Someone nuke this shit hole, I am moving. Our music sucks. Our beer sucks. Our women suck. Our cities aren't white. Our video games suck. Our white men are literal fucking vaginas who only care about either drinking, getting high or cashing after whores. Our country land is slowly becoming not white and the whites that are here are fucking idiots. We pioneered being literal faggot enablers, white hating, non white loving immigrant lovers. Our Prime Ministers have been commie fucking faggots since Mcdonalds. There is a fucking leaf on our flag. We can't even speak proper English. We would rather "go hunting and fishing" till we die without giving a shit about who runs the country and kills more white people off.
Or European ancestors died for nothing, the left Europe for nothing, They fought America for nothing. I fucking hate this country, all these faggots around me are traitors, nuke this piece of shit commie socialist shit hole of a country.
Even as a kid I felt something was wrong with this country. Grew up and I was right, I fucking hate this place I don't even consider it a country, there are houses older than Canada big fucking woop 150 years. Fuck this country, of all western nations, Canada and Sweden will never save themselves.
Thomas Myers
I've never had a bad time in Montreal. I agree most of your beer sucks but Sleeman ain't half bad.
Liam King
Landon Watson
Checking your well-deserved dubs. Canada needs to take some advice from the Marry Ellen Carter and rise again.
Joseph Butler
At this point you should be prepping. I don't know who will be running your country after Trudeau, but it's all downhill from here.
Rural leaf here. While I disagree with you on a few things, namely the music and all of our women sucking, I feel you. Planning to show support for CNP, but that's about all I can think to do. Ultimately I also feel a drive to get out of here, it feels so far gone down the shitter I'm beginning to doubt it will ever turn around.
The amount of damage Justin Castro has done in a few years would take decades to correct with anything short of some kind of nationalist revolution or uprising, but the deck feels pretty stacked.
I guess I'm not a true Canadian anyways, seeing as I don't support Islam among a great many other things. While I'm thankful to live rural, the seed of (((cultural enrichment))) is sprouting here too. Sometimes I daydream as to whether I'd actually be any better off in the states, or if that's all just wishful thinking.
This is my thinking. I don't see it getting any better, but I'm beginning to make preparations for when shit inevitably hits the fan in whatever fashion it ends up doing so. While I like to believe he won't be voted in again, whoever replaces him won't be any better, and the illusion of this ping-pong game of liberal/conservative is just a show, the results will be the same and the public consciousness is steadily travelling in a dark direction.
I've spoken to probably 50 people from various backgrounds who all attempted to justify his political position with this while willingly ignoring everything else. That meme is fucking spot-on.
Seriously? And you're allowed to vote? What about the excessive immigration, systematic destruction and re-branding of national identity, etc? Double-standard laws? Support for degeneracy? Taxpayer dollars funding all of the above while casting out anybody who sees something wrong with it all?
not all of it but yeah, I'm getting closer by the day to taking one of the following two pills:
Last Stand Pill
Slavonic March Pill
god I love free speech, this post would get removed in 30 seconds by kampfy because of various "muh"'s, if you don't agree then that's perfectly fine, you're entitled to your opinion
Justin Anderson
There’s pretty much no right wing in this country. All of these “conservatives” are extremely cucked and are just Liberals who are “pro-business.” They’re not even against lowering immigration. There isn’t even a LITTLE bit of social conservatism. The current leader of the Conservative Party is a Jew who even called himself a feminist in the past. We need a completely new party. One that is not only truly right wing, but will look out for White Canadians, as they are the ones who built this nation. Of course, that seems like a pipe dream in Canada, but i still have hope.
Samuel Perry
if a European nation (France) can't even elect a moderate civic nationalist (Le Pen) part of a reputable party that's been around for decades (National Front) versus a blatant globalist stooge that fucks grannies (Macron), why would you think a deracinated colony more liberal than Vermont with less white demographics would elect hardline nationalist underdogs that emerged from nowhere?
in my opinion, the proper approach is not "zomg goys the next election is in slovakia we gotta meme it!!!!1111", it's redpilling as many white people as possible and radicalizing those that are already partially redpilled or 'conservative'-minded. in other words, we need to maximize a portion of the white population that is racially conscious, jew-wise, well-armed/well-trained, fuming mad, and having large families. the goal should be to forment a true RACE WAR as soon as possible under the most favorable conditions possible. I don't see any positive scenario that involves "the long game"- that is how (((they))) win, extracting our the fruits of our labor (taxes) and showering them on mud hordes while they outbreed us, brainwashing our daughters into surrendering their wombs to the invaders, turning our sons into cucks/faggots/traps, all while placating us with false promises of things improving through useless controlled op politicians like Trump. The way I see it, the only way white people can win is by conquering a future by force, we can't just beg the jews to stop killing us at the ballot box, that's pathetic
Colton Young
Yes OP, you are a literal fucking vagina
Kayden Jackson
I like to hunt and fish myself, but y'all should have been nuked 25 years ago solely because your nation produced Shania Twain.
Carter Allen
My faith that anything can change in this country took a serious blow when Maxime Bernier (who seemed to be a genuine game-changer) lost the Conservative leadership election in the final round after leading for the previous 12 to Andrew Sheer, a no-personality status-quo Harper-clone who has the same handlers Justin Trudeau does. Even Kevin O'Leary raised concerns over the suspicious number of votes that seemed to come out of thin air. It was a clear indication to me that the political system of this country is far more compromised than I previously thought.
I'm still hopeful for the Nationalist Party however. Even if it's a tiny fringe party, every nationalist party in Europe that has received 25% of the vote or more in recent elections used to be fringe as well.
Canada as with the entire west is marked for a post national future, no longer a country or nation but an economic trading zone, very well engineered corporate feudalism. It won’t be stopped democratically, I fear in the case of Canada this means it won’t be stopped at all but the future is unwritten.
Justin Davis
Crypto O'Leary. Who, like most O'Learys, just happens to look almost identical to former White House economic adviser (((Gary Cohn))).
Canada is lost ground. It is worse than Sweden. Far worse. An utterly stomah churning waste. I hope some massive rogue object comes hurtling through space at a phenomenal speed and obliterates it.
Isaac Morales
Canadians don't even have a real identity, they're just bootleg burgers. with the exception of the cheese eating surrender monkeys of course, but who gives a shit about a province that takes pride in speaking the language of North African shitskins and degenerate leftists?
You can thank the school system for that. Purge the school boards and teachers of Communists/Socialists and Jews and replace them with Canadian Patriots that know their onions in their topic. Also, 9/10 teachers are always women in these schools too, unless it's a Skilled Trades or class that requires you to know your onions. When we get the schools to have more male teachers in them after the purging, you will see the next generation turning it around.
Canada is a great place to live….if you want to be a hermit and you want a cozy affordable home tucked away amid the snow drifts and howling icy winds where niggers tend not to go. Find a solid middle class suburban neighborhood where your neighbors are either ancient and retired or younger and raising a family. Your presence as a law abiding quiet hermit will be accepted unquestioningly and you will be left alone to engage in your studies be they mathematics, literature, foreign and ancient languages or whatever. With 300mbps fiber optic internet connection and 32 thread 4ghz computers more than affordable you can be at the epicenter of civilization without having to go anywhere or suffer the actual physical presence of your fellow odious odiferous fart bag humans.
Any rational industrious man or woman not given to vice can enjoy life in a utopia in Canada if he or she chooses their communty wisely.
Hudson Parker
Cheese eating surrender monkeys as opposed to Dunkirk holiday regatta sailors?
Landon Turner
Don't be so hard on yourselves leaves, Canada is always 6-7 years behind Murrika. You guys are still on Obama… you'll have a Canadian Trump in a few years and your demographics are still much better off than Burgerland. At a solid 70% White and no muh slavery guilt as well.
Dominic Hughes
The thing you have to realize about Canada is that it never was a country; it always was both English and French Canada, a corporate plantation and the people that live there have never been "citizens" but instead are effectively a kind of sharecropper farmer.
This is true of the entire North American colonies but to a certain extent Americans mitigated this brutal commercial relationship with shareholders in London by staging a real rebellion that was partially coopted by the Founding Fathers. At no time were the American colonies ever totally freed from the dominion of The City Of London and the secret corporation known as The CROWN which owns it in title and in fact. The original development of the continent was always financed by this secret corporation which owns the Bank of England and The Federal Reserve.
This is the great crisis of our age; will the populace wake up and reject these opium dealing murderous oligarchs or will they jsut get drunk on beer and high on drugs and devolve into debased servitude for ever?
Colton Butler
Canada is the largest US national park that costs $6 to enter.
Matthew Roberts
Maxime Bernier; this is the guy who was boning a Hells Angels mama and living with her with top secret government documents lying all over his home for her to see. She had some nice tits that for sure.
–The documents that ended what was supposed to be a bright political career were forgotten on a coffee table in Laval, Que., in the middle of April.
They were left behind in an envelope by erstwhile federal cabinet heavyweight Maxime Bernier after a visit with Julie Couillard, a 38-year-old Montrealer, one-time girlfriend of the now-disgraced foreign affairs minister.
But as the Star and La Presse recently revealed, in 2004 Couillard began a year-long relationship with a third man who had underworld ties. Businessman Robert Pépin, who was convicted in a transport truck hijacking scam that year, ran up massive debts to several underworld figures, including a gangland loan shark and a Hells Angels biker. Pépin committed suicide last year.
Justin Trudeau has already declared Canada to be a post national country, and evidently it is already. "Refugees" illegally cross our borders from America and are literally escorted in and welcomed to their new home. There is no regard for prior citizens who expected their country to stand for them and their interests; our taxes pay for foreigners to attend our schools, use our welfare and healthcare systems, and we are forced to watch foreigners be placed on pedestals and Canadians become second class citizens. An economic trading zone is exactly what Canada is becoming, people are stripped of their histories and become complacent consumers. No loyalties but to themselves.
Mason Rogers
There is no turning around for Canada. You can choose to try and create white colonies and hold your ground or you can get out.
Blame the anglokikes for ruining the place. The eternal Anglo can't create any culture worth a shit and they love fucking things up for anybody else. The only people who are worse are actual kikes.