. You need to do an honor killing and then sepuko yourself
watch it all in full screen with the volume at max level for the full black pill effect
He was being sarcastic you retard
Sorry friend but I'm not into blackpills when I don't need them. I'm into finding solutions to the white genocide that's taking place. We (on the right) focus a lot on the problems facing on society but I fear we don't focus enough on the solutions.
We need to be careful not to be seen as crackpots who are blaming the jews INSTEAD OF the muslims though. The muslims have clearly done a lot of really evil shit and we want them gone too; the correct course of attack is to make people realise that the muslims are only here because of the jews, and the police/government only support (or at least refuse to punish) muslims because of jewish influence.
We need to push the truth that is the fact that we do not need ANY of these people in the West. Now is the time to push this as the Jews are allowing nationalism to flourish for their own ends; this is one of our best opportunities.
I agree with you in that we need to take a multi-pronged approach to deal with these problems. With that said we need to take the opportunities to point these problems out as they present themselves. Kind of like how Pat Little promises blacks things like reparations to turn them against the Jews but also talks about removing the immigrant invaders from the United States. Basically, when you're talking to different groups of people use language that appeals to them in an opportunistic fashion.
With that said, I'm tired, I might be rambling a bit so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt.
this bitchute video reeks of kike controlled opp. I don't like it.
then get out of this thread or even better just get the fuck out of this whole board
I hope you realize that Austrian chapter leadership of GI, IBA is direct descendant of Austria's most notorious "neonazi" youth wing of his party
Google: Kussel+Sellner
So you don't look like an idiot next time calling GI/Sellner "controlled op"
GI and Sellner are certainly as hell not "controlled op" as a thread by turkroach faggot mod in the catalog suggests.
How petty a little manlet are you that this is the type of thing you spend your time posting?
OP is a bunch of larpers. IF they were actually serious they wouldn't be advertising their plans to fuck with the system. All it does is give their enemies time to prepare for them. They lost the ability to act unknown and unseen until it was too late.
This is exactly what GI is doing.
This guy gets it
Oh look, “National Action” is back.
Does MI6 play dress-up in Germany and has looted the costume found of MI5?
D&c : discarded
Hopenothate: confirmed
So are these guys serious or just edgy larpers?
Huh. I guess I'm too old but this reminds me of something, back in the 60s, that the pendulum of history is all too real. But rejoice, the right is destined to win and I just do not mean Italy's elections. And yet despair, because that pendulum will always be moving no matter what.
I have two contacts on my shilldar
Thats just cold.
The Guy was reporting on Pedophile grooming gangs, the kind that chopped children up and fed the meat to the parents.
Common now.
gi are controlled 100%, they are literally ANTIFA libertarians. see attached.
cry harder you little joe owens dick sucking faggot national action did nothing wrong
why do you alt kike faggots always cry about neoprene operator masks?
Oh, sorry MI6
After such erudite reply I have to retract my posting.
You must be in error, that is how “nazis (TM)” operate, I have seen it on TV and they wouldn’t lie to me. movie villains do it all the time
Because cringe
Because nazis(TM) are evil like comic book villains
oh god not the atomwaffen satanic niggers again. Why cant it be more something cool and more volkish like the Rise above movement?
nice admission of being an alt kike faggot you TRSodomite nigger
It is fortunate to see that with every Movementarian defeat, more READ SIEGE and our numbers grow
Nigger he's an even more obvious version of Dicky Spencer. GI's agenda has been explained countless times in every thread about them, Jack Sen and Nick Griffin talked about how young kikes who were very likely Mossad would go around looking for someone they could control to make groups like GI, get it through your thick skull, they're only around and on Jewtube and Twitter because the kikes allow them to be. Furthermore I doubt they were even "arrested" in a meaningful way, they're probably sitting pretty somewhere now that their op is over.
Because "reforming the system" is not achievable or the goal. Total Aryan Victory is the goal and that is only achievable through the ashes of the current system
Why didn’t you follow the advice in the image?
Go and lick the cunt of Theresa May
GI are naming the Jew? Because I am saying it is more important that we name the Jew right now than anything else. The Jews are currently trying direct all of our hatred upon the Muslims; I'm fine with them allowing nationalism to flourish so that our people can hate Muslims 'politically-correctly'; but we need to make sure they remove the Jews too.
We must not let the Jews succeed in directing all of our anger towards the Muslims. We must make the masses aware of the Jew being the puppet-master behind the Muslims; and then we remove ALL OF THEM.
no Zig Forumsack will ever pay any attention to your alt kike faggotory. kys torpedo
GI are doing the precise opposite, they've repeatedly defending the jew and called anyone who names the jew an insane and ebil nazi fascist
Because they're kikes or useful idiots themselves. Here's Sellner promoting National Bolshevism.
If the Semites succeed or not is irreverent, irreverent.
Creating stemcells out of stem cells (umbilical cord), putting them into plastic bags and feeding Organic Material into a fetus is the Future.
The Jews have started a war that they can never win.
The Last time the Whites got angry, REALLY angry, we reinvented e=mc^2, Split the atom and Dropped it on top of the Japanese, and then we did it again.
Thousands of years, all we did was kill each other. and the Jews Want to poke the beehive, Maybe they this its funny?
Yea, while drinking blood and acting like a bunch of kikes its sure going to work. Why cant you just act like the world is going to end WITHOUT the satanic, kiddy diddling lore. Christ you mongoloid fucks.
I love the motivational speech and it is good to be confident about our chances. Nonetheless we can clearly see what they are up to and we can easily take control if we exert ourselves.
Use the outrage from Tommy and GI to expose the Jews as the puppet-masters so that we can remove both of them as soon as possible.
Lol, @being this mad at GI
Ah yes, when the based Jewish scientists split the atom and had shabbos goyim drop it on the two majority Christian cities in Japan, after provoking the Japanese into war because the Jews didn't like the ass-kicking they gave the Chinese.
kill yourself faggot
Lol you mad.
I mean you are both angry and insane, just to clarify.
GI are legitimate. You can whine harder because no a fuck about your little hopenothate division angle. You should try a new approach're getting really old
Google Gottfried Kussel+Selner.
mission : failed
Jews, as in Black eyed dark hard Semites have a particular weakness regarding Oil soluble vitamins.
There are no chances, all it takes is 1 moron like me to apply the 7 table theory and poof! whites win.
But wait, Im just an idiot, What if I took these germs and deliberately introduced non organic Material into the DNA structure. that would mean 100% extermination right?
There are no Chances, Jews Either Learn to live with Goyim or we all lose.
Infinate resources in this universe and somebody thinks its a good idea to pick a fight with the most violent race that ever walked the Earth?
Whites are very happy paper in his pocket, useful.
Concealing your identity in countries that prosecute (((hate speech))) is the furthest thing from LARPing. It's correct and smart.
meant for;
I don't agree that it's larping given the political situation in Germany. Those masks are cringe as fuck though. Just a regular mask with no print on it would get the job done instead they end up looking like meth dealing biker gangs.
It’s their job, they get paid to act like imbeciles.
It’s called poisoning the well.
They want to reinforce the Hollywood-Nazi cliché. It is directed at normies and mentally unstable people on the right.
What the fuck does hopenothate have to do with G.I. Jew promoting Bolshevism you shitheel? Also your requested search terms only bring up shit in German, what's your fucking point, in English?
Autismwaffen are not national socialists, they are edgelord autists led by the nose by CIA and so on. How do you not know this, OP?
Use a web translation service for fucks sake this is not the stone age.
Or maybe I will start a signal fire and relate the message to you by gathering different vegetation and variations of coloured.smoke signals
Jewish zionist mossad agent tommy robinson(a fake name) got arrested as part of jewish media operation to mislead people into following some jewish version of nationalism that maintains jews running the country.
Well done.
Now we use this opportunity to remind everyone that it was jews who let the muslims in and it was jews who refused to go after or punish the muslims raping children; and then we remove both jews and muslims - and life gets much better for all.
We would have to be stupid not to use this chance to further our goals. By allowing nationalism to flourish the jews have taken a huge risk which we should take full advantage to remove both them and the muslims.
ignore this little faggot, it's one of the GI homos who got banned for shilling his pro-jew nazbol cancer when kikey was mod
(((Stephen Yaxley-Lennon)))
Mano y Mano
Looking at history Jews can barely manage to go around 50 years before gentiles murderise them for their talmudic evilness again. The whole caring about kikes only started around the 70s anyway because muh holohoax. I strongly suspect the next time soon will be the final time ever for Jews and looking at the elite architects and masons of the world, the end is coming for Jews and Islam. They will destroy each other for Lucifer's benefit.
user i got some bad news about the (((Manhattan Project)))