Canada Hate Thread

Someone nuke this shit hole, I am moving.
Our music sucks.
Our beer sucks.
Our women suck.
Our cities aren't white.
Our video games suck.
Our white men are literal fucking vaginas who only care about either drinking, getting high or cashing after whores.
Our country land is slowly becoming not white and the whites that are here are fucking idiots.
We pioneered being literal faggot enablers, white hating, non white loving immigrant lovers.
Our Prime Ministers have been commie fucking faggots since Mcdonalds.
There is a fucking leaf on our flag.
We can't even speak proper English.
We would rather "go hunting and fishing" till we die without giving a shit about who runs the country and kills more white people off.

Or European ancestors died for nothing, the left Europe for nothing, They fought America for nothing.
I fucking hate this country, all these faggots around me are traitors, nuke this piece of shit commie socialist shit hole of a country.

Attached: 08090e8ad36410542809e6e9ae189d00f48f1472900827de7aee00d7acf5b944.png (2000x1000, 91.18K)

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I want to watch this place burn

Attached: pajeet.png (2492x1348 448.97 KB, 1.7M)

Hey bud stop being a massive queer and do something about it. Go look up the Canadian Nationalist Party, lead by Travis Patron.

We're still looking for signatures to get the party federally registered.

Already in the mail bud, keep your stick on the ice eh.
This place can be so fucking demoralizing, even in the country

Canada was actually right wing country of 12 million before all of the American hippies came up in their multitude from 1960-1980.

Canada's multiculturalism was adopted/started by Pierre Trudeau.
Justin makes a good case for retroactive birth control.


But DO they swallow? ahahahahahaaa



Ok, I'll see myself out.

Obligatory Murdoch Murdoch webm.

Attached: Trudeau's Diversityathon.webm (1280x720, 15.66M)

Even as a kid I felt something was wrong with this country. Grew up and I was right, I fucking hate this place I don't even consider it a country, there are houses older than Canada big fucking woop 150 years. Fuck this country, of all western nations, Canada and Sweden will never save themselves.